Сманова ақмарал смаилқызы студенттердің ұлттық киім үлгісін әзірлеу арқылы еңбекке қызығушылығын қалыптастыру

На защиту выносятся следующие положения

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На защиту выносятся следующие положения:

1. Казахский национальный костюм – ведущее средство формирования интереса к труду у студентов. Это связано с тем, что он с точки зрения его эстетической действенности, создает положительное эмоциональное отношение (любопытство к национальной одежде); способствует накоплению знаний о богатой истории и глубоком содержании, социальной значимости и особенностях, классификации (интерес к предмету); стимулирует усердие к освоению различных сложных техник и технологий изготовления моделей национальной одежды (интерес к профессии); таким образом, готовность самостоятельно конструировать модели национальной одежды и стремление к достижению успеха через производительный труд формируют устойчивый интерес к труду.

2. Содержательная и технологическая особенности казахского национального костюма. Знание истории возникновения и развития, классификации, особенностей, функций костюма оказывает влияние на формирование у студентов познавательного интереса, а художественно-творческий, производственный процесс разработки и изготовления моделей национальной одежды развивает эстетическое восприятие, вкус, культуру и силу творческого воображения, фантазию, активность, способствует выработке навыков к труду, оттачивает мастерство.

3. Модель формирования интереса к труду у студентов посредством разработки моделей национального костюма охватывает единство таких компонентов, как эмоционально-мотивационный, содержательный, интеллектуальный, волевой, деятельностный, результативный, и характеризуется уровнем конкретных показателей.

4. Систематизированные знания в области казахского национального костюма и программа элективного курса, разработанный с учетом особенностей его изготовления, программы кружков и разработка научно-методических указаний для их осуществления и внедрение их в практику, использование различных методов и индивидуальной, групповой, коллективной системы форм способствуют эффективному формированию интереса к труду у студентов.

Диссертационное исследование не претендует на всестороннее раскрытие рассматриваемой проблемы. Дальнейшее её развитие может быть продолжено в следующих направлениях: формирование интереса у студентов к разработке моделей национальной одежды; формирование интереса у студентов к традициям разработки моделей национальной одежды; формирование интереса у студентов к профессии посредством разработки моделей национальной одежды; формирование познавательного интереса студентов к национальной одежде, формирование эстетического интереса студентов к национальной одежде.

Smanova Akmaral Smailkyzy
Formation at students of interest to work by means of development of models of national clothes
13.00.01 - the General pedagogics, history of pedagogics and education, ethnopedagogics
Urgency of a theme. Today before the state and a society there is a problem not only to keep, but also to increase a mental potential of the nation, to prepare for a life new generations so that they carried in themselves better qualities - patriotism, spirituality, professionalism. The major in formation of the intellectual nation is spiritual and labour education of youth. As the President has noted, « the knowledge and professional skills cannot be creative force if they are not based on national priorities, moral values ». In this plan the national suit plays a role of the original reservation which allows to consider itself as a part of national community and to feel support and protection from its nation. Besides the national clothes carry in itself educational function - carrying of a suit forms comprehension of an accessory to people and feeds feeling of patriotism and pride of the country. The national suit differs features of a cut, is composite - the plastic decision, the texture and colour of a fabric, character of a decor (motives and technics of performance of an ornament), and also structure of a suit and way of carrying of its various parts. The urgency of a theme of the given research is represented quite justified if to consider, that process of formation at students of interest to work by means of development of models of national clothes till now is system was not studied.

The purpose of research - a theoretical substantiation and development of a technique of formation at students of interest to work by means of development of models of the Kazakh national clothes.

Object of research - teaching and educational process in a higher educational institution.

Object of research - process of formation of interest to work at students by means of development of models of the Kazakh national clothes.

Research problems:

- to determine theoretical bases of formation of interest to work at students by means of development of models of national clothes;

- to determine opportunities of development of models of national clothes in formation of interest to work at students;

- development of model of formation of interest to work at students by means of development of models of national clothes and to determine criteria, parameters and its levels of formation;

- development of a technique of formation of interest to work at students by means of development of models of national clothes.

Scientific novelty of research and the theoretical importance

- theoretical bases of formation of interest to work at students by means of development of models of national clothes are certain;

- opportunities of development of models of national clothes in formation of interest to work at students are certain;

- the model of formation of interest to work at students by means of development of models of national clothes is developed and criteria, parameters and its levels of formation are certain;

- the technique of formation of interest to work at students by means of development of models of national clothes is developed and check of its efficiency in teaching and educational work is carried out.

The practical importance of research.

- typical programs of disciplines «Конструкция технология даярлау негдері», «Арнайы сурет және ою-өрнек»;

- appendices to the contents of programs on disciplines «Киім тарихы», «Топтаманы жобалау», «Материалмен жұмыс»;

- the-sample of semestrial work for discipline «Материалмен жұмыс», methodical development of degree projects (works) for students of a speciality «Design of clothes »;

- the-program of elective course «Қазақ ұлттық киімдерінің тағлымы»;

- the program for studio «Іс тіге біл».

Results of research can find application in the supreme and average special pedagogical, is art-technical educational institutions, in establishments of retraining and improvement of professional skill.

On protection following positions are taken out:

1. The Kazakh national suit - leading means of formation of interest to work at students. It is connected by that it from the point of view of its aesthetic effectiveness, creates the positive emotional attitude (curiosity to national clothes); promotes accumulation of knowledge of rich history and the deep contents, the social importance and features, classification (interest to a subject); stimulates diligence to development various difficult technique and manufacturing techniques of models of national clothes (interest to a trade); thus, readiness independently to design models of national clothes and aspiration to achievement of success through productive work form steady interest to work.

2. Substantial and technological features of the Kazakh national suit. The knowledge of history of occurrence and development, classification, features, functions of a suit influences formation at students of cognitive interest, and is art-creative, production of development and manufacturing of models of national clothes develops aesthetic perception, taste, culture and force of creative imagination, imagination, activity, promotes development of skills to work, perfects skill.

3. The model of formation of interest to work at students by means of development of models of a national suit covers unity of such components as is emotional-motivational, substantial, intellectual, strong-willed, activity, productive, and it is characterized by a level of concrete parameters.

4. The systematized knowledge in the field of the Kazakh national suit and the program elective course, developed in view of features of its manufacturing, the program of circles and development of scientifically-methodical instructions for their realization and their introduction in practice, use of various methods and individual, group, collective system of forms promote effective formation of interest to work at students.

Dissertational research does not apply for all-round disclosing of a considered problem. Its further development can be continued in following directions: formation of interest at students to development of models of national clothes; formation of interest at students to traditions of development of models of national clothes; formation of interest at students to a trade by means of development of models of national clothes; formation of cognitive interest of students to national clothes, formation of aesthetic interest of students to national clothes.


Студенттердің ұлттық киім үлгісін әзірлеу арқылы еңбекке қызығушылығын қалыптастыру

13.00.01 – Жалпы педагогика, педагогика

және білім тарихы, этнопедагогика

Педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты

ғылыми дәрежесін алу үшін дайындалған диссертацияның
а в т о р е ф е р а т ы
Басуға 28.05.2010 ж. қол қойылды. Пішімі 60х84 1\16. Офсеттік қағаз.

Әріп түрі «Таймс». Офсеттік басылыс. Шартты баспа табағы 1,5.

Таралымы 100 дана.

Тапсырыс № 317

«Әрекет-Принт» баспаханасында басылды.

050036, Алматы қаласы, 12-ықшамаудан, 16/69

Тел\факс 221-84-55

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