Название темы 1: grammar in the systemic conception of language вопросы

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Вопросы: The definition of language. The distinction between langu­age and speech. Language as a semiotic system: its functions, elements and structure. Lingual elements (units) as signs. Segmental and supra-segmental lingual units. The levels оf lingual units, their structural and functional features. Hierarchical relati­ons between units of different levels. The word and the sentence as the main level-forming units. The text level as the sphere of func­tional manifestation of all the lingual units. The three constituent parts (subsystems) of the language: phonetic (pho­nological), lexical and grammatical systems. The systemic character of grammar. Morphology and syntax - the two main sections of grammar. Grammar as a branch of linguistics. Theoretical and practical grammar. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations between lingual units; syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations in grammar. The plane of content and the plane of expression; synonymy and homonymy in grammar. The notions of diachrony and synchrony; diachronic and synchronic relations in grammar.
Практическое задание

Найдите соответствия следующих терминов на русском языке; дайте определения каждого из них:

language, speech, sign, lingual unit, system, subsystem, systemic approach, segmental lingual units, supra-segmental lingual units, hierarchy, hierarchical (hierarchic) relations, phoneme, morpheme, word (lexeme), word-combination (phraseme), denoteme, sentence (proposeme), supra-sentential construction (supra-phrasal unity, dicteme), nomination, predication, corteme, signeme, plane of content, plane of expression, synonymous relations (synonymy), homonymous relations (homonymy), paradigm, paradigmatic relations, syntagma, syntagmatic relations, synchrony, synchronic relations, diachrony, diachronic relations


Цель занятий: Углубление лингвистического и общенаучного кругозора, дальнейшее расширение иноязычной коммуникативной компетенций студентов.


The definition of the morpheme. The word and the morpheme, their correlation in the level structure of the language. Intermediary phenomena between the word and the morpheme. Traditional classification of morphemes: positional and functional (semantic) criteria. Roots and affixes. Lexical (derivational, word-building) and grammatical (functional, word-changing) affixes. The IC-analysis of the morphemic structure. Grammatical relevance of derivational affixes; lexical (word-building) paradigms. The peculiarities of grammatical suffixes (inflexions) in English. Outer and inner inflexion. The “allo-emic” theory in morphology: morphs, allomorphs and morphemes. Distribu­tional analysis in morphology; contrastive, non-contrastive, and complementary types of distribution. Distributional classification of morp­hemes: full and empty (zero morphemes), free and bound, overt and covert, segmental and supra-segmental, additive and replacive, continuous and discon­tinuous morphemes. The assessment of distributional morpheme types.

Практическое задание

1. Найдите соответствия следующих терминов на русском языке; дайте определения каждого из них:

significative (meaning), intermediary phenomenon (phenomena), root, affix, lexical (derivational, word-building) affix, grammatical (functional, word-changing) affix, stem, outer inflexion, inner inflexion, suppletivity, the IC analysis, allo-emic theory, morph, allomorph, distribution (complementive, contrastive, non-constrastive), distributional analysis, full and empty morphemes, free and bound morphemes, overt and covert morphemes, segmental and suprа-segmental morphemes, additive and replacive morphemes, continuous and discontinuous morphemes

2. Слово antidisestablishmentarianism считается самым длинным нетерминологическим словом в английском языке. Определите каждую из его морфем и опишите их значения. Возможно ли определить значение этого слова, исходя из значения морфем? Проверьте значение данного слова по словарю.

б) Проанализируйте морфологическую структуру следующих слов, используя схему линейного анализа и «древа непосредственных составляющих»; используйте разные виды схем. Охарактеризуйте каждую из морфем: reproductiveness, irregularities, unexpectedly, babysitter’s

4. Разделите следующее предложение на минимальные смысловые сегменты (морфы). Какие из них можно определить как слова, и какие как морфемы? Выделите единицы промежуточного статуса между словом и морфемой:

I have been thinking about Jane’s decision for a long time.

5. Помимо аффиксов, описанных выше – префиксов, суффиксов и др., в разных языках выделяют еще несколько типов аффиксальных морфем: интерфиксы, циркумфиксы, трансфиксы, амбификсы и др. Что это за морфемы и выделяются ли они в английском языке?

6. Прокомментируйте грамматическую релевантность лексических морфем с помощью следующих примеров.

а) Следующие слова абсолютно бессмысленны; они не существуют в английском языке. Попробуйте определить, к какой части речи они предположительно относятся. Обоснуйте свою точку зрения:

opture, cleply, procful, unsepted, wisder, excruate

б) Приведите примеры словообразовательных парадигм: например: soft - softness - softly - to soften to endure - endurance - endurable - endurably

7. а) Выделите в следующих словах морфему ‘-(e)s’. Разбейте слова на группы в соответствии со значением, которое передает эта морфема:

takes, pants, statistics, Brussels, linguistics, books, speaks, Alps, lots, vitals, fists, odds, corps, tidings, news, proceeds, human’s, ashes, stays, spectacles, civics, stops, official’s

б) Приведите другие примеры для иллюстрации лексической и грамматической суффиксальной омонимии (-er, -en, -ed, -ing).

8. а) Сравните алломорфы 1) лексической морфемы и 2) грамматической морфемы в следующих перечнях; дополните приведенные перечни собственными примерами:

1) grateful, gratitude, gratuity, gratulatory;

2) figured, grated, discussed

б) Разбейте следующее предложение на морфы и приведите возможные алломорфы для разных морфем, поместив их в окружения дополнительной дистрибуции:

These farmers took part in an international exhibition.

в) Проанализируйте дистрибуцию неопределенного артикля – a/an. Являются ли эти два элемента свободными вариантами, или их вариативность обусловлена окружением?

г) Чтобы продемонстрировать понимание «алло-эмической» теории, дайте примеры аллофонов разных фонем и аллолекс разных лексем.

9. а) Разделите следующие слова на морфемы; определите «дистрибутивный тип» каждой из морфем:

1) полные и пустые морфемы - lawyer, rejoinder;

2) свободные и связанные морфемы - chronic, playing;

3) открытые и скрытые морфемы – girl - girls;

4) сегментные и сверхсегментные морфемы - to export - export;

5) аддитивные и субституционные морфемы – girl - girls, man - men;

6) непрерывные и разрывные морфемы – played - have played

б) В американской дескриптивной лингвистике служебные слова определяются как «свободные грамматические морфемы». Согласны ли вы с таким определением?

What is Language?

a multifaceted, complex phenomenon which can be studied and described from various points of view

a structured set of elements united by a common function.

formed by sentences in a text or in actual speech.

subdivided into nouns, verbs, adjective, adverbs, functional parts of speech

formed by the units of the lower level

A system is……

interconnected and interdependent lingual signs

a structured set of elements united by a common function

means of expression

used in linguistics by different authors to denote the two basic aspects of language

the smallest material segments of the language

Language in general comprises two aspects:

language proper, speech proper

paradigmatic and syntagmatic

psychological, phenomenon

historic changes, semiotic system

segmental, supra-segmental

The units of language are of two types:

phonemes and morphemes

form and meaning

language proper and speech proper

segmental and supra-segmental

paradigmatic and syntagmatic

The first scholar who defined lingual units as specific signs - bilateral units…

N. Chomsky

Ferdinand de Saussure

A. A. Potebnya

Beaudoin de Courtenay

Leonard Bloomfield

Two fundamental types of relations between lingual units:

segmental and supra-segmental

form and meaning

language proper and speech proper

phonemes and morphemes

paradigmatic and syntagmatic

Language system is subdivided into three basic subsystems, each of which is a system in its own turn.

practical, grammatical and theoretical

phonetical, lexical and grammatical

morphological, phonetical and syntactical

lexical, morphological and systematical

lexical, grammatical and theoretical

The phonetical system of language is…

studied by lexicology

studied by a separate branch of linguistics called phonology

described by grammar as a branch of linguistics

subdivided into nouns, verbs, adjective, adverbs, functional parts of speech

subdivided into simple and composite

What is morpheme ?

Morpheme is primarily concerned with grammatical, word-changing

Morpheme is a set of intermediary units

Morpheme is different part of speech

Morpheme is the smallest meaningful lingual unit

Morpheme is specified with the help of various supra-segmental lingual units

What is an allomorph ?

is a variant form of a morpheme

is obligatory for any word

is the elementary meaningful lingual unit

is a set of intermediary units

is studied as the formal marks of the words

“Zero morpheme” is…..






Paradigmatically correlated grammatical forms are called..






Category is …

a logical notion denoting the reflection of the most general properties of phenomena

a system of expressing a generalized categorial meaning by means of paradigmatic correlation of grammatical forms

used instead of the plural, the strong member

used with the meaning of the weak one

a system uniting the grammatical forms

Oppositions are analyzed linguistically with the help of a special method known as…

oppositional analysis

common features


semantic differences

grammatical category

What does mean the term binary” ?

a unity of a generalized grammatical meaning and the forms of its expression.

logical notion denoting the reflection of the most general properties of phenomena

that the opposition consists of two members, or forms

that time there was no distinction between language as a system and speech

that the members of the opposition are characterized by the presence

The term ______ means that the members of the opposition are characterized by the presence/absence of a certain differential feature, which serves as the formal mark of one of its members






Opposition members are characterized by two types of features:

common and differential

strong and positive

weak and negative

synthetical and analytical

oppositional reduction and oppositional substitution

Synthetical (synthetic) grammatical forms are…

involved in the expression of common grammatical meanings

built by means of the morphemic composition of the word

reduced in some contextual circumstances

built by the combination of the notional word with auxiliary words

treated as a grammatical mechanism of figurativeness

Analytical grammatical forms are …

built by means of the morphemic composition of the word.

involved in the expression of common grammatical meanings

reduced in some contextual circumstances

built by the combination of the notional word with auxiliary words

treated as a grammatical mechanism of figurativeness

What is Neutralization ?

reduced in some contextual circumstances

one member of the opposition preserves to a certain extent its original functional meaning alongside the meaning of its counterpart

built by means of the morphemic composition of the word.

involved in the expression of common grammatical meanings

grammatical form, which is used, loses its own functional meaning and acquires the meaning

What is Transposition ?

grammatical form, which is used, loses its own functional meaning and acquires the meaning

one member of the opposition preserves to a certain extent its original functional meaning alongside the meaning of its counterpart

built by means of the morphemic composition of the word.

involved in the expression of common grammatical meanings

reduced in some contextual circumstances

Agreement between the words in an utterance is…






Three types of grammatically relevant properties of words that differentiate classes of words called “parts of speech”:

functional, paradigmatic and syntagmatic

notional , functional and semantic

homogeneous, monodifferential and functional

semantic, formal and functional

open, closed and syntagmatic

Henry Sweet divided all the words in English into…

Formal and functional

Declinable and indeclinable

Closed and syntagmatic

Paradigmatic and syntagmatic

Monodifferential and functional

What principles were developed by the representatives of American Descriptive Linguistics, L. Bloomfield, Z. Harris and Ch. Fries?


separate number

consistently syntactic

specific set of word-building affixes

strictly scientific approach

The categorial meaning of the noun is ..

part of speech





On the basis of “form of existence” of the referents…

proper nouns are opposed to common nouns

animate nouns are opposed to inanimate nouns

human animate nouns are opposed to non-human

countable nouns are opposed to uncountable nouns

all answers are correct

On the basis of “quantitative structure” of the referent…

proper nouns are opposed to common nouns

animate nouns are opposed to inanimate nouns

human animate nouns are opposed to non-human

countable nouns are opposed to uncountable nouns

all answers are correct

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