The category "competence of foreign language written speech" and related concepts in pedagogical and methodological publications жетекші

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Ералхан Әсел Ғалымжанқызы

УДК 1751

Жетекші : PhD доктор Акешова М.М.

Магистрант: Ералхан Әсел Ғалымжанқызы

В статье была создана методика формирования компетенции иноязычной письменной речи школьников, разработке которой предшествовало создание авторской методической системы применения электронных дидактических средств при обучении иноязычному письму, которая включает в себя взаимодействие таких компонентов, как цель обучения, содержание обучения, диада «Ученик-Учитель», электронные дидактические средства обучения и организационно-педагогические условия формирования компетенции иноязычной письменной речи.

Ключевые члова: электронные дидактические средства, лингвистическая компетенция, компетентность, дискурсивная компетенция
Мақалада оқушылардың шет тіліндегі жазбаша сөйлеу құзіреттілігін қалыптастыру әдістемесі жасалды, оны әзірлеу алдында шет тіліндегі жазуды оқытуда электронды дидактикалық құралдарды қолданудың авторлық әдістемелік жүйесін құру қажет болды, оған оқыту мақсаты, оқыту мазмұны, "оқушы-мұғалім" диадасы, оқытудың электронды дидактикалық құралдары және шет тіліндегі жазбаша сөйлеу құзіреттілігін қалыптастырудың ұйымдастырушылық-педагогикалық шарттары сияқты компоненттердің өзара әрекеттесуі кіреді.

Түйінді сөздер: электрондық дидактикалық құралдар, лингвистикалық құзыреттілік, құзыреттілік, дискурсивті құзыреттілік

The socio-political, economic and social changes that have taken place in our country over the past decades have led to significant transformations in the educational sphere. There has been a change in the conceptual foundations, educational and educational paradigm. The orientation towards the "average" student has given way to an approach aimed at the full development of each student, at his self-determination and self-realization. A free, developed and educated person, capable of living and creating in a constantly changing world, has become recognized as the greatest value. According to modern requirements, a school graduate must possess the necessary competencies to carry out various types of activities, critical thinking and creative experience. He should be able to use new information and communication technologies not only for personal but also for professional interests, be ready for interpersonal and intercultural cooperation both within his community and at the international level. [29] Achieving such a result is possible only with the support of a personality-oriented approach, when the needs, capabilities and abilities of the student are taken into account, and he himself acts as an active subject of the teaching. The teacher increasingly acquires the functions of an assistant and a communication partner. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature allows us to assert that in connection with the transition to a new paradigm of education and physical education, the competence approach has become widespread. For a long time it was considered mainly in relation to vocational education (N.V. Kuzmina, G.S. Trofimova, E.R. Porshneva, B.A. Zhigalev, etc.) I.A. Zimnaya notes that "... after the publication of the texts "Strategy for the modernization of the content of general education" and "The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010"... there is a sharp reorientation of the evaluation of the result of education from the concepts of "preparedness", "education", "general culture", "education" to the concepts of "competence", "competence" of students. Accordingly, the competence approach in education is fixed" [47, p.7] This approach assumes a significant strengthening of the practical orientation of education and is aimed at the development of personal qualities of students. The results of such education are evaluated by the totality of the acquired competencies and the personal characteristics of students acquired in the learning process. In the course of theoretical research, it has been established that in modern scientific literature there are two concepts of the same root, such as "competence" and "competence", which are often identified. We share the positions of scientists who differentiate these concepts.

During the analysis of methodological literature, we have established that the formation of foreign language communicative competence is considered as a modern goal of teaching foreign languages. The term "communicative competence" appeared in the 70s of the 20th century and was associated with developmental psychology, cognitive psychology and sociolinguistics. In his monograph G.S. Trofimova says that foreign researchers understand communicative competence as the ability to communicate verbally and in writing with a native speaker of the studied language in real life situations, giving priority to the transmission of meaning, rather than the correctness of language means. [Trofimova: 2000] The analysis of the works of Russian scientists allows us to conclude that many scientists formulate their own definitions of the concept of "communicative competence", most of which are similar in content and under "communicative competence" they understand the ability and readiness of a person for verbal interaction with an interlocutor
Linguistic competence is manifested in the correct use of forms of a foreign language. It presupposes knowledge of the rules (phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical) and the ability to operate with them in the process of forming one's thoughts and understanding the thoughts of a communication partner. Linguistic competence in writing allows you to freely operate with language and speech material for the construction of written texts that are a means of communication. [ibid.]
Discursive competence is manifested in the possession of various types of discourse. This aspect of the competence of foreign-language written speech presupposes the ability to connect one utterance with another, as well as the ability to logically express thoughts in a situation of written communication. [ibid.] By discursive competence, some researchers understand the knowledge of how to combine grammatical forms and semantic content in order to create coherent oral or written texts of various genres functioning in various communication situations, [Canale: 1980] other authors see in discursive competence verbal, nonverbal and paralinguistic knowledge that determines the ability to properly organize the semantic content of oral and written text. (R.C. Scarcella) H.D. Brown defines discursive competence as the ability to combine sentences into fragments of discourse and structure a semantic whole from a series of statements. [Brown: 1987]
Taking into account the opinions of foreign authors, Russian scientists understand by discursive competence the ability to link individual sentences into a microtext (paragraph) using grammatical, logical, lexical, figurative means and to build a written text/discourse functioning as a means of written communication. [Kudryashova: 2007] Pragmatic competence consists in the ability to achieve a goal in oral and written communication using various methods of receiving and transmitting information. In the methodological literature 29, pragmatic competence is defined as a way of optimal use of linguistic means in order to solve a communicative problem, as the ability to correctly convey semantic content. [Norris: 1991] Strategic competence consists in the ability to compensate for the lack of linguistic means during communication. As a component of the competence of foreign-language written speech, strategic competence is a set of skills and communicative skills that allow you to choose and, as necessary, adjust the appropriate situation of intercultural communication a foreign-language model of written text/discourse adequate to the author's communicative intentions and planned semantic content. (R.C. Scarcella)

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