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A stagnant layer model for the epitaxial growth of silicon from silane in a horizontal reactor. /Eversteyn F. C, Severin P. J. W, Brekel С H. J. v. d., Pick H. L. — J. Electrochem. Soc, 1970, v. 117, № 2, p. 925—932.
Bradshaw S. E. The kinetics of epitaxial deposition by the hidrogen reduction of chlorsilane. — In J. Electronics, 1966, v. 24, №1, p. 205—211.
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E.P.Prokop'ev, two co-authors. Mathematical description of process of epitaxial silicon growth. I. Total organization of problem of optimization of epitaxial growth reactors. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1972. No 5. P.58-63.
E.P.Prokop'ev, three co-authors. Mathematical description of process of epitaxial silicon growth. II. Analytical formula of growth rate function. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1972. No 7. P.44-52.
E.P.Prokop'ev, three co-authors. Mathematical description of process of epitaxial silicon growth. III. Non-stationary process of growth. Ibidem 1973. No 1. P.44-50.
E.P.Prokop'ev, four co-authors. Mathematical description of silicon epitaxial growth process. IV. Calculation of longitudional diffusion. Ibidem. 1973. No 2. P.27-31.
E.P.Prokop'ev, four co-author. Mathematical description of silicon epitaxial growth process in cylindrical circular canal of variable section. Ibidem. 1973. No 3. P.43-51.
E.P.Prokop'ev, two co-authors. A simple analytical model of silicon epitaxial growth in tetrachloride process. Ibidem. 1973. No 7. P.64-70.
E.P.Prokop'ev, three co-authors. About regimes of silicon epitaxial growth from vapour gas phase. Teoreticheskie osnovy khimicheskoi tekhnologii. 1975. V.9. No 8. P.448-452.
E.P.Prokop'ev, seven co-authors. Elementary theory of growth and doping of epitaxial silicon films. In book: Rep. thes. "V Symposium on processes of growth and synthesis of semiconductor crystals and wafers". Novosibirsk. Publ. INC SO AN USSR. P.29.
E.P.Prokop'ev, two co-authors. Calculation of sensibilities of growth rate function G(x) and function of distribution of doping impurities N(x) for chloride and hydride processes in vertical reactor. Elektronnaya teknika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1973.No 8. P.25-31.
E.P.Prokop'ev, five co-authors. Optimization of growth and doping of silicon in hydride epitaxial process. Ibidem. 1974. No 1. P.34-41.
E.P.Prokop'ev, one co-author. About possibility to carry out vacuum silicon epitaxy in space. Ibidem. 1974. No 1. P.53-61.
E.P.Prokop'ev, one co-author. About phenomenological theory of growth processes of semiconductor materials. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.3. Mikroelektronika. 1974. No 2. P.43-47.
E.P.Prokop'ev, three co-authors. Basis of growth and doping theory of epitaxial silicon films in tetrachloride process. Zhurnal fizicheskoi khimii. 1976. V.50. No 7. P.2941-2946.
E.P.Prokop'ev, three co-authors. Growth and doping of epitaxial silicon layers in tetrachloride process for case of vertical reactor. Elektronnaya teknika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1977. No 2. P.62-74.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Regimes of growth and doping processes of epitaxial silicon films in tetrachloride process. In book: Rep. thes. "III All-union conf. on physical and chemical bases of doping of semiconductor materials. Moscow. Nauka. 1975. P.1.
E.P.Prokop'ev, three co-authors. Anomalies of epitaxial silicon growth rate in vertical reactor. Elektronnaya teknika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1974. No 8. P.52-57.
E.P.Prokop'ev. About processes of growth and doping of epitaxial silicon films in tetrachloride process. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 1976. V.49. No 7. P.1924-1932.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Connection between statistical and analytical methods of description of growth and doping processes of epitaxial silicon layers. Elektronnaya teknika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1977. No 8. P.122-125.
E.P.Prokop'ev, four co-authors. To theory of growth and doping of epitaxial semiconductor layers from vapour and gas phase in conditions of microgravitation. Progr. and rep. thes. "Conf. country-participation "Interkosmos" on questions of space technology". Moscow. Publ. IKI AN USSR. 1978. P.6.
E.P.Prokop'ev, six co-authors. Gybride models of processes of growth and doping of epitaxial semiconductor layers. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1976. No 10. P.9-26.
E.P.Prokop'ev, three co-authors. To question of carring out vacuum epitaxy of elementary semiconductors in space. In book: "Production and behaviour of materials in space". Moscow. Nauka. 1973. P.8-15.
E.P.Prokop'ev, six co-authors. To theory of processes of epitaxial growth and doping of silicon layers in hydride process in conditions of homogenic monosilane decomposition in volume of gas mixture in vertical reactor. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 1979. V.52. No 2. P.512-516.
E.P.Prokop'ev, fife co-authors. Calculation of stability of growth rate function G(x) and doping level function N(x) of epitaxial silicon layers in hydride process. Moscow. 1978. 5 p. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-2369.
E.P.Prokop'ev, six co-authors. Peculiarities of processes of growth and doping of epitaxial silicon layers in hydride process. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1978. No 2. P.47-55.
E.P.Prokop'ev, fife co-authors. Principal criterial dependences for processes of epitaxial silicon growth from vapour gas phase in condition of microgravitation. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1978. No 6. P.28-34.
E.P.Prokop'ev, seven co-authors. In coll.: Growth problems of semiconductor crystals and films. Moscow. VINITI. V.1, No 158-80; V.2, No. 159-80. 565 p.
E.P.Prokop'ev, four co-authors. The theory of LPCVD method of growth of polycrystaline silicon layers. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1979. No 2. P.34-38.
E.P.Prokop'ev, six co-authors. Possibility of construction of hybride model of growth processes and doping of epitaxial silicon layers in tetrachloride process. In book: Rep. thes. "VIII All-union conf. on microelectronics ". Moscow. MIET Publ. 1978. P.53.
E.P.Prokop'ev, seven co-authors. Growth and doping theory of epitaxial semiconductor layers from vapour gas phase in conditions of microgravitation. Fizika i tekhnika poluprovodnikov. 1979. V.13. No 7. P.2075.
E.P.Prokop'ev, eight co-authors. Report of theory of growth and doping of epitaxial silicon layers from vapour gas phase in flowing systems. Moscow. 1979. 50 p. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-2621.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Peculiriaties of growth and doping of epitaxial semiconductor layers in flowing systems. In book: Rep. thes. "IV All-union conf. on physical and chemical bases of doping of semiconductor materials". Moscow. Nauka. 1979. P.121.
E.P.Prokop'ev, one co-author. The theory of growth processes of semiconductor and dielectric films in diffusion furnaces at low pressure. I. Diffusion-kinetic regimes. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1980. No. 3. P.53-57.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Theory of growth processes of semiconductor and dielectric films in diffusion furnaces at low pressure. II. Kinetic and diffusion regimes of processes. Ibidem. 1980. No 5. P.78-81.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Theory of epitaxial silicon growth in tetrachloride process including molecular diffusion processes and thermodiffusion in stationary boundary layer. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 1981. V.54. No 7. P.1468-1473.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Calculation of thermodiffusion influence on growth of epitaxial silicon layers in hydride process. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 1981. V.54. No 7. P.1599-1601.
E.P.Prokop'ev, six co-authors. Investigation of growth of epitaxial silicon layers in hydride process. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 1981. V.54. No 9. P.1963-1966.
E.P.Prokop'ev, five co-authors. Investigation of process of growth of epitaxial silicon layers in tetrachloride process. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 1981. V.54. No.9. P.2133-2137.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Effussion and space electron material science and technology. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.3. Mikroelektronika. 1981. No.1. P.3-5.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Investigation of novel type convective flows in space materil science. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.3. Mikroelektronika. 1981. No 1. P.6-8.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Investigation of novel type convective flows in microgravitation conditions and their possible role in space electron material science. Moscow. 1981. 5 p. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-3291.
E.P.Prokop'ev. To question of epitaxial silicon growth theory. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.3. Mikroelektronika. 1981. No 5. P.8-10.
E.P.Prokop'ev. About calculation of influence of Stephan flow at silicon epitaxy in tetrachloride process. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1981. No 2. P.51-53.
E.P.Prokop'ev, three co-authors. About gas dynamics of growth of epitaxial silicon layers in system SiH4-SiCl4-H2. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1981. No 3. P.30-33.
E.P.Prokop'ev, one co-author. Mathematical description of epitaxial silicon growth. VI. Calculation of rotation of pyramide. Moscow. 1981. 5 p. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-3078.
E.P.Prokop'ev. About masstransfer in processes of growth of semiconductor layers. Teoreticheskie osnovy khimicheskoi tekhnologii. 1983. V.17. No 5. P.599-603.
E.P.Prokop'ev, six co-authors. Investigation of mass transfer in condition microgravitation in stationary bound layer for process of epitaxial growth of semiconductor layers. Progr. and rep. thes. "11 Gagarinskie chteniya". Moscow. MAI Publ.1981. P.5.
E.P.Prokop'ev, four co-authors. Investigation of process of growth of epitaxial silicon layers in dichlorsilane process. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii.. 1983. V.56. No 2. P.410-412.
E.P.Prokop'ev, three co-authors. About gas dynamics of growth of epitaxial silicon layers in system SiH4-SiCl4-H2. II. Calculation of gas phase decomposition of monosilane. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1981. No 6. P.42-45.
E.P.Prokop'ev. About gas dynamics of growth of epitaxial silicon layers in system SiH4-SiCl4-H2. III. The theory of general case of transition regime of process. Ibidem. 1981. No 7. P.51-52.
E.P.Prokop'ev, three co-authors. About gas dynamics of growth of epitaxial silicon layers. IV. Optimization of process. Ibidem. 1981. No 8. P.38-40.
E.P.Prokop'ev, two co-authors. Analysis of stability of processes of growth and doping of epitaxial silicon layers in hydride process. Moscow. 1982. P.41. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-3534.
E.P.Prokop'ev, five co-authors. Modern state of technology of production of semiconductor materials and perspectives her development in space conditions. Progr. and rep. thes. on science and technical seminar "Problems of space industry and technology". Kaliningrad, Moscow region, 18-20 April 1977. P.10.
E.P.Prokop'ev, five co-authors. Peculiriaties of growth of epitaxial silicon layers from dichlorsilane process. Coll. work of All-union seminare "Application of epitaxial technology in industry of semiconductor power devices". Ellaste. Publ. AN Est.SSR. 1981. P.6-10.
E.P.Prokop'ev,two co-authors. Analysis of mass transfer in conditions microgravitation in stationary boundary layer for processes of epitaxial growth of semiconductor layers. Elektronnaya tehknika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1982. No. 1. P.29-31.
E.P.Prokop'ev, two co-authors. About calculation of contribution of natural convection in growth process of epitaxial silicon layers in tetrachloride process. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.3. Mikroelektronika. 1982. No 6. P.86-87.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Role of diffusion processes in space material science and technology. In book: Nauchnye chteniya po aviatsii i kosmonavtike. Moscow. Nauka. 1980. P.290.
E.P.Prokop'ev, five co-authors. Peculiriaties of mathematical modeling of processes of growth and doping of monocrystals and epitaxial semiconductor layers from gas and vapour phase in conditions microgravitation. Progr. and rep. thes. "16 nauchnye chteniya po aviatsii i kosmonavtike". Kaluga. Publ. IET. 1981. P.24.
E.P.Prokop'ev, two co-authors. To question of mathematical description of industrial vertical reactors for growth of epitaxial silicon layers. Elektronnaya tehknika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1982. No 1. P.41-43.
E.P.Prokop'ev, four co-authors. Investigation of process of industrial silicon epitaxy in vertical cylinder reactor. Ibidem. 1982. No. 2. P.6-10.
E.P.Prokop'ev, four co-authors. The theory of surface processes determining growth rate of epitaxial silicon layers in system SiH4-H2 at low pressures. Moscow. 1982. P.44. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-3534.
E.P.Prokop'ev, four co-authors. Analysis of surface reactions determinig growth rate of epitaxial silicon layers in systems SiH4-SiCl4-H2 and SiH4-SiH2Cl2-H2. Moscow. 1982. P.43. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-3534.
E.P.Prokop'ev, two co-authors. About gas dynamics of growth of epitaxial silicon layers in system SiH4-SiCl4-H2. V. Surface reactions determining growth rate. Moscow. 1982. 6 p. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-3640.
E.P.Prokop'ev, one co-author. Investigation of non-stationary growth processes of epitaxial silicon layers. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 1983. V.55. No 5. P.1135-1136.
E.P.Prokop'ev. The chemical hydrodynamics of growth processes of epitaxial silicon layers. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1983. No. 7. P.70-71.
E.P.Prokop'ev, one co-author. Analysis of hydrodynamics of diffusion regime of growth processes of epitaxial silicon layers. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 1985. V.58. No 2. P.455-457.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Investigation of growth process of epitaxial silicon layers in vertical reactors. Teoreticheskie osnovy khimicheskoi tekhnologii. 1986. V.20. No 3. P.698-701.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Peculiriaties of chemical hydrodynamics of growth processes of epitaxial silicon layers. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 1983. V.56. No 7. P.1636-1638.
E.P.Prokop'ev, two co-authors. Application of Boreskov-Slin'ko reactor model for calculation of growth of epitaxial silicon layers in conditions microgravitation at low pressures. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1982. No 8. P.21-24.
E.P.Prokop'ev, one co-author. Application of non-stationary Frank-Kamenetskii diffusion model to investigation of growth processes of epitaxial silicon layers. Ibidem. 1982. No 9. P.33-35.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Investigation in materials science region. Theory, methods of investigations, applications. Moscow. 1984. 52 p. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-3870.
E.P.Prokop'ev, three co-authors. Investigation of surface reactions determining growth rate of epitaxial silicon layers in system SiH4-SiH2Cl2-H2. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 1985. V.58. No. 5. P.1057-1061.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Investigation of hydrodynamics of growth processes of epitaxial silicon layers. Moscow. 1985. P.22-25. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-4164.
E.P.Prokop'ev. To question of mass transfer theory in processes of epitaxial silicon growth for the case of hydride process in conditions of disintegration of monosilane. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 1986. V.59. No. 7. P.659.
E.P.Prokop'ev, four co-authors. Application of theory of boundary Landau layer for investigation of chemical hydrodynamics of growth of monocrystals and films in conditions of microgravitation. In book: "3 All-union seminar on problems of hydrodynamics and heat- and mass-transfer in conditions of microgravitation". Moscow. Publ. IPM AN USSR. 1984. P.67.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Investigation of chemical hydrodynamics in epitaxial reactors. Moscow. 1987. 6 p. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-4321.
E.P.Prokop'ev, one co-author. Mathematical models of growth processes of epitaxial silicon layers in industrial tetrachloride and hydride processes. In book: Rep. thes. 1 All-union conf. "Physical methods of investigations of surface and diagnostics of materials and elements of computer technique on base of silicon". Kishinev. Shtinitsa. 1986. P.61.
E.P.Prokop'ev, five co-authors. Peculiriaties of mathematical modelling of growth and doping processes of epitaxial silicon layers from vapour gas phase in conditions of microgravitation. In book: K.E.Tsiolkovskii and problems of space industry. Moscow. Publ. IIET AN USSR. 1982. P.105-109.
E.P.Prokop'ev, one co-author. Peculiriaties of growth process of epitaxial silicon layers in system SiH4-H2 at low pressures. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1988. No 5. P.40-43.
E.P.Prokop'ev, two co-authors. About local chacteristics of chemical hydrodynamics of growth processes of epitaxial silicon layers in industrial reactors of vertical type. Ibidem. 1985. No 12. P.73-75.
E.P.Prokop'ev. About possible fractal structure of whilrewind in epitaxial reactors of semiconductor growth. Ibidem. 1991. No. 1. P.60-61.
E.P.Prokop'ev. About possibilities of process of vapour gas levitation in silicon epitaxy. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 1990. V.63. No.6. P.1401-1403.
E.P.Prokop'ev. About hydrodynamics of growth processes of epitaxial silicon layers in vertical reactor. Ibidem. 1992. V.65. No. 5. P.1811-1812.
E.P.Prokop'ev. About processes of masstransfer and kinetics of deposition of silicon films by LICVD method. Moscow. 1992. P.64. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-5476.
E.P.Prokop'ev, three co-authors. To question of masstransfer theory in processes of epitaxial semiconductor layer growth. Ibidem. P.65-74.
E.P.Prokop'ev, two co-authors. Peculiriaties of masstransfer in hydride and chloride processes of growth of silicon layers at speed impulse heating of wafers by noncoherent light sources. Moscow. 1992. 14 p. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-5490.
E.P.Prokop'ev, two co-authors. Model of non-stationary diffusion kinetics of silicon layer growth in hydride and tetrachloride processes at speed impulse thermal heating.Vysokochistye veshechestva. 1993. No. 5. P.165-173.
E.P.Prokop'ev. Catalysis of layer growth GexSi(1-x) by german in mixture hydride and dichlorsilane processes. Moscow. 1992. 9 p. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-5482.
E.P.Prokop'ev, two co-authors. Modelling of process of silicon layer growth in hydride and tetrachloride processes at speed impulse heating by light. Vysokochistye veshechestva. 1994. No 1. P.39-47.
E.P.Prokop'ev. About diffusion and recombination of point defects in silicon. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1990. No 4. P.39-47.
E.P.Prokop'ev. About possibilities of growth of monocrystals and thin films of high temperature superconductor materials in conditions of microgravitation. Elektronnaya tekhnika. Ser.6. Materialy. 1991. No.1. P.45-50.
E.P.Prokop'ev. About possibility of receipt of information bit with help of modification of properties of artifical atoms in semiconductor superstructures. Moscow. 1994. P.178-183. Deposited paper. TSNII "Elektronika". P-5497.
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