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Сборник 2022 Жакыпов с обл

Berdibayeva S.K., Karimbay A.Zh., Kurmanali A.E., Tolekazy G.G. 
(Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University) 
The main purpose of present research was to investigate the psychological nature of Kazakh 
Aitys and it’s impact to personal development, ethnocultural values and other skills of Kazakh young 
People, which required by modern market world.
According to the results of the present research there are considered that the Aitys is a jont 
dialogical creative cognitive activity, which psychological structure has communicative-interactive 
nature and depends on Kazakh ethnic picture of the world. Aitys as a kind of folklore has a change 
The main difference of Aitys from other types of Kazakh folklore is the structured creative oral 
poetry, which is always connected with the modern state of Kazakh people, the valuable orientations 
and market, economical conditions. Therefore the popularity of Kazakh Aitys is actual nowadays. 
In the Kazakhstan Psychological School there are few works on the psychological study of the 
work of the aitys of the Kazakh ethnos, folklore in general, among which the most important, relevant 
ethno-psychological studies are the works of M. Mukanov [1].
The traditions of oral arts of folklore, particularly of Aitys are the psychological basis of 
ethnicity research.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the psychology of the creative process of aitys through 
transactional analysis [2]. 
There were used the transactional analysis of E . Berne [3], by means of which we analyzed 
the creative process of Aitys with the purpose of investigating it’s nature and creating new 
communicative and interactive model of creative process of Aitys. Transactions were found and 
analyzed in all of these Aitys. 
Aitys introduces novelty and according to the contents it's leads to particular change in human 
minds. In the intellectual sphere of young people there are the development and flexibility, 
In this regard, one more function of an Aitys in the process of communication is the 
development of critical thinking of youth, and also a new creative position in a communication 
In turn, the critical thinking corresponds to an adequate condition of the adult according to E. 
Berne [3]. Studying Aitys as joint and dialogical thinking process, we consider only communicative 
and interactive components of communication. 
During the investigation of Aitys the special communicative interactive model of Aitys, which 
based on scientific conception of joint dialogue thinking activity of S.M. Dzakupov [4], and 
transactional analysis of E. Berne [3] was created. According to TA developed by E. Berne in this 
research have described the three Ego states of Aitys singers (see table 1). 

Table 1. Diagnostic characteristics of Ego states in Aitys 
Ego state: 
Means of the Ego 
states during Aitys 
Aitys singers give an 
estimated judgment with 
ingrained voice of 
authority, absorbed 
Aitys singers have ability 
to think, which based on 
received data. They can 
control their emotions. 
Their arguments are logical 
sequence of the statement
Aitys singers may have 
spontaneous emotional 
reaction with negative, 
impulsive statements, 
unreasoned estimations 
Aitys singer can be in each Ego state during aitys. And all these ego states may change during
aitys. Transactions during aitys process are completed, but the last one may be incomplete because 
the weak aitys singer can stop the aitys process. 
For example, in youth aitys between Dzhambul and Aikumis (which was in 1871) have found 
7 transactions, one of them was incomplete transaction [5]. Among them Dzambul was in “Adult” 
Ego state in 5 transactions.
He was in “Parent” position only in one transaction. Aikumis was in “Parent” Ego state in 5 
transactions, and only one was in “Adult” Ego state (see figure 1-3). The winner of this aitys was 
Fig.1 Example of the 2-nd transaction in aitys between Dzhambul and Aikumis 
Fig.2 Example of the 3-rd transaction in aitys between Dzhambul and Aikumis 
Fig.3 Example of the 4-th transaction in aitys between Dzhambul and Aikumis 
The victory in aitys is provided with а position of "Adult" because this position can control 
emotional states of aitys singer and give a logic creative thinking and reflection.
Ego state “Child” not effective in aitys because it can cause a conflict situation by emotional 
reaction of aitys singer. And also Ego state “Parent” not effective in aitys because it characterized as 
authoritative position, which may cause negativism. 
Aitys is a technique, training, practice of creative thinking development. Aitys is still popular 
in our days because it is a unique kind of folklore which allows expressing in socially comprehensible 
form of Kazakh people opinions about positive and negative sides of social life. 
Thus, ethnopsychological research of an Aitys allows to draw the following:  

1.Aitys is a type of folklore which is focused on change, expansion of consciousness and 
development of the identity of the person as the developing psychological practice.  
As a result of joint practical activities Aitys develops not only the intelligence, but develops 
also the personality in general. 
2.According to the concept of the transaction analysis of E. Berne, by criteria of three Ego states 
the empirical experimental base for future researches of an Aitys as creative cognitive joint and 
dialogical activity of the personality was created. 
3.From a position of system approach the main function of Aitys is a strengthening of feeling 
of ethnic identification.  
Considering critical and productive cogitative activity of participants of process of Aitys 
definition of process of Aitys as psychological component is given. 
Process of communication in the Kazakh ethnos has it's features. Aitys isn't result and a victory 
of one person during competition, since Aitys is result of joint creativity of listeners and poets, 
because they are representatives of the same ethnos.
With the influence of an Aitys uniform ethnic integrity of the Kazakh people is created. During 
an Aitys there is a co-authorship, empathy of the same problems and conditions of the people. 
Aitys introduces novelty and according to the contents it's leads to particular change in human 
In the intellectual sphere of young people there are the development and flexibility, 
In this regard, one more function of an Aitys in the process of communication is the 
development of critical thinking of youth, and also a new creative position in a communication 
1. Mukanov M. M. Mental activity. - Almaty, 1975. – 181 p. 
2. Bernee Е. Transactional analysis. – SPb, Publisher : Owl, 2004. – 928 р. 
3. Bernee E. Games people play: The psychology of human relationships//Balantine books, 1964 
4. Dzhakupov S.M. The methodolical problems of studying of joint activity// Almaty: 2003. P.114-149 
5. Aitys. Almaty: Zhazushy, Vol.3. 1966. 617 p. 

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