АҒылшын тілінің теориялық грамматикасы

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Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және ғылым министрлігі
С. Торайғыров атындағы Павлодар мемлекеттік университеті


Күндіз және сырттан оқитын тіл мамандықтары студенттерінің дербес жұмыс істеуге арналған әдістемелік нұсқаулық


Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және ғылым министрлігі

С. Торайғыров атындағы Павлодар мемлекеттік университеті
Филология, журналистика және өнер факультеті
Аударма теориясы мен практикасы кафедрасы


Күндіз және сырттан оқитын тіл мамандықтары студенттерінің дербес жұмыс істеуге арналған әдістемелік нұсқаулық




ӘОЖ 811.111:81’36(07)

КБК 81.2Англ–2-9

А 23

С. Торайғыров атындағы Павлодар мемлекеттік университетінің филология, журналистика және өнер факультетінің аударма теориясы мен практикасы кафедрасының отырысында басуға ұсынылды


филология ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент Дүкембай Г. Н.;

филология ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент Латыпова З. Х.

Құрастырушы: Г. Х. Демесінова

А 23 Ағылшын тілінің теориялық грамматикасы : Күндіз және сырттан оқитын тіл мамандықтары студенттерінің дербес жұмыс істеуге арналған әдістемелік нұсқаулық / құраст. Г. Х. Демесінова. – Павлодар : Кереку, 2010. – 36 б.

Бұл әдістемелік жасалым студенттерді грамматикалық құбылыстарды талдауға және өз бетінше зерттеу жүргізуге дағдыландыруды мақсат етіп қойған жасалымға жұмыс бағдарламасы, семинарлық сабақтардың жоспарлары, емтихан сұрақтары, студенттерінің ғылыми-зерттеу жұмысының тақырыптары, пәнді оқу курсының аяғында өткізілетін тест енген.

ӘОЖ 811.111:81’36(07)

КБК 81.2 Англ – 2 -9

© Демесінова Г. Х., 2010

© С. Торайғыров атындағы ПМУ, 2010
Материалдық дурыс болуына, грамматикалық және орфографиялық қателерге авторлар мен құрастырушылар жауапты

Түсіндірме жазба

Теориялық грамматика студеттерге оқытылатын тілде сөйлеу тәжірибесін оқыту үдерісін ұтымды жолға қою мен үздіксіз жетілдіруге қажетті әр қырларының жиынтығы мен өзара байланысында тілдің құрылысы туралы берік те терең білім беру болып табылатын лингвистикалық цикл пәндерінің санына жатады.

Курстың негізгі міндеттері:

  1. ағылшын тілінің грамматикалық құрылысының негіздерін лингвистикалық білімдердің қазіргі жағдайына сәйкес және қоғамдық құбылыс ретінде тіл туралы білімнің негізінде теориялық тұрғыда көрсету;

  2. студенттерді ағылшын тілінің құрылысын заманауи зерттеулердің аса маңызды проблемаларымен таныстыру;

  3. студенттердің тіл грамматикасы жөніндегі теориялық білімдерін мектепте ағылшын тілін оқыту практикасында қолдана білу шеберлігін дамыту;

  4. студенттердің тілді грамматикалық зерттеу жөніндегі ағымдағы ғылыми ақпаратты өз бетінше талдап, қарастыру және одан оқытушының қызметіне қажетті элементтерді табу шеберліктерін дамыту.

Аталған міндеттерді орындау үшін осы курсты қарастыру үдерісінде студенттердің өзара байланысты элементтер мен олардың қасиеттерінің жүйесі ретінде пән туралы түсінігі болуға тиіс; оқушыларды пәннің түрлі мектептер мен бағыттар шеңберінде зерденелетін құбылысты түрліше, кейде қарама-қайшылықты түсіндіруімен күрденелетін зерттеу аясымен таныстыру; теориялық-грамматикалық зерттеулерде қолданылатын арнайы талдау әдістемесін, олардың сын тұрғысынан бағалануын қарастыру қажет.

1 Working Рrogramme in Theoretical Grammar of English

Тheme 1 The History of English Grammars

Periodization of the history of English grammars. English grammars before 1900 (the first period). Early (prenormative) grammars. Prescriptive grammars. The rise of classical scientific grammars. English grammars in the 20th century (the second period). Prescriptive grammars in the Modern period. Structural (descriptive) grammar. Transformational grammar (TG). Generative semantics. Textual linguistics.

Theme 2 Grammar in the Systemic Conception of Language

Grammar as a linguistic science. Its connection with other linguistic disciplines. Theoretical, practical and normative grammar.

The plane of content and the plane of expression. The systemic character of language. Language and speech. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic aspects of grammar. Units of language and levels of language structure.

Theme 3 Morphemic Structure of the Word

Word and morpheme, their relative status in the structure of language. The problem of definition of the word. Word as a nominative unit of language and the central unit of morphology. Morpheme as the smallest meaningful part of the word.

Traditional classification of morphemes. Root and affixes - suffixes, prefixes, inflexions. Lexical and grammatical morphemes. Outer and inner inflexion. The notion of zero morpheme.

Allo-emic theory in morphology. Notions of morph, allo-morph and morpheme. Types of morpheme distributions: contrastive, non-contrastive, complementary. Distributional classification of morphemes. Free, bound, overt, covert, segmental, suprasegmental, continuous, discontinuous morphemes.

Complementary character of the two classifications.

Theme 4 Categorial Structure of the Word

Morphological notions of grammatical form of the word, categorial grammatical form and grammatical category. Grammatical category as a system of expressing a generalized grammatical meaning (function). Paradigm as a means of expressing a grammatical function.

Immanent and reflective categories.

Oppositional basis of grammatical category. Oppositlonal analysis of grammatical forms. Types of oppositions. Binary and more than binary oppositions. Privative, gradual, equipollent oppositions. Binary privative opposition as the main type of categorial oppositions in grammar. The structure of a grammatical privative opposition. Strong (marked) and weak (unmarked) members, their formal and functional difference.

Synthetical and analytical grammatical forms. Types of synthetical forms: inner-inflexional, outer-inflexional, suppletive. Their role in the grammatical structure of .English. Types of analytical forms: weak, strong. Semantic idiomatism of analytical forms. The role of analytical forms in the structure of English. English as a language of analytical type.

The problem of oppositional reduction of grammatical forms.

Theme 5 Grammatical Classes of Words

The notion of a class of words. Classes and subclasses of words. Features differentiating classes and subclasses of words. Parts of speech as traditional grammatical classes of words.

Definition of a part of speech as a lexico-grammatical category. Criteria for differentiation parts of speech in home and foreign linguistics. Three criteria for parts of speech division: semantic, formal, functional. Notional and functional parts of speech.

The problem of adequacy of the traditional parts of speech classification. Field approach to parts of speech division.

Theories of syntactic classes of words in home and foreign linguistics. Syntactico-distributional classification of words. Positional classes of notional words and various groups of functional words.

Three-layer grammatical division of vocabulary as the synthesis of traditional and syntactico-distributional classifications. Notional words distributed among four main classes (parts of speech), paradigmatically correlated with one another by an interclass derivational system ("lexical paradigm of nomination"). Pro-names, specifiers of names. Layer transition fields.

Theme 6 Grammatical Characteristics of Noun

Noun as a word of substantive meaning. Grammatically relevant subclasses of noun. Common, proper, countable, uncountable, animate, inanimate, concrete, abstract nouns.

The category of substantival number. Formal and functional features of the category of number. Problem of the meaning of number with various subclasses of nouns. Relative and absolute number.

The category of case. Evolution of theoretical interpretations of case in English philology. Theories of prepositional and positional cases, their critical evaluation. Theory of possessive postpositional formant. Theory of limited case. Problem of correlation nounal case and pronominal case. Disintegration of the old and the rise of the new case system in English.

The problem of the category of gender. Gender as a special lexico-grammatical characteristic of noun. Personal pronouns as gender classifiers of nouns. Gender oppositions and the semantics of gender classes: non-person, person, masculine, feminine, common gender. Flexibility of gender boundaries and gender personification.

The problem of article as a grammatical determiner of noun. The paradigm of determined forms of noun and its grammatico-categorial basis. The problem of zero article.

General functional characteristic of grammatical systems of noun.

Theme 7 Grammatical Characteristics of the Verb

Verb as a word of processual meaning. Complexity of the grammatical systems of the verb, conditioned by its semantico-syntactic nature. Grammatically relevant subclasses of the verb. Verbs of full nomination and their subclasses: actional and statal, limitive and unlimitive, subjective and objective, transitive and intransitive. "Unique" verbs of being and possession. Verbs of partial nominative value and their subclasses: auxiliary verbs, link-verbs, aspective verbs. Valency subclasses of verbs. The problem of subclass migration of verbs.

Finite forms of the verb. The category of verbal person. The category of verbal number. The problem of substantive correlation of the verbal categories of person and number. Close interconnection of these categories.

The category of verbal tense. The problem of the notional category of time and the categorial verbal systems of tense, dividing the expression of time into primary verbal tenses (the strong member being the Past tense) and secondary verbal tenses (the strong member being the Future tense). Absolute and relative meanings of verbal tense forms.

The category of verbal aspect. Verbal and lexical aspect. The problem of the notional category of aspect and the categorial systems of aspect, dividing the expression of aspect in English into primary aspects of action development (the strong member being the Continuous aspect) and the secondary aspects of coorination (the strong member being the Perfect aspect).

The category of voice. The voice of a transitive (objective) verb, main opposition (Active voice - Passive voice). The problem of voice characteristic of an intransitive (subjective) verb. The problem of medial voice meanings of the verb.

The category of mood. The controversy of the mood category in English conditioned by a variety of modal-verbal meanings against the scarcity of the English word inflexion. Correlation between verb forms expressing reality of the action and those expressing unreality of the action. The problem of the basic opposition of the category of mood, reflecting the existent correlation of forms and meanings; direct mood and opposed to it oblique moods. The problem of the imperative in the system of mood. The problem of subjunctive, conditional and modal moods. The problem of expressing time by oblique mood forms of the verb.

General functional characteristic of the grammatical systems of finite verb.

Non-finite verbs. The problem of non-finite verbs' status. Mixed-feature characteristics of non-finite verbs.

The infinitive as a verbal name of a process and the headword of the paradigm of the verb. Infinitive as a constituent of the expression of modal representation of the action.

Gerund as a verbal name of a process. The problem of the "-ing"-form. Infinitive, gerund and verbal noun as constituents of the expression of processual representation.

Participle аs a qualifying-processual паше. Differentiation between two types of participles in English - present participle (participle I) and past participle (participle II).

The problem of aspect, voice and tense categories with non-finite verbs. General functional characteristic of verbids.

Theme 8 Grammatical Characteristics of the Adjective

The adjective as a word expressing the property of a substance. Grammatically relevant subclasses of the adjective. Qualitative and relative adjectives. The problem of division of adjectives into evaluative and specificative. Correlation of evaluative and specificative adjectives with qualitative and relative ones.

The problem of the words of the category of state. Words of the category of state in relation to subclasses of the adjective.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Synthetical and analytical forms of comparison. The problem of the status of analytical degrees of comparison. The problem of direct and reverse degrees of comparison. Absolutive and elative aspects of comparison in the system of the adjective.

Theme 9 Grammatical Characteristics of the Adverb

The adverb as a word of the secondary qualifying order (non-substantive qualifyer). Grammatically relevant subclasses of adverbs. Qualitative, quantitative, circumstantial adverbs. The problem of correlation of qualitative and quantitative adverbs. The problem of correlation of notional and functional adverbs. The problem of division of adverbs according to the contextual functions into evaluative and specificative compared with the similar division of adjectives.

The productive derivational model of qualitative adverbs out of qualitative adjectives. The problem of lexical or grammatical status of this model.

Degrees of comparison of adverbs compared with those of adjectives.

Theme 10 Grammatical Characteristics of the Pronoun

The pronoun as a word of deictic and substitutions meaning. The problem of pronouns as a separate part of speech. The intermediary status of pronouns between notional and functional words.

Grammatically relevant subclasses of pronouns. Their semantico-categorial heterogeneity and functional homogeneity.

Relation of different subclasses of pronouns to notional parts of speech - noun, adjective, adverb. The problem of verb substitutes and representants.

The problem of the status of the numeral as a word of pronominal nature.

The problem of words of broad semantics, constituting the intermediary field between pronouns and notional words of full nominative value.

Theme 11 Grammatical characteristics of Minor Parts of Speech

Minor classes of words in the system of parts of speech. Words of minor classes as words of partial nominative value and relative semantics of various kinds. Minor classes of words of independent and dependent functions.

Modal word as a word of independent subjective-evaluative meaning. Subclasses of modal words.

Particle as a word of dependent subjective-evaluative meaning. Subclasses of particles. Auxiliary (grammatical) particle as a word-morpheme. Subclasses of auxiliary particles.

Preposition as a functional word of a by-substantive subordinating-relational function. Subclasses of prepositions.

Conjunction as a word of a connecting function. Coordinating conjunctions and their subclasses. Subordinating conjunctions and their subclasses.

Interjection as a special word of expressing emotions. Simple and derived interjections. The problem of the status of interjections.

Involving words of full nomination in the sphere of words of partial nomination.

Theme 12 Sentence and Phrase as Syntactic Units

Sentence as a unit of communication (information). The problem of predication as a constitutive factor of the sentence. The nominative aspect correlated with the predicative aspect of the sentence. The problem of the semantic structure of the sentence.

Phrase as a unit of nomination. Phrasemic and lexemic nomination.

The notion of a syntactic model applied to the sentence and the phrase. Syntagmatic modelling of the sentence and the phrase. Paradigmatic modelling of the sentence and the phrase. Establishing transformational relations between the sentence and the phrase.

Nominalization as the main type of transformation of a sentence into a phrase.

Theme 13 Syntax of the Phrase

Syntax of the phrase as a "smaller syntax" in relation to the syntax of the sentence as a "larger syntax".

The problem of the definition of the phrase in home and foreign linguistics. Notional phrase and functional phrase. Free and stable phrases. The structure of stable phrases as a linguistic factor of modelling free notional phrases. The thesis of a nominative nature of the phrase as consistently corresponding to the relation of free and stable phrases.

Dominational and equipotent relations of words in a phrase. Consecutive and cumulative domination. The kernel and the adjunct of a dominational phrase. Agreement, government, adjoinment, enclosure as ways of realization of dominational relations of words in a phrase. Phrases of completive subordination. Phrases of qualificative subordination.

Elementary and compound subordinate phrases. The hierarchy of dependencies in a subordinate phrase.

The problem of bilateral domination in the predicative connection of the subject and the predicate. The reflection of bilateral domination in secondary predicative phrases.

Consecutive (coordinative) and cumulative equipotent connection of words. The problem of existence of coordinate phrases. Mixed coordinate-subordinate and subordinate-coordinate phrases.

Theme 14 The Structure of the Simple Sentence

Simple sentence as a monopredicative syntactic construction. The notion of a predicative line of a simple sentence.

The problem of syntactic and semantic constituents of a simple sentence. The traditional model of the sentence, its pros and cons in modern linguistics. Principal parts of the sentence (subject, predicate), secondary parts of the sentence (object, adverbial modifier, attribute), detached parts of the sentence. The problem of the adjective as a secondary or "tertiary" part of the sentence.

The problem of the axis of the sentence. Two-axis and one-axis simple sentences. The problem of completeness of a simple sentence. Complete and elliptical simple sentences. The notion of a zero syntactic form.

Immediate constituent analysis of the sentence. Semantic interpretation of this division. Its connection with the traditional model of parts of speech.

The verbocentric theory of the sentence and the valency of the verb. Elementary'sentence and the problem of a sentence expansion. The problem of homogeneous parts of the sentence.

The notions of surface and deep structure of the sentence. Role structure of the sentence.

The paradigmatics of a simple sentence. Kernel sentence as a derivational base of the expanded simple sentence. Kernel sentence and primary sentence. Predicative functions of a simple sentence in paradigmatics. Constructional functions of a simple sentence in paradigmatics.

Theme 15 Actual Division of the Sentence

The notion of the actual division of the sentence. The problem of actual division to syntax. Sentence with its actual division as the exprssion of a proposition with its logical division. Components of the actual division - theme, rheme, transition.

Actual division of the sentence and context. Actual division of the sentence and reduction of the explicit contents of the sentence in a context.

Means of expressing actual division of the sentence: intonational, arrangement, lexico-constructional.

Theme 16 Communicative Types of Sentences

The notion of a communicative type of the sentence. The problem of singling out communicative types of the sentence. Diagnostic models for communicative types of sentences in oral speech situations. The response as the indicator of the purpose of communication, expressed in the sentence.

Communicative types of sentences in the light of the actual division of the sentence. Actual division as the basis for formation of communicative types of sentences.

Cardinal communicative types of sentences: declarative, interrogative, imperative (inducive). The problem of an exclamatory type of the sentence. Exclamation as an accompanying communicative feature of the sentence. Syntactic oppositions of cardinal communicative types of the sentence.

The problem of intermediary (mixed) communicative types of sentences. Intermediary communicative types of sentences as ехроnents of expressive connotations.

The problem of the pragmatic interpretation of communicative types of sentences.

Theme 17 The Structure of a Complex Sentence

Composite sentence as a polypredicative construction. Predicative lines in a composite sentence. Elementary composite sentence.

The notion of a subordinative polypredication. Principal clause, subordinate clause. Syndetic subordination and asyndetic subordination. The problem of correlation of syntactic and semantic relations of the principal and the subordinate clauses.

The classification of complex sentences according to the types of subordinate clauses. Categorial types of subordinate clauses. Types of subordinate clauses. Clauses of primary nominal positions (subject, predicative, object). Clauses of secondary nominal positions (attributive, appositive). Clauses of adverbial positions.

The problem of parenthetical clauses. Parenthetical and insertive clauses. More generalized meaning of parenthetical introductory and deviational clauses in the system of parenthesis.

Classification of complex sentences according to the degree of cohesion of the principal and the subordinate clauses. Complex sentences of monolyth structure. Complex sentences of segregative structure.

Parallel and consecutive subordination. The depth of the subordinating perspective.

Theme 18 The Structure of a Compound Sentence

The problem of existence of a compound sentence as a polypredicative construction. The problem of correlation between syndetic and asyndetic connection of clauses, on the one hand, and subordination and coordination of clauses, on the other. Syndeton and asyndeton as a structural characteristic of clause connection.

The problem of marked and unmarked connection of predicative units in a compound sentence. The semantics of a marked connection The semantics of an unmarked connection. Compound sentences with conjunctive specifying combinations.

Complex sentence as a diagnostic model for a compound sentence. The problem of syntactic synonymy at the level of a composite sentence.

Theme 19 The Structure of a Semi-Composite Sentence

Semi-composite sentence as a polypredicative construction of concise composition of clauses. Fusion of predicative lines in a semi-composite sentence. The leading and the expanding parts of a semi-composite sentence. The expanding part of the sentence as a secondary ("potentially") predicative construction.

Semi-composite sentence and its types. Semi-complex sentences of subject-sharing and object-sharing. The problem of the complex subject and the complex object. Semi-complex sentences of attributive complication. Semi-complex sentences of adverbial complication. The problem of an absolute syntactic construction. Semi-complex sentences of nominal phrase complication (infinitive construction, gerundial construction). The problem of the subject of the verbid phrase.

A semi-compound sentence of predicate coordination. The correlation of such sentences with corresponding compound sentences with identical subjects (duplicated subjective nomination). Sentence with several subjects and one predicate. Homogeneous and heterogeneous subjects in such sentences.

The problem of semantic correlation between the systems of the composite and the semi-composite sentence in general.

Theme 20 Sentence in the Text

The notion of the syntax of the text. The syntactic aspect of a monologue. The syntactic aspect of a dialogue.

Text and context. A developing text and a completed text.

Sentence as an elementary text and the central link of syntactic and semantic relations of the text.

Teaching about the supra-sentential construction in home linguistics. Connections between sentences - constituents of the supra-sentential construction. Supra-sentential construction and paragraph.

The problem of the categories (aspect features) of the text. Topical integrity as an aspect of the text. Semantico-syntactic coherence as an aspect of the text. Co-reference (secondary nomination) and its role in creation of the text.

Conjunctional connections in the text. Correlative connections in the text Prospective and retrospective correlation.

The problem of the text segmentation in different functional styles of language.

2 Plans of Seminars in Theoretical Grammar
1 The history of English Grammars

1 Periodization in the history of English grammars.

2 English grammars before 1900.

3 Early (prenormative) grammars.

4 Prescriptive grammars.

5 The rise of classical scientific grammars.

6 English grammars in the 20th century.

7 Prescriptive grammars in the Modern period.

8 Classical scientific grammar in the Modern period.

9 Structural (descriptive) grammar.

10 Transformational grammar.

11 Generative semantics.

12 Textual linguistics.

1 Iofik L.L., Chakhoyan L.P., Pospelova A.G. Readings in the theory of English grammar. L., 1981, pp. 5-40.

2 Grammar in the system of language

1 Grammar as a linguistic science and its connection with other linguistic disciplines.

2 Theoretical and practical grammar.

3 The unity of the plane of expression and the plane of content in grammar.

4 The systemic character of language.

5 Levels of language structure and their units.


1 Blokh М.У. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. M., 1983, chapter I, pp.6-17.
3 Morphemic structure of the word

1 The word and the morpheme.

2 Traditional classification of morphemes.

3 Allo-emic theory in morphology.

4 Distributional classification of morphemes.

1 Blokh, ch.II, pp. 17-26.

2 Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. М., 1981, § 1.0.1.- 1.0.2, стр.4-9.

4 Categorial structure of the word

1 Grammatical form, categorial grammatical form, grammatical category. Immanent and reflective categories.

2 Grammatical opposition. Types of grammatical oppositions.

3 Synthetical and analytical grammatical forms.

1 Blokh, ch.III, pp.26-57.

2 Ivanova, §§ 1.0.3-1-0.5, pp.9-14.
5 Grammatical classes of words

1 The notion of parts of speech. Traditional approach to parts of speech division.

2 The distinctive features of notional and functional parts of speech.

3 Subcategorization of parts of speech.

4 Different approaches to parts of speech division.

5 Syntactico-distributional classification of words.

6 Syntactico-distributional and traditional classifications compared and combined.

7 Field theory of parts of speech.


1 Blokh, ch.IV, pp.37-49.

2 Ivanova, § 1.1.1-1.1.3, pp.14-20.

3 Iofik, ch.I, pp.41-57.

6 Noun: The General Characteristics, the Categories of Gender and Number

1 General characteristics of the noun from the semantic, formal and functional viewpoints.

2 Contradictory character of the category of gender.

3 The oppositional presentation of the category of gender.

4 Lexical means of expressing sex distinctions.

5 The category of gender in English and other languages.

6 The oppositional presentation of the category of number.

7 The semantics of the singular and the plural.

8 Relative and absolute number.


1 Blokh, ch.V, VI, VII, pp.49-62.

2 Ivanova, § 1.2.1-1.2.5 (pp.21-25).
7. Noun: The Category of Case

1 The oppositional presentation of the category of case.

2 The theory of positional cases.

3 The theory of prepositional cases.

4 Limited case theory.

5 Postpositional theory.

6 Critical evaluation of the problem and its solution proposed by M. Y. Blokh.

7 Semantics of the English genitive case.

8 The problem of correlation of the nounal case and the pronominal case.

1 Blokh, ch. VIII (pp.62-74).

2 Ivanova, § 1.2.6 (pp.25-28).

3 Iofik, ch. II (pp.57-66).

8 Noun: The Category of Article Determination

1 Article as a noun determiner.

2 Semantic observation of English articles.

3 Informational relevance of English articles.

4 Article in the light of the oppositional theory.

5 Article and ether functional determiners.

6 Article as a special type of grammatical auxiliary.

7 Another approach to the article (as a function word).


1 Blokh, ch.IX (pp.74-85).

2 Ivanova, § 1.2.8 (pp.29-33).
9 Verb: General Characteristics

1 Verb as the most complex part of speech. Semantic and formal characteristics of the verb. The category of finitude.

2 Grammatically relevant subclasses of verbs. Subclasses of verbs of partial nominative value.

3 Subclasses of verbs of full nominative value.

4 Valency classes of verbs. "Subclass migration" of verbs.


1 Blokh, ch. X (pp. 85-102).

2 Ivanova, § 1.6.1-1.6.7 (pp.46-50).
10 Non-Finite Verbs

1 The part-of-speech status of non-finite verbs.

2 The properties of the infinitive.

3 The properties of the gerund.

4 The properties of the present participle.

5 The properties of the past participle.

6 The infinitive and the gerund compared.

7 The gerund and the present participle compared.


1 Blokh, ch. XI (pp.102-123).

2 Ivanova, § 1.6.21- (рр.80-87).

3 Iofik, ch. IV (pp.87-99).

11 Finite Verb: The Categories of Person and Number

1 Finite verb as the most complex phenomenon of grammar.

2 The category of verbal person.

3 The category of verbal number.

4 The problem of the substantive reference of verbal categories of person and number.

5 Close interconnection of the verbal categories of person and number.


1 Blokh, ch. XII, XIII (pp.123-137).

2 Ivanova, § 1.6.8 (pp.50-51).

12 Verb: The Category of Tense

1 Tense as a correlation of two temporal categories: primary time and prospective time.

2 The category of primary time.

3 The meanings of the present tense.

4 The category of prospective time.

5 Modal colouring of the English future tenses.

6 Syntactico-distributional and transformational analysis of "shall/will"-combinations.

7 The combination "be going + infinitive".

8 Neutralization of the category of prospective time.

9 Prof.I.P.Ivanova’s interpretation of the category of tense and the future tense forms.

1 Blokh, Ch. XIV (pp.137-155).

2 Ivanova, § 1.6.9-1.6.18 (pp.51-68).

3 Iofik, ch.III (pp.66-87).

13 Verb: The Category of Aspect

1 The aspective meaning of the verb.

2 The aspective category of development.

3 Neutralizations of the category of development.

4 The category of retrospective coordination.

5 Neutralization of the category of retrospect.

6 The opposition "perfect versus imperfect".

7 Prof. I.P.Ivanova's presentation of the category of aspect.

1 Blokh, ch.XV (pp.155-176).

2 Ivanova, § 1.6.9-1.6.18 (pp.51-68).

3 Iofik, ch.III (pp.66-87).

14 Verb: The Category of Voice

1 The English verbal category of voice and its difference from the Russian category of voice.

2 Voice and other verbal categories.

3 The problem of medial voices.

4 The "passive of action" and the "passive of state".


1 Blokh, ch.XVI (pp.176-185).

2 Ivanova, § 1.6.20- (pp.74-80).

3 Iofik, ch.III (pp.66-87).

15 Verb: The Category of Mood

1 The category of mood as the most controversial category of the verb.

2 The categorial meaning of mood.

3 The formal description of the category of mood.

4 Generalized expressions of attitudes of the spective mood.

5 Forms of subjunctive referring to the past order of the verb.

6 The dynamic scheme of the category of mood.

1 Blokh, ch.XVII (pp.185-203)

2 Ivanova, § 1.6.19- (pp.68-74).

3 Iofik, ch.III (pp.66-87).

16 Тhe Adjective

1 Formal and functional features of the adjective.

2 Classification of adjectives.

3 The problem of statives.

4 Substantivization of adjectives.

5 The category of comparison.

6 Synthetical and analytical forms of comparison.

7 The combinations with "less/least".

8 Absolutive and elative aspects of comparison.

1 Blokh, ch.XVIII (pp.203-220).

2 Ivanova, § 1.3.1-1.3.7 (pp.34-39).
17 The Adverb

1 The adverb as a word of specific nominative value.

2 Formal and functional features of the adverb.

3 Word-building classification of adverbs.

4 Semantic classification of adverbs.

5 The problem of "-ly"-adverbs.


1 Blokh, ch.XIX (pp.220-229).

2 Ivanova, § 1.7 (pp.87-89).
18 Minor Classes of Words

1 Minor classes of words in the system of parts of speech.

2 The modal word.

3 The preposition.

4 The conjunction.

5 The interjection.

6 Involving words of full nomination into the sphere of functioning of words of partial nomination.


1 Ivanova, § 1.8-1.15 (pp.89-99).

2 Iofik, ch.V (pp.99-105).
19 The Phrase

1 Syntax and its sections.

2 History of the theory of phrase and its modern definition.

3 Types of syntactic bond.

4 Classification of phrases.

5 Classification of syntagmatic connections of words by M.Y.Blokh.


1 Ivanova, § 2.0.1-2.0.7 (pp.100-109).

2 Blokh, ch.XX (pp.229-236).

3 Iofik, ch.VI (pp.106-116).

20 The Sentence

1 The sentence as a unit of speech.

2 The problem of predication.

3 The nominative aspect of the sentence.

4 The problem of the semantic structure of the sentence.

5 The modal aspect of the sentence.


1 Blokh, ch.XXI (pp.236-243).

2 Ivanova, § 3.1.1-3.1.4 (pp.164-173).
21 Actual Division of the Sentence

1 The notion of the actual division of the sentence. Components of the actual division of the sentence.

2 Actual division of the sentence and context.

3 Lexico-grammatical means of expressing the actual division of the sentence.

4 Phonetic means of expressing the actual division of the sentence.

5 Actual division of the sentence and ellipsis.


1 Blokh, ch.XXII (pp.243-250).

2 Ivanova, § 3.3.9 (pp.256-260).

22 Communicative Types of Sentences

1 Traditional communicative classification of sentences.

2 Communicative classification of sentences by Ch.Fries.

3 The communicative status of exclamatory sentences.

4 Actual division of declarative sentences.

5 Actual division of imperative sentences.

6 Actual division of interrogative sentences.

7 Intermediary communicative types of sentences. Interrogative-declarative sentences.

8 Declarative-imperative sentences.

9 Imperative-interrogative sentences.

1 Blokh, ch.XXIII (pp.251-268).

2 Ivanova, § 3.1.5-3-1.7 (pp.173-183).

23 Simple Sentence: Constituent Structure

1 The notion of a simple sentence.

2 Parts of the sentence.

3 Schemes of sentence-parsing.

4 Types of simple sentences.

5 Elliptical sentences.

6 Semantic classification of simple sentences.


1 Blokh, ch.XXIV (pp.268-278).

2 Ivanova, § 3.2.1- (pp.183-207), § (pp.229-230).

3 Iofik, ch.VII (pp.117-181).

24 Simple Sentence: Paradigmatic Structure

1 Paradigmatics of a simple sentence. The notion of a kernel sentence.

2 Transformational steps of derivation of genuine sentences.

3 Constructional functions of the simple sentence in paradigmatics.

4 Predicative functions of the simple sentence in paradigmatics.

1 Blokh, ch.XXV (p.278-288).

2 Ivanova, § 3.2.2- (pp.207-227).

3 Iofik, ch.V.

25 Composite Sentence as a Polypredicative Construction

1 The notion of a composite sentence.

2 The use of composite sentences in literary written speech.

3 Two tendencies in sentence construction in modern printed texts.

4 Sentence construction of scripted speech.

5 The development of the composite sentence structure.

6 Subordination and coordination as two main types of clause connection.

7 Means of combining clauses.

8 Cumulation as a type of clause connection.

1 Blokh, ch. XXVI (pp.288-502).

2 Ivanova, § (pp.203-237).

3 Iofik, ch.VIII (pp.181-199).

26 Complex Sentence

1 The notion of a complex sentence.

2 Structural features of the principal clause.

3 Actual division of the complex sentence.

4 Principles of classification of subordinate clauses.

5 Categorial classification of subordinate clauses sustained by semantic division of subordinators.

6 Subordinate clauses of primary nominal positions.

7 Subordinate clauses of secondary nominal positions.

8 Subordinate clauses of adverbial positions.

9 Classification of complex sentences according to the degree of cohesion of the principal and the subordinate clauses.

10 Parallel and consecutive subordination.

1 Blokh, ch.XXVII (pp.503-332).

2 Ivanova, § 3.2-3.4 (pp.237-238).

3 Iofik, ch.VIII (pp.186-199).

27 Compound Sentence

1 The problem of existence of a compound sentence as a polypredicative construction.

2 The problem of syndetic and asyndetic connection of clauses and subordination/coordination.

3 Complex sentence as a diagnostic model for a compound sentence.

4 The length of a compound sentence.

1 Blokh, ch.XXVIII (pp.332-340).

2 Ivanova, § 3-2.3.2- (pp.233-237).

3. Iofik, ch.VIII (pp.181-199).

28 Semi-Complex Sentences

1 Semi-complex sentence as a polypredicative construction expressed in fusion.

2 Types of semi-complex sentences.

3 Semi-complex sentences of subject-sharing.

4 Semi-complex sentences of object-sharing.

5 Semi-complex sentences of attributive complication.

6 Semi-complex sentences of adverbial complication.

7 Semi-complex sentences of nominal phrase complication.

8 Interrelation between sentences of different types.

1 Blokh, ch.XXIX (pp.340-351).

2 Ivanova, § 3.2.3-3 (pp.235-237).
29 Semi-Compound Sentences

1 Semi-compound sentence as a semi-composite sentence built up on the principle of coordination.

2 Semi-compound sentence of predicate coordination.

3 Semi-compound sentences with the conjunction "and".

4 Asyndetic semi-compound sentences.

5 The connection types of multi-base semi-compound sentences.

6 Semi-compound sentence of predicate coordination and compound sentence of complete composition.

1 Blokh, ch.XXX (pp.351-361).

2 Ivanova, § 3-2.3.3 (pp.235-237).
30 Sentence in the Text

1 Text as a lingual element.

2 Supra-sentential construction and its two types: cumuleme, occurseme.

3 Two types of cumulemes.

4 Conjunction and correlative cumulation.

5 The structure of the cumuleme.

6 Cumuleme and paragraph.

7 Cumuleme and two border-line phenomena between the sentence and the sentential sequence.

8 Sentence as the central structural syntactic construction.

1 Blokh, ch.XXXI (pp.361-373).

2 Iofik, ch.IX (p. 199-220).

Note: the teacher is free either to take one plan of the seminar for a two hours' period discussion, group the seminars into one in accord with the subject of the students' attention (e.g. "The noun" seminars 6, 7, 8) or let the students prepare reports delivered within a two hours' period (e.g. "The finite verb" - seminars 11, 12, 13, 14, 15).

3 Students’ Research Work Themes

3.1 Morphology

1 The function of the English possessive case compered with the Russian genitive саse.

2 Ways of translating English possessive case constructions into Russian.

3 Ways of translating Russian genitive case constructions into English.

4 Ways of expressing determination/indetermination in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

5 Pluralia tantum in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

6 Ways of translating "of-phrases" into Russian (Kazakh, German).

7 The use and function of different subclasses of pronouns in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

8 Ways of translating different subclasses of English pronouns into Russian (Kazakh, German).

9 Ways of translating different subclasses of Russian (Kazakh, German) pronouns into English.

10 Ways of translating Russian non-finite verbs into English.

11 Ways of translating English non-finite verbs into Russian (Kazakh, German).

12 The use of non-finite verbs in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

13 Ways of translating English tense-aspect forms into Russian (Kazakh, German).

14 Ways of translating Russian (Kazakh) aspect forms into English.

15 Ways of translating Russian verbs denoting different manners of action into English.

16 Ways of translating English constructions of the "go on + V", "used to + V” - type into Russian.

17 Tense systems in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

18 Ways of expressing precedence in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

19 Ways of expressing simultaneity in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

20 Ways of expressing different phases of action in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

21 Ways of expressing different aspective meanings in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

22 Ways of translating Russian subjunctive mood forms into English.

23 Ways of translating English oblique mood forms into Russian (Kazakh, German).

24 Ways of expressing inducement in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

25 Ways of translating English modal verbs into Russian (Kazakh, German).

26 Comparison of mood systems in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

27 Ways of expressing various modal meanings in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

28 Comparison of formal structure of verb-forms in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

29 Comparison of word-forms of different parts of speech in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

30 Comparison of ways of deriving verbs form other parts of speech in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

31 Comparison of ways of deriving nouns from other parts of speech in English and Russian (Kazakh, German.

32 Ways of forming adjectives from other parts of speech in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

33 Ways of deriving adverbs in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

34 Comparison of formal exponents of morphological categories of different parts of speech in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

35 Comparison of morphemic structure of English and Russian (Kazakh, German) word-forms.

36 Comparison of English and Russian (Kazakh, German) word-structure.

37 The use of English words "much", "many" and Russian «много», «многие».

3. 2 Syntax

1 Ways of connecting noun-phrase elements in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

2 Ways of connecting verb-phrase elements in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

3 Ways of expressing the object in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

4 Ways of expressing the adverbial modifier in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

5 Ways of expressing the attribute in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

6 Types of the predicate in English and Russian (Kazakh, German.

7 Ways of translating the complex object into Russian (Kazakh, German).

8 Ways of translating the complex subject into Russian (Kazakh, German).

9 Ways of translating the indefinite-personal constructions into English.

10 Ways of translating the impersonal constructions into English.

11 Types of one-axis sentences in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

12 Ways of expressing the theme in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

13 Ways of expressing the rheme in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

14 Word order functions in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

15 Ways of joining subordinate clauses in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

16 Рге-positional attributes in English and ways of their translation into Russian (Kazakh, German).

17 The use of agreement (concord) in English and Russian (Kazakh, German) syntactic constructions.

18 The use of adjoinment in English and Russian (Kazakh, German) syntactic constructions.

19 The use of government in English and Russian (Kazakh, German) syntactic constructions.

20 Ways of eliminating the subject of the action in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

21 The interaction of transitivity, voice and the structure of the sentence in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

22 Ways of clause connection in compound sentences in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

23 Sequence of tenses in English and the use of tense-forms in corresponding Russian (Kazakh, German) sentences.

24 Ways of translating English prepositional constructions into Russian (Kazakh, German).

25 Ways of expressing negation in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

26 Interrogative constructions in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

27 Emphasis in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

28 Types of subordinate clauses in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

29 English asyndetic subordinate clauses and their Russian (Kazakh, German) equivalents.

30 The expression of causative-consecutive relations in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

31 Conditional sentences in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

32 Ways of expressing the doer (agent) of the action in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

33 Ways of expressing the object (patient) of the action in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

34 Compound sentences in English and Russian (Kazakh, German).

4. Questions to Be Included into the Course Examination

4.1 Morphology

1 Grammar as a part of language. Normative and theoretical grammar. Grammar and other disciplines.

2 Parts of grammar theory - morphology and syntax. Morphology and syntax in relation to paradigmatics and syntagmatics.

3 The main grammatical notions: grammatical category, grammatical meaning, grammatical form.

4 Basic morphological notions, their essential features. Types of morphemes (traditional, syntactico-distributional classifications).

5 Grammatical classes of words (parts of speech). The criteria applied in discriminating parts of speech. Notional and formal parts of speech.

6 Different classifications of parts of speech (H. Sweet, O. Jespersen, Ch. Fries, Soviet scholars).

7 The noun. General characteristics. Classification of nouns.

8 The noun. The problem of the category of gender. English ways of expressing sex distinctions.

9 The noun. The category, of number. Its peculiarities in Modern English.

10 The noun. The category of case. Different views on the category. Meanings of the English genitive case.

11 The noun. The category of article determination.

12 The adjective. General characteristics. Degrees of comparison. Substantivization of adjectives.

13 The verb. General characteristics. Classification of verbs.

14 The system of verbal categories. The categories of person and number of the English verb.

15 The verb. The category of tense. Different views on the category. The category of aspect. Different views on the category. English tense-aspect forms.

16 The verb. The category of voice. Peculiarities of the English passive voice. The problem of other voices.

17 The verb. The category of mood. Problems connected with the category in Modern English. The Indicative Mood. The Imperative Mood. The Subjunctive Mood.

18 The verbals. General characteristics. The Infinitive. The Gerund. The Participle (I, II).

19 The adverb. General characteristics. Classifications of adverbs. Categorial features.

4.2 Syntax

1 The subject-matter of syntax. Basic syntactical notions. Their essential features and the difference between them.

2 Theory of phrase. Its development.

3 Theory of phrase. Classification of phrases according to the head-word.

4 Theory of phrase. Classifications of phrases according to the type of syntactic relation.

5 The sentence. Definition. The notion of predication. Essential features of the sentence.

6 Actual division of the sentence.

7 Communicative types of sentences.

8 Simple sentence. Its constituent structure.

9 Simple sentence. Its paradigmatic structure.

10 Composite sentence as a polypredicative construction. Subordination, coordination, cumulation - types of clause connection.

11 Complex sentence. The notion, the structural features of the complex sentence. Classification of subordinate clau­ses. Parallel and consecutive subordination.

12 Compound sentence.

13 Semi-complex sentence.

14 Semi-compound sentence.

15 Sentence in the text.
5 Questions to Be Included into the State Examination

1 Grammar as a science. Parts of grammar. Relationship with other linguistic sciences. Main grammatical notions: grammatical category, grammatical meaning, grammatical form.

2 Morphemic structure of the word. Different classifications of morphemes.

3 Grammatical classes of words. Different classifications of parts of speech.

4 The noun. General characteristics, classification, grammatical categories.

5 The verb. General characteristics, classification, grammatical categories.

6 The adjective. General characteristics, classification, grammatical categories.

7 The adverb. General characteristics, classification, grammatical categories.

8 The verbals.

9 The phrase.

10 The sentence, its essential features.

11 Actual division of the sentence.

12 Communicative types of sentences.

13 The simple sentence. Its constituent structure. Classification of simple sentences.

14 The composite sentence. Compound and complex sentences. Means of combining clauses. Types of clause connection.

15 The semi-composite sentence. Its types and subtypes.

16 Sentence in the text. Types of supra-sentential constructions, paragraph, sentential sequence.
6 Questions for Test to Be Set at the End of the Course
1 How many and what periods are singled out in the history of English grammars?

2 How many and what types of grammars exist at present?

3 H. Sweet is the author of a … grammar.

4 What sections does the grammatical teaching include?

5 Language is a system of signs. Name them.

6 What is a morpheme?

7 On what criteria is the study of morphemic structure of the word based in traditional grammar?

8 How is the syntactico-distributional classification of morphemes related with the traditional one?

9 Are grammatical meanings as concrete as lexical ones?

10 What is a grammatical category?

11 What is a paradigm?

12 By what are the paradigmatic correlations of grammatical forms in a category exposed by?

13 What is the basis of synthetical grammatical forms?

14 What grammatical form is called analytical?

15 What is an immanent grammatical category?

16 What grammatical categories are called reflective?

17 What are the criteria of discriminating parts of speech in modern linguistics?

18 What do we call words of complete nominative meaning and characterised by self-dependent functions in the sentence?

19 What do we call words of incomplete nominatine meaning characterized by non-self-dependent, mediatory functions in the sentence?

20 What are the names of the notional parts of speech?

21 What are the names of the functional parts of speech?

22 What is subcategorization of parts of speech?

23 What scholars are notable for elaboration of the three-criteria characterization of parts of speech?

24 What was the basis for division of words into grammatical classes in the original Ancient Greek?

25 What is the importance of syntactic characterization of words from the point of view of the general classificational requirements?

26 Who proposed the principles of syntactic approach to the classification of word stock on the material of Russian?

27 What scholars worked out the principles of syntactic classification of English words?

28 What is the basis of the syntactico-distributional classification of words?

29 What method of analysis is used in syntactico-distributional classification?

30 Do you think the syntactico-distributional and the traditional classifications of words have something in common?

31 What are the semantic, morphological and syntactic distinctive features of the noun in English?

32 What are the distinctive features of the English adjective?

33 What are the features of the English numeral?

34 What are the distinctive features of the English pronoun?

35 What are the distinctive features of the English verb?

36 Give the distinctive features of the English adverb?

37 What functional series of words express the specific limitation of the substantive functions?

38. What part of speech expresses the dependencies and inter-dependencies of substantive referents?

39 What functional part of speech expresses connections of phenomena?

40 What is the name of functional words of specifying and limiting meaning?

41 What is the name of the functional word, occupying in the sentence a more or less pronounced detached position, expressing the attitude of the speaker to the reflected situation and its parts (probability, evaluation, affirmation, negation)?

42 What do we call a functional word, occupying a detached position in the sentence, a signal of emotions?

43 How is the category of gender of nouns expressed in English?

44 How is the grammatical category of number of the noun expressed in English?

45 What is the meaning of plurality?

46 What is the immanent morphological category of the noun manifested in the forms of noun declension and showing the relations of the nounal referent to the objects and phenomena?

47 What is the essence of the positional case theory?

48 What is understood as morphological саsе forms by the theory of prepositional cases?

49 How many cases are there in English according to the limited case theory?

50 Are there any cases in English in accordance with the theory of possessive postposition?

51 Identify the semantic function of the article in the sentence: "The train hooted".

52 Identify the semantic function of the article in the sentence: "A train hooted".

53 Identify the semantic function of the article in the sentence: "I'm afraid the oxygen is out".

54 Identify the semantic function of the zero-article in the sentence: "Oxygen is necessary for life".

55 Identify the semantic function of the article in the sentence: "Be careful, there is a puddle under your feet".

56 Identify the semantic function of the zero-article in the sentence: "Be careful, there is mud on the ground".

57 Identify the semantic function of the zero-article in the sentence: "New information should be gathered on the subject".

58 Identify the semantic function of the zero-article in the sentence: "Scientific knowledge should be gathered systematically".

59 Why is the category of person-number of the verb called reflective?

60 What is the grammatical meaning of the category of tense?

61 What does the category of aspect of the verb express?

62 What is the meaning of the grammatical category of mood?

63 What do we call the grammatical category of the verb showing the direction of the process as regards the participants of the situation reflected in a syntactic construction?

64 What kind of connections do words form with one another when performing their semantic function in an utterance?

65 What types of syntagmatic connections are distinguished according to the nominative value of words united?

66 What is the name of syntagmatic groupings of notional words alone?

67 What is the name of syntagmatic connections of a notional word with a functional word?

68 What is the name of syntagmatic connections of functional words alone?

69 What is a sentence?

70 What section of grammar deals with the sentence?

71 Is the sentence a unit of language or a unit of speech?

72 What is the actual division of the sentence?

73 On what principle is the communicative classification of sentences based?

74 What kind of sentences are called declarative?

75 What kind of sentences are classed as imperative?

76 What do we call sentences expressing a question, a request for information wanted by the speaker from the listener?

77 What is a predicative line of the sentence?

78 What is a simple sentence?

79 Define the subject of the sentence.

80 What is the predicate?

81 What do we call a substance modifier of a processual part (predicate) of the sentence?

82 What is an adverbial modifier?

83 Define the attribute?

84 That is the name of a detached speaker-bound modifier of any sentence part or the whole of the sentence?

85 Define the direct address.

86 What is an interjection?

87 What is an unexpended simple sentence?

88 What is an expanded simple sentence?

89 What do we call an axis of the sentence?

90 What do we call a simple sentence possessing definite vacant positions capable of being supplied with the corresponding fillers implicit in the situational context?

91 Define the composite sentence.

92 What kind of composite sentence is based on subordination?

93 What kind of composite sentence is based on coordination?

94 What is a clause?

95 How are predicative units in a compound sentence called?

96 What do we call a clause of a complex sentence placed in a notional position of the other, principal clause?

97 What kind of composite sentences are called syndetic?

98 What sentences are called composite asyndetic ones?

99 What is a semi-compound sentence?

100 What is a semi-complex sentence?



1 Бархударов Л. С. Очерки по морфологии английского языка. –М., 1975. – 358 с.

2 Блох М. Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. – М., 1983. – 240 с.

3 Иванова И. П., Бурлакова В. В., Почепцов Г. Г. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. – М., 1981. – 350 с.

4 Ильиш Б. А. Строй современного английского языка. – 2-е изд. – Л., 1971. – 460 с.

5 Иофик Л. Л., Чахоян Л. П., Поспелова А. Г. Хрестоматия по теоретической грамматике английского языка. – Л., 1981. – 210 с.


6 Александрова О. В. Проблемы экспрессивного синтаксиса. –М., 1984. – 190 с.

7 Бархударов Л. С. Структура простого предложения современного английского языка. – М., 1966. – 210 с.

8 Блох М. Я. Вопросы изучения грамматического строя языка. – М., 1976. – 320 с.

9 Блох М. Я. Теоретические основы грамматики. – М., 1986. – 210 с.

10 Блумфилд Л. Язык. – М., 1968. – 300 с.

11 Богданов В. В. Семантико-синтаксическая организация предложения. – Л., 1977. – 76 с.

12 Бурлакова В. В. Основы структуры словосочетания в современном английском языке. – Л., 1975. – 120 с.

13 Бурлакова В. В. Синтаксические структуры современного английского языка. – М., I984. –150 с.

14 Верховская И. П. Видо-временные формы в английском сложноподчиненном предложении. – М., 1980. – 178 с.

15 Воронцова Г. Н. Очерки по грамматике английского языка. – М., 1960. – 216 с.

16 Гальперин И.Р. Текст как объект лингвистического исследования. – М., 1981. – 179 с.

17 Долгова О.В. Синтаксис как наука о построении речи. – М., 1980. – 176 с.

18 Есперсен O. Философия грамматики. – М., 1958. – 230 с.

19 Жигадло В. Н., Иванова И. П., Иофик Л. Л. Современный английский язык. – М., 1956. – 390 с.

20 Иртеньева Н. Ф., Барсова О. М., Блох М. Я., Шапкин А. П. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. – М., 1969. – 196 с.

21 Кобрина Н. А., Малаховский Л. В. Английская пунктуация. – М., 1959. – 210 с.

22 Корнеева Е. А., Кобрина Н. А., Гугеева К. А., Оссовская М.И. Пособие по морфологии современного английского языка. – М., 1974. – 196 с.

23 Кошевая И. Г. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. – М., 1982. – 317 с.

24 Кухаренко В. А. Интерпретация текста. – М., 1982. – 180 с.

25 Лайонз Дж. Введение в теоретическую лингвистику. – М., 1978. – 190 с.

26 Мороховская Р. Я. Практикум по теоретической грамматике. – Л., 1973. – 200 с.

27 Мороховская Э. Я. Основы теоретической грамматики английского языка. – Киев, 1984. – 213 с.

28 Плоткин В. Я. Грамматические системы в английском языке. – Кишинев, 1975. – 221 с.

29 Почепцов Г. Г. Конструктивный анализ структуры предложения. – Киев, 1971. – 231 с.

30 Почепцов Г. Г. Синтагматика английского слова. – Киев, 1976. – 218 с.

31 Скребнев Ю. М. Введение в коллоквиалистику. – Саратов, 1985. – 291 с.

32 Слюсарева Н. А. Проблемы функционального синтаксиса английского языка. – М., 1981. – 312 с.

33 Смирницкий А. И. Синтаксис английского языка. – М., 1957. – 250 с.

34 Смирницкий А. И. Морфология английского языка. – М., 1959. – 260 с.

35 Структурный синтаксис английского языка/ Под ред. Л. Л. Иофик. – Л., 1972. – 198 с.

36 Теоретическая грамматика английского языка/ Под ред. В. В. Бурлаковой. – Л., 1983. – 340 с.

37 Тер-Минасова С. Г. Словосочетание в научно-лингвистическом и дидактическом аспектах. – М., 1981. – 223 с.

38 Хаймович Б. С., Роговская Е. И. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. – М., 1967. – 320 с.

39 Хлебникова И. Б. Оппозиции в морфологии. – М., 1969. – 150 с.

40 Чахоян Л. П. Синтаксис диалогической речи современного английского языка. – М., 1979. – 193 с.

41 Шевякова В. Е. Современный английский язык. – М., I960. – 341 с.

42 Bach E. Introduction to Transformational Grammars. – N.Y., 1964. – 251 р.

43 Bolinger D. Meaning and Form. – Ldn and N.Y., 1977. – 243 р.

44 Chomsky H. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. – Cambr., Mass. , 1965. – 214 р.

45 Curme G. A Grammar of the English Language. – Boston, 1935. – 243 р.

46 Dijk T. A. van. Some Aspects of Text Grammars. – The Hague, 1972. – 187 р.

47 Fries Ch. C. The Structure of English. – N.Y., 1952. – 245 р.

48 Halliday M. A. K., Hasan R. Cohesion in English. – Ldn, 1976. – 195 р.

49 Langendoen D. T. Essentials of English Grammar. – N.Y., 1970. – 236 р.

50 Leech G., Svartvik J. A Communicative Grammar of English. – M., 1983. – 325 р.

51 Nida E. Morphology. – Ann Arbor, 1965. – 214 р.

52 Palmer F. R. A Linguistic Study of the English Verb. – Lnd, 1965. – 186 р.

53 Strang B. Modern English Structure. – Ldn, 1974. – 196 р.

54 Quirk R., Greenbaum S., Leech G., Svartvik J. A Grammar of Contemporary English. – Lnd, 1976. – 326 р.

55 Sweet H. A New English Grammar. Logical and Historical. – Oxford, 1950. – 426 р.


Түсіндірме жазба..........................................................................

1 Working programme in theoretical grammar of English ………..

2 Plans of seminars in theoretical grammar ……………………….

3 Students' research work themes ………………………………….

3.1 Morphology ……………………………………………………...

3.2 Syntax ……………………………………………………………

4 Questions to be included into the course examination …………..

4.1 Morphology ……………………………………………………...

4.2 Syntax ……………………………………………………………

5 Questions to be included into the state examination …………….

6 Questions for Test to be set at the end of the course …………….

Literature ………………………………………………………...












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