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Тақырып: Sport in human life. Life hacks for students about healthy lifestyle

Қабылдаған: Молдир Киздарбекова
Орындаған:Қалдыбай Ердаулет
Топ: МДШ-312

One of the foundations for ensuring a healthy lifestyle of students is to increase the role and effectiveness of physical education classes in higher educational institutions. This is very important, because recently there have been rapidly changing conditions of our life: psychological, physical, environmental and others.

Student sports are the basis of a healthy lifestyle
Even in ancient times, health was highly valued. He was considered a real boon. Health is considered as a human condition when there is no disease. Those people who do not have any diseases are usually referred to as healthy people. But it's all pretty conditional. If you read the charter of the World Health Organization, then there health is not only a human condition when there are no diseases or visible defects, but also "mental, social and physical well–being".

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is the main condition that affects the state of health. It is customary to include in the category of healthy lifestyle: a sufficient number of hours of sleep, maintaining the same level of body weight, complete rejection of bad habits, regular exercise, proper breakfasts, maintaining a developed diet. Here it is necessary to exclude overeating, snacking on unhealthy food.

It is worth noting that the most important factor in the concept of healthy lifestyle is physical activity. And this is understandable. The fact is that such human activity is the key to maintaining the proper level of motor activity, which ensures the normal functioning of all human organs. It also affects the speed of human adaptation to the constantly changing negative environmental factors that affect a person.

In practice, it is clearly possible to trace the close connection between a healthy lifestyle and how satisfied a person is with their state of health. In addition, it is possible to trace the current social status of young people among students. It helped to consider that there was a division of students into two categories: those who are actively involved in sports, and those who belong to a special medical group. There is also the fact that not all students from the special medical group are engaged in physical education outside the university.

Healthy lifestyle
Thus, the degree of satisfaction with the state of their health among active student-athletes is much higher, which contributes to an increase in self-esteem and social status. This is very important for young people. It can be noted that in this case, youth acts as a certain foundation, which contributes to determining the foundations of the formation of an adult in the future.

Consequently, physical education is beneficial if students are engaged in it while studying at an educational institution. This leads to the fact that they easily reach a certain level of their physical development, strengthen their overall health. This has an impact on the overall level of preparation of the student.

Physical Culture
It is important to note that physical culture contributes to the study of personal-value orientation. When a student clearly knows about personal ideals, it helps him to ensure the process of professional self-development and personal improvement.

When there is an association of young people in organizations, clubs, collectives and unions, then at this moment the formation of an integrative organizational function is carried out. It is she who gives the opportunity to learn and further develop the already existing skills of cooperation and teamwork. Such teamwork makes it possible to identify each person's personal, creative potential. It is the basis of comprehensive personal development. In addition, teamwork helps to develop a communicative and regulatory function, the essence of which is to reflect the process of communication, interaction and behavior of participants in physical culture and sports activities.

In general, physical education is the main component of the process of organizing leisure time for students. It acts in such a way that not only satisfies their natural personal needs, but also helps to relieve psychological and emotional stress. In order to reduce morbidity among students and at the same time strengthen their health, it is necessary, first of all, to expand the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. This includes improving sports and wellness activities, and organizing outdoor activities. In this work, the first place belongs to physical education and sports.

Physical Culture
Values of student sports
Students in a higher educational institution are distinguished by four groups of values that determine the study of students' value orientations in the direction of a healthy lifestyle. The first group is universal values, which are highly appreciated and mean a lot in the ranks of student youth. The second group includes preferential values. They include physical condition, physique and status in society. The third group is called "contradictory". This is due to the presence of signs of great and not great importance. The fourth group is called "private" because there are students who give importance to their values. This includes the functioning of the human body, social activity and the level of physical fitness for the chosen profession.

Less than 25% of students regularly engage in sports and physical education activities at their leisure. In this regard, it is possible to observe an insufficient level of effectiveness of the promotion of a healthy lifestyle by teachers of this discipline and physicians. Students identified health risk factors. Most of all, they consider the use of alcoholic beverages harmful. This is 75.6%. Then the use of tobacco products — 73.5. These data allow us to identify one of the stereotypes of promoting a healthy lifestyle. An insufficient level of motor activity has 39.9% of students' assessments, environmental pollution — 29.3% of respondents' assessments, conflicts with others – 2.1%, overload with professional, academic and household responsibilities - 7.9%.

The most important areas of prevention of negative social phenomena, in particular the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, include physical culture and sports activities, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the development of moral, environmental, physical and spiritual aspects, as well as the creation of an educational space, health promotion and the development of physical abilities. It is these aspects that help to bring a positive effect. But this is possible only in the case of their consistency, periodic repetition and methodical provision.

Values of student sports

Based on the function performed by physical culture in a higher educational institution, it can be concluded about its benefits for students. In these classes, they can achieve a certain level of physical development, as well as strengthen their own health. In the complex, all this has an impact on the overall preparation of the student.

As a result, physical culture is one of the main components of the process of organizing student leisure. It allows you to satisfy not only natural personal needs, but also to relieve both psychological and emotional stress.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the process of studying at a higher educational institution is an important social factor that passes through all existing levels of modern society, influencing the main spheres of society's life. It is worth noting that today this is the main social factor protecting against negative consequences in the process of transition from youth to adulthood.


Summing up, it can be noted that physical education for a student is one of the important components of his everyday life. It is in this direction that students' attitudes towards physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle should be formed. Physical education is not only one of the fundamental components in student life, but is also the basis for the formation of comprehensive development and improvement of personality. Physical education and sports in the process of studying at a higher educational institution helps a student to evaluate their own abilities in the right direction and further develop them, thereby strengthening their own health. In general, there are a large number of problems that are associated with the attitude of students to physical education. These include the period of assessment of their own capabilities or lack of motivation to play sports. It is with the aim of solving these and other problems that physical education is taught in an educational institution.

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