ISSN 1563-0307 The Journal of Psychology & Sociology. №4 (63). 2017
Биекенов К.У., Мамытканов Д.К.
Byekenov K.U.
, Mamytkhanov D.K.
doctor of social sciences, professor, е-mail:
candidate of social sciences, associate professor, е-mail:
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Kazakhstan, Almaty,
Intellectual potential of department in social modernization of education
The article considers methods of using the intellectual potential of the department in the social mod-
ernization of education. The Kazakhstani education is aimed at implementing the Plan of the Nation “100
concrete steps to implement 5 institutional reforms”. Today in the Kazakh National University. al-Farabi
all the chairs have rich traditions, experience and scientific authority. The scientific search includes not
only teachers, but
also the majority of students, all undergraduates and doctoral students. Therefore, we,
in fact, are in modern terminology research university. We live in conditions of turbulence, that is, under
the conditions of acceleration of historical time, therefore science develops rapidly – every 3 years. And
this requires giving encyclopaedic knowledge to young people, based on understanding, so that it is
ready to learn new specialties and to abandon the crossword, based on cramming. For this purpose the
department realizes the program “knowledge”, “understanding”, “competence”, “analysis-synthesis”,
“evaluation”, “critical thinking”. Thanks to this, a single, organically interconnected,
continuous system
of education has been created. Based on the president’s concept of modernizing humanitarian educa-
tion, a modern model of a sociologist has been developed. In the process of transition to a new program,
the sociological education of Kazakhstan is undergoing various processes – institutionalization, acade-
micization, professionalization and scien- tification, which are closely interrelated. Academization and
professionalization are often understood as two sides of the process of institutionalization.
modern methodology, as well as synergy, modeling, system and comparative historical meth-
ods, applying questionnaires, interviews, observation and analysis of documents,
world sociology tries
to open up the secrets of the surrounding world. Sociologists have already discovered the laws of group
pressure and leadership, the emergence of interethnic conflicts, civil wars and revolutions, found mecha-
nisms for the formation of crowds and mass behavior, fashion changes, population migration, fluctua-
tions in supply and demand,
changing political regimes, the principles of integration and differentiation
of sciences. Now the department is orienting its staff to research more complex issues than before:
searching for ways out of the crisis, problems of achieving a global goal – real independence of the re-
public, strengthening of civil society, building a democratic, social and legal state, social modernization,
ensuring the formation of a full-fledged national market on a new technological, structural, institutional
Key words: methods,
intellectual potential, social modernization, education, academicization.
Биекенoв К.У.
, Мамытқанов Д.К.
әлеуметтану ғылымдaрының дoктoры, прoфессoр, е-mail:
әлеуметтану ғылымдaрының кандидаты, доцент, е-mail:
әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзақ ұлттық университеті,
Қазақстан, Aлмaты қ.
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