Окружающие ландшафты водотоков. Водотоки: влияние окруж.ландшафта и водосбора.
Freshwater Biology
Volume 45 Issue 3 Page 343 - November 2000
Прогноз и изучение изменения местообитаний
по макромасштабным характеристикам водосбора.
Prediction and assessment of local
stream habitat features using large-scale catchment characteristics
Nerida M. Davies, Richard H. Norris and Martin C. Thoms
1.Knowledge of what a habitat should be like, in the absence of the effects of
human activities, is fundamental to local stream habitat assessment. It has been
suggested that stream habitats are influenced by large-scale catchment features. This
study aimed to identify these relationships so that local-scale habitat features could
be predicted from larger-scale characteristics.
2.Fifty-one reference sites from the Upper Murrumbidgee River catchment, south-
eastern Australia, were classified on the basis of the local features of their stream
habitat. Large-scale variables, namely catchment area, stream length, relief ratio,
alkalinity, percentage of volcanic rocks, percentage of metasediments, dominant
geology and dominant soil type, provided sufficient information for classifying 69%
of reference sites into appropriate reference site groups.
3.A model created using these large-scale catchment variables was able to predict
the local habitat features that were expected (E) to occur at a site in the absence of
the effects of human activities. These were compared with observed (O) local
habitat features to provide an observed-to-expected (O/E) ratio, an assessment
score of the habitat at a site. The departure of this ratio from 1 enables identification
of those sites that may be impacted. A list of habitat features that are expected at a
site can provide targets for habitat restoration or enhancement.
4.For impacted sites, when habitat assessment from the habitat predictive model
was compared with biological assessment from the Australian River Assessment
System (AUSRIVAS) predictive model, it was possible to identify whether habitat
degradation or water quality degradation was the cause of biological impairment.
Such assessment may make it possible to identify rehabilitation goals relevant to the
Влияние пищи и окр.ландшафтов на бентос.
Authors: Reed-JL Campbell-IC Bailey-PCE
Взаимоотношения между сообществом макробентоса и доступной пищей в лесных и пастбищных районах в 3 речках восточной Австралии.
The Relationship Between Invertebrate Assemblages and Available Food at Forest and Pasture Sites in 3 South-Eastern Australian Streams
FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 1994, Vol 32, Iss 3, pp 641-650
1. Levels of ash-free dry matter (AFDM) and chlorophyll a
in epilithon, benthic particulate organic matter (BPOM),
invertebrate assemblage composition, and biomass of functional
feeding groups were compared in winter and summer at forest and
pasture sites in three Victorian streams.
2. Chlorophyll a concentrations of epilithon were
significantly higher at pasture than forest sites in winter but
not in summer while BPOM was not significantly greater at forest
sites in either season. Epilithic biomass as AFDM did not show
consistent differences between land uses or seasons.
3. Total biomass of invertebrates did not differ between
forest and pasture sites but the biomass of shredders was
significantly higher, and that of grazers significantly lower,
at forest than pasture sites. A site shaded with an artificial
canopy behaved as a forest site for grazers but as a pasture
site for shredders.
4. Cluster analyses of invertebrate assemblages grouped
pasture sites with forest sites on the same stream at the same
season, indicating that assemblage composition was less
influenced by land-use differences than by between-stream and
seasonal differences.
5. Biomass of functional feeding groups appeared to be a
more sensitive indicator of invertebrate assemblage response to
land-use alteration than either species diversity/richness
measures, or multivariate assemblage composition measures.
Водотоки: влияние прибрежной растительности
Authors: Dudgeon-D
Влияние прибрежной растительности на структуру сообществ макробентоса в 6 речках Новой Гвинеи.
The Influence of Riparian Vegetation on Macroinvertebrate Community Structure and Functional-Organization in 6 New-Guinea Streams
HYDROBIOLOGIA 1994, Vol 294, Iss 1, pp 65-85
Information on the ecology of New Guinea streams is meagre,
and data are needed on the trophic basis of aquatic production
in rivers such as the Sepik in Papua New Guinea which have low
fish yields. This study investigates the relationship between
riparian shading (from savanna grassland to primary rainforest),
algal and detrital food, and macroinvertebrate abundance and
community structure in 6 Sepik River tributary streams. A
particular aim was to elucidate macroinvertebrate community
responses to changes in riparian conditions. All streams
supported diverse benthic communities, but morphospecies
richness (overall total 64) was less than in streams on the
tropical Asian mainland; population densities of benthic
invertebrates, by contrast, were similar to those recorded
elsewhere. Low diversity could reflect limited taxonomic
penetration, but may result from the absence of major groups
(Plecoptera, Heptageniidae, Ephemerellidae, Psephenidae,
Megaloptera, etc.) which occur on the Asian mainland.
Population densities of all 19 of the most abundant
macroinvertebrate taxa varied significantly among the 6 study
streams, but community composition in each was broadly similar
with dominance by Baetidae and (in order of decreasing
importance), Leptophlebiidae, Orthocladiinae, Elmidae and
Hydropsychidae. Principal components analysis (PCA) undertaken
on counts of abundant macroinvertebrate taxa clearly separated
samples taken in two streams from the rest. Both streams
contained high detrital standing stocks and one was completely
shaded by rainforest. Stepwise multiple-regression analysis
indicated that population densities of the majority of abundant
taxa (11 out of 19) across streams (10 samples per stream; n =
60) were influenced by algae and/or detritus, although standing
stocks of these variables were not clearly related to riparian
conditions. When regression analysis was repeated on mean
counts of taxa per stream (dependent variables) versus features
of each stream as a whole (thus n = 6), % shading and detritus
were the independent variables yielding significant regression
models most frequently, but pH, total-nitrogen loads and algae
were also significant predictors of faunal abundance. Further
regression analysis, undertaken separately on samples (n = 10)
from each stream, confirmed the ability of algae and detritus to
account for significant portions of the variance in
macroinvertebrate abundance, but the significance of these
variables varied among streams with the consequence that
responses of individual taxa to algae or detritus was site-
Community functional organization - revealed by
investigation of macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups
(FFGs) - was rather conservative, and streams were codominated
by collector-gatherers (mean across 6 streams = 43%) and grazers
(36%), followed by filter-feeders (15%) and predators (7%). The
shredder FFG was species-poor and comprised only 0.4% of total
macroinvertebrate populations; shredders did not exceed 2% of
benthic populations in any stream. PCA of FFG abundance data
was characterized by poor separation among streams, although
there was some evidence of clustering of samples from unshaded
sites. The first 2 PCA axes accounted for 84% of the variation
in the data suggesting that the poor separation resulted from
the general similarity of FFG representation among streams.
Although stepwise multiple-regression analysis indicated that
algae and detritus accounted for significant proportions of the
variations in population density and relative abundance of some
FFGs, the response of community functional organization to
changes in riparian conditions and algal and detrital food base
was weak - unlike the deterministic responses that may be
typical of north-temperate streams.
Приречные ландшафты.
Freshwater Biology
Volume 47 Issue 4 Page 501 - April 2002
Riverine landscapes: taking landscape ecology into the water
1.Landscape ecology deals with the influence of spatial pattern on ecological
processes. It considers the ecological consequences of where things are located in
space, where they are relative to other things, and how these relationships and their
consequences are contingent on the characteristics of the surrounding landscape
mosaic at multiple scales in time and space. Traditionally, landscape ecologists have
focused their attention on terrestrial ecosystems, and rivers and streams have been
considered either as elements of landscape mosaics or as units that are linked to the
terrestrial landscape by flows across boundaries or ecotones. Less often, the
heterogeneity that exists within a river or stream has been viewed as a `riverscape' in
its own right.
2.Landscape ecology can be unified about six central themes: (1) patches differ in
quality (2) patch boundaries affect flows, (3) patch context matters, (4) connectivity
is critical, (5) organisms are important, and (6) the importance of scale. Although
riverine systems differ from terrestrial systems by virtue of the strong physical force
of hydrology and the inherent connectivity provided by water flow, all of these
themes apply equally to aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and to the linkages
between the two.
3.Landscape ecology therefore has important insights to offer to the study of
riverine ecosystems, but these systems may also provide excellent opportunities for
developing and testing landscape ecological theory. The principles and approaches
of landscape ecology should be extended to include freshwater systems; it is time
to take the `land' out of landscape ecology.
Приречные ландшафты.
Freshwater Biology Volume 47 Issue 4 Page 517 - April 2002
Riverine landscape diversity
1. This review is presented as a broad synthesis of riverine landscape diversity,
beginning with an account of the variety of landscape elements contained within
river corridors. Landscape dynamics within river corridors are then examined in the
context of landscape evolution, ecological succession and turnover rates of
landscape elements. This is followed by an overview of the role of connectivity and
ends with a riverine landscape perspective of biodiversity.
2. River corridors in the natural state are characterised by a diverse array of
landscape elements, including surface waters (a gradient of lotic and lentic
waterbodies), the fluvial stygoscape (alluvial aquifers), riparian systems (alluvial
forests, marshes, meadows) and geomorphic features (bars and islands, ridges and
swales, levees and terraces, fans and deltas, fringing floodplains, wood debris
deposits and channel networks).
3. Fluvial action (erosion, transport, deposition) is the predominant agent of
landscape evolution and also constitutes the natural disturbance regime primarily
responsible for sustaining a high level of landscape diversity in river corridors.
Although individual landscape features may exhibit high turnover, largely as a
function of the interactions between fluvial dynamics and successional phenomena,
their relative abundance in the river corridor tends to remain constant over
ecological time.
4. Hydrological connectivity, the exchange of matter, energy and biota via the
aqueous medium, plays a major though poorly understood role in sustaining riverine
landscape diversity. Rigorous investigations of connectivity in diverse river systems
should provide considerable insight into landscape-level functional processes.
5. The species pool in riverine landscapes is derived from terrestrial and aquatic
communities inhabiting diverse lotic, lentic, riparian and groundwater habitats
arrayed across spatio-temporal gradients. Natural disturbance regimes are
responsible for both expanding the resource gradient in riverine landscapes as well
as for constraining competitive exclusion.
6. Riverine landscapes provide an ideal setting for investigating how complex
interactions between disturbance and productivity structure species diversity
Приречные ландшафты.
Freshwater Biology
Volume 47 Issue 4 Page 601 - April 2002
Large wood and fluvial processes
1. Large wood forms an important component of woodland river ecosystems. The
relationship between large wood and the physical characteristics of river systems
varies greatly with changes in the tree species of the marginal woodland, the climatic
and hydrological regime, the fluvial geomorphological setting and the river and
woodland management context.
2. Research on large wood and fluvial processes over the last 25years has focussed
on three main themes: the effects of wood on flow hydraulics; on the transfer of
mineral and organic sediment; and on the geomorphology of river channels.
3. Analogies between wood and mineral sediment transfer processes (supply,
mobility and river characteristics that affect retention) are found useful as a
framework for synthesising current knowledge on large wood in rivers.
4. An important property of wood is its size when scaled to the size of the river
channel. Small channels are defined as those whose width is less than the majority
of wood pieces (e.g. width
widths greater than the size of most wood pieces (e.g. width
piece length), and `Large' channels are wider than the length of all of the wood
pieces delivered to them.
5. A conceptual framework defined here for evaluating the storage and dynamics of
wood in rivers ranks the relative importance of hydrological characteristics (flow
regime, sediment transport regime), wood characteristics (piece size, buoyancy,
morphological complexity) and geomorphological characteristics (channel width,
geomorphological style) in `Small', `Medium' and `Large' rivers.
6. Wood pieces are large in comparison with river size in `small' rivers, therefore
they tend to remain close to where they are delivered to the river and provide
important structures in the stream, controlling rather than responding to the
hydrological and sediment transfer characteristics of the river.
7. For `Medium' rivers, the combination of wood length and form becomes critical
to the stability of wood within the channel. Wood accumulations form as a result of
smaller or more mobile wood pieces accumulating behind key pieces. Wood
transport is governed mainly by the flow regime and the buoyancy of the wood.
Even quite large wood pieces may require partial burial to give them stability, so
enhancing the importance of the sediment transport regime.
8. Wood dynamics in `Large' rivers vary with the geometry of the channel (slope
and channel pattern), which controls the delivery, mobility and breakage of wood,
and also the characteristics of the riparian zone, from where the greatest volume of
wood is introduced. Wood retention depends on the channel pattern and the
distribution of flow velocity. A large amount is stored at the channel margins. The
greater the contact between the active channel and the forested floodplain and
islands, the greater the quantity of wood that is stored.
Приречные ландшафты.
Freshwater Biology Volume 47 Issue 4 Page 661 - April 2002
The fauna of dynamic riverine landscapes
1.Riverine landscapes are heterogeneous in space (complex mosaic of habitat
types) and time (expansion and contraction cycles, landscape legacies). They are
inhabited by a diverse and abundant fauna of aquatic, terrestrial and amphibious
2.Faunal distribution patterns are determined by interactive processes that reflect the
landscape mosaic and complex environmental gradients. The life cycles of many
riverine species rely upon a shifting landscape mosaic and other species have
become adapted to exploit the characteristically high turn-over of habitats.
3.The complex landscape structure provides a diversity of habitats that sustains
various successional stages of faunal assemblages. A dynamic riverine landscape
sustains biodiversity by providing a variety of refugia and through ecological
feedbacks from the organisms themselves (ecosystem engineering).
4.The migration of many species, aquatic and terrestrial, is tightly coupled with the
temporal and spatial dynamics of the shifting landscape mosaic. Alternation of
landscape use by terrestrial and aquatic fauna corresponds to the rise and fall of the
flood. Complex ecological processes inherent to intact riverine landscapes are
reflected in their biodiversity, with important implications for the restoration and
management of river corridors.
Приречные ландшафты.
Freshwater Biology Volume 47 Issue 4 Page 679 - April 2002
Aquatic invertebrates in riverine landscapes
1.Riverine systems consist of a mosaic of patches and habitats linked by diverse
processes and supporting highly complex communities. Invertebrates show a high
taxonomic and functional diversity in riverine systems and are in several ways
important components of these systems. Their distribution patterns, movements
and effects on ecological flows, testify to their importance in various landscape
ecological processes. This paper reviews the invertebrate literature with respect to
patterns and processes in the riverine landscape.
2.The distribution of invertebrates in riverine habitats is governed by a number of
factors that typically act at different scales. Hence, the local community structure
can be seen as the result of a continuous sorting process through environmental
filters ranging from regional or catchment-wide processes, involving speciation,
geological history and climate, to the small-scale characteristics of individual
patches, such as local predation risk, substratum porosity and current velocity.
3.Dispersal is an important process driving invertebrate distribution, linking different
ecological systems across boundaries. Dispersal occurs within the aquatic habitat
as well as into the terrestrial surrounding, and also over land to other waterbodies.
New genetic techniques have contributed significantly to the understanding of
aquatic invertebrate dispersal and revealed the importance of factors such as
physical barriers, synchrony of emergence and taxonomic affiliation.
4.Invertebrates affect the cycling of nutrients and carbon by being a crucial
intermediate link between primary producers, detritus pools or primary consumers,
and predators higher up in the trophic hierarchy. Suspension feeders increase the
retention of carbon. The subsidies of aquatic invertebrates to the terrestrial
ecosystem have been shown to be important, as are reciprocal processes such as
the supply of terrestrial invertebrates that fall into the water.
5.Future studies are needed both to advance theoretical aspects of landscape
ecology pertaining to the invertebrates in riverine systems and to intensify the
experimental testing of hypotheses, for example with respect to the scaling of
processes and to linkages between the terrestrial and aquatic systems. Another
promising avenue is to take advantage of naturally steep environmental gradients,
and of systems disturbed by humans, such as regulated rivers. By comparison with
unimpaired reference sites, the mechanisms involved might be identified. The use of
`natural' experiments, especially where environmental gradients are steep, is another
technique with great potential.
Приречные ландшафты.
Freshwater Biology Volume 47 Issue 4 Page 711 - April 2002
Terrestrial invertebrates inhabiting lowland river floodplains of Central Amazonia
and Central Europe: a review
1.Amazonian terrestrial invertebrates produce high population densities during
favourable periods and may suffer a drastic decrease during occasional floods and
droughts. However, the monomodal, predictable flood pulse of the larger
Amazonian rivers favours the development of morphological (respiratory organs,
wing-dimorphism), phenological (synchronization of life cycles, univoltine mode of
life), physiological (flooding ability, gonad dormancy, alternating number of
developmental stages), and behavioural adaptations (migration, temporal diving)
with numerous interactions.
2.In lowlands of Central Europe, the flood pulse of large rivers is less predictable
than in Central Amazonia and is superimposed by the seasonal light/temperature
pulse (summer/winter regime). Some terrestrial invertebrates show physiological
resistance against inundation or drought, phenologies fitting the normal annual
rhythm of water level fluctuation (quiescence or diapause of eggs or adult
invertebrates), high dispersal ability and migration. However, most species survive
simply using a `risk strategy', combining high reproduction rates, dispersal and
reimmigration following catastrophic events.
3.The diversity of species in terrestrial invertebrates is lower in lowland riverine
ecosystems of Central Amazonia and Central Europe compared with the respective
uplands because of flood stress in these systems. However, floodplains in Central
Amazonia possess a greater number of endemic species in comparison with Central
European floodplains because of long periods of fairly stable climatic conditions in
comparison with large palaeoclimatic changes in Central Europe.
Водотоки: влияние лесной сукцессии на сообщество бентоса.
Freshwater Biology
Volume 39 Issue 1 Page 151 - February 1998
Long-term recovery of a mountain stream from clear-cut logging:
the effects of forest succession on benthic invertebrate community structure
Michael K. Stone* AND J. Bruce Wallace
1. Changes in benthic invertebrate community structure following 16years of forest
succession after logging were examined by estimating benthic invertebrate
abundance, biomass and secondary production in streams draining a forested
reference and a recovering clear-cut catchment. Benthic invertebrate abundance was
three times higher, and invertebrate biomass and production were two times higher
in the disturbed stream.
2. Comparison of invertebrate community abundance 1, 5 and 16years after clear-
cutting indicated that the proportion of scrapers had decreased, whereas shredders
had increased. Functional group percentage similarity indicated that the invertebrate
community in the disturbed stream 16years after clear-cutting was more similar to
the reference than to that found earlier in the disturbed stream.
3. The five indices calculated from data collected over the past 16years, as well as
the abundance, biomass and production data collected during this study, proved to
be of differing value in assessing recovery of the disturbed stream from logging.
Percent dominant taxon and EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera)
taxon richness failed to show any initial differences between reference and disturbed
streams, indicating that these indices may not be useful for measuring recovery
from logging. The percentage Baetis and shredder-scraper indices showed
significant differences only during the 1977 study and suggest recovery (no
difference between reference and disturbed) by 1982. The North Carolina Biotic
Index showed continued differences during 1982 in the riffle and depositional
habitats and recovery by 1993. Total macroinvertebrate abundance, biomass and
production, as well as EPT abundance, indicated continued differences between the
reference and disturbed streams in the 1993 study.
Влияние деревьев на речной бентос.
Lester P J. Mitchell S F. Scott D.
Dep. Biol., Queen's Univ., Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada.
Substrate and shade: Mechanisms of willow tree influence on the
macroinvertebrate community of Heeney Creek, South Island, New Zealand.
Archiv Fuer Hydrobiologie 136(2). 1996. 145-158.
Experiments were conducted in an effort to isolate the relative
contributions of substrate size distribution and shading to the reduction
in macroinvertebrate abundance associated with riparian willows in Heeney
Creek, New Zealand. The effect was apparently not related to the
availability of food. Periphyton primary production was not significantly
different among open, artificially shaded, and willow shaded sites, in
spite of the intense shading, and previous studies have indicated that
allochthonous food sources are more important to invertebrates at the
willow-shaded sites than at the open sites. An experiment in which the
substrate size distributions associated with willow-shaded and open sites
were reconstituted in containers, and incubated in the stream for
colonisation, indicated that there were significant effects of substrate
type. These were, however, relatively minor. The major effect was from
another, undetermined factor associated with willows, as the containers at
artificially shaded sites had higher abundances than at willow shaded
sites, regardless of substrate type. Willows are known to produce a
variety of compounds that inhibit the feeding of terrestrial animals, and
we postulate that exudates from their roots may similarly affect the
invertebrates in small, closely overgrown streams such as Heeney Creek.
Влияние прибрежных деревьев.
Authors: Lester-PJ Mitchell-SF Scott-D
Субстратное и теневое влияние деревьев ивы
на макробентос ручья Хени, Новая Зеландия.
Substrate and Shade - Mechanisms of Willow Tree Influence on the Macroinvertebrate Community of Heeney Creek, South-Island, New-Zealand
ARCHIV FUR HYDROBIOLOGIE 1996, Vol 136, Iss 2, pp 145-158
Experiments were conducted in an effort to isolate the
relative contributions of substrate size distribution and
shading to the reduction in macroinvertebrate abundance
associated with riparian willows in Heeney Creek, New Zealand.
The effect was apparently not related to the availability of
food. Periphyton primary production was not significantly
different among open, artificially shaded, and willow shaded
sites, in spite of the intense shading, and previous studies
have indicated that allochthonous food sources are more
important to invertebrates at the willow-shaded sites than at
the open sites. An experiment in which the substrate size
distributions associated with willow-shaded and open sites were
reconstituted in containers, and incubated in the stream for
colonisation, indicated that there were significant effects of
substrate type. These were, however, relatively minor. The major
effect was from another, undetermined factor associated with
willows, as the containers at artificially shaded sites had
higher abundances than at willow shaded sites, regardless of
substrate type. Willows are known to produce a variety of
compounds that inhibit the feeding of terrestrial animals, and
we postulate that exudates from their roots may similarly affect
the invertebrates in small, closely overgrown streams such as
Heeney Creek.
Приречные ландшафты.
Freshwater Biology
Volume 47 Issue 4 Page 867 - April 2002
Re-establishing and assessing ecological integrity in riverine landscapes
1. River-floodplain systems are among the most diverse and complex ecosystems.
The lack of detailed information about functional relationships and processes at the
landscape and catchment scale currently hampers assessment of their ecological
2. Intensive use and alteration of riverine landscapes by humans have led to severe
degradation of river-floodplain systems, especially in highly industrialised countries.
Recent water-related regulations and legislation focussing on high standards of
ecological integrity back efforts to restore or rehabilitate these systems.
3. Most restoration projects in the past have suffered from a range of deficits,
which pertain to project design, the planning process, the integration of associated
disciplines, scaling issues and monitoring.
4. The so-called `Leitbild' (i.e. a target vision) assumes a key role in river restoration
and the assessment of ecological integrity in general. The development of such a
Leitbild requires a multistep approach. Including explicitly the first step that defines
the natural, type-specific reference condition (i.e. a visionary as opposed to an
operational Leitbild), has great practical advantages for restoration efforts, primarily
because it provides an objective benchmark, as is required by the European Water
Framework Directive and other legal documents.
5. Clearly defined assessment criteria are crucial for evaluating ecological integrity,
especially in the pre- and postrestoration monitoring phases. Criteria that reflect
processes and functions should play a primary role in future assessments, so as to
preserve and restore functional integrity as a fundamental component of ecological
6. Case studies on the Kissimmee River (U.S.A.), the Rhine River (Netherlands and
Germany), and the Drau River (Austria) are used to illustrate the fundamental
principles underlying successful restoration projects of river-floodplain systems.
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