Results and its discussion. The most important limit in the production of meat products is
the low initial contamination (hygiene) of meat raw materials. The change of microflora begins at the
time of animal slaughter and can be exogenous (by taking microflora from the external environment -
from the surface of the skin, tools, equipment, hands of employees, air of industrial premises).
According to the requirements of TR KO "On the safety of meat and meat products" (TR KO
034/2013), the total contamination of raw meat on the bone should not exceed 10
CFU/g. But the
shelf life of the manufactured product is directly related to the high requirements for the primary
contamination of meat raw materials.
In the work, the number of microorganisms with the process of receiving raw materials was
studied (Table 1).
The main groups of microorganisms in tendons during raw intake were determined. In terms
of numerical composition, the largest group of mesophilic aerobic and facultatively anaerobic
microorganisms, yeasts and molds, and spore-forming bacteria was found.
Table 1 – Indicators of initial contamination of collagen raw materials with microorganisms
From the data in table 1, as a result of the initial contamination indicators of collagen-
containing raw materials with microorganisms, MAzhFAMs 2.1 * 10
, Yeasts 17, mold fungi 24,
spore-forming bacteria 24 CFU/g showed indicators, that is, the number of sanitary microorganisms
"On the safety of meat and meat products" TR KO showed that it does not meet the requirements (TR
KO 034/2013).
During heat treatment up to 68 ... 72 °C, up to 99% of microorganisms can be killed, but since
the collagen hydrolyzation technology is based on enzymes, the hydrolysis temperature does not
exceed 40 °C so that the protein does not undergo denaturation.
Thus, a low rate of contamination by microorganisms is the first and most important criterion
that determines the guaranteed level of safety and quality, the possible duration of storage (shelf life),
and ensuring safety criteria in production conditions is the main task of technologists.
Before hydrolysis, it is recommended to disinfect raw materials, because during the mild
fermentation process favorable conditions are created for the growth of microorganisms, their number
increases by 20-30%.
Spice extracts, lysozyme, chitosan, lactoferrin, pectin hydrolyzate, protamine, paprika
glycoprotein, hop extracts, etc., are used to stop the growth of meat microorganisms [16].
Microorganisms name, CFU/g
Normal indicator
according to the
technical regulation of
TR 021/2011 of the
Central Committee on
food safety
Аmount of mesophilic aerobic and facultative
anaerobic microorganisms 1*103
Сoli group bacteria
Not identified
Not identified
Sulfide reducing microorganisms
Not identified
Not allowed
S. aureus 0.1 g
Not identified
Not allowed
Spore-forming microorganisms 1 *103
Pathogenic microorganisms
Not identified
Not allowed
Mold fungi
Not allowed