Ревматоидный артрит Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Plants are rich sources of antitumor compounds. Oleogum resins from various Boswellia species contain triterpenoids with antitumor properties.[26] In a report, the antitumor activities of the four triterpenic acids (BA, ABA, KBA, and AKBA) isolated from the gum resin of B. serrata were studied and it was found that these acids inhibited the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and protein in human leukemia HL-60 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Among them, AKBA induced the most pronounced inhibitory effect on DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis, in which the effect on DNA synthesis was found to be irreversible. This compound significantly inhibited the cellular growth of HL-60 cells, but did not affect cell viability.[24]

The studies have shown that boswellic acids are potent apoptotic agents to cancer cells. The boswellic acid acetate seems to induce apoptosis in six human myeloid leukemia cell lines through a caspase-mediated pathway which is activated by the induction of the death receptors 4 and 5 (DR4, DR5).[27] The anticancer activity of AKBA is attributed to the inhibitory effect on the lipoxygenases, leading to the inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis in tumor cells.[15]


It has been shown in several studies that pentacyclic triterpenoids found in B. serrata have an inhibitory effect on the growth of prostate cancer cells.[26] Among the boswellic acids, AKBA inhibits prostate cancer by suppressing vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2–mediated angiogenesis.[5] Also, tirucallic acid, isolated from the oleogum resin of B. carterii, works as an effective Akt inhibitor, which apply cytotoxic effects in human prostate cancer cell lines in vitro and in vivo.[26]

Akt is a serine/threonine protein kinase which has an important role in multiple cellular processes such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, transcription, and cell migration. Akt1 has been associated as a major factor in many types of cancer since it can block apoptosis and promote the survival of the cell.[26]


Растения являются богатыми источниками противоопухолевых соединений. Oleogum смол из различных Boswellia видов содержат тритерпеноиды с противоопухолевыми свойствами.[26] в отчете, противоопухолевое четыре triterpenic кислот (BA, ABA, KBA, и AKBA), изолированных от смолы резинки б serrata были изучены и оказалось, что эти кислоты, подавляет синтез ДНК, РНК и белка в лейкоза человека HL-60 ячеек в дозо-зависимый характер. Среди них, AKBA индуцированных наиболее выраженное ингибирующее действие на ДНК, РНК и синтез белков, в котором эффект на синтез ДНК оказался необратимым. Это вещество значительно подавляет клеточный рост HL-60 ячеек, но не влияет на жизнеспособность клеток.[24]

Исследования показали, что boswellic кислот являются мощными апоптоза агентов по отношению к раковым клеткам. В boswellic кислота, ацетат, кажется, индуцировать апоптоз в шесть человеческих клеток миелоидной лейкемии линии через каспазы-опосредованный путь, который активируется с помощью индукции смерти рецепторов 4 и 5 (DR4, DR5).[27] противораковых деятельность AKBA объясняется угнетающим действием на lipoxygenases, ведущих к торможению пролиферации и индукция апоптоза в клетках опухоли.[15]


Было показано в ряде исследований, пентациклические тритерпеноиды найти в б. serrata оказывают ингибирующее действие на рост клеток рака предстательной железы.[26] среди boswellic кислот, AKBA подавляет рак предстательной железы, подавляя рецептора фактора роста сосудистого эндотелия 2-опосредованной ангиогенеза.[5] кроме того, tirucallic кислоты, изолированные от oleogum смолы б carterii, работает в качестве эффективного Akt ингибитор, которые применяются цитотоксические эффекты в человеческих клеточных линий рака предстательной железы in vitro и in vivo.[26]

Akt-серин/треонин протеинкиназы, которая играет важную роль в нескольких клеточных процессов, таких как пролиферации и апоптоза, транскрипции и миграции клеток. Akt1 был связан как главный фактор развития многих видов рака, поскольку он может блокировать апоптоз и способствуют выживанию клеток.[26]


Brain cancer is a condition in which malignant tumors develop within the brain. These tumors are fast growing and invade the surrounding tissues. Surgical removal of brain tumors is a difficult and detailed procedure, and in many cases, complete removal of the tumor is not possible because of the size, type, and location of the tumor. For these reasons, the average survival of brain tumor patients is only about 9 months even after they are treated with surgery and radiotherapy.[28] In addition, chemotherapy can prolong the survival of only about 10% of the patients.[28] In patients with malignant brain tumors, highly active forms of leukotrienes and other inflammatory mediators are produced in the brain and around tumors, causing localized fluid buildups and damages to the healthy nerve cells.[29]

The anti-inflammatory effect of B. serrata has been studied in patients with brain tumors.[29] An ethanolic extract of the gum resin of B. serrata contains boswellic acids. A study has shown that after the application of this preparation (which is called phytopharmacon H15) for a period of 7 days, a reduction of peritumoral brain edema by 22-48% was observed. In contrast to the cells of untreated patients, the cells of the treated tumor tissue showed no tendency to proliferate within 2 weeks.[28]

A report on patients with malignant glioma showed that administering 3600 mg/day of Boswellia extract (60% boswellic acids), 7 days prior to surgery, caused decrease in the fluid around the tumor to an average of 30% in 8 of the 12 patients and the signs of brain damage decreased during the treatment.[29] Recently, a detailed study in patients with malignant cerebral tumors who were receiving radiotherapy plus certain amount of Boswellia extract showed that after radiotherapy, 75% reduction of cerebral edema was observed in 60% of the patients receiving Boswellia extract. The study also showed the ratio of tumor over volume decreased in these patients, suggesting the antitumor effect in addition to the anti-edema activity.[29]

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