мағыналарын аңықтай отырып, келесі сөйлемдерді аударыңыз. 1.1 My mother placed my first trophy next to a new plastic chess set.
1.2 “What happened to your nose? … You must get plastic surgery and
correct it.”
2.1 She made them feel like peasants calling at the castle.
2.2 It was about 10 o’clock when I called the Grayle number in Bay City …
and finally heard her voice on the line.
3.1 I saw this offer as a sign of forgiveness.
The Cathay House, had a sign that said “Chinese Food”. Now it is a
McDonald’s restaurant.
№12 жаттығу Тиісті қосуларды келтіре отырып, сөйлемдерді аударыңыз. 1.
Many of the criticism … are fully justified.
In recent years valuable land properties have been sacrificed to the fast –
growing system of motorways.
With the advance of modern sophisticated technologies whole industries
had to be created anew.
The possible further developments in this area now the subject of much
heated debate, both nationally and internationally.
He tried to tidy himself but he forgot the cigarette ash on his trousers.
6. The aircraft carried 78 passengers and 4 crew. №13 жаттығу Тиісті алып тастау тәсілдерін жүргізе келе, сөйлемдерді аударыңыз. 1.
The proposal was rejected and repudiated.
Zambia’s delegates said that South African armed forces were in
Rhodesia only to murder and kill black Africans.
Thus I became the owner of about a pound of diamond, which on closer
inspection turned out to be pure glass.
He leapt to his feet and hurried across the road to meet them.
The Prime-minister’s 105 minute talk with American journalist J.R. was
published in the “New York Times”…
… roads and walls had been painted with anti-war slogans 12 inches high.