Саипов амангелді болашақ мұғалімдердің көркемдік-еңбек даярлығының теориясы және практикасы

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Научные результаты исследования:

1. Уточнены сущность понятий «трудовая подготовка», «художественная подготовка», «художественно-трудовая подготовка».

2. Разработана концепция художественно-трудовой подготовки будущих учителей.

3. Разработана модель формирования художественно-трудовой подго-товки будущих учителей.

4. Разработаны критерии, показатели и уровни формирования художественно-трудовой подготовки будущих учителей.

5. Выявлены педагогические условия, способствующие реализации вышеназванной модели.

6. Разработан учебно-методический комплекс, обеспечивающий формирование художественно-трудовой подготовки будущих учителей.

7. Разработана методика формирования художественно-трудовой подготовки будущих учителей.

8. Разработан элективный курс «Материалдарды көркемдеп өңдеу».

9. Разработаны и опубликованы учебники, учебные пособия, учебно-методические пособия, методические рекомендации.

Диссертационное исследование не претендует на всестороннее раскрытие рассматриваемой проблемы. Дальнейшее ее развитие может быть продолжено в следующих направлениях: педагогическое формирование готовности будущих учителей к художественно-трудовой деятельности; формированию у студентов познавательного интереса к художественному труду, формирование творческой активности студентов в процессе художественно-трудовой подготовки.

The resume
Saipov Amangeldi
« The theory and practice of is art-labour preparation

The future teachers »
13.00.08 - the Theory and a technique of vocational training
Dissertational research is devoted to an actual problem of the present - to the theory and practice of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers, called to bring the worthy contribution to the decision of the educational-formational problems put by a society before teachers of a new formation.

Object of research: preparation of the future teachers of vocational training in higher educational institutions.

Object of research: process of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers of vocational training.

The purpose of research: theoretical and practical development of bases of preparation of the future teachers of vocational training, and also maintenance of the given process with a learning-methodical complex.

Research problems:

1. To prove methodological bases of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers.

2. To develop the concept, to determine essence and the contents of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers.

3. To develop structural model of formation of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers.

4. To develop criteria, parameters, levels of formation of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers and to reveal their pedagogical conditions.

5. To develop the learning-methodical complex providing is art-labour preparation of the future teachers.

6. To develop a technique of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers and experimental by and to determine its efficiency.

The practical importance of research. In practice of high schools are introduced:

- The state obligatory standards of higher education of Republic Kazakhstan on specialities: 0313 - «Vocational training», 0312 - "Work", 032040 - «Technology of work and business», 050120 - «Vocational training»;

- Typical educational and the curriculums prepared on the basis of standards (Professional pedagogics; the Industrial practice; Processing and art furnish of a skin and fur; Artly-applied art Kazakhstan; Industrially-pedagogical psychology; Student teaching; Modern technology of education and means of training; the Practical work on technology of processing of materials; the Technique of teaching общетехнических disciplines and technology of work, etc.;

- Textbooks and manuals (Компьютерді оқыту технологиясы; Use of traditional and active forms and methods of training in pedagogical process, etc.);

- learning-methodical manualsrecommendations (the Instruction to the instructor of young change; Зергерлік өнер арқылы оқушыларға эстетикалық тәрбие беру; Педагогикалық жаттығу үлгісі);

- The electronic textbook and manuals (Компьютерді оқыту технологиясы; Technology of training to a computer);

- The monography «Theoretical-methodological bases of integration in system of is art-labour preparation of the future teacher».

Scientific novelty of research:

1. The concept of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers is developed.

2. The essence and the contents of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers are certain.

3. The structural model of formation of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers is developed and its criteria, parameters, levels are certain.

4. The pedagogical conditions promoting formation of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers are revealed.

5. The learning-methodical complex providing formation of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers is developed.

6. The technique of formation of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers is developed and skilled-experimental its efficiency is by proved.

On protection following positions are taken out:

1. The concept of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers is based on the requirements which are put forward by a society and substantive provisions of a pedagogical science about vocational training of highly skilled experts: humanizarion and humanitarization of educations - a major factor of creative self-development of the future teachers; integral representation in pedagogical process of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers; an orientation of development of is art-creative interests of the future teachers; professional the competence of the future teachers - parameters of quality of is art-labour preparation.

2. The contents of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers includes: the purposes, problems{tasks}, the basic requirements shown to educational process, leading principles of system of is art-labour preparation, levels of mastering of activity, kinds, the functions of professional work necessary for preparation of the expert.

3. The structural model of formation of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers represents set of the purpose, problems, contents, pedagogical technology, components, criteria, parameters and levels.

4. Pedagogical conditions of formation of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers (definition of a level of the knowledge necessary for development of studied disciplines; formation at students of knowledge at the certain level, necessary for forthcoming professional work; realization of the differentiated approach in preparation of the expert; formation at students of skills of independent development of knowledge and education of culture of brainwork; presence of readiness for the creative activity, necessary for development of the elected speciality; scope of readiness for creative activity of all educational period; вариативные programs) provide the given preparation.

5. The learning-methodical complex (typical curriculums, textbooks, manuals, learning -methodical manuals, electronic textbooks, etc.), developed on the basis of GOSO of high vocational training, promotes perfection of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers in theoretical and practical aspects.

6. Efficiency of a technique of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers proves to be true results of skilled-experimental work.

Scientific results of research:

1. « Labour preparation », « art preparation », « is art-labour preparation » are specified essence of concepts.

2. The concept of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers is developed.

3. The model of formation is art-labour preparation the future teachers is developed.

4. Criteria, parameters and levels of formation of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers are developed.

5. The pedagogical conditions promoting realization of the above-named model are revealed.

6. The learning-methodical complex providing formation of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers is developed.

7. The technique of formation of is art-labour preparation of the future teachers is developed.

8. It is developed elective course «Материалдарды көркемдеп өңдеу».

9. Textbooks, manuals, learning-methodical manuals, methodical recommendations are developed and published.

Dissertational research does not apply for all-round disclosing of examined problem. Its further development can be continued in following directions: pedagogical formation of readiness of the future teachers to is art-labour activity; to formation at students of cognitive interest to art work, formation of creative activity of students during is art-labour preparation.

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