Списък на преподавателите от катедра „Екология и опазване на околната среда

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Списък на преподавателите от катедра „Екология и опазване на околната среда”


Научна специалност



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Доц. д-р Диана Атанасова Кирин

Екология и опазване на екосистемите - 02.22.01.


Доц. д-р ...................................................

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Гл. ас. д-р ...........................................

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Средна възраст

Кратък анализ и оценка на кадровото състояние и перспективите за развитието на катедрата в периода 2007 – 2012 г.

Ръководител катедра:

(Доц. д-р А. Николов)


на научните трудове на

доц. д-р Диана Атанасова Кирин

за периода 2007-2012 г.

Общ брой

В български издания

В български списания с импакт фактор и в чужди издания

В материали от конференции

В България

В чужбина






Учебни помагала

Сортове и патенти








Участие в научни форуми

В България

В чужбина

Устни доклади


Устни доклади






1. Srentz, A., Hr. Hristov, D. Kirin (2007). Distribution of Cs-137 in the plant tufts of the Big Smolyan Lake (The Rhodope Mountain). CP899, Sixth International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, edited by S. A. Cetin and I. Hikmet. © 2007 American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-0404-5/07/ (2007).

2. Kirin, D., S. Shukerova (2007). Biodiversity and heavy metal pollutions in freshwater ecosystems, Arda River, Bulgaria. Thematic proceedings from International Scientific meeting “Multifunctional Agriculture and Rural Development”, Serbia, I, 486-495.

3. Kirin, D., S. Mladenova, I. Kubinski (2007). Biodiversity and preservation of the protected territory “Smolyan's lakes”, Rhodopa mountain, Bulgaria. Scientific papers ISBN 978-954-8767-25-5, III, 34-42 (2007).

4. Kirin, D. (2007). Ecological evaluation and prognosis for development of anthropogenically influenced land ecosystems in the region of the east Rhodopes, Bulgaria. Ecology, 3, 145-153.

*5. Shukerova, S, D. Kirin (2008). Helminth communities of the rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) from Srebarna Biosphere Reserve, Bulgaria. Journal of Helminthology, 82:319-323 (1.229 - IF2008) (2008).

6. Turčeková, Ľ., Hanzelová, V., Kirin, D., Barciová, T. (2008). New look at the role of parasite organisms in relation to its host in the polluted environment. Proceedings. The XVII Scientific Symposium with International Participation “Situation in Ecologically loaded regions of Slovakia and Central Europe”, 186-189 (2008).

*7 Shukerova, S., D. Kirin, V. Hanzelová (2009). Helminth communities of the perch, Perca fluviatilis (Perciformes, Percidae) from Srebarna Biosphere Reserve, Bulgaria. Helminthologia vol. 47, no. 2, p. 99-104. (0.951 - IF2009). (2010 - Current Contents). ISSN 0440-6605.Typ: ADDA (2009).

8. Kirin, D., I. Kiryakov, S. Mladenova, Z. Grigorova, I. Kubinski (2009). Ecolomonitoring studying and possibilities for development in the region of protected territory “Smolyan's lakes”, Rhodopa mountain, Bulgaria. Scientific papers ISBN (2009).

9. Barciová, T., V. Hanzelová, L. Turcekova, D. Kirin (2009). Bioindikácia environmentálnej záťaže prostredia PCB látkami s využitím rybích parazitov. Slovenský veterinársky časopis, 2009, roč. 34, č. 5, s. 299-302. ISSN 1335 - 0099.Typ: BDFBBA (2009).

10. Boyanov, B., D. Kirin, I. Manolova (2011). Ecological appraisal for the condition of the Chepelarska river, Bulgaria. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in Florence, Italy, July 3-7, 2011. Scientific papers (2011).

11. Boyanov, B., D. Kirin, I. Manolova (2011). Physico-chemical and Hydrobiological Monitoring of the Chepelarska river, Bulgaria. 6th Symposium on Recycling Technologies and Sustainable Development, Serbia, 2011. Scientific papers (2011).

12. Kirin, D., V. Hanzelova, B. Boyanov (2011). Biodiversity and conditions of some Mountain Lakes in Bulgaria and  possibility for management of their Ishtyophauna. 6th Symposium on Recycling Technologies and Sustainable Development, Serbia, 2011. Scientific papers 345-352 (2011).

13. Kirin, D., B. Boyanov, N. Ilieva (2012). Biodiversity and Heavy Metal pollutions in Freshwater Ecosistems in Border Areas from Tundzha River, Bulgaria. Scientific papers (2012, in press).

*14. Hanzelova, V., M. Spakulova, L. Turcekova, D. Kirin (2012). Endoparasitic helminthes and helminth communities of Salmo trutta m. fario from Hincovo and Popradske Lakes, Higher Tatras, Eastern Slovakia. Helminthologia (in press, IF) (2012).

*15. Barciová, T., Hanzelová, V., Turčeková, Ľ., Kirin, D. (2012). Bioindication of PCB load of the environment using fish parasites (in press, IF) (2012).



  1. Кирин, Д. Екология, (2012) (за печат).

  2. Кирин, Д. Екологичен мониторинг, (2012) (за печат).

  3. Кирин, Д., С. Шукерова, С. Христов. Ръководство за упражнения по Екология, (2012) (за печат).

  4. Кирин, Д., С. Христов, С. Шукерова. Ръководство за упражнения по Екологичен мониторинг, (2012) (за печат).


А. Устни доклади

1. Srentz, A., Hr. Hristov, D. Kirin (2007). Distribution of Cs-137 in the plant tufts of the Big Smolyan Lake (The Rhodope Mountain). CP899, Sixth International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, edited by S. A. Cetin and I. Hikmet. © 2007 American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-0404-5/07/ (2007).

2. Kirin, D., S. Shukerova (2007). Biodiversity and heavy metal pollutions in freshwater ecosystems, Arda River, Bulgaria. Thematic proceedings from International Scientific meeting “Multifunctional Agriculture and Rural Development”, Serbia, I, 486-495.

3. Kirin, D., S. Mladenova, I. Kubinski (2007). Biodiversity and preservation of the protected territory “Smolyan's lakes”, Rhodopa mountain, Bulgaria. Scientific papers ISBN 978-954-8767-25-5, III, 34-42 (2007).

4. Turčeková, Ľ., Hanzelová, V., Kirin, D., Barciová, T. (2008). New look at the role of parasite organisms in relation to its host in the polluted environment. Proceedings. The XVII Scientific Symposium with International Participation “Situation in Ecologically loaded regions of Slovakia and Central Europe”, 186-189 (2008).

5. Kirin, D., I. Kiryakov, S. Mladenova, Z. Grigorova, I. Kubinski (2009). Ecolomonitoring studying and possibilities for development in the region of protected territory “Smolyan's lakes”, Rhodopa mountain, Bulgaria. Scientific papers ISBN (2009).

6. Barciová, T., L. Turčeková, V. Hanzelová, D. Kirin (2009). Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in aqueous system (Potential use of parasites as biological indicators). In Situácia v ekologicky zaťažených regiónoch Slovenska a strednej Európy : Zborník. XVIII. vedecké sympózium s medzinárodnou účasťou, Hrádok, 22.-23. október 2009. - Košice : Slovenská banícka spoločnosť pri ZSVTS, 2009, s.75-78. ISBN 978-80-970034-1-8.Typ: AFDA

7. Turčeková, L., D. Kirin, T. Barciová, V. Hanzelová, L. Pehlivanov (2010). Heavy metal accumulation in fish and parasites in water reservoirs with different pollution level in Slovakia and Bulgaria. In Situácia v ekologicky zaťažených regiónoch Slovenska a strednej Európy : zborník. XIX. vedecké sympózium s medzinárodnou účasťou, Hrádok, 21.-22. október 2010. - Košice : Slovenská banícka spoločnosť pri ZSVTS, 2010, s.53-56. ISBN 978-80-970034-2-5.Typ: AFDA (2010).

8. Kirin, D., L. Turcekova, S. Shukerova, L. Pekhlivanov (2010). Biomonitoring of heavy metal pollution of the Arda River (south-eastern Rhodopa, Bulgaria). IX. Slovenske a Ceske parazitologicke dni, 24-28.maje 2010, 40 (2010).

Б. Постерни доклади

1. Boyanov, B., D. Kirin, I. Manolova, 2011. Ecological appraisal for the condition of the Chepelarska river, Bulgaria. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in Florence, Italy, July 3-7, 2011 (2011).

2. Boyanov, B., D. Kirin, I. Manolova (2011). Physico-chemical and Hydrobiological Monitoring of the Chepelarska river, Bulgaria. 6th Symposium on Recycling Technologies and Sustainable Development, Serbia, (2011).

3. Kirin, D., V. Hanzelova, B. Boyanov (2011). Biodiversity and conditions of some Mountain Lakes in Bulgaria and  possibility for management of their Ishtyophauna. 6th Symposium on Recycling Technologies and Sustainable Development, Serbia, (2011).

4. Boyan Boyanov, B., D. Kirin, M. Nikolova (2012). Physico-chemical and biologycal monitoring of the Vit River, Bulgaria. XXII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia (2012).

5. Kirin, D., B. Boyanov, N. Ilieva (2012). Biodiversity and Heavy Metal pollutions in Freshwater Ecosistems in Border Areas from Tundzha River, Bulgaria. XXII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia (2012).


А. Устни доклади

1. Шукерова С., Кирин Д. (2007) Хелминти и хелминтни съобщества на Perca fluviatilis от Биосферен резерват Сребърна. Шеста юбилейна национална конференция по зоология, София, 21-22 май 2007 (2007).

Б. Постерни доклади

1. Kirin, D., V. Hanzelová, Ľ. Turčeková, L. Pehlivanov, S. Shukerova, M. Nikolova, T. Barciová, S. Hristov (2010). Biodiversity and ecological appraisal of the freshwater ecosystem of the Pyasachnik Reservoir, Bulgaria. Scientific conference “Biological diversity and living space”, 24-25 June, Sofia, Bulgaria, 125-126.


на забелязаните цитати на доц. д-р Диана Атанасова Кирин

за периода 2007-2012 г.

Общ брой

В български издания

В български списания с импакт фактор и в чужди издания

В дисертации





На работата

Kirin, D. 2002. New records of the helminth fauna from grass snake, Natrix natrix L., 1758 and dice snake, Natrix tessellata Laurenti, 1768 (Colubridae: Reptilia) in South Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 54:4953.




Yildirimhan, H., Ch. Bursey, St. Goldberg (2007). Helminth parasites of the Grass Snake, Natrix natrix, and the Dice Snake, Natrix tessellata (Serpentes: Colubridae), from Turkey. Comparative Parasitology 74(2):343-354 (2007).




Yildirimhan, H., Ch. Bursey, St. Gogldberg (2009). Helminth Parasites of the Caucasian Parsley Frog, Pelodytes caucasicus, from Turkey. Comparative Parasitology 76(2):247-257, 2009 (2009).




DÜŞEN, S., M. OĞUZ, D. BARTON, A. ARAL, S. ŞULEKOĞLU, Y. TEPE (2010). Metazoan parasitological research on three species of anurans collected from Çanakkale Province, Northwestern Turkey. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 6, 1:25-35.




Sloboda, M., A. Mihalca, I. Falka, K. Petrzˇelkova’, M. Carlsson, I. Ghira, D. Modryґ (2010). Are gobiid fish more susceptible to predation if parasitized by Eustrongylides excisus? An answer from robbed snakes. Ecologycal Resesearches (2010) 25: 469–473.




Yildirimhan, H., Ch. Bursey, F. Altunel (2011). Helminth parasites of the Balkan green lizard, Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga 1886, from Bursa, Turkey. Turk J. Zool. 2011: 35(3).




Santoro, Mario, et al. "Renifer aniarum (Digenea: Reniferidae), an introduced North American parasite in grass snakes Natrix natrix in Calabria, southern Italy." Diseases of aquatic organisms 95.3 (2011): 233.




Jones, R., et al. "First record of Neoxysomatium brevicaudatum through the non-invasive sampling of Anguis fragilis: complementary morphological and molecular detection." Journal of Helminthology 86.01 (2012): 125-129.

На работата

Arnaudov, D., At. Arnaudov. D. Kirin (2003). Study on the toxoplasmosis among wild animals. Experimental pathology and parasitology 6/11.




AFONSO, E., P. THULLIEZ, D. PONTIER, E. GILOT-FROMONT (2007). Toxoplasmosis in prey species and consequences for prevalence in feral cats: not all prey species are equal. Parasitology (2007), 134 : 1963-1971 (2007).



Dubey, J. (2009). Toxoplasmosis of animals and humans. CRC Press, 305 (2009).




Luptakova, L., et al. Detection of Toxoplasma gondii and Encephalitozoon spp. in wild boars by serological and molecular methods. Revue de médecine vétérinaire 161.12 (2010): 559-563 (2010).



Luptakova, Lenka, et al. Toxoplasmosis in Livestock and Pet Animals in Slovakia. (2012).



Bobić, Branko, et al. Toxoplasma gondii Infection in South-East Europe: Epidemiology and Epizootiology. (2012).



Dărăbuş, Gheorghe, et al. "Epidemiological remarks on Toxoplasma gondii infection in Timişoara Zoo." Ursus 1.1: 100.

На работата

Kirin D, 2003a. Biodiversity and Ecological Particulars of the Helminth Communities in Rana ridibunda Palas, 1771, from Districts of Town Saedinenie Experimental Pathology and Parasitology Bulgarian Academy of Science, 6 (11): 31-36.



DÜŞEN, S. (2007). Helminths of the Two Mountain Frogs, Banded Frog, Rana camerani Boulenger, 1886 and Uludağ Frog Rana macrocnemis Boulenger, 1885 (Anura: Ranidae), Collected from the Antalya Province. Acta Parasitologica Turcica, 31, 1: 084-088 (2007).




Unal, G., G. Saygi, D. Ayaz, C. Varol Tok (2007). An investigation on endoparasites of Rana ridibunda complex (s. l.) with dermal parasite (metacercariae) in Dalaman (Turkey). Journal of Environmental Biology 28.3 (2007): 567 (2007).




Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47 (2008).




DÜŞEN, S., M. OĞUZ, D. BARTON, A. ARAL, S. ŞULEKOĞLU, Y. TEPE (2010). Metazoan parasitological research on three species of anurans collected from Çanakkale Province, Northwestern Turkey. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 6, 1:25-35 (2010).




DÜŞEN, S. (2012). First data on the helminth fauna of a locally distributed mountain frog, “Tavas frog” Rana tavasensis Baran & Atatьr, 1986 (Anura: Ranidae), from the inner-west Anatolian region of Turkey. Turk J Zool 2012; 36(4): 496-502.

На работата

Kirin D, 2003b, Biological Diversity and Ecological Measurements of the Helminth Communities of Rana ridibunda from District of Town Vidin. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology Bulgarian Academy of Science, 6 (11): 37-43.




Unal, G., G. Saygi, D. Ayaz, C. Varol Tok (2007). An investigation on endoparasites of Rana ridibunda complex (s. l.) with dermal parasite (metacercariae) in Dalaman (Turkey). Journal of Environmental Biology 28.3 (2007): 567.



DÜŞEN, S. (2007). Helminths of the Two Mountain Frogs, Banded Frog, Rana camerani Boulenger, 1886 and Uludağ Frog Rana macrocnemis Boulenger, 1885 (Anura: Ranidae), Collected from the Antalya Province. Acta Parasitologica Turcica, 31, 1: 084-088.


(3) 0.443IF

Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47 (2008).




DÜŞEN, S., M. OĞUZ, D. BARTON, A. ARAL, S. ŞULEKOĞLU, Y. TEPE (2010). Metazoan parasitological research on three species of anurans collected from Çanakkale Province, Northwestern Turkey. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 6, 1:25-35.




DÜŞEN, S. (2012). First data on the helminth fauna of a locally distributed mountain frog, “Tavas frog” Rana tavasensis Baran & Atatьr, 1986 (Anura: Ranidae), from the inner-west Anatolian region of Turkey. Turk J Zool 2012; 36(4): 496-502.

На работата

Kirin D, Buchvarov, G. 2002. Biodiversity of of the Helminth Communities of Acaudated Amphibians (Amphibia: Ecaudata) from Bistritsa Riverside (Gotse Delchev Region). Experimental Pathology and Parasitology Bulgarian Academy of Science, 5 (8): 13-16.



DÜŞEN, S. (2007). Helminths of the Two Mountain Frogs, Banded Frog, Rana camerani Boulenger, 1886 and Uludağ Frog Rana macrocnemis Boulenger, 1885 (Anura: Ranidae), Collected from the Antalya Province. Acta Parasitologica Turcica, 31, 1: 084-088.




Новохацкая, О. (2007). Обнаружение нематоды Oswaldocruzia filiformis (Molineidae) у налима (Lota lota). Зоологический журнал, 86: 891-892.




Yildirimhan, H., Ch. Bursey, St. Gogldberg (2009). Helminth Parasites of the Caucasian Parsley Frog, Pelodytes caucasicus, from Turkey. Comparative Parasitology 76(2):247-257, 2009.




DÜŞEN, S., M. OĞUZ, D. BARTON, A. ARAL, S. ŞULEKOĞLU, Y. TEPE (2010). Metazoan parasitological research on three species of anurans collected from Çanakkale Province, Northwestern Turkey. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 6, 1:25-35.




Yildirimhan, H., Ch. Bursey, F. Altunel (2011). Helminth parasites of the Balkan green lizard, Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga 1886, from Bursa, Turkey. Turk J. Zool. 2011: 35(3).




DÜŞEN, S. (2012). First data on the helminth fauna of a locally distributed mountain frog, “Tavas frog” Rana tavasensis Baran & Atatьr, 1986 (Anura: Ranidae), from the inner-west Anatolian region of Turkey. Turk J Zool 2012; 36(4): 496-502.

На работата

Kirin, D. 2002. New data on the helminth fauna of Lacerta viridis Laurenti, 1768, and Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768) (Reptilia: Lacertidae) in Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 54:4348.




Burke, R., St. Goldberg, Ch. Bursey, S. Perkins, and P. Andreadis (2007). Depauperate Parasite Faunas in Introduced Populations of Podarcis (Squamata: Lacertidae) Lizards in North America. Journal of Herpetology 41(4):755-757 (2007).




Yildirimhan, H., Ch. Bursey, St. Gogldberg (2009). Helminth Parasites of the Caucasian Parsley Frog, Pelodytes caucasicus, from Turkey. Comparative Parasitology 76(2):247-257, 2009.




DÜŞEN, S., M. OĞUZ, D. BARTON, A. ARAL, S. ŞULEKOĞLU, Y. TEPE (2010). Metazoan parasitological research on three species of anurans collected from Çanakkale Province, Northwestern Turkey. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 6, 1:25-35 (2010).




Hikmet, S. YILDIRIMHAN, Charles R. BURSEY, and F. Naci Altunel. "Helminth parasites of the Balkan green lizard, Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga 1886, from Bursa, Turkey." Turk J Zool 35.3 (2011).




Yildirimhan, H., Ch. Bursey, F. Altunel (2011). Helminth parasites of the Balkan green lizard, Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga 1886, from Bursa, Turkey. Turk J. Zool. 2011: 35(3).




Bursey, Charles R., et al. "Metazoan Endoparasites of 13 Species of Central American Anoles (Sauria: Polychrotidae: Anolis) with a Review of the Helminth Communities of Caribbean, Mexican, North American, and South American Anoles." Comparative Parasitology 79.1 (2012): 75-132.

На работата

Kirin, D. A. (2002). Biodiversity and ecological characteristics of the helminth communities in Barbus tauricus cyclolepis from Luda Yana River, Bulgaria. Comptes Rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 55, 5:97.




Rabadjieva, D., St. Tepavitcharova, T. Todorov, M. Dassenakis, V. Paraskevopoulou, M. Petrov (2009). Chemical speciation in mining affected waters: the case study of Asarel-Medet mine. Environ. Monit. Assess. 159:353–366 (2009).




Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47.

На работата


Shukerova, S, D. Kirin (2008). Helminth communities of the rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) from Srebarna Biosphere Reserve, Bulgaria. Journal of Helminthology 82, 319-323.



Voutilainen, А (2009). Ecophysiological approach to host-parasite interaction between Arctic charr and Diplostomum spp. PhD Dissertations in Biology, University of Joensuu, 63, 1-47 pp.

На работата

KIRIN, D. A. (2000): Ecologofaunistical study of the helminthological communities of Leuciscus cephalus L. from Maritsa River. Nauch. Tr. Sayuz Uch., Plovdiv, 1: 405 – 408.




Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47 (2008).

На работата

KIRIN, D. (2001a): Helminth parasites of Leuciscus cephalus L., 1758, and Barbus meridionalis petenyi Heckel, 1847 (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae) from the Mesta River, Bulgaria. C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 54: 101 – 104.




Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47.

На работата

KIRIN, D. (2001b): Biodiversity and ecology of the helminths fauna in Leuciscus cephalus from the Maritsa River, Bulgaria. Nauch. Tr. Plovdiv. Univ. “P. Khilendarski” – Anim., 37: 79 – 84.




Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47 (2008).

На работата

KIRIN, D. (2002b): Biodiversity and ecology of the helminth communities in Leuciscus cephalus from Arda River. C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 55: 89 – 94.




Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47 (2008).

На работата

KIRIN, D. (2002c): Ecological study of the intestinal helminth communities of Leuciscus cephalus (L., 1758) and appraisal of the conditions of the studied freshwater ecosystems from the Chepelarska River, Bulgaria. Acta Zool. Bulg., 54: 73 – 85.




Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47 (2008).

На работата

KIRIN, D. (2003c): Biodiversity and ecological evaluation of the helminth communities of Barbus cyclolepis and Alburnus alburnus from Arda River, Bulgaria. Exp. Pathol. Parasitol., 6: 44 – 50.




Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47 (2008).

На работата

KIRIN, D. (2006): Biodiversity of the helminth species and helminth communities of Esox lucius (L., 1758) from Maritsa River, Bulgaria. In Sci Papers Fac. Anim. Sci., Bucharest, The 35th Int. Sci. Commun. Ses. Fac. Anim. Sci, Bucharest, Romania, 135 – 140.




Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47 (2008).

На работата

KIRIN, D., BACHVAROV, G., KUZMANOV, N., KOEV, K. (2003): Biological diversity and ecological evaluation of the fresh water ecosystems from the Arda River. J. Environ. Protect. Ecol., 4: 550 – 556.




Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47 (2008).

На работата

KIRIN, D., KOEV, K., IVANOVA, D., KUZMANOV, N. (2005): Biodiversity and ecological appraisal for conditions of the Stryama River, Bulgaria. J. Environ. Protect. Ecol., 6: 69 – 82.




Dimitrova, Z., Y. Tzvetkov, I. Todev (2008). Occurrence of acanthocephalans in the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra (L.) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Bulgaria, with a survey of acanthocephalans recorded from this host species. Helminthologia, 45, 1:41-47 (2008).

На работата

Kirin, D., 2001. New data on the helminth fauna of Emys orbicularis L (1758) Reptilia, Emydidae) in South Bulgaria. Comptes rendus de l’Acadйmie bulgare des Sciences 54, 95–98.




Hidalgo-Vila J., C. Díaz-Paniagua, A. Ribas, M. Florencio, N. Pérez-Santigosa, J. Casanova (2009). Helminth communities of the exotic introduced turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans in southwestern Spain: Transmission from native turtles. Research in Veterinary Science, 86, 3: 463-465 (2009).

На работата

Buchvarov, G., Kirin, D., Kostadinova, A. (2000): Platyhelminth parasite assemblages in two species of snakes, Natrix natrix and Natrix tessellata (Reptilia: Colubridae), from Bulgaria: seasonal variation. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 1: 124-131.




DÜŞEN, S., M. OĞUZ, D. BARTON, A. ARAL, S. ŞULEKOĞLU, Y. TEPE (2010). Metazoan parasitological research on three species of anurans collected from Çanakkale Province, Northwestern Turkey. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 6, 1:25-35.




Santoro, Mario, et al. "Renifer aniarum (Digenea: Reniferidae), an introduced North American parasite in grass snakes Natrix natrix in Calabria, southern Italy." Diseases of aquatic organisms 95.3 (2011): 233.

На работата

Kirin, D., G. Buchvarov (2002). Biodiversity and trematode assemblages in Rana ridibunda Pallas from the district of Trojan town. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology 5:7-12.




Yildirimhan, H., Ch. Bursey, St. Gogldberg (2009). Helminth Parasites of the Caucasian Parsley Frog, Pelodytes caucasicus, from Turkey. Comparative Parasitology 76(2):247-257, 2009.




Yildirimhan, H., Ch. Bursey, F. Altunel (2011). Helminth parasites of the Balkan green lizard, Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga 1886, from Bursa, Turkey. Turk J. Zool. 2011: 35(3).

На работата

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