
Упр. 410. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение с инфинивом

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Голицынский - Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений

Упр. 410. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение с инфинивом.
E.g. He dropped his bag. I saw it. I saw him drop his bag.
1. He slipped and fell. I saw it. 2. I heard that she suddenly cried out loudly. 3. She bent and picked up something from the floor. The policeman saw it. 4. I saw that he opened the door and left the room. 5. She dropped the cup on the floor and broke it. I saw it. 6. They turned the corner and disappeared. We watched them, 7. The doctor touched the boy's leg. The boy felt it. 8. Peter bought some flowers. His friends saw it. 9. The wounded hunter felt that the bear touched him, but he did not move. 10. Shall we hoar it if the telephone rings? 11. Tamara saw that the waves carried the boat away. 12. The ship sailed away from the shore. They saw it. 13. Have you heard how he sings the part of Herman in Tchaikovsky's "Queen of Spades"? 14. The boy noticed a bird. It flew on to the bush near the window. 15. Jane saw her neighbour. He opened the door of his flat and went in. 16. I saw him. He pointed to a picture on the wall. 17. I heard him. He shut the door of the study. 18. We saw that the children climbed to the tops of the trees. 19. I noticed that Henry went up and spoke to the stranger.
Упр. 411. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на оттенки значений сложного дополнения в зависимости от того, выражена ли его вторая часть причастием или инфинитивом.
1. We saw them jump with parachutes. 2. He heard a car approaching from the opposite direction. 3. In the room he could see a man sitting in ar, old armchair. 4. I heard the door of the entrance hall open and close softly. 5. In the little summer house at the bend of the garden path he saw some one sitting. 6. He went back to the window and. looking through it, suddenly saw her walking down the path. 7. They all gathered on the hill to watch the sun rise. 8. She watched her mother bending over the tea-things. 9. The people living in the north do not see the sun come out for months. 10. He felt » her arm slipping through his. 11. She felt her hand? tremble. 12. Now and then he could hear a car passing. 13. He felt his heart beat with joy. 14. He fell his heart beating with joy. 15. She could hear her father walking up and down the picture gallery. 16. We saw him cross the street looking to the left and to the right. 17.1 felt the wind blowing through a crack in the wall. 18. We stood on deck and watched the sun going down. 19. I heard him playing the piano in the house. 20. It is nice to see people enjoying themselves. 21. The door creaked. He saw Irene come in, pick up the telegram and read it. 22. At the stop she saw another girl waiting for the bus. 23. I heard him tell the teacher about it. 24. I heard him telling the teacher about it. 25. She heard people walking in the corridor. 26. She heard somebody walk run to her door. 27 We saw some people washing clothes in the stream. 28. We watched the planes circling above us. 29. Nobody noticed him come in and sit down. 30. I felt Nick put his hand on my I shoulder. 31. She felt tears roll down her cheeks. 32. I was so weak that I felt my knees shaking

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