
Ex. 4. Study the word list of species most often involved in bird strikes. Listen to and repeat the words

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Ex. 4. Study the word list of species most often involved in bird strikes. Listen to and repeat the words.

raptor, bird of prey хищная птица
goose (geese) гусь
gull чайка
vulture гриф
kite коршун, ястреб
eagle орел
pelican пеликан dove / pigeon голубь starling скворец
lark жаворонок
blackbird черный дрозд
swan лебедь
crane журавль
waterfowl водоплавающие птицы

Ex. 5. Read the following information.


The species most frequently involved in bird strikes are large birds with big populations, particularly geese and gulls. Large birds of prey (also called "raptors") such as vultures and kites can also be hazardous.
In the US reported strikes are divided between waterfowl (32 %), gulls (28 %), and raptors (17 %). In terms of frequency, mourning doves, starlings and horned larks are commonly involved in the strike.
The largest numbers of strikes happen during the spring and fall migrations. Bird strikes above 500 feet altitude are about 7 times more common at night than in daytime during the bird migration season.

Non-avian hazards during take-off and landing

Along with birds some animals can also cause trouble for departing and land- ing aircraft.
As with birds, they quickly adapt to the normal noise and activity conditions of a chosen habitat and have no fear of aircraft or vehicles on airports. Most non- avian hazards are of course only found on the ground, which limits the potential consequences of impact, but bats – the only flying mammals – are a notable and occasionally significant exception.
Animal species recorded regularly in such incidents are deer, moose, coyotes often encountered in North America, whereas in Europe, red foxes are often the most common sighting at airports of all sizes although they are only quite infrequently hit by aircraft.
In order to exclude strikes with large animals on the maneuvering areas on the ground, airports are normally secured with airport perimeters with fencing of a sufficient scale.

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