Вестник казнпу им. Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №1(72), 2022 г

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Хабаршы ҚазҰПУ 22.04.2022

Research results 
Origin of the Savromat-sarmatian tribes according to written sources 
Research on the origin of the savromat-Sarmatian tribes dates back to the middle of the XIX century, 
which was mainly studied by Western scientists. Most of the research was collected by the Turkish scientist 
Ilhami Durmush in his work "Sarmatians". Since it was not possible to access the original, we decided to 
give a number of the data provided by Ilhami Durmush below. Ilhami Durmush was one of the first Western 
researchers to mention the Grotto. Grotto's work, published in 1857, described the Sarmatians as a nomadic 
tribe, saying that "their customs, tactics of war and determination resemble the Scythians. He speaks one 
dialect of the Scythian language. Women themselves, like men, clash with their enemies. The Sarmatians, as 
a result of the merger of the Amazons with the Scythians, must have entered the stage of history." In 
addition, a scientist named Mordman conducted a study on this topic, referring to his work "Amazon", 
published in 1862, " how long the Amazons lived on the banks of the Don River in the north of the Caucasus 
Mountains, when exactly they belonged to the stage of history and the way of life is unknown. 
However, the Sarmatian women went hunting with the men. They didn't do much household chores. 
There is not much difference between the peoples living in the Stavrapol region and the way of life of the 
savromats, who previously lived. Therefore, the Nogais may be the heir to the savromats. They are closer to 
each other in terms of their settled areas than in terms of their way of life, kinship. In connection with the 
topic raised, Mommsen was quoted as saying: "the opportunities provided by the vast steppe and nature 
allowed the various tribes that lived here to form nomadic cattle breeding. 
The nomads moved to grassland for animal husbandry. These were the ancestors of the modern 
Kazakh people. The Scythians in this place belong to the Ural Altai group. Traditions and appearance 
resemble the peoples of modern Siberia. After the Scythians in the Great Steppe, the Sarmatians entered the 
stage of history and moved from East to West. Although they are considered relatives of the Persians, they 
are mostly ethnically mixed tribes."Research on the origin of the Sarmatian tribes of savromat continued 
until the XIX century. Ilhami Durmush mentioned one of the words of Meyer, a researcher of antiquity, 
about the Sarmatians. "The Sarmatians, who lived between the Don and Danube rivers, should be closer to 
the Iranian peoples. But judging by the information given by Heradot and Hypocrates, it is clear that the 
Sarmatians interacted with the Finnish Mongol peoples in terms of Customs and appearance. In addition, the 
Sarmatians used some words that were not similar to the Iranian language. Therefore, the Sarmatians are 
called a mixed people." And the scientist named Minns attributed the Sarmatians to the Ural-Altai group, and 
Krechmer-to the Iranian peoples [23, p.55]. 
As we have seen above, a number of researchers of the ethnic origin of the Sarmatians attributed to 
the Ural Altai and a number of Iranian peoples. Some of them even considered the ancestors of the Kazakh 
people . 
If we look at the written sources, it is clear that initially the Savromats and then the Sarmatians 
appeared on the stage of history. The name Savromat is first found in the book of the famous Greek historian 
Heradot. The name Sarmatian can be seen in the works of such ancient authors as Strabo, Pseudo- 
Hippocrates, Polyene, Pseudoscilac, Eudox, Pseudoscilac, Heraclid, Pontinsky and Theophrastus [1, p.68]. 

 Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің ХАБАРШЫСЫ, «Тарих және саяси-әлеуметтік ғылымдар» сериясы, №1(72), 2022 ж.
In general, a number of scientists try to determine the origin of the 
-sarmatians on the basis 
of information about the Scythians and Amazons, given in the book of Heradot [17, p.110]. Some of them 
are found in the monuments of the Bronze Age near the southern Urals and the Volga River. 
In addition, in connection with the political events of the 5th and 4th centuries BC, it is assumed that 
new ethnic elements from the east of the Ural mountains and the Aral Sea influenced the savromat tribes 
living in the southern Urals and on the banks of the Volga river, hence the emergence of the Sarmatian 
culture [18, p.169]. Below, on the basis of written and archaeological data, we look at how the savromats and 
then the sarmatians first appeared on the stage of history. 
Although there are several opinions in scientific circles about the origin of the Savromat-sarmatians 
(for example, B. N. Grakov reports that the savromat tribes appeared after the assimilation of the Meots near 
Azouly by the Scythians), there are two of them. In the course of our article, only two opinions were 
expressed. According to the first opinion presented on the basis of the book of Heradot, the Greeks who won 
the Battle of Fermadon captured the Amazons and boarded three ships and went to the open sea. On the way 
back to Greece, the Amazons freed themselves from captivity and attacked the Greeks themselves, killing 
them all. The Amazons, who had never sailed before, could not control the ship, but flew away from the land 
of the Scythians, flying in the direction of the wind. The Amazons, who came ashore, seized a herd of horses 
and began to engage in piracy in the country of the Scythians. The Scythians do not know their form, their 
language. During the war, the Scythians, who examined the corpses of fallen enemies, were convinced that 
they were fighting with female warriors. After that, the Scythians themselves held a meeting and decided that 
they should no longer kill the Amazons, but marry young Scythians. After that, friendly relations between 
the Scythians and the Amazons begin to develop. The Scythians, trying to decide this moment for their own 
benefit, propose to the Amazons to marry them. This proposal was followed by the words: "we cannot sit 
with the women in your homes, our customs are different from each other. We throw spears, shoot bows, and 
ride horses, but we don't know what women do. Your women can't do any of what we say. The woman is 
busy with her work.The woman sits in a chariot, goes hunting and does not go anywhere else. So we can't 
agree with them. But if you want to marry us, go and take from your fathers the things that belongs to you, 
and we will live here in our own way»
they answered. The Scythian guys, following what they said, moved 
from the Azauly (Azov) area (map 1) across the Don River and settled in a three-day zone in the East [17, 
p.110-115]. Scientists note that this area corresponds to the modern southern Urals. In fact, many graves of 
female warriors were excavated from the 4th century BC in the Volga region and the southern Urals [19, 
p.119]. A number of scientists who have considered such archaeological and written data in connection with 
each other say that the savromats came from the marriage of these Scythians and Amazons.Another point to 
consider in this part is that it arose on the basis of political events mentioned in written sources. This opinion 
is expressed not about the origin of the savromats, but about the origin of the Sarmatians or how the 
Sarmatian culture was formed. 
Ilhami Durmush, referring to Hypocrates, wrote that " the Scythians who lived near the Azov Sea 
were called savromat. He said, " the Daughters of savromat ride a horse, shoot a bow, swing a sword on a 
horse and fight the enemy. Three people don't get married until they kill. According to traditions, she lives in 
the same house with her husband, sacrificing one animal. After marriage, he stops riding in case of non-
martial law. There is no right breast. After all, mothers heat one device made of bronze and press it to their 
breasts in infancy. Thus, breast maturation is prevented. All the strength is concentrated in the right shoulder 
and arm. Savromats live in four-or six-wheeled chariots. Some chariots have two rooms, some have three 
rooms. It is resistant to rain and snow. The carts are filled with children and women. They are fed by two or 
three pairs of hornless oxen, and horses travel on horseback. When they find grass for their animals 
somewhere, they settle there, and when the grass is exhausted, they move back. He eats ripe meat and drinks 
the mare's milk. It is from this milk that the so-called "Hippace" makes cheese." 
Ilhami Durmush, calling the information given by Hypocrates valuable, concluded that" the 
Savromats are similar to the Huns in terms of their nomadic lifestyle, living in felt houses, engaged in horse 
and sheep farming, archery on horseback, swinging swords, drinking mare's milk." 
Another source quoted by hypocrates is that the Sarmatians spend most of their time on horseback 
and wear trousers. Based on this information, scientists also drew attention to the fact that the savromats 
were similar to the Huns in terms of clothing culture [23, p.56]. 
"according to the law of savromat, no girl can marry without killing her enemy, and some women who fail to ful fill 
such a duty die of old age as a girl."

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