«технология және дизайн» факультеті

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новый !!!КЭД 2022-2023 — Био мұға даяр

Пререквизиты:Школьный курс химии
Постреквизиты: Биохимия (на английском языке)
Ожидаемые результаты обучения по дисциплине (РОД):
РОД 1-- может анализировать основные стехиометрические законы химии, их соединения и свойства с точки зрения атомно-молекулярной доктрины;
РОД 2.-умеет владеть химическими уравнениями, задачами и упражнениями;

Ожидаемые результаты обучения по ОП:
РО 2,
РО 8

Module code:GCh
The name of the module:
General Chemistry
Code of discipline: GCh 1306
Name of discipline:
General Chemistry
Semester: 3
The number of credits: 3
The teacher of discipline:
Madyhanova K.S

Purpose of discipline:This discipline is the basis of the system of chemical knowledge and is revealed at the level of modern science, gives an idea of quantummechanical theories of chemical bonding and principles of chemical reaction.
Course aim:to know the secrets of the elements necessary for life, to generalize the thoughts of learning, mastering intellectual and practical knowledge and skills, the formation of professional knowledge using the subject capabilities of chemistry.
Course description:The general pattern of chemical compounds. Modern scientific understanding is simple and problems, ways and mechanisms and methods of transformation of one substance into another. Considers ways to significantly accelerate the desired result in various fields of chemical activity.
Prerequisites:School year Chemistry
Postrequisites: Biochemistry (in English)
Expected learning outcomes of the subject (LOS):
LOS 1- can analyze the basic stoichiometric laws of chemistry, their compounds and properties from the point of view of atomic-molecular doctrine;
LOS 2.- knows how to master chemical equations, tasks and exercises;

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