Списък на публикациите I. Научни публикации в реферирани списания и поредици

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Списък на публикациите

I. Научни публикации в реферирани списания и поредици

1. B.Aneva, S.Mavrodiev, L.Hadjiivanov, Lorentz-invariant

expansion of the scattering amplitude for particles of

any spin, JINR Comm. E2-7461, Dubna 1973; Fizika 6 (1974), 9.

2. B.Aneva, N.Karchev, V.Rizov, Two-component quasipotential

equation for spin 1/2 particles, Bulg.Journ.Phys.2 (1975), 5.

3. V.Rizov, I.Todorov, B.Aneva, Quasipotential approach to the

Coulomb bound state problem for spin 0 and spin 1/2 particles,

Nucl. Phys. B98, (1975), 447 ; and CERN Preprint TH 1983 (1975).

4. B.Aneva, S.Mikhov, D.Stoyanov, On some representations of

the conformal superalgebra, Theor.Math.Phys., v.27 (1976), 307

(p.502 engl.version) and JINR Preprint E2-9098 (1975).

5. B.Aneva, S.Mikhov, D.Stoyanov, On some properties of the

conformal superalgebra representations, Theor.Math.Phys., v.31,

(1977), 177 (p.394 engl.version) and JINR Preprint E2-9885 (1976).

6. B.Aneva, S.Mikhov, D.Stoyanov, On the two- and three-point

functions for conformal superfields, Theor.Math.Phys., v.35,

(1978), 162 (p.383 engl.version) and JINR Preprint E2-10619 (1977).

7. B.Aneva, D.Stoyanov, A supersymmetric form of the Thirring

model, J.Phys.G: Nucl.Part. Phys. 5, (1979) 463 and

ICTP Preprint IC/76/131 (1978).

8. B.Aneva, S.Mikhov, D.Stoyanov, On the nonunique definition

of the current in the Thirring model, J.Phys. A, v.14, N 1 (1981) 493,

and JINR Preprint E2-11885, Dubna (1978).

9. B.Aneva, S.Mikhov, D.Stoyanov, in "Fundamental Problems of

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", Dubna 1979.

10. B.Aneva, Nonlinear supersigma model, Comptes rendue l'Acad.

Bulg.Sci., v.33, N 7 (1980), 905.

11. B.Aneva, Y.Brihaye, P.Rossi, Pseudo-abelian operators in the

large N limit, Phys.Lett. 133B, (1983), 215 and CERN Preprint

TH 3665 (1983).

12. B.Aneva, Y.Brihaye, P.Rossi, Schwinger - Dyson Equations

in reduced twisted chiral model, Phys.Lett.134B, (1984), 245

and CERN Preprint TH 3716 (1983).

13. B.Aneva, Y.Brihaye, P.Rossi, Reduced finite N continuum

chiral model, Phys.Lett.138B, (1984), 181 and CERN Preprint

TH 3751 (1983).

14. B.Aneva, I.Katzarov, D.Stoyanov, On nonrelativistic

supersymmetry, Bulg.Jour.Phys. 14, (1987), 5.

15. B.Aneva, P.Boshilov, D.Stoyanov, On the classical mechanics of a

nonrelativistic superparticle, J.Phys. A 20, (1987), 5723

and ICTP IC/87/66, Trieste (1987).

16. B.Aneva, D.Stoyanov, Nonrelativistic Supersymmetry, in

Lecture Notes in Physics 313, Springer, Berlin, 1988, 91.

17. B.Aneva, Nonrelativistic supersymmetry and gauge

invariance, J.Phys.A 22 (1989), 129.

18. Б.Анева, Суперсиметрия, Серия математични методи на

теоретичната физика, кн.7, (Издателство БАН, София 1990).

19. B.Aneva, A deformed quantum SU(2) superalgebra, J.Phys.

A: Math. Gen. 24 (1991), L455.

20. B.Aneva, A realization of the quantum Lorentz group,

Phys.Lett. B340 (1994), 155 and CERN preprint CERN-TH.7001/93.

21. B.Aneva, V.K.Dobrev, S.G.Mihov, Duality for the Jordanian matrix

quantum group $GL_{g,h}(2)$, J.Phys.A 30 (1997), 6769 and ICTP

preprint IC/97/67 (1997)

22. B.Aneva, Symmetry of the Riemann operator, Phys.Lett.B450 (1999),

388 and CERN preprint CERN-TH/98-247.

23. B.Aneva, D.Arnaudon, A.Chakrabarti, V.K.Dobrev, S.G.Mihov, On

combined standard-nonstandard or hybrid $(q,h)$-deformations,

INRNE-TH-00-02, LAPTH-800/00, math.QA/006206,

J.Math.Phys. 42, (2001), 1236.

24. B.Aneva, The Non-commutative space of stochastic

diffusion systems, J.Phys.A 35 (2002), 859.

25. B.Aneva, Deformed coherent and squeezed states of

multiparticle processes, EPJC 31 (2003), 403.

26. B.Aneva and T.Popov, Hopf structure and Green ansatz of deformed

parastatistics algebras, math-ph/0412016, J.Phys.A 38 (2005), 6473.

27. B.Aneva, Exact solvability of open stochastic systems,

Czech.J.Phys.v.56 (2006), 1075.

28. B.Aneva, Hidden symmetries of stochastic models, SIGMA 3

(2007) 068.

29. B.Aneva, Boundary Algebra and Exact Solvability of the

Asymmetric Exclusion Process, JNMP, v.15, supp.3 (2008) 22,

(начална версия Tridiagonal structure of the asymmetric

exclusion process, CERN-PH-TH/2007 - 028).

30. B.Aneva, Matrix product anszatz as a tridiagonal algebra, J.

Phys. A40, (2007) 11677 (CERN-PH- TH/2007 - 046).

31. B.Aneva, M.Chaichian and P.P.Kulish, From quantum affine

symmetry to boundary Askey-Wilson algebra and reflection equation,

J.Phys. A41, (2008) 135201.

32. B.Aneva, Exact solvability of a model of a nonequilibrium

physics, FdPh, v.56, No.4-5 (2008) 330.

33. B.Aneva, Triadiagonal Symmetries of Models of Nonequilibrium

Physics, SIGMA 4 (2008) 056.

34. B.Aneva, Exact Solvability of Interacting Many-Body Lattice

Systems, a review, to appear N4, Pepan 2010.

II. Доклади на конференции и други съобщения

35c. B.Aneva, Supersymmetry in particle theory, Proc. Ahrenshoop

symposium, p.67, Berlin 1981.

36c. B.Aneva, D.Stoyanov, Gauge transformations for extended

super Poincare symmetry, Preprint INRNE N 4, 1982

37c. B.Aneva, Supersymmetry and the superdeformed nuclei,

Int.Conf.Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Trieste 1997,

Conf.Proc. v.59, p.773, SIF, Bologna 1997

and Preprint INRNE 77/96 (1996).

38c. B.Aneva, V.K.Dobrev, S.G.Mihov, The Dual algebra of the

Jordanian $GL_{g,h}(2)$, Proc.Int.Seminar "Supersymmetry and

Quantum Field Theory", Kharkov 1997, eds. J.Wess et al, Lecture

Notes in Physics, v.509 (1998), p.298.

39c. B.Aneva, Symmetry in phase space of a chaotic system,

presented at 'Complex and disoredered systems', King's

College and ICMP 2000, Imperial College, July 2000,

AIP Conf.Proc., v.553, p.173, New York 2001.

40c. B.Aneva, The quantum space of stochastic processes,

Proc. Modern Math. Physics Conf., Sokobanja, August 2001,

eds. B.Dragovich and B.Sazdovic, p.297, Belgrade 2002.

41c. B.Aneva, Stochastic diffusion models and quantum group

symmetries, TH-2002, Book of abstracts, p.206, Paris 2002;

B.Aneva, A realization of the quantum Lorentz group, Abstracts, VII

Int.Conf. Symmetry Methods in Physics, Dubna 1995, 12.

42c. B.Aneva, Symmetries of a hyperbolic dynamical system, Proc

VI Int.Wigner Symposium, p.321, Istanbul 2002.

43c. B.Aneva, Deformed coherent state solution to multiparticle

stochastic processes, Balkan Workshop, V.Banja, 2003, Proc. BW2003

Workshop, p.131, World Sci.2005.

44c. B.Aneva, Cubic Algebras and Generalized Statistics, Proc.BW2005




45c. B.Aneva, Quantum groups and stochastic models, Proc. 7th Varna

Conference on Quantization, Geometry, Integrability, Varna 2005,

p.57, SOFTEX, Sofia 2005.

46c. B.Aneva, Symmetries of Integrability of Stochastic Models, Proc.

Workshop NWIP, p.57, Bergen, 2005.

47c. B.Aneva, Exact solvability of open stochastic systems, Proc. Int. Coll.

Integrable systems and quantum symmetries (ISQS-15), Prague 2006.

48c. B.Aneva, Hidden symmetries of stochastic models, Proc.

O'Raifeartaigh Symposium on Nonperturbative and Symmetries

Methods in Quantum Field Theory, Budapest, 2006.

49c. B.Aneva, Boundary Algebra and Exact Solvability of the

Asymmetric Exclusion Process, talk, conference NEEDS2007, Ametla

de Mar, 2007, Proc. NEEDS2007.

50c. B.Aneva, Quantum Symmetries and Exactly Solvable Models of

Nonequilibrium Physics, Talk, Kiev Conf. Symmetry in Nonlinear

Math Physics, Kiev 2007, Proc.Kiev, 2007.

51c. B.Aneva, Models of Nonequilibrium Physics and Askey-Wilson

Algebra, Talk Supersymmetry and Quantum Symmetries 07, Dubna,

Proc.SQS2007, Eds. E.Ivanov and S.Fedoruk, p.379, Dubna:JINR

2008, ISBN 5-9530-0184-3.

52c. B.Aneva, Tridiagonal Algebra and Exact Solvability, Talk

Balkan Workshop, BW2007, Kladovo, 2007, Proc.BW2007.

53c. B.Aneva, Boundary Askey-Wilson symmetry and related spectral

problem exact solution, (CERN-PH-TH/2007 - 222).

54c. B.Aneva, Many-body systems with a flow, 2 lectures, Proc. School and

Workshop on Hamiltonian systems and QFT, Calimanesti, May 2008

B.Aneva, Askey-Wilson algebra and related spectral problem,

talk Conference SIDE8, Ste.Adele, 2008

B.Aneva, Lattice systems with a flow, talk Workshop Integrable

quantum systems and solvable statistical models, Montreal 2008

B.Aneva, Many-body systems, Physics Annals AUC, v.18 (2008), 1

(ISSN - 1223 – 6039).

Докладите 47с-50с, 52с са публикувани като 47с=27, 48c=28, 49c=29, 50c=33, 52c=32.
55c. B.Aneva, Exact solution of the simple exclusion process, (CERN-PH-

TH/2008 - 220).

56c. B.Aneva, Integrability condition on the boundary parameters of the

asymmetric exclusion process and matrix product ansatz, in Trends in

Differential Geometry, Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics,

World Sci, Singapore, 2009, p.10. ISBN -10 981-4277-71-1.

57c. B.Aneva, Algebraic approach to many-body systems, talk,

International Symposium SQS'9, Dubna 2009, to appear in the

Proceedings as Common structures of quantum field theories and lattice

systems through boundary symmetry.

58c. Б.Анева, Приложение на суперсиметриите в теорията на

елементарните частици – суперсиметрични модели, автореферат

на кандидатска дисертация, 1981г., София.

59c. Б.Анева, Суперсиметрии, деформирани симетрии и

многочастични взаимодействащи системи, автореферат на

дисертация за научната степен „доктор на физическите науки”,

2009г., София.

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