Тишакова Татьяна Станиславовна канд хим н., ассистент; Левашова Ольга Леонидовна канд фарм н., ассистент; Савельева Елена Валерьевна ассистент. В сборнике представлены тезисы

ADULARIA Raja Rashik Ajmeer, group 19. Scientific adviser is Tatyana Tishakova

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Raja Rashik Ajmeer, group 19. Scientific adviser is Tatyana Tishakova

Homeopathic medicine granule tubes or measure globules can be used in different symptoms, so it is not possible to determine the indications and the dose of a specific preparation.The homeopath doctor chooses the appropriate medicine, the dilution and the suited dosage to the health of the patient and the characteristic symptoms.

Remove the strip, knock down the tube and pull slightly the hood.

Turn the tube to bring down the deliberate number of granules in the hood then put down granules under the tongue.

It is recommended not to touch with fingers granules or homeopathic globules.

The globules of tubes doses are absorbed on one time by letting them dissolve slowly under the tongue. In lack of dose, take 10 granules of the same dilution.

Do not absorb astringent substances within half an hour preceding the taking of medicine homeopathic as coffee, tobacco, camphor, mint and camomile.

Use a toothpaste without mint (like Homéodent BOIRON).

Together with the other potassium feldspars orthoclase is a common raw material for the manufacture of some glasses, some ceramics, such as porcelain, and as a constituent of scouring powder.Some intergrowths of orthoclase and albite have an attractive pale luster and are called moonstone when used in jewellery. Most moonstones are translucent and white, although grey and peach-coloured varieties also occur. In gemology, their luster is calledadularescence and is typically described as creamy or silvery white with a "billowy" quality. It is the state gem of Florida.

The gemstone commonly called rainbow moonstone is more properly a colourless form of labradorite and can be distinguished from "true" moonstone by its greater transparency and play of colour, although their value and durability do not greatly differ.Orthoclase is one of the ten defining minerals of the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.NASA's Curiosity Rover discovery of high levels of orthoclase in Martian sandstones suggested that some Martian rocks may have experienced complex geological processing, such as repeated melting. Adularia is a form of Orthoclase (also a Feldspar) usually found in octahedral crystal, four of which are trapezoidal and four of which are triangular. The color ranges between colorless, grey, pale yellow, peach, pink, white, yellow and occasionally green.Adularia may be used to enhance ones devotion to a person, cause or purpose. The energies of this mineral increase ones ability to see the positive attributes in all.It also encourages practicality within ones nature and is conductive in facilitating increased performance in ones Life Work situations.Adularia is associated with the Heart and Crown Chakras.


Manikandan Hari Pradeep Kumar, group 19. Scientific adviser is
Tatyana Tishakova

Kyanite, whose name derives from the Greek word kuanos sometimes referred to as "kyanos", meaning deep blue, is a typically blue silicate mineral, commonly found in aluminium-rich metamorphic pegmatites or sedimentary rock.

Properties: Al2 SiO5, Aluminum Silicateis the chemical formula.Its under class silicates, subclass neosilicates.

Uses-Kyanite is primarily used in refactory and ceramic products.Kyanite is a stone used in meditation. This stone is used to treat hearing disorders, eye ailments as well as issues with the sense of smell. It has the ability to align all chakras of the bodyblack kyanite with its grounding energies, supports environmental healing, connecting with those who are pulling pollution out and assisting of the planet. Blue kyanie can transfer vibration, allowing for an opening of psychic abilities,especially during medication.It is also used in the manufacture of spark plug and in mineral specimen.It is known as one of the stones that will aid in the development of both intuition and psychic abilities overall. As the energy of kyanite is all but unlimited. It is said to be one of the best gemstones for use as an attunement stone. This is the most powerful stone for healing you if you have had accident or surgery on any part of the body, as this may result in energy as this may resulted in energy gaps, which blue kyanite will bridge.It is also helpful if you are low in energy as it will assist trauma and replenish your energy. Kynaite is known to induce tranquility and clam, as well as claming as enhancing communication and psychic awareness, as well it eases, enhances and supports mediations efforts. It is an ideal stone for wearing around the neck, as is has beneficial effects on the throat. It will promote the ability to speak more easily and express oneself more clearly, and will even assist in learning new language. Kyanite is said to foster tranquilly, having a positive effect on ones dreams, visualization and foresightedness. It may also be used to alight the layers of the aura, specificially the astral, ethereal, emotional, intellectual and spiritual layers, although this may take some conscious direction. Orange kyanite stone has a strong ability to help to bring through new talents and abilities and may stimulate artistic and creative writing skills. Using Orange kyanite with blue kyanite will link the heart chakara and the sacral chakara clearning the energy throughout both areas.INDIGO KYNAITE emanates energies that stimulate the pineal gland.


Ridwan Nasar, group 20. Scientific adviser is Svetlana Kozub

Apatite is named from the Greek word apate, which means "deceit", since Apatite has a similar appearance to so many minerals. The Apatite group is a group of similar isomorphous hexagonal phosphate minerals. Since it can be very hard to distinguish between the individual member minerals, and since they may partially replace each other, a distinction between them is rarely made, and they are simply all called "Apatite" by collectors and dealers. Apatite-(CaF) is by far the most common form of Apatite.

The Apatite mineral members were traditionally known as Fluorapatite, Chlorapatite, and Hydroxyl-Apatite. The IMA (International Mineralogical Association), the world's largest organization promoting mineralogy, has recently changed the scientific naming of these minerals for easier cataloging and alphabetical indexing. The new mineral names are Apatite-(CaF) [instead of Fluorapatite], Apatite-(CaCl) [instead of Chlorapatite], and Apatite-(CaOH) [instead of Hydroxyl-Apatite]. Although use of the original names is now discouraged by the IMA, these names are still widely used and referenced, with the new names frowned upon by many collectors.

Apatite is the most common phosphate mineral, and is the main source of the phosphorus required by plants. The bones and teeth of most animals, including humans, are composed of calcium phosphate, which is the same material as Apatite.

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