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Наука и жизнь Казахстана №3 (59) 2018

Sagdullaev I.I.
(PhD) Doctor, Senior Teacher of International Kazakh-Turkish University 
named by Hodja Ahmet Yasawi1
Abdukaym Diyora
Bachelor student of International Kazakh-Turkish 
University named by Hodja Ahmet Yasawi
Summary: Thе gоаl оf thе suggеstеd wоrk іs tо rеvіеw sоmе еxіstіng rеsеаrch dеаlіng wіth 
characteristics, features and aspects of active methods in the process of teaching foreign language.
Keywords: foreign language, active, method, accelerated training 
Түйін: Ұсынылып отырған жұмыстың мақсаты - кейбір қолданыстағы зерттеу жұмыста-
рыны пайдалана отырып шет тілдік білім беру үдерісінде белсенді оқыту әдістемесінің сипат-
тамасын, ерекшеліктерін және аспектілерін қарастыру.
 Түйін сөздер: шет тілі, белсенді, әдіс ,жеделдетілген оқыту 
Аннотация: Целью предложенной работы является обзор некоторых существующих иссле-
дований, касающихся характеристики, особенности и аспектов использования активных методов 
в процессе обучения иностранному языку.
Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, активный, методика, ускоренное обучение
The goal of modern education is the development of the child's personality, the identification of 
his creative abilities, and the preservation of physical and mental health. In modern education, many 
positive trends have emerged: the variability of pedagogical approaches to the teaching of schoolchildren 
develops; teachers have freedom for creative search, author's schools are created; foreign experience is 
actively used; parents are given the opportunity to choose a pedagogical system.
The teacher is given more and more serious tasks. Every year, the amount of information that students 
have to "digest" increases. At the same time, the possibilities of the students themselves are not limited. 
In this regard, new requirements are presented not only and not so much to quantitative, as to the quality 
side of training. The focus is on the use of modern educational technologies. The traditional ways of 
teaching before our eyes are gradually disappearing into the past. On the first place there are active 
methods of teaching, which give the students the opportunity to actively participate in the educational 
process. The problem of personal activity in teaching is one of the topical in psychological, pedagogical 
science, as well as in educational practice. [1]
Methods of teaching are ways of joint activity of a teacher and students aimed at achieving their 
educational goals. [2]
The essence of teaching methods is considered as an integral system of methods, in a complex 
providing pedagogically expedient organization of educational and cognitive activity of students.
Methods of teaching can be divided into three generalized groups:
1. Passive methods;
2. Interactive methods.
3. Active methods;
A passive method is a form of interaction between students and a teacher, in which the teacher 
is the main actor and manager of the lesson, and the students act as passive listeners subordinate to 
the teacher's directives. Communication of the teacher with students in passive lessons is carried out 
through surveys, independent, control works, tests, etc. From the point of view of modern pedagogical 
technologies and the effectiveness of learning by the students of the educational material, the passive 
method is considered the most inefficient, but in spite of this, it has some pros. This is a relatively easy 
preparation for the lesson from the teacher and the opportunity to present a relatively larger amount of 
teaching material in a limited time frame of the lesson. Lecture is the most common kind of passive 
lesson. This type of lesson is widely distributed in higher education institutions, where adults, fully 
formed people, having clear goals to study the subject deeply, are studying.

An active method is a form of interaction between students and teachers, in which the teacher and 
students interact with each other during the lesson and the students here are not passive listeners, but 
active participants in the lesson. If in the passive lesson the main actor and lesson manager was a teacher, 
then the teacher and students are on an equal footing. If passive methods assumed an authoritarian style 
of interaction, the active ones more presuppose a democratic style. Many between active and interactive 
methods put an equal sign, however, despite the commonality, they have differences. Interactive methods 
can be considered as the most modern form of active methods. [3]
Active methods of training are such methods of teaching, in which the activity of the trainee is 
productive, creative, searching. Active teaching methods include didactic games, analysis of specific 
situations, solving problem problems, learning by algorithm, brainstorming, extra-context operations 
with concepts, etc.
The term “active teaching methods” or “methods of active learning” or appeared in the literature 
in the early 60s of the twentieth century. Yu.N. Emelianov uses it to characterize a special group of 
methods used in the system of socio-psychological training and built on the use of a number of socio-
psychological effects and phenomena (group effect, presence effect and a number of others). At the 
same time, methods are not active, training is active. It ceases to be reproductive in nature and turns 
into an arbitrary internally determined activity of students in working out and transforming their own 
experience and competence.
The ideas of activation of education were expressed by scientists throughout the period of the formation 
and development of pedagogy long before it was formalized into an independent scientific discipline. 
The founders of the ideas of activation include Ya.A. Comenius, J.-J. Rousseau, I.G. Pestalozzi, KD 
Ushinsky and others. From the number of domestic psychologists to the idea of activity at different times 
addressed BG. Ananiev, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, B.F. Lomov, S.L. Rubinstein and others.
The emergence of methods of active learning is associated with the desire of teachers and coaches to 
enhance the cognitive activity of students or to promote it.
When using active teaching methods, the role of the student changes from an obedient memory 
device to an active participant in the educational process. This new role and characteristic characteristics 
allow it to actually form an active personality, possessing all the necessary skills and qualities of a 
modern successful person. [4]
Active learning is the organization and conduct of the educational process, which is aimed at the full 
activation of the educational and cognitive activity of students through a broad, preferably integrated, 
use of both pedagogical (didactic) and organizational and managerial means. Activation of training can 
proceed both by improving the forms and methods of instruction, and by improving the organization and 
management of the learning process as a whole.
Training in the active teaching methods system does not act as an exclusive duty and the right of 
the teacher (educator). Here, learning is the result of the counter activity of a group of students (active 
teaching methods participants). It is in the group that the effect of mutual stimulation, the effects of 
competition and support emerge, the participants sympathize with each other's successes and failures, 
analyze and evaluate the actions of partners, share experiences with them, and act as trainers and learners 
alternately. This is the effect of the group. [5]
Initially, active teaching methods were spread in the system of retraining of specialists. It is particularly 
important to have accelerated training periods, so active teaching methods, especially gaming methods 
of training, won wide popularity and recognition. Then active teaching methods began to be used in the 
training of specialists in higher education. And last but not least, they began to be used in the general 
education system, where classical methods of traditional education were established especially firmly. 
The organization of the educational process using active teaching methods is based on a number of 
principles, including the principles of individualization, flexibility, electivity, context, cooperation
The principle of individualization presupposes the creation of a system of multi-level training of 
specialists, taking into account the individual characteristics of students and allowing to avoid leveling 
and giving everyone the opportunity to maximize the ability to get the education appropriate to these 
abilities. Individualization of training can be carried out by: the content when the student has the 
opportunity to adjust the direction of the education received, in terms of volume, which allows able 

and interested listeners to study the subject more deeply for cognitive, scientific or applied purposes 
(individual work plans, targeted training contracts , elective disciplines), on time, allowing a change 
within certain limits of the rules for studying a certain amount of educational material with individual 
psychological characteristics of students and shape their training.
The principle of flexibility requires a combination of variational training based on the consideration 
of customers' requests and the wishes of students, with the possibility of an operational one, implemented 
directly in the learning process, and changing its focus. Variants of training should appear and change in 
accordance with changes in the labor market, which helps to reduce the inertia of the higher education 
system. This principle is implemented in the work of universities to train specialists in direct relations 
with customers of educational services, called targeted training under direct contracts.
The principle of electivity is to provide listeners with the maximum possible independence of the 
choice of educational routes - elective (short, overview or narrowly specialized) courses, the acquisition 
on this basis of a unique set of knowledge or several related specialties that correspond to the individual 
inclinations of learners, its cognitive interests.
The principle of context requires the subordination of the content of instruction to the content and 
conditions for the implementation of future professional activity, as a result of which learning acquires 
a contextual character, facilitating the acceleration of subsequent professional adaptation.
The principle of cooperation presupposes the development of relations of trust, mutual assistance, 
mutual responsibility of students and teachers, as well as the development of respect, trust in the 
personality of the learner, giving him the opportunity to manifest self-reliance, initiative and individual 
responsibility for the result.
All methods of active socio-psychological education have a number of distinctive features [7]. The 
most important features are distinguished in Table 1.
Table 1.Features of active teaching methods

Features of active teaching methods
The main task here is to introduce the learner into a problem situation, to get out 
of it (to make a decision or to find an answer), he lacks the available knowledge, 
and he is forced to actively form new knowledge with the help of a facilitator 
(teacher) and with participation other listeners, based on the alien and his 
professional and life experience, logic and common sense known to him.
Adequacy of 
educational and 
cognitive activity 
character of 
future practical 
(professional or 
role) tasks and 
functions of the 
Especially it concerns questions of personal communication, official and official 
relations. Due to its implementation, it is possible to form emotional-personal 
perception of students engaged in professional activities.
Mutual learning
The core of many forms of conducting classes with the use of active teaching 
methods training is a collective activity and a discussion form of discussion. 
Numerous experiments on the development of students' intellectual abilities 
have shown that the use of collective forms of instruction exerted even greater 
influence on their development than factors of a purely intellectual nature.
The requirement of the organization of educational and cognitive activity takes 
into account the individual abilities and abilities of the student. The symptom 
also implies the development of self-control mechanisms, self-control, self-
learning among learners.
Studies of studied 
problems and 
The implementation of the trait makes it possible to provide the starting points of 
the skills necessary for successful self-education based on the ability to analyze 
generalize, creatively approach the use of knowledge and experience.

interaction of 
students with 
With traditional education, the teacher (as well as the entire set of didactic 
means used by him) plays the role of a `` filter '' that passes through the learning 
information. With the activation of training - the teacher moves to the level of 
students and as an assistant participates in the process of their interaction with 
the teaching material, ideally the teacher becomes the leader of their independent 
work, implementing the principles of pedagogy of cooperation.
Activity as an individual and collective independent and specially organized 
educational and cognitive activity of students is developed and supported by 
a system of motivation. At the same time, the number of trainees used by the 
teacher is: professional interest, the creative nature of educational and cognitive 
activity, competitiveness, the game character of conducting classes, emotional 
Thus, the term "active teaching methods" is a kind of generic term for specific group teaching methods 
that were widely used in the second half of the twentieth century and complementary to traditional 
methods, primarily explanatory illustrative teaching methods, by changing the position of students 
with a passively consumerist in actively transforming and reliance on socio-psychological phenomena 
arising in small groups. [8] The number of active teaching methods is quite large. Therefore, for their 
characteristics, let us turn to the classification of active teaching methods.

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