9 часть I. Основы организационного поведения

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Часть 5. Групповое поведение
6 Daniel Feldman, «The Development and Enforcement of Group Norms», Academy of Management Review, January 1984, pp. 47–53.
7 Monika Henderson, Michael Argyle, «The Informal Rules of Working Relationships», Journal of Occupational Behavior, vol. 7, 1986, pp. 259–257.
8 Krackhardt and Hanson, цит. соч., pp. 104–111.
9 Bernard Johann, «The Meeting as a Lever for Organizational Improvement», National Productivity Review, Summer 1994, pp. 369–377.
10 Gary English, «How About a Good Word for Meetings?», Management Review, June 1990, pp. 58–60, Sally N. Katz, «Power Skills for Effective Meetings», Training and Development, July 1991, pp. 53–56.
11 R. F. Bales, Interaction Process Analysis, Cambridge, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1950.
12 Alex F. Osborn, Applied Imagination, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1953; Ron Zemke, «In Search of Good Ideas», Training, January 1993, pp. 46–52.
13 R. Brent Gallupe, Lana M. Bastianutti, William H. Cooper, «Unblocking Brain-storms», Journal of Applied Psychology, January 1991, pp. 137–142; Alan R. Dennis, Joseph S. Valacich, «Group, Sub-Group, and Nominal Group Idea Generation: New Rules for a New Media», Journal of Management, 20:4, 1994, pp. 723–736; David Kirkpatrick, «Groupware Goes Boom», Fortune, December 27, 1993, pp. 99–106; Michael Finley, «Groupware Gives Whole New Meaning to Meeting», St. Paul Pioneer Press, April 23, 1995.
14 William M. Fox, «Anonymity and Other Keys to Successful Problem-Solving Meet-ing», National Productivity Review, Spring 1989, pp. 145–155.
15 Robert C. Erffmeyer et al., «The Delphi Technique: An Empirical Evaluation of the Optimal Number of Rounds», Group and Organization Studies, March–June 1986, pp. 120–128.
16 Richard A. Cosier, Charles R. Schwenk, «Agreement and Thinking Alike: Ingredients for Poor Decisions», The Executive, February 1990, pp. 69–74; David M. Schweiger, William R. Sandberg, Paula L. Rechner, «Experiential Effects of Dialectical Inquiry, Devil’s Advocacy, and Consensus Approaches to Strategic Decision Making», Academy of Management Journal, December 1989, pp. 745–772.
17 Richard L. Priem, David A. Harrison, Nan Kanoff Muir, «Structured Conflict and Consensus Outcomes in Group Decision Making», Journal of Management, 21:4, 1995, pp. 691–710.
18 Irving L. Janis, Victims of Groupthink, Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1972; Glen Whyte, «Groupthink Reconsidered», Academy of Management Review, January 1989, pp. 40–56.
19 Barry M. Staw, Jerry Ross, «Knowing When to Pull the Plug», Harvard Business Review, March-April 1987, pp. 68–74.
20 Zemke цит. соч.
21 Gail Kay, «Effective Meetings through Electronic Brainstorming», Journal of Management Development, 14 : 66, 1995, pp. 4–25; Basics of Electronic Meeting Support, Alexandria, Va.: ASTD, 1995.

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