О. В. Фёдорова е. В. Мезина е. В. Хамис английский язык в сфере информационных технологий и коммуникаций учебное пособие

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ПОСОБИЕ ИИТиК Федорова,Мезина, Хамис 2014

E.g.: At any rate, amplifiers are essential units of terminal and intermediate apparatuses in multichannel systems.

    1. Atanyrate – во всяком случае,

    2. Consequently – следовательно,

    3. hence, therefore – поэтому,

    4. however – однако,

    5. in fact, actually – фактически,

    6. nevertheless – тем не менее,

    7. moreover – более того,

    8. that is why - вот почему.


Give definitions of the following terms:

  1. amplifiers,

  2. frequency converters,

  3. transmitters,

  4. receivers,

  5. radio waves,

  6. radar,

  7. laser.


Read and translate the dialogue.
A: The time is 1.05 and here is the business news with Alan Wilson.

B: Good afternoon. Share prices on the London stock market have fallen sharply today, following sharp losses on Wall Street. Shares of leading computer companies have been the worst hit. Lucy Lambert, Chief Analyst with Hancock and Benson, believes we are seeing the start of a sell-off in high technology shares.

C: Technology stocks have made enormous increases for some time. Now they are coming down to their correct level. That is just a short term correction. It’s not a repeat of the stock market crash of 1987.

B: The FT-SE 100 index closed 50.2 points down. British gas has reported a 4% drop in profits for the first half of the year. The company blames warm winters, a fall in gas prices and rising competition from rival suppliers. The Safeway supermarket chain has removed fifty-five thousand bottles of tonic water from their shelves after poison was discovered in four bottles. The police haven’t yet discovered where the poison was put there deliberately.

And finally, the human brain may be connected to computers within 50 years. Professor Peter Cochrane, the head of British Telcom’s Martlesham heath laboratories, has predicted connections between silicon chips and the human brain. By the year 2020 it may be possible for someone to carry a complete encyclopedia around in their head.

And that’s all from the business news studio today. We’ll be back tomorrow at five past one.


Read the dialogue again to pick out specific information. Complete the sentences.
Item 1

(a)_________________________________ have fallen in London.

They also fell on (b)___________________________________.

The worst hit companies are (c)___________________________.

It’s not a repeat of the stock market crash of (d)____________________.

The FT-SE index closed (e)______________________points down.

Item 2
The company:

(f)__________________________________________________ .

The percentage fall in profits:

(g)______________________________________ .

Reasons for the fall:

(h) _____________________________________________ .

Item 3
The company: (i)_________________________________________________

Its problem:

(j) __________________________________________________ .

How it happened:

(k) ______________________________________________
Item 4
Who is professor Peter Cochrane? (l)__________________________________

What has he predicted?

(m) _________________________________________

When will it happen?


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