Дискурсивті құзыреттілік - мәтіндерді құру үшін сөздердің формалары мен олардың мағыналарын түсіндіру және қолдану қабілеті; тілдік материалды үйлесімді мәтінге ұйымдастыру дағдыларын меңгеру; шет тілдерінің үйлесімді сөздерін шығара білу; өз сөзін логикалық, сенімді және дәйекті түрде құра білу.
Іскерлік қарым–қатынас - бұл белгілі бір нәтижеге қол жеткізуді, нақты проблеманы шешуді немесе белгілі бір мақсаттарды іске асыруды көздейтін іс-әрекет, Ақпарат және тәжірибе алмасу жүргізілетін өзара байланыс және өзара іс-қимыл процесі.
Эпистолярлық стилі - жеке адамдардың бір-біріне жазысқан хаттары- ның тілін танытатын сөз мәнері7
Дискурс (фр. discours) — тілдік коммуникация түрі. Кең шеңберде, дискурс дегеніміз уақыттың мәдени тілдік контексті.
Іскерлік дискурс - мәтін және мәдени-әлеуметтік, психологиялық факторлардың жиынтығы деген ұғымды білдіреді.
In the context of world globalization economic relations and internationalization of business contacts in modern society it is observed the obvious turn towards studying of cross-cultural features in business communication and business discourse. In particular, in linguistic science the special importance is gained by questions of effective use and further studying of business correspondence texts as important regulator of business relations between business partners. In this regard on a foreground problems most of assist by authors of a pragmatic component in texts move forward, considering cross-cultural differences in written business communication. The interested cross-cultural professional communication of members in business communities means the mutually having communicative behavior in the course of view exchange and development of mutually advantageous approaches for establishment of professional cooperation and, therefore, assumes possession of the corresponding discursive competences and ability to adequately perceive the point of view of the partners belonging to various socio-cultural layers of the international business community.
The development problems of a business discourse and cross-cultural business communication are considered by the famous foreign scientists (D. Аkаr, F. Bаrgiеlа- Chiаppini, L. Bеаmеr, V. Bhаtiа, K. Blum-Kulkа, P. Brоwn, M. Chаrlеs, M. Clynе,
P. Drеw, J. Gimеnеz, B. Gunnаrssоn, N. Fаirclоugh, C. Kоng, S. Lеvinsоn, А. Lеznyаk, L. Lоuhiаlа-Sаlminеn, А. Kаnkааnrаntа, R. Kаplаn, L. Millеr, C. Nikеrsоn,
W. Оrlikоwski, G. Pоncini, R. Scоllоn, J. Swаlеs, H. Zhu, Y. Zhu, etc.) and neighboring countries (N.D. Arutyunova, T.N. Astafurova, H.A. Balandina, N.A. Baranova, O.A. Beznayeva, P. Voloshin, V.S. Grigorieva; Z.I. Guryeva, Y.V. Danyushina, V.Y. Doroshenko, I.V. Drabkina, V.I. Karasik, V.V. Kalyuzhnaya, M.V. Koltunova, A.N. Kudlayeva, E.N. Malyuga, E.E. Sapozhnikova, A.O. Stebletsova, O.S. Syshchikov, V.A. Ponomareva, N.M. Potapova, S.G. Ter-Minasova, T.A. Shiryaeva, E.V. Chilikina, etc.).
The big contribution to development of the business communication theory was made by the works of the Kazakhstan scientists devoted to identification of linguistic specifics of the Kazakh written epistolary style (G.T. Abikenova, B. Abilkasymov), studying of syntax and stylistics in the modern Kazakh business language (B.Z. Abilmazhinov), the linguistic analysis of business writing monuments in the 18-19th centuries (A.I. Akhmetzhanova), to determination of structural and lexical features of standard administrative documents (B.S. Ashirov), influence of the Kazakh culture on process of the Kazakh business language studying (G.A. Birali), a role and functions of business communication (G.Z. Bakirov), studying of ontology, interaction and genres of a business discourse (G.G. Burkitbayeva), the culture of oral business language in Kazakh (N.A. Duanbekov), to formation and development of official business language in the Kazakh and Russian languages (L.S. Duysembekova, N.I. Ergaziyev, S.K. Erezhepov, Z. Makeshov, M.K. Mambetov, A.T. Shonaybayev), to features of an English-speaking business discourse (G.Z. Matzhanova, Z.K. Omarov, A.S. Tolengutov) and other aspects of studying. Nevertheless, despite the achieved results, insufficiently studied there are questions in a research of a business discourse cognitive components, namely the general background knowledge, ideologies, norms, values and also unique mental models of certain people in the context of certain communicative situations; problems of realization of communicative pragmatic intentions of business communication participants within requirements of drawing up business correspondence and specifics of their reflection in the written text; influence of national and cultural accessory of communicants on process and logic of drawing up text; effective impact ways of the author in the text on installations of the addressee. Besides, the developing social and economic conditions dictate need in a new way, in a complex and with use of cross-disciplinary paradigms to investigate language of business communication in general and texts of business correspondence in particular. These circumstances caused the research relevance in which special attention is paid to socio-cognitive and communicative-pragmatic characteristics of the modern business correspondence, including linguistic realization the discursive strategy of achievement of a communicative failures minimum because of a discrepancy in interests of the business partners representing various cultures.
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