Отчет классного руководителя по итогам контроля

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Познавательный аспект:

способствовать расширению общего кругозора школьников в области кинематографии англоязычных стран и России;

ознакомить учащихся с результатами творческой деятельности одноклассников (на уровне восприятия, наблюдения, анализа, сравнения и обобщения);

стимулировать деятельность учащихся путём обращения к дополнительным источникам информации, включая ресурсы Интернета.

Учебный аспект:

cовершенствование речевых навыков школьников:

высказывание своего мнения в вежливой форме об увиденном и прочитанном;

понимание речи в фонозаписи c общим охватом содержания и конкретной информации;

составление синквейна;

Развивающий аспект:

развивать у школьников способности к наблюдению, анализу, сравнению и обобщению;

развивать у них психические функции, связанные с речевой деятельностью: логическое мышление, память, внимание, восприятие;

развивать положительные эмоции и чувства школьников;

формировать у них потребность и способность осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.

Воспитательный аспект:


воспитанию толерантного отношению к чужому мнению, чужой культуре, более глубокому осознанию своей культуры;

воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории, к памятникам культуры и искусства;

Оборудование урока:

1. Мультимедийный проектор.

2. Системный блок компьютера, клавиатура, мышь.

3. Презентация “Кино”

4. Магнитофон.

5. Аудиокассета к учебнику 11-го класса.

6. Листы бумаги для написания(по количеству учеников)

Оформление доски

карточка со словом “Cinema”



to summarize the knowledge on the topic about political systems of Great Britain, the U.S.A., Russia;

to make the conclusion what personality a real politician should be, what traits of character s/he should have.


a) How do we call a person:

  1. who acts only after careful thought or planning (prudent)

  2. who doesn’t like changes (conservative)

  3. whose language is fluent and effective (eloquent)

  4. who says but doesn’t believe that someone is good (hypocritical)

  5. who is full of ambitions ( ambitious)

  6. who can make decisions that could bring success or failure (risky)

  7. who is constant to some principles (consistent)

  8. who makes somebody believe something is false ( deceitful)

  9. having or showing tolerance (tolerant)

  10. not telling lies (honest)

  11. synonym to “cruel” (ruthless)

Key word: politician
Solve the crossword and find the key-word.


IIIGroup work.

Which traits are positive and which are negative for a politician in your opinion. Use activity books Ex6 p 20

(Group 1 and Group 2 are given cards with adjectives on them: tolerant, risky, consistent, honest, prudent, kind, strong-willed, sympathetic, skillful, gifted, patriotic, reserved, hard-working, cunning, pliable, hypocritical, conservative, eloquent, deceitful, ambitious, ruthless, religious, self-reliant, disciplined, progressive).

Group1: Positive traits are…

Group2: Negative traits are…

What traits should a leader of a state have?

Pupils comment on the text Must a politician be kind- Ex1 P 54, using grammar for revision-p.55


(A politician should be power-loving.

A politician should be gifted.
A politician should be risky.
A politician should be ambitious.
A politician should be pliable.
A politician should be ruthless)

1. Find in the text statements to conform the expert’s ideas.

2. Which ideas of the expert do you agree with/ don’t agree/ agree but partly?
VListening and understanding

Every country has its own great people: scientists, poets and writers, politicians, musicians, composers and actors. But I would like to tell you about the great British politician Sir Winston Churchill.

Winston Leonard Churchill was without doubt the ruling figure in British politics in the 20th century. He was born in 1874. His mother was from America, the daughter of a New York businessman; his father belonged to an English rich family. He was given the typical education of that period for the person of his background. From 1895 until 1899 he combined the jobs of soldier and journalist in Cuba, India and Africa.. In 1899 he retired from the army and began his political career. He was an active and popular member of the Conservative Party, but later he changed his political views and joined the Liberal Party. He won many political victories and had as many failures.

In 1910 he became Home Secretary, but he lost some of his popularity when he used the army to help the police put down the miners’ strike. For some years he was out of office and spent his time writing and painting. In the twentieth he returned to Conservative Party.

In 1924 he was elected to the Parliament. In 1940 Churchill was appointed the Prime Minister. He formed a coalition government with the war cabinet of five; he was Prime Minister until 1945.

He returned once more as the Prime Minister in 1951. Highly regarded as a painter, Churchill also received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953 for his articles about the Second World War. He said that an “Iron Curtain” would divide Europe from north to south and this left his mark on the period of the Cold War. He died in London in 1965

Checking the understanding---- Questions

1When was Winston Leonard Churchill born

2What kind of education did he get

3How did he begin his career as a politician

4What political party did he belong

5When was he elected to the Parliament

6What activity did he receive the Nobel Prize for

VI Presentation Queen Elisabeth

Text for Presentation

Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II (born 1926) became queen of Great Britain and Ireland, George VI, in 1952.

Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926, in London, the oldest child of the Duke of York and his wife, Elizabeth.. Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten in November 1947, and they had four children—Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward.

. . She visited France in the spring of 1972, attended the Commonwealth Conference in Ottawa in 1973, took part in the U.S. bicentennial celebrations and then headed north to Montreal to open the 1976 Summer Olympics

In March of 1984 she visited Jamaica, Grand Cayman Island, Mexico, California, and British Columbia.. She also went to President Reagan's Santa Barbara ranch, to Yosemite National Park with Prince Philip.

On November 20, 1972, the queen and Prince Philip celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a service in Westminster Abbey. One hundred couples from all over Britain who happened to have the same anniversary were invited to share in the occasion.

The queen's two older children married with great ceremony and had children of their own

. On November 14, 1973, Princess Anne married commoner Mark Philips and later had two children: Peter, born in 1977, and Zara, born in 1981. Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer on July 29, 1981; their two sons, Prince William and Prince Henry, were born in 1982 and 1984 respectively. Another son, Prince Andrew (made Duke of York), married Sarah Ferguson, July 23, 1986; their two daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie were born in 1988 and 1990 respectively.

Perhaps the happiest event was the queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977, marked by an outpouring of devotion to the queen, her family, and the institution of the British monarchy in the form of innumerable sporting events, festivals, carnivals, races, concerts, commemorative stamps, and other activities in her honor.

She demonstrated her interest in the jubilee through the television broadcast of two films, Royal Heritage and The Queen's Garden, the publication of a book about her private art collection, the opening of the Holbein Room at Windsor Castle to the public, and the display of some of her works of art in a special Silver Jubilee train which tracked across Australia.

After her accession the queen endeavored in her own way to make the British monarchy more modern, more open, and more accessible.

. She showed interest and skill in use of the broadcast media, notably in her annual Christmas television messages, in royally sanctioned documentaries such as The Royal Palaces of Britain (1966) and The Royal Family as well as the two Jubilee presentations, and in television broadcasts of Prince Charles' investiture as Prince of Wales and of the royal weddings.."
VI Reading the text from Reader ex.1p.16 Why the Monarchy must go- Why the Monarchy must stay

Arguments for and against--------------pupils’opinions

VII The medieval Italian politician and writer Nicollo Machiavelli’s opinion on the topic (ex.2 p.55)

Look through his statements about a real politician ( he called him Prince in his book) and find appropriate adjectives to the traits from the given list)

(Students read the article and do the task in written form. After the discussion the answers are written on the blackboard)


a) risky;

b) cunning, eloquent;

c) pliable;

d) ruthless;

e) progressive


(3 groups) In groups decide what kind of a person should be a politician.

MAKING WEBBING. “ A politician should be...


Imagine that you are going to be the leader of the state. What traits would you have to rule your country?

Say, follow the model:

If I were the leader of the state, I would be….

If I were the leader of the state I definitely wouldn’t be….


At home you are to develop your ideas and write 5 traits you would have, being the leader of the state and 3 traits you definitely wouldn’t have.

Учитель озвучивает


Игровая методика

Коммуникативная методика

Учитель озвучивает проблемуи предлагает работу с Рабочей тет радью.раздает карточки ученикам

Озвучивает вопрос

Личностно-ориентировання технология

Коммуникативная методика

Пишет на



Слова и

Зачитывает текст 2 раза

Демонстрирует презентацию


Интенсивная технология

Рассказывает о Маккиавелли и предлагает выполнить задания

Интенсивная технология

Ставит проблему Каким же должен быть политик

Напоминает правло условны хредложений- на доске образец

Игровая методика

Ученики отвечают на них и записывают в кроссворд на


Ученики чи

тают упр 6

стр 20 –слова,характ. Личность.Де

лятся на груп






Черты, группа







Ния в тексте


и отвечают

на вопросы

Смотрят и

Читают ком


Работают с


дом работы

и высказы

вают аргу

менты за

и против




ния к лич




Своё мнение,




Уч-ся по

очереди высказы


План урока»Visiting Britain»

Урок английского языка в 7-м классе УМК О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева "English" (3-й год обучения) .Учитель КузнецоваГ.К.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

  1. Повторение степени сравнения прилагательных-

А тренировочные упр-ния-упр9стр57

Упр.4 стр.61

Упр.5 стр62

Б ответы на вопросы

What is the oldest place in London?

What is the biggest museum in London?

Wher e is the oldest Underground?

What is the most famous park ?

What is the most famous clock?

What is the oldest church?

3Аудирование с предварительным овладением речевых клише-упр1 стр65

4 Диалоги с предварительным прослушиванием-слушание,чтение,инсценировка-упр6 стр70

5 Игра-лото» Как попасть....»-ориентирование по Москве( с предварительным овладением речевых клише,используя диалоги упр6 и упр11 стр77)

6 Повторение грамматики на базе данной темы и лексики-упр8стр75.(поставить глаголы в нужном времени)

7Рассказ о Лондоне с опорой на картинки и предложения –упр11 стр38-рабочая тетрадь

8 Подведение итогов урока,домашнее задание

Упр18 стр 43 по рабочей тетради

Действия учителя

Исправление ошибок

Деятельностная методика

Коммуникативная технология

Игровая технология

Деятельностная методика

Коммуникативная технология

Действия Уч-ся


Предварительное овладение речевыми клише

Игра –лото

Выполняют упр-ние

Составляют рассказ

Ход урока

1Организационный момент

2Речевая зарядка--3формы глаголов стр133

Упр11 стр139

3Проверка дом.работы -упр 12 стр140

4Грамматика-модальные глаголы-повторение и синонимы глагола must-стр142

Тренировочные упр-ния упр.3 cтр142-143(А,Б)

5 Развитие устной речи

На доске -слова-cut,nature,pollute,waste,dump,danger,pour,factory,power station,save,climatic changes,area,temperature,ruin,influence,mist,demage

  1. Make up true sentences .Example-Houses can be damaged(using model verbs)

  2. Make a story about the life in the country or in the city

6 Работа с текстом « The greenhouse effect»-рабочая тетрадь стр 74

-найти прилагательные в сравнительной степени

-озаглавить каждый абзац

-ответить на вопросы к тексту

How does the carbon dioxide work?

Where does the carbon dioxide come from?

What will happen to the climate?

What will happen to the sea?

Is the climate changing?

7Итоги урока и домашняя работа

Упр.10стр14что можно и что нельзя делать с природой

Нарисовать плакаты –Что нельзя делать в городе

Действия учителя

Слушает и исправляет

Объясняет грамматику

Слушает и исправляет

Деятельностная методика

Коммуникативная технология

Действия уч-ся

Образуют 3 формы глаголов и вставляют предлоги в пр-ния

Выполняют упр-ния

Составляют пр-ния и мини рассказы

Читают и выполняют задания

Go straight along the street,turn

l eft at the corner.The museum is

on your right

Turn round and

Go straight along the street.

Turn right to Tverskaya street

and walk to Pushkin square

Go straight along the street

Cross the square. You will see

the hotel on your left.

Go straight along the street,

Turn right at the corner and go

along the street. You will see

the library on the right

Go straight along the street

Turn left and go along Ohotny

Ryad.The Bolshoi theatre is on

your left

Go straight along the street,

Cross the square and go through

Altxandrovsky garden and into

the Kremlin.


Go straight along the street

Turn right at the corner

And cross the square.

You can’t miss it

План урока» The ABC of ECOLGY «

Урок английского языка в 8 м классе УМК О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева "English" (4-й год обучения) .Учитель КузнецоваГ.К.

Открытый урок английского языка в 11-м классе

Тема "»Кинематограф «

Цель урока: развитие речевых умений учащихся.


Познавательный аспект:

• способствовать расширению общего кругозора школьников в области кинематографии англоязычных стран и России;

• ознакомить учащихся с результатами творческой деятельности одноклассников (на уровне восприятия, наблюдения, анализа, сравнения и обобщения);

• стимулировать деятельность учащихся путём обращения к дополнительным источникам информации, включая ресурсы Интернета.

Учебный аспект:

• cовершенствование речевых навыков школьников:

• высказывание своего мнения в вежливой форме об увиденном и прочитанном;

• понимание речи в фонозаписи c общим охватом содержания и конкретной информации;

• составление синквейна;

Развивающий аспект:

• развивать у школьников способности к наблюдению, анализу, сравнению и обобщению;

• развивать у них психические функции, связанные с речевой деятельностью: логическое мышление, память, внимание, восприятие;

• развивать положительные эмоции и чувства школьников;

• формировать у них потребность и способность осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.

Воспитательный аспект:

• способствовать:

• воспитанию толерантного отношению к чужому мнению, чужой культуре, более глубокому осознанию своей культуры;

• воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории, к памятникам культуры и искусства;

Оборудование урока:

1. Мультимедийный проектор.

2. Системный блок компьютера, клавиатура, мышь.

3. Презентация “Кино”

4. Магнитофон.

5. Аудиокассета к учебнику 11-го класса.

6. Листы бумаги для написания(по количеству учеников)

Оформление доски

• карточка со словом “Cinema”

Ход урока

I. Вступительная часть.

Teacher: Good morning, guys and girls.

T: Today we’ll speak about the cinema.

II. Основная часть.

1) Brain storm.

Teacher: We shall begin our lesson with brain storm. Think over and say what your associations with the topic “Cinema” are. А… will go to the blackboard and tell us all your suggestions.

Cпрямая со стрелкой 10прямая со стрелкой 9orporations professions

прямая со стрелкой 12прямая со стрелкой 11 Hollywood

прямая со стрелкой 14прямая со стрелкой 13

Films actors

Genres film making process

2) Speaking.

T: I think it will be the plan of our lesson. Look at the slide and answer my question. What does this date stand for?

P 1: The inventors of the cinema were the French. The Lumiere brothers invented the first film projector and motion camera in 1895. That year on the 28th of December they demonstrated the first three minutes film “Arrival of the Train”. In that film, a train came towards the camera. People ran out of the cinema, thinking it was a real train.

T: And what can you tell me about the next date?

P 2: The spreading of cinematography in Russia started with the demonstration of the Lumiere brother’s film in May 1896 in St’ Petersburg and in Moscow. A. Khanzhonkov founded the first studio in our country, it was Yalta film studio. In the 1920th the stars of silent films were V. Kholodnaya, V. Polonski, V. Mashkov and others.:The most popular genres of Russian films were historic films and screen versions of famous novels “The Quiet Don” for example. The first sound films simultaneously appeared in three countries, the USSR, The USA and Germany. Great attention was paid to films for children. The most famous directors were A. Rou and R. Bykov.


P 4: The first studio appeared in Hollywood (a part of Los Angeles) in 1911. In the 1920th

Hollywood made 80% of the world’s films. First the films were silent and black-and-white later they became sound and coloured. The biggest film companies in Hollywood are MGM, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, Warner Bros and Universal. American films were of different genres melodrama, western, comedy and historical films.

A camera (operator) is a man who looks through the camera, and operates the equipment.

An actor is a man who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.

A costume (designer) is a woman who prepares costumes: dresses, suits for films.

A make-up (artist) is a woman who can make a new face for an actor.

A sound (mixer) is a man who operates the microphones and gets very angry with people who makes noises during the filming.

A director is a man who is the boss and tells everybody what to do.

A stunt (man) is a person who does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors.

An editor is a man who chooses the best bits of the shooting film, cuts film and puts the bits together.

A producer is a man who has general control of the money for a film but he doesn't direct the actors.

A script (writer) is a man who writes scripts for films, shows.

An actress is a woman who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.

3) Reading.

T: Well done. You have found all the hidden words and made sentences in a proper way. Actors and actresses play the leading role in film making. Much depends upon the talent of the actor. Only few of them become stars. The greatest achievement in actor’s profession is getting Oscar. Now we will read the text and try to find answers to the questions.

When were the first Academy Awards presented?

Whose idea was it to hold an annual award ceremony?

Where was the first ceremony held?

What were the winners awarded by?

Who gave the birth of the unofficial name of the Statuette?


T: Oscar is given to actors, writers, technicians, directors and producers. Do you know what Russian films, directors were awarded by Oscar?

4) Speaking.

P 6: Russian films were awarded by Oscar too. The first Oscar was given to the documentary film by Vitali Suslenkov in 1942.

Sergei Bondarchuk got Oscar in 1968 for the film “War and peace”.

Then in 1975 was the film shot in corporation with Japanese director Akira Kurosava “Dersu Uzala”.

Vladimir Menshov - 1980 the film “Moscow doesn’t believe tears”

Nikita Mikhalkov. In 1994 his picture “Burn by the Sun” was awarded by Oscar too.

These directors brought honour to our country. It means that our films are worth seeing and we are proud of these outstanding people, who created such masterpieces.

And at last in 2000 it was our cartoon “The old man and the sea” that won this award.

T: Who knows anything about film festivals in Russia?

P 7: There is a special award for actors, actresses, directors in Russia. Moscow International Film Festivals is one of the oldest festivals in the world. It was first held in 1934.The film “Chapaev” opened it. Since 1959 the festival was held once in two years. And only in 1995 it becomes an annual event in the world of Russian cinematography. The prize of the festival is Gold St. George. The president o the festival is N. Mikhalkov.

T: I know that some of you have prepared projects about favourite actors and actresses. Who wants to tell us about his (her) favourite film stars?

P 9: My favorite actress is Nathalie Oreiro. She was born in South America in 1982. She is a singer and an actress. Natalie is young, beautiful and talented. I adore watching film where Natalie stars. She also dances well. She is well known not only in her country but all over the world. I collect posters, calendars with her photos, CDs with her songs and films.

T: What genres of films do our students like?

My classmates adore watching comedies, melodramas, action films and adventure films.

P 11: I love action films. They are very dynamic and really exciting. They grab my attention from the first scene. I like films with a mysterious plot. They keep me in suspense. I can't understand people who don't like action films. They are so various that can suit different tastes. They teach people to defend justice and to be strong and brave.

T: And what genres of films do your parents like?

P 11: Our mothers prefer melodramas to comedies and detectives. But fathers’ favorite genres are action films, detectives and thrillers.

5 Listening comprehension.

T: And now I want you to listen to the text and answer the questions

Gillian Anderson was born in Chicago, in 1968 . She spent the first years of her life in London. When she was 8 the family moved back to the USA. This was difficult time because the girl had problems, making friends at her new school .. As a teenager Gillian became a punk .When she got a nose ring her father became furious. Despite her trouble at school she was a talented girl. She showed early signs of acting ability. At the age of 14 she took part in a school production of Shakespeare s “Romeo and Juliet”. But at that time she did not want to become an actress, but soon she changed her mind.After graduating from the university, Gillian went to New York to start her acting career. Her first big opportunity came when she was chosen to act in a play “Absent Friends. ” Gillian never wanted to work for TV, but she took part in TV serial ”The X-files”, and was successful. The main heroes of the film were Mulder and Scully ,and people thing there is love between them. In real life they hated each other. Today Anderson is still playing Scully and the series are still successful both on TV and on the big screen. The film” The X- files Z”has been a hit in the USA and in the whole world.

When was Gillian Anderson born?

What subculture did she belong to?

What was her first role?

What was her first partner in”The X-files”,?

6 А теперь задание на знание лексики –Вставьте в текст слова----adventures,The piano,shot,prise,CROCODILE DUNDEE,dancers, film industry, directors, directed,the governmeht,films,Hollywood

Australian films industry is as old as__________. Australians make a lot of good_________. They are proud of their__________and______________________gives money to the film companies. Australian films are known all over the world. There are some big international successes such as the_____________________film, about the ____________ in Australia and Strictly Ballroom – a wonderful story about young__________. __________which is __________ by Jane Campion, won the main_________at the Cannes Film Festival* in 1993/ One of the most famous Australian_______________is Peter Weir. He_____________Picnic at Hanging Rock. It is a story about a group of schoolgirls who disappeared after a picnic.

7Лексико-грамматический тест---изменить слова в скобках в соответствии ссодерханием текста( меняя части речи и ставя глаголы в нужное время

Walt Disney was born in Chicago. He had a talent for ( draw ) and was (interest ) in photography..In 1923 he went to Hollywood where he made some cartoon films. Walt Disney was a man of dreams, fantasy and ( imagine.) In 1952 he decided to build an (amuse ) park. His architects (draw )a plan, but he faced a ( reall ) difficult problem: money. Though he was a world –famous producer, he couldn’t find money and any ( invest ) for his project . By the time Disneyland opened to the public the cost had ( rise ) to 17 million dollars.The park was a success. Walt Disney ( king )offered a fantastic adventure. People from all over the world visited it. The kings, presidents ,prime ministers and other very important persons go there every year .. Disneyworld opened near Florida in 1972 is one of the (good ) Today these parks bring 1 billion dollars to the USA. every year.Walt Disney said in 1952 that the park would never be (complete)

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Тема « Книги в нашей жизни»

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