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XXII. Retell the following jokes using indirect speech

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XXII. Retell the following jokes using indirect speech:
1. Little John, in a crowded bus, is sitting on his father’s lap.
An elderly lady enters the bus, and Johnny at once jumps down,
politely takes off his hat, and says: “May I offer you my seat?”
2. A traveller, on arriving at a railway station, asked a local
man: “Well, my friend, as this is my first visit to your town, could
you tell me how many hotels you have here?”

L o c a l m a n : We have two.
T r a v e l l e r : Now, which of the two would you recommend?
L o c a l m a n : Well, frankly speaking, it’s like this, sir:
whichever one you go to, you’ll be sorry you didn’t go to the
3. A woman hired a taxi. It began to race along, passing
trams, cars, policemen, etc. The woman was frightened, and said
to the taxidriver:
“Please, be careful. This is the first time I ever rode in a taxi.”
“It’s all right,” answered the taxidriver. “It is the first time
I ever rode in a taxi, too.”
4. When Conan Doyle arrived in Boston, he was at once
recognized by the cabman whose cab he had engaged. When he
was about to pay his fare, the cabman said:
“If you please, sir, I should prefer a ticket to your lecture.”
Conan Doyle laughed. “Tell me,” he said, how you knew
who I was and I’ll give you tickets for your whole family.”
“Thank you, sir,” was the answer. “On the side of your
travellingbag is your name — Conan Doyle.”
XXIII. a) Retell the text “A Visit to Moscow”. b) Describe the
Wilsons’ visit to Moscow as if you were Mr. Wilson himself (his wife,
his daughter Mary).
XXIV. This exercise should be done in pairs. Use your own words to
fill in the blanks in the following dialogue. Before you begin, study the
whole dialogue carefully and decide what you are going to say:
(A stranger is asking for directions in a town you know well.)
A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to ..., please?
B: Yes. At the moment you are standing in ... (at ..., near ...).
A: And I want to go to ...
B: If you turned left ..., you’d come to ...
A: But I don’t want to go to ...
B: No, I know you don’t. But if you went straight along this
road, you’d come to ...
A: But I don’t want to go to ...
B: No, you don’t, do you? So if you turn right at ..., you’ll
come to ...
A: Thank you.
B: Not at all.


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