
Ex. 2. Try to predict what the story is going to be about

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Ex. 2. Try to predict what the story is going to be about.

Ex. 3. Listen to the story twice. Try to remember the details.

Ex. 4. Read the following information on the same incident. But there are six factual mistakes in it. Find and correct them.

British Airways Flight 5390 was a British Airways flight between Birming- ham International Airport in England and Madrid, Spain. On 10 June 1990 when the plane had climbed to 17,300 feet, a large bird struck and smashed the right windscreen. The aircraft's captain was blown out of the windscreen opening and vanished in the skies. The control of the aircraft was taken over by the first offic- er, who managed to perform an emergency landing in Southampton. After landing the first officer was taken to hospital where he was found to be suffering from frostbite, bruising and shock. Nine passengers and one of the cabin attendants were badly injured during the incident.

Ex. 5. You are going to listen to Nigel Ogden, the cabin attendant who saved the captain by hanging on to his legs. Before listening think of some questions you would like him to answer.

Ex. 6. Listen to the recording. What other details are given in the story?

Ex. 7. Role Play. Work in pairs. One of you is a passenger of that flight. You have just disembarked the plane and are really distressed. Reply to the questions of the other student, who is a flight safety inspector and needs to know the details of what happened.

Ex. 8. Try to identify the real cause of the incident. Why do you think the left windscreen, on the captain's side of the cockpit, suffered a catastrophic failure?

Ex. 9. Compare your ideas with the accident investigators findings.

Accident investigators found that a replacement windscreen had been installed 27 hours before the flight, and that the procedure had been approved by the Shift Maintenance Manager. However, 84 of the 90 windscreen retention bolts were too small in diameter, while the remaining six were too short. The investigation re- vealed that the previous windscreen had been fitted with incorrect bolts, which had been replaced on a "like for like" basis by the Shift Maintenance Manager without reference to the maintenance documentation.

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