
DEPRESSURIZATION PREVIEW Describe the picture using the questions below

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Describe the picture using the questions below.

  1. Where is the aircraft?

  2. Can you identify what type it is?

  3. What has happened?

  4. Do you think it happened in flight or on the ground?

  5. What could have caused the damage?

  6. If it occurred during the flight, do you believe the passengers are O.K.?

  7. Who do you think is the man looking at the hole?

  8. Will it be possible to repair the aircraft or is it supposed to be written off?


Ex. 1. Before reading the occurrence description study the following word list. Listen to and repeat the words and sample sentences.

afterwards (adv) впоследствии, позднее, потом
e.g. The evacuation was carried out successfully and shortly afterwards the injured passengers were taken to hospital.
don (v) надевать
e.g. In case of decompression the crew must don oxygen equipment as soon as possible.
breathable (adj) пригодный для дыхания
e.g. In the event of an emergency depressurization, the crew shall descend immediately to a breathable altitude.
uneventful (adj) не имеющий важных последствий, без последствий
e.g. In spite of some problems with the right main gear, the landing was uneventful.
vomit (v) страдать рвотой, тошнить
e.g. As the plane hit some air pockets a female passen- ger felt sick and then vomited.
reveal (v) обнаруживать, показывать, выявлять
e.g. The investigators’ findings revealed serious failings in the airline logistics division.
rupture (n, v) 1) разрыв, пробоина, разрушение;
2) рвать, разрывать
e.g. There was a large rupture in the bottom part of the fuselage.
The impact ruptured both fuel tanks.

wing leading edge- to-fuselage transi- tion fairing (n)
обтекатель стыка передней кромки крыла с фюзе- ляжем, зализ
e.g. There was a rupture beneath the wing leading edge- to-fuselage transition fairing.

Ex. 2. Read the description of the occurrence.

Qantas Flight 30

On 25 July 2008, a Boeing Company 747-438 aircraft with 365 persons on board, departed Hong Kong International airport on a scheduled passenger trans- port flight to Melbourne, Australia. Approximately 55 minutes into the flight, while the aircraft was cruising at FL290, a loud bang was heard by the passengers and crew, followed by the rapid depressurization of the cabin. Oxygen masks dropped from the overhead compartments shortly afterwards, and most passengers and crew commenced using the masks. The passengers were terrified but the hos- tesses did their best calming them down and securing everything so there was no debris to fly around the cabin. There was no panic.
After donning their own oxygen masks, the flight crew carried out the "cabin altitude non-normal" checklist items and started a descent to a lower breathable altitude. A MAYDAY distress radio call was made on the regional air traffic con- trol frequency. After levelling the aircraft at 10,000 feet the flight crew diverted to Manila, where an uneventful visual approach and landing was made. The aircraft was stopped on the runway for an external inspection. Then the plane taxied to the terminal unassisted, where the passengers and crew disembarked. Many passen- gers were extremely distressed as they got off the plane, with some vomiting. There were no reported injuries.
The inspection of the aircraft by the operator’s personnel and Australian Transport Safety Bureau investigators revealed a rupture in the lower right side of the fuselage, which extended for approximately 2 metres along the length of the aircraft and 1.5 metres vertically immediately beneath the wing leading edge-to- fuselage transition fairing (which had been lost during the event).
After clearing the baggage and cargo from the forward aircraft hold, it was found out that one passenger oxygen cylinder had sustained a sudden failure and forceful discharge of its pressurized contents into the aircraft hold, rupturing the fuselage in the vicinity of the wing-fuselage leading edge fairing. The cylinder had been propelled upwards by the force of the discharge, puncturing the cabin floor and impacting the door frame, door handle and overhead panelling, before falling to the cabin floor and exiting the aircraft through the ruptured fuselage.

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