Conclusion In general, the value of ancient written sources and archaeological materials to determine the origin
of the savromats and sarmatians is not disputed today. When we look at the information left by Herodotus, it
is clear that the savromats are descendants of the Scythians and Amazons. But since ancient times,
Herodotus has been criticized for his work and his position on each topic. He was even called the "father of
lies" as a nickname. Therefore, we believe that the words of Herodotus about the origin of the savromat-
sarmatians should be considered critically. However, in the mounds of the Bronze Age, the discovery of
additional graves buried on top of or in the layer of graves belonging to the savromats [24, p.75], as well as
the laying of ohra, limestone and dishes with the sign of the fylfot on the surface in accordance with the
traditions of the Bronze Age, is a very important information.[16, p.70]. Based on the data, it is logical to
consider the savromat-sarmatians to be descendants of tribes that lived in the Bronze Age on the banks of the
southern Urals and Volga rivers[25].
Although we welcome the idea that the Sarmatians originated as a result of migration, we believe
that it should not be justified only by mandatory migration or occupation. In the formation of sarmatian
culture, it is necessary to ignore the cultural relations that took place during the savromat period. Judging
from the point of view of cultural relations on this issue, we can say that the savromats went through the
process of culturization, preserving their culture. If this view is found to be correct, then it is clear that the
tribes called sarmatians are one tribe, because of a number of material and spiritual differences between them
and the savromats.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің ХАБАРШЫСЫ, «Тарих және саяси-әлеуметтік ғылымдар» сериясы, №1(72), 2022 ж. 162
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