«технология және дизайн» факультеті

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новый !!!КЭД 2022-2023 — Био мұға даяр

The name of the module:Diversity of Bioresources
Code of discipline: MP 1306
Name of discipline:
Medicinal plants
Semester: 1
The number of credits: 1
The teacher of discipline:
Nurmatova B.A.

Purpose of discipline:To give an idea of obtaining raw materials for plants or for therapeutic prevention purposes, for products used in traditional medical or veterinary practice.
Course aim:The study of the spread of medicinal plants on the globe, the study of disease prevention in therapeutic medicine, mastering their structure, basic terms and modern problems of pharmacognosy.
Course description:The morphology and biological features of the main biologically active substances that determine the pharmacological effect of plants on the human body, the scientific basis for the proper preparation of medicinal plant raw materials, the medicinal properties of wild and cultivated medicinal plants currently used in medicine or are the objects of comprehensive scientific research are considered.
Prerequisites:School biology course
Postrequisites: Systematization of plants
Expected learning outcomes of the subject (LOS):
LOS 1 - to study pharmaceutical products, its natural resources, thickness, types of plants, to provide plant materials;
LOS2- Learns to master laboratory equipment, instruments, conduct laboratory experiments, analyze the results of laboratory experiments, analyze and organize independent research;

Expected learning outcomes:
LO 2,

Модульдің коды: BA
Модуль атауы: Биоресурстардың алуантүрлілігі
Пәннің коды: OF 2311
Пән атауы: Өсімдіктер физиологиясы
Семестр: 3
Кредит саны: 3

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
1   ...   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   ...   84

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