
Упр. 320. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях

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Голицынский - Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений

Упр. 320. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. Mike said he liked Dickens' novels very much. 2. He told me he had read "Dombey and Son" the year before. 3. The teacher said that the pupils would read the text the next day. 4. She asked me to buy some bread on my way home. 5. Mother told me not to be late for dinner. 6. I asked Mike if he had "Gulliver's Travels." 7. Mike asked me if I had read "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. 8. I asked John if he would be at home at three o'clock. 9. The teacher asked who was ill. 10. Nick asked Pete what he had seen at the museum. 11. Annie said that she had seen the film several months be fore. 12. Lydia said she had not seen it yet 13. Boris told me that he wanted to make a radio set. 14. He told me that he had made a radio-set. 15. Jack said that he often went to see Bob. 16. She said she had seen Mary that day.
Упр. 321. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. Не asked me if I had taken part in the foot ball match. 2. She asked me where I lived. 3. Ho said that he had joined a sports society. 4. He told me that he had seen my brother the day before 5. She asked me to hurry up as there was little time left before the beginning of the meeting 6. She asked her friend if the rain had stopped
7. He answered that it was still raining. 8. My sister told me that she had found the book I wa-lookiiig for. 9. He said that he didn't like the man character of the book but he could not explain why 10. He asked his brother what he would do if he did not find the book he needed. 11. I asked my aunt if she was going to her home town for the holidays. 12. He told me that he hadn't been able to ring me up in time. 13. He asked his classmates to wait for him. 14. He asked her if anyone else knew about his arrival. 15. I asked him when he would take his last examination.
Упр. 322. Восстановите прямую речь в следу ющих предложениях.
1. The man told us to have our passports ready 2. He told us to pass up the gangway. 3. He said we would find our luggage on deck. 4. I asked my friend if he would go down to his cabin or stay up on deck. 5. He said he was a bad sailor and could not stay on deck. 6. We told the porter to take our luggage to cabin number eight. 7. I asked my friend if he often went to England. 8. He baid he did not cross the English Channel very often for it was rough as a rule. 9. My friend asked me if I knew when the boat was due1 at Southarnptoti. 10. I asked my friend if he thought it would take us long to get through the customs.

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