«технология және дизайн» факультеті

Ожидаемые результаты обучения по ОП

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новый !!!КЭД 2022-2023 — Био мұға даяр

Ожидаемые результаты обучения по ОП:
РО 1,
РО 10

Module code:RULO
The name of the module:Reproduction and Use of Living Organisms
Code of discipline:FI 4220
Name of discipline:Fundamentals of Immunology
The number of credits: 6
The teacher of discipline:
1. Nurmatova B.A.

Purpose of discipline:Immunology to give an idea of the functioning of the immune system of humans and animals, as well as the population and subpopulation functions of modern immune component cells.
Course aim:To understand and analyze the immune mechanism, to know about violations of the immune system, to know about the spread of immune infectious and non-communicable diseases, to master preventive measures to prevent them.
Course description:The discipline is considered in the regulation of the mechanisms of the genetic molecular and gene-cellular response of the organism to foreign substances, mechanisms of protection and self-healing of living beings from very strong harmful actions.
Postrequisites: Genetic engineering
Expected learning outcomes of the subject (LOS):
LOS1. know the functions and structure of the human immune system. Knowledge of agerelated features of the immune system, cellular molecular mechanisms, development of the immune system;
LOS2. Immune response with its humoral mechanization analysis of the cellular mechanism.

Expected learning outcomes:
LO 1,
LO 10

Модульдің коды: ТAКK
Модуль атауы: Тірі ағзаладың көбеюі және қолданылуы
Пәннің коды:PzhIA 4220
Пән атауы:Паразитология және жануарлардың иннвазиялық аурулары

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
1   ...   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   ...   84

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