
Упр. 434. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее

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Голицынский - Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений

Упр. 434. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее.
1. Не was said to be one of the most promising nuclear physicists. 2. He is said to be a good translator. 3. Roberta was known to be an honest and hard-working girl. 4. Clyde was expected to arrive at the week-end. 5. Becky and Tom were supposed to have stayed at the widow Douglas'. 6. The number of the unemployed is reported to be increasing with every year. 7. Many new textbooks are expected to be published soon. 8. The Moscow Underground is said to be the finest in the world. 9. Chernyshevsky is known to have spoken several foreign languages. 10. A hare is known to run very fast. 11. The man was seen to take off his coat. 12. The diamond content of the mines in Western Yakutia is said to be in no way inferior to that of the world-famous South African mines. 13. That power station is known to be situated on the Angara River. 14. These devices are considered to be very effective. 15. Many books are known to be published in our country every year. 16. You are supposed to graduate in four years. 17. Radium is said to be very radioactive. 18. This device was known to have been designed in that laboratory. 19. His invention is considered to be of great importance. 20. The sun is known to represent a mass of compressed gases. 21. The new rocket is reported to go into operation next year. 22. This type of rocket is supposed to have many advantages. 23. For a longtime the atom was thought to be indivisible. 24. The helium atom was found to have two electrons. 25. I did not know what I was expected to say to that, so I said nothing.
Упр. 435. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное подлежащее.
E.g. We heard that a car stopped outside the door, A car was heard to stop outside the door. It is believed that the poem was written by Byron. The poem is believed to have been written by Byron.
1. We know Bernard Shaw to have been a very witty man. 2. People consider the climate there to be very healthful. 3. It was announced that the Chinese dancers were arriving next week. 4. It is expected that the performance will be a success. 5, It is said that the book is popular with both old and young. 6. It is believed that the poem was
written by an unknown soldier. 7. It is supposed that the playwright is working at a new comedy. 8. It is reported that the flood has caused much damage to the crops. 9. It was supposed that the crops would be rich that year. 10. It has been found that this mineral water is very good for the liver. 11. Scientists consider that electricity exists throughout space. 12. It is said that the weather in Europe was exceedingly hot last summer. 13. It is said that this man was very handsome in his youth. 14. It was reported that five ships were missing after the battle.
Следующие глаголы в предложениях, содержащих Complex Subject, употребляются в Active Voice.

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