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Бентос водотоков: обобщения.

Литореофилы ручьев и озер


Авторы Richard K. Johnson, Willem Goedkoop, Leonard Sandin

Журнал Freshwater Biology Год выпуска 2004 Том 49 Номер 9

Страницы 1179-1194 Статус


1. Comparative studies of distinct, but not ecologically isolated, systems such as lakes and streams may improve our understanding of the importance of ecological linkages in aquatic ecosystems.

2. In this study we compared the macroinvertebrate benthos of stony habitats in Swedish lakes and streams. Community composition was used to evaluate zoogeographic patterns and functional feeding guilds were used to identify mechanisms potentially affecting such patterns.
3. Stream communities were generally more diverse and species-rich and had a higher proportion of grazers, shredders and passive-filter feeders than lakes. Lake communities had a higher proportion of predators and collector-gatherers. Of the 10 most common taxa, only Leptophlebia mayflies, clams (Sphaeriidae) and the isopod Asellus aquaticus were recorded in both lakes and streams.
4. Among-site variance in macroinvertebrate communities accounted for by regional-scale variables was low (6.4% for lakes and 10.1% for streams), compared with that by local-scale variables (21% for lakes and 37.6% for streams). For lakes, the among-site variance in macroinvertebrate communities was best explained by habitat-scale characteristics followed by ecosystem, riparian, catchment, geographic position and ecoregion. For streams, the variance in macroinvertebrate communities was best explained by ecosystem characteristics followed by habitat, catchment, riparian, ecoregion and geographic position.
5. Conspicuous differences in spatial pattern were revealed between lakes and streams. For lakes, the most unequivocal differences in community composition and function occurred at the transition zone between the mixed forests in the south and the boreal coniferous forests in the north. Surprisingly, streams did not respond as strongly to profound landscape-level differences in climate and vegetation cover.
6. The spatial differences noted between macroinvertebrate communities of lakes and streams may be because of differences in retention of detrital matter. Our findings imply that detrital inputs are qualitatively similar, but that the retention and processing of coarse particulate organic matter was presumably higher in lake littoral regions than in stream riffle habitats.
7. Although our findings support the conjecture that species distribution is determined fundamentally by conditions prevailing at the local-scale, regional factors such as land use/type and the role of history were important and seemingly act as strong determinants of large-scale patterns in biodiversity.

1. Сравнительные исследования отличных, но не экологически изолированный, системы типа озер и потоков могут улучшить наше понимание важности экологических редактирований в водных экосистемах.

2. В этом исследовании мы сравнили макробесхарактерный бентос каменных сред обитания в шведских озерах и потоках. Состав сообщества использовался, чтобы оценить образцы zoogeographic, и функциональные питательные гильдии использовались, чтобы идентифицировать механизмы, потенциально затрагивающие такие образцы.

3. Сообщества потока были вообще более разнообразны и богаты разновидностями и имели более высокую пропорцию grazers, шинковок и едоков пассивного фильтра чем озера. Сообщества озера имели более высокую пропорцию хищников и сборщика-собирателей. Из 10 самых общих таксонов, только подёнки Leptophlebia, моллюски (Sphaeriidae) и isopod Asellus aquaticus были зарегистрированы и в озерах и в потоках.

4. Среди-участка разница в макробесхарактерных сообществах, составляемых переменными регионального масштаба была низка (6.4 % для озер и 10.1 % для потоков), по сравнению с этим переменными местного масштаба (21 % для озер и 37.6 % для потоков). Для озер, среди-участка разница в макробесхарактерных сообществах лучше всего объяснялась в соответствии с особенностями масштаба среды обитания, которые сопровождает экосистема, прибрежная, дренаж, географическое положение и ecoregion. Для потоков, разница в макробесхарактерных сообществах лучше всего объяснялась в соответствии с особенностями экосистемы, которые сопровождает среда обитания, дренаж, прибрежный, ecoregion и географическое положение.

5. Заметные различия в пространственном образце были показаны между озерами и потоками. Для озер, наиболее определенные различия в составе сообщества и функции произошли в зоне перехода между смешанными лесами на юге и арктических хвойных лесах на севере. Удивительно, потоки как настоятельно не отвечали на глубокие различия уровня пейзажа в покрытии растительности и климате.

6. Пространственные различия, отмеченные между макробесхарактерными сообществами озер и потоков могут быть из-за различий в retenti ... [Source text was truncated]

Размерные спектры ручьевого бентоса


Авторы Tracey K. Stead, Jenny M. Schmid-Araya, Alan G. Hildrew

Журнал Freshwater Biology Год выпуска 2003 Дата март Том 48 Номер 3

Страницы 532-547 Статус


1. The whole metazoan community (i.e. including the meiofauna) of an acidic, fishless stream in south-east England was surveyed over 14 months between March 1999 and April 2000. Invertebrate density, biomass and taxonomic richness were assessed on each sampling occasion in relation to physico-chemical variables.

2. The meiofauna were more numerous and diverse than the macrofauna, while their total biomass occasionally equalled that of the macrofauna.
3. The meiofaunal and macrofaunal assemblages appeared to respond to different environmental factors. The meiofauna showed genuine species turnover through the year, while the macrofauna varied less in taxonomic composition though there were substantial variations in density.
4. These data suggest that the meiofauna and macrofauna exist at different temporal and spatial scales and perceive their environment with a different 'grain'.

. Целое metazoan сообщество (то есть включая meiofauna) кислого, fishless поток в юго-восточной Англии было рассмотрено более чем 14 месяцев между мартом 1999 и апрелем 2000. Бесхарактерная плотность, биомасса и таксономическое богатство были оценены в каждом случае осуществления выборки относительно физико-химических переменных.

2. Meiofauna были более многочисленные и разнообразные чем макрофауна, в то время как их полная биомасса иногда равнялась биомассе макрофауны.

3. Meiofaunal и макрофауновый assemblages, казалось, отвечали на различные экологические факторы. Meiofauna показал подлинный товарооборот разновидностей в течение года, в то время как макрофауна изменилась меньше по таксономическому составу, хотя были существенные изменения в плотности.

4. Эти данные предлагают, чтобы meiofauna и макрофауна существовали в различных временных и пространственных масштабах и чувствуют их окружающую среду с различным 'зерном'.

Классификация сообществ рек, Финляндия

04.04-04А2.120. Согласуется ли биологическая классификация верховых рек, основанная на изучении разных таксономических групп? Are biological classifications of headwater streams concordant across multiple taxonomic groups? / Paavola Riku, Muotka Timo, Virtanen Risto, Heino Jani, Kreivi Petri // Freshwater Biol. - 2003. - 48, № 10. - С. 1912_ѕ1923. - Англ.

На 32 реках бореального водосбора Финляндии изучали согласованность результатов классификации рек, полученных на рыбах, донных беспозвоночных и бриофитах. Наблюдаемое отсутствие согласованности результатов, полученных при использовании разных таксономических групп, связано с тем, что на них влияют разные факторы среды. Сообщество донных макробеспозвоночных коррелирует гл. обр. с размерами реки и pH, бриофиты _ѕ с цветностью воды, содержанием биогенов и вариабельностью речных биотопов; структура ихтиоценоза определяется глубиной реки, размерами частиц субстрата и содержанием в воде кислорода. Канада, Dep. of Zoology, Univ. of Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G5, E-mail: rpaavola@cc.jyu.fi. Ил. 3. Табл. 3. Библ. 46.

Водотоки: биоразнообразие.

Freshwater Biology

Volume 46 Issue 6 Page 807-819 - June 2001

Разработка концепции биоразнообразия в экологии рек.

Biodiversity: towards a unifying theme for river ecology

Ward & Tockner

1.A broadened concept of biodiversity, encompassing spatio-temporal

heterogeneity, functional processes and species diversity, could provide a unifying

theme for river ecology.

2.The theoretical foundations of stream ecology often do not reflect fully the crucial

roles of spatial complexity and fluvial dynamics in natural river ecosystems, which

has hindered conceptual advances and the effectiveness of efforts at conservation

and restoration.

3.Inclusion of surface waters (lotic and lentic), subsurface waters (hyporheic and

phreatic), riparian systems (in both constrained and floodplain reaches), and the

ecotones between them (e.g. springs) as interacting components contributing to

total biodiversity, is crucial for developing a holistic framework of rivers as


4.Measures of species diversity, including alpha, beta and gamma diversity, are a

result of disturbance history, resource partitioning, habitat fragmentation and

successional phenomena across the riverine landscape. A hierarchical approach to

diversity in natural and altered river-floodplain ecosystems will enhance

understanding of ecological phenomena operating at different scales along

multidimensional environmental gradients.

5.Re-establishing functional diversity (e.g. hydrologic and successional processes)

across the active corridor could serve as the focus of river conservation initiatives.

Once functional processes have been reconstituted, habitat heterogeneity will

increase, followed by corresponding increases in species diversity of aquatic and

riparian biota.

Предпочтение речных биотопов бентосом, Техас

03.10-04А2.205. Предпочитаемые биотопы водных макробеспозвоночных в реке с песчаным дном в восточном Техасе. Habitat preference of aquatic macroinvertebrates in an east Texas sandy stream / Phillips Edward C. // J. Freshwater Ecol. - 2003. - 18, № 1. - С. 1_ѕ11. - Англ.

В реке с песчаным дном макробеспозвоночные из всех предлагаемых субстратов предпочитали водные макрофиты (Hydrocotyle umbellata, Justica ovata, Alternantha philoxeroides), где их плотность достигала 815,8 экз./м{2}. Далее по предпочитаемости шли грубые древесные остатки (697,7 экз./м{2}), упаковки листового опада (516 экз./м{2}), погруженные в воду корни прибрежных деревьев (492,5 экз./м{2}), макрофиты Najas на скалах (218,6 экз./м{2}) и донный песок (216,3 экз./м{2}). Плотность макробеспозвоночных на древесных остатках сильно зависела от степени их разложения. Видовое богатство макробеспозвоночных было макс. в упаковках листвы, минимально _ѕ на Najas (соотв. 46 и 24 вида). США, Biology Dep. Gannon Univ. 109 Univ. Square Erie, PA 16541. E-mail: phillips010@gannon.edu. Табл. 3. Библ. 37.

Горный ручей, метаболизм сообщества, Германия.

Pusch M.

Inst. Gewaesseroekol. und Binnenfischerei, Mueggelseedamm 260, D-12562

Berlin, Germany.

The metabolism of organic matter in the hyporheic zone of a mountain

stream, and its spatial distribution

Hydrobiologia 323(2). 1996. 107-118.

Community respiration in hyporheic sediments (HCR) was studied in a

characteristic riffle-pool-sequence of a mountain stream. HCR activity at

the riffle site strongly exceeded that at the corresponding pool site with

a mean ratio of 5.3. The vertical distribution of HCR activity was

homogeneous in the pool, while there was a distinct maximum in the

uppermost layer in the riffle. Similarly, the spatial distribution of

certain fractions of particulate organic matter (POM), and their turnover,

was largely determined by stream morphology. Mean annual HCR per unit area

of stream bed was estimated as 1.71 g O-2 m-2 d-1. Hence, HCR contributes

significantly to total heterotrophic activity in streams, thus enhancing

the relative importance of heterotrophic processes in running waters

containing hyporheic zones.

Лесные водотоки: разнообразие беспозвоночных.


Volume 97 Issue 1 Page 18-30 - April 2002

Predicting invertebrate diversity from disturbance regimes in forest streams

Russell G. Death

The link between substrate disturbance and stream invertebrate species richness is often complicated by the fact that substrate disturbance removes both invertebrates and periphyton (a potential food source). It is never clear whether disturbance acts directly on species diversity by removing animals or indirectly by reducing one of their food sources. To examine this relationship invertebrate diversity patterns were examined in 25 forest streams in Urewera National Park, New Zealand, where light attenuation from the forest canopy was postulated to limit periphyton biomass and remove the confounding influence of periphyton on the link between substrate disturbance and invertebrate diversity. Invertebrate species richness declined linearly with increasing substrate disturbance. Although periphyton biomass was comparatively low, species richness was more strongly related to periphyton biomass than to any disturbance measure. The highly mobile nature and terrestrial reproductive stage of many lotic invertebrates suggest that colonisation dynamics may have a more important influence on diversity patterns than monopolisation of resources for population growth. Although both the intermediate disturbance hypothesis and the dynamic equilibrium model encompass colonisation as a critical determinant of diversity both models also require a trade-off between the colonising and competitive ability of individual species; a phenomenon which does not appear to occur widely in lotic communities. Rather, it is postulated that resource levels will set an upper limit to the species richness of a benthic community that can be achieved through colonisation of taxa in the absence of disturbance, while disturbance removes taxa and resets the colonisation process.

Бентос водотоков: размерная структура.

Solimini-AG Benvenuti-A Dolimpio-R Decicco-M Carchini-G

Title: Size Structure of Benthic Invertebrate Assemblages in a

Mediterranean River


2001, Vol 20, Iss 3, pp 421-431

We examined the temporal, longitudinal, and among-substrate

variation of the size structure of the invertebrate assemblage

in a Mediterranenan river (Aniene River, central Italy).

Sampling was conducted with quantitative methods on different

substrates every 2 mo at 2 sites for 1 y and at 9 additional

sites in spring 1997. Water-quality variables, periphyton

standing crop, and physical characteristics of sites were also

recorded. The Aniene River showed large longitudinal changes in

overall physical features, periphyton biomass, and water quality

that were reflected in dramatic changes of the taxonomic

composition of the invertebrate assemblage. Insects were

numerically dominant in the upper reach and codominant with

gastropods in the middle reach, whereas oligochaetes,

crustaceans, and chironomids were predominant in the lower and

polluted reach. Despite these changes, the shape of the size

structure of the invertebrate assemblage was similar among

sites, dates, and substrates, with limited departures from the

average size spectrum. Body mass alone accounted for the largest

part of the variance of the abundance per size class (48%)

whereas date, site, and substrate accounted for an additional

13%. These data support early observations of size spectrum

invariance from North American streams and rivers, reinforcing

the view that size-dependent processes may structure lotic

benthic assemblages.

Бентос тропических водотоков: асезонность.

Yule C M. Pearson R G.

Aseasonality of benthic invertebrates in a tropical stream on Bougainville

Island, Papua New Guinea.

Archiv Fuer Hydrobiologie 137(1). 1996. 95-117.

The benthic invertebrate fauna of Konaiano Creek, a small, aseasonal,

tropical, mountain rainforest stream on Bougainville Island, Papua New

Guinea, was quantitatively studied over a period of 22 months. Konaiano

Creek supported a diverse, mostly undescribed, fauna dominated by two

closely related species of Simuliidae (55% of the total specimens

collected), and two species of Hydropsychidae. Over 182 taxa were

recorded, more than half of which were Diptera. The community exhibited no

pattern of seasonal change in faunal abundance or species composition. The

life cycles of 15 species were examined (8 Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae

spp. 1 and 2, Chimaera sp., Philopotamidae sp., Nyctiophylax sp.,

Anisocentropus sp., nr Triaenodes sp., Apsilochorema sp.; 3 Ephemeroptera,

Platybaetis sp., Barba sp., Prosopistoma sedlaceki; one Zygoptera,

Lieftinckia kimminsi; one Blephariceridae, Apistomyia sp. and two

Simuliidae, Simulium (Morops) spp. 1 and 2). They all exhibited

asynchronous aseasonal life cycles with continuous hatching and growth.

This strategy appeared to be in response to the lack of environmental cues

to enable synchronization of hatching, growth and emergence, since the

climate of Bougainville Island is remarkably equable throughout the year

with regard to temperature, rainfall and humidity, and there is a yearly

variation in photoperiod of only 36 min. It is further suggested that

asynchrony of life histories would be promoted by the frequent intense but

unpredictable spates in Konaiano Creek since the presence of all life

stages at any one time (particularly flying adults) would enhance a

species' survival.

Экология весенних ручьев.

Authors: Cushing-CE

Экология холодных весенных бесплодных ручьев.

The Ecology of Cold Desert Spring-Streams

ARCHIV FUR HYDROBIOLOGIE 1996, Vol 135, Iss 4, pp 499-522


Cold desert spring-streams exhibit several features which

make their structure and function unusual as compared to more

mesic systems. These include anomalies between autotrophy and

export, low macroinvertebrate populations probably related to

severe winter spates, and secondary production rates

intermediate between mesic streams and hot desert streams.

Бентос рек: размерные спектры.

Authors: Cattaneo-A

Размерные спектры бентосных сообществ в реках Лаврентия.

Size Spectra of Benthic Communities in Laurentian Streams


Размерные спектры бентоса в речках отличаются от известных для планктона, но могут отражать узкие таксономические рамки предварительных исследований. Когда водоросли, простейшие и беспозвоночные из трех каменистых речек в Квебеке были объединены в логарифмическом масштабе в единый спектр, распределение биомассы оказалось близким к равномерному во всех точках и временах съемки, несмотря на различия в таксономической структуре составляющих. В размерном спектре наблюдались пики и провалы, но биомасса во всех классах обычно лежала близко к средней. Наклон нормализованного спектра все время был меньше -1 (в среднем -0.91), показывая незначительное увеличение биомассы в больших размерных классах. Сильно изрезанный спектр, наблюдавшийся ранее для беспозвоночных, смазывается водорослями и протистами. Сравнение этого спектра с описанными для бентоса и планктона озер и морей показывает замечательное сходство. Таким образом, равномерное распределение биомассы в логарифмических размерных классах есть общее свойство структуры сообществ, не ограниченное спецификой планктона. Размерно-ориентерованный подход может быть полезен для упрощения описания сложных речных сообществ.Abstract:

The size spectra of benthic invertebrates in streams appear to differ from those reported in planktonic systems, but could reflect the narrow taxonomic scope of previous studies. When algae, protozoans, and invertebrates growing on rocks in three Laurentian streams (Quebec) were grouped in logarithmically increasing size classes, patterns in the distribution of biomass were consistent over sites and dates, despite large differences in taxonomic composition. Peaks and troughs were observed in the size spectra, but the biomass of the various size classes usually lay within an order of magnitude of the mean of all classes. The slopes of the normalized size spectra were always shallower than -1 (median = -0.91) indicating a slight biomass increase in the larger size classes. Strongly peaked spectra previously observed for stream invertebrates were smoothed by the inclusion of algae and protozoans. Comparison with size spectra described for benthic and planktonic communities in lakes and oceans, showed remarkable similarities among habitats. These findings suggest that roughly similar biomass in logarithmic size classes is a general community pattern not restricted to the peculiarities of plankton communities. A size-based approach could be useful to simplify the description of complex stream communities.

Структура ручьевого бентоса, Аппалачи.

Angradi T R.

Inter-habitat variation in benthic community structure, function, and

organic matter storage in 3 Appalachian headwater streams.

Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15(1). 1996. 42-63.

Inter-habitat variation in benthic community structure and function was

investigated in 3 headwater streams in West Virginia, USA. Abundance and

biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates and salamanders together with

standing crop of benthic organic matter were estimated for riffles, rock

faces, plunge pools, debris-dam pools, and leaf packs. In 1 stream,

installation of log dams for fish habitat (K-dams) created artificial

plunge pools and debris-dam pools. Standing crop of benthic organic matter

was lowest in riffles and rock faces ( apprxeq 50 g ash-free dry mass/m-2)

and was dominated by coarse (1-10 mm) and fine (0.25-1 mm) particles. Mass

of benthic organic matter was highest in debris-dam pools ( gt 2 kg

ash-free dry mass/m-2), and was dominated by coarse particles and wood.

Mean animal density (macroinvertebrates and salamander larvae) was highest

in debris-dam pools and on rock faces ( gt 10,000/m-2) and lowest in

riffles and plunge pools ( lt 5000/m-2). Standing biomass of animals was

highest in pools (3-8 g dry mass/m-2) and lowest in riffles and on rock

faces ( lt 2 g dry mass/m-2). Chironomids and the stonefly Leuctra were

the most abundant taxa in most habitats; co-dominant taxa differed among

habitats. Ordination of macroinvertebrate taxa showed that community

structure was more similar among habitats than among streams. Functional

organization differed among habitats. In riffles, all functional groups

were well represented. Scrapers, filters, and gatherers predominated on

rock faces. In pools, shredders and predators dominated biomass, although

gatherers were the most abundant group. In plunge pools, crayfish

(Cambarus) were relatively more abundant than in debris dam pools; the

opposite was true for macroinvertebrate predators. Overall, inter-habitat

variation in taxonomic structure, animal abundance, biomass, functional

organization, and benthic organic matter exceeded among-stream variation.

Comparison with published data for a North Carolina headwater stream

revealed common patterns of inter-habitat variation in functional

organization. Installation of K-dams in a headwater stream influenced the

abundance, biomass, and functional organization of the benthos by

providing habitat for taxa able to exploit debris-dam pools formed

upstream of K-dams, which retain abundant organic matter.

Речной бентос: убежища и структура сообществ.

Palmer M A. Arensburger P. Botts P S. Hakenkamp C C. Reid J W.

Disturbance and the community structure of stream invertebrates:

Patch-specific effects and the role of refugia.

Freshwater Biology 34(2). 1995. 343-356.

1. We have previously shown that the impact of spates on stream

invertebrates may differ among patches separated by distances of metres or

less. Here we analyse the species-specific flood responses of larval

chironomids and adult and near mature copepods living in different patch

types. Four patch types (with eight replicates of each) were compared: the

sandy mid-channel, fine sediments around dams, coarse sediments around

dams, and dam debris. Additionally, since some fine sediment patches had

been shown previously to act as flow refugia while others did not, we also

examined species-specific responses in refugium vs. non-refugium fine

sediment patches. Detrended correspondence analysis was used to test for

changes in assemblage structure (species composition and relative

abundance). 2. Species richness was not altered in a predictable manner by

floods; the least stable patch types (mid-channel and coarse patches) did

not necessarily show reduced species richness during the spate. 3. As

indicated by the spread of DCA ordination scores, there was generally a

high degree of overlap in the species composition among the four patch

types. Nevertheless, copepod species composition and relative abundance

were more similar among patch types during the spate than pre-spate.

Spates may induce a re-distribution of copepod species among the patch

types. Chironomid species composition and relative abundance were no more

similar among patch types during the spate than pre- or post-spate. 4. For

both chironomids and copepods, species composition and relative abundance

(as assessed by DCA ordination scores) in refugium patches changed more in

response to the spate than in the non-refugium patches. An influx of

individuals from just a few species for each group was responsible for the

change in assemblage structure. Thus, despite the fact that our past work

has shown that refugia may confer enhanced resistance and resilience of

copepod and chironomid assemblages in terms of total faunal abundances the

present work suggests that resistance and resilience of the species

composition of the community apparently are no greater in refugium patches

than in non-refugium patches.

Речной бентос: экосистемы с доминированем детритофагов.

Flecker A S.


Sect. Ecol. Syst., Corson Hall, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853, USA.


Ecosystem engineering by a dominant detritivore in a diverse tropical



Ecology 77(6). 1996. 1845-1854.

Prochilodus mariae (Characiformes:Prochilodontidae) is a detritivorous

fish distributed throughout the Orinoco river basin of South America.

Spectacular migrations of these fishes occur at the end of the rainy

season into the Andean foothills. Prochilodus ingest large quantities of

sediments and may thereby modify habitats in neotropical streams. The

major objectives of this study were (1) to explore experimentally the

importance of Prochilodus in structuring a tropical stream in the

Venezuelan Andean piedmont, and (2) to determine whether there was

sufficient ecological redundancy in a diverse and abundant assemblage of

epibenthic fishes to compensate for the removal of Prochilodus. Community

structure was compared among three experimental treatments: (1)

Prochilodus exclusion, (2) Prochilodus enclosure, and (3) the natural fish

assemblage. Selective exclusion of Prochilodus resulted in striking

changes in community structure as measured by patterns of sediment accrual

and the composition of algal and invertebrate assemblages. Highly

significant increases in total dry mass and in ash-free dry mass of

sediments accruing on stream-bottom substrates were observed almost

immediately following the exclusion of Prochilodus. Moreover, the

composition of algal and invertebrate assemblages was significantly

modified by Prochilodus. Taxa such as diatoms were reduced in number when

Prochilodus was present; in contrast, Prochilodus appeared to facilitate

nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. Total invertebrate densities were greatest

in the Prochilodus removal treatment; however, a variety of responses to

the experimental treatments was observed among different taxa analyzed

individually, including density reductions, increases, and no measurable

effects. This study suggests that the detritivore Prochilodus is a

functionally dominant species in Andean foothill streams via

sediment-processing activities. Moreover, it provides little evidence to

support the notion that strongly interacting species are limited to simple

systems with few food web components.

Бентос и листовой опад, водоток тропиков.

Benstead J P.


Inst. Ecol., Univ. Ga., Athens, GA 30602, USA.


Macroinvertebrates and the processing of leaf litter in a tropical stream.


Biotropica 29(3). 1996. 367-375.

The processing of leaf litter in temperate streams has been the subject of

numerous studies but equivalent tropical ecosystems have received little

attention. The decomposition and macroinvertebrate colonisation of leaf

litter was investigated using litter bags placed in a first-order

rainforest stream over a 48 day period. Changes in leaf chemistry were

also studied. Decay of the fresh, mixed-species litter was rapid (2.5%

day-) in comparison to that typically observed in temperate streams. The

high water temperatures (21 degree C) at the study site are considered an

important factor in the decay rate observed. Initially, average nitrogen

content was high (3.5%). Content decreased to 3.1 percent after six days

immersion and, thereafter, remained relatively constant. The consequent

lack of evidence for microbial conditioning was attributed to

species-specific differences in decay rate, giving rise to an overlapping

sequence of conditioning and mineralisation of each leaf species within

individual litter bags. Soluble polyphenols were largely leached from

litter during the initial period of immersion. Constancy in remaining

polyphenol content may be due to complexing with proteins and/or lignin

compounds. The invertebrate community which colonised litter bags was

dominated by insect groups and species richness was lower than that

typical of many temperate streams. Colonisation dynamics differed among

functional feeding groups: collector abundance increased on a linear basis

whereas shredder and predator groups increased logarithmically. Despite

differences in decay rate and taxonomic composition of the invertebrate

community, the pattern of leaf litter utilisation and decay in the

tropical scream studied was similar to that typically observed in

temperate streams.

Влияние бентоса на субстрат.

Authors: Graca-MAS

Title: The Role of Invertebrates on Leaf-Litter Decomposition

in Streams - A Review


2001, Vol 86, Iss 4-5, pp 383-393

Leaves entering low order streams are subject to physical

abrasion, microbial degradation and invertebrate fragmentation.

Aquatic invertebrates feeding on leaves are known as shredders

and their densities tend to be correlated with the spatial and

temporal accumulation of organic matter in streams. Shredders

discriminate among the variety of leaves normally found in the

stream; this discrimination may be related to differences in

leaf toughness, plant nutrient content of leaves and the

presence of secondary compounds. Shredders also consume leaves

preferentially after the establishment of a well-developed

microbial community. This preference may be the result of

changes in leaf matrix carried out by the microbial community or

the presence of fungal hyphae with a higher nutrition value than

the leaves themselves. The immediate consequence of invertebrate

feeding on leaves is the incorporation of plant material into

secondary production and the fragmentation of leaves. The

relative importance of fungi and invertebrates in the

decomposition process depends upon the density of shredders,

which, in turn, may depend on litter accumulation in streams.

Therefore, the type of riparian vegetation has the potential to

control the diversity and abundance of shredders and changes in

riparian vegetation have the potential to affect the assemblages

of aquatic invertebrates.

Водотоки: методика сбора проб

Freshwater Biology

Volume 44 Issue 2 Page 355 - June 2000

The effect of fixed-count subsampling on

macroinvertebrate biomonitoring in small streams

Craig P. Doberstein*, James R. Karr and Loveday L. Conquest


1. When rigorous standards of collecting and analysing data are maintained,

biological monitoring adds valuable information to water resource

assessments. Decisions, from study design and field methods to laboratory

procedures and data analysis, affect assessment quality. Subsampling - a

laboratory procedure in which researchers count and identify a random

subset of field samples - is widespread yet controversial. What are the

consequences of subsampling?

2. To explore this question, random subsamples were computer generated for

subsample sizes ranging from 100 to 1000 individuals as compared with the

results of counting whole samples. The study was done on benthic

invertebrate samples collected from five Puget Sound lowland streams near

Seattle, WA, USA. For each replicate subsample, values for 10 biological

attributes (e.g. total number of taxa) and for the 10-metric benthic index of

biological integrity (B-IBI) were computed.

3. Variance of each metric and B-IBI for each subsample size was compared

with variance associated with fully counted samples generated using the

bootstrap algorithm. From the measures of variance, we computed the

maximum number of distinguishable classes of stream condition as a

function of sample size for each metric and for B-IBI.

4. Subsampling significantly decreased the maximum number of distinguishable

stream classes for B-IBI, from 8.2 for fully counted samples to 2.8 classes

for 100-organism subsamples. For subsamples containing 100-300

individuals, discriminatory power was low enough to mislead water resource

decision makers.

Водотоки: мейобентос

Freshwater Biology

Volume 44 Issue 1 Page 1 - May 2000

An introduction to a special issue on lotic meiofauna

A. L. Robertson*,S. D. Rundle and J. M. Schmid-Araya


1. This special issue focuses on the meiofauna of lotic freshwater systems,

providing a review of the biology and ecology of this relatively poorly

studied constituent of the benthos in running waters.

2. Six papers review the biology and ecology of the major groups of lotic

meiofauna: microturbellarians; rotifers and gastrotrichs; nematodes; water

mites; microcrustaceans and tardigrades.

3 Current knowledge of the ecology of lotic meiofauna is presented further in

six papers that also highlight important future directions for research.

Водотоки: фауна листового опада.

Freshwater Biology

Volume 40 Issue 2 Page 215-228 - September 1998

Leaf breakdown and associated macroinvertebrates in alpine glacial streams

Christopher T. Robinson, Mark O. Gessner* AND J. V. Ward

1. The relationship between macroinvertebrate assemblages and the breakdown of

alder [Alnus viridis (Chaix), Dc.] leaves was examined by exposing leaf packs in

four streams in an alpine glacial floodplain over 8months. Although glacially fed, the

four sites (pro-glacial, glacial lake outlet, main channel, and a side-channel with a

mix of water sources) differed physically and contained different benthic


2. Leaf breakdown and associated fungal properties differed widely among sites.

Leaf decay rate varied by an order of magnitude (k ranged from 0.0029 to 0.0305

day1), and was fastest at the lake outlet (<20% leaf mass remaining by day 45) and

slowest at the pro-glacial site (>75% remaining on day 45). Rapid processing at the

lake outlet was because of the presence of Acrophylax zerberus Brauer, a shredding


3. There were few macroinvertebrate taxa at the pro-glacial site (two to four taxa

present in packs) and leaf breakdown was attributed primarily to micro-organisms.

Leuctra abundance in leaf packs was strongly correlated with fungal biomass but

not with the sporulation activity of any specific aquatic hyphomycete. Other taxa,

such as Baetis and chironomids, showed no relationship with any leaf

characteristic, suggesting that leaf packs were used mainly as a habitat and not as a

food resource.

4. The predatory stonefly Isoperla was significantly associated with the abundance

of macroinvertebrate prey (Baetis, Chironomidae and Leuctra) in leaf packs at the

main and side-channel sites. The results indicate that leaf breakdown can vary

widely in alpine lotic environments, reflecting site-specific differences in habitat

characteristics, and in macroinvertebrate and fungal composition.

Водотоки: бентос опада.

Freshwater Biology

Volume 39 Issue 2 Page 325 - March 1998

Spatial scale and the aggregation of stream macroinvertebrates associated

with leaf packs

John F. Murphy, , Paul S. Giller* AND & Margaret A. Horan

1. An experimental field study examined the aggregation of stream

macroinvertebrates associated with leaf packs over different spatial scales (several

metres-km) (extent), at different patch sizes (grain) and temporal scales (2 and 4


2. Standardized leaf packs were constructed and set in eighteen blocks of nine

equally spaced packs in glide areas over a 2 km stretch of a wooded stream. The

distribution of macroinvertebrates colonizing the artificial leaf packs was

investigated to examine the extent of both intraspecific and interspecific aggregation

across leaf packs.

3. All major colonizing taxa were intraspecifically aggregated across the leaf packs.

Aggregation decreased with increasing patch size (grain) (from pack to block), and

also decreased with decreasing spatial extent (from 2 km stretch to withinblock

scale) with patch size held constant. Interspecific associations among all major taxa

were not common on most occasions at the short temporal scale, although the

proportion of significant associations tended to increase somewhat over time and

with spatial scale, but did not exceed 42% of all possible associations. The vast

majority of significant associations were positive rather than negative.

4. The influence of heterogeneity in a number of environmental variables measured

for each leaf pack (accumulated detritus and sediment, leaf mass, flow and depth)

on the distribution of invertebrates was considered, but this could only partially

explain the variation in macroinvertebrate abundance across leaf packs.

5. The roles of intrinsic aggregation and stochastic processes were examined as

alternative explanations for the distribution patterns observed. It is apparent from

this study that intrinsic aggregation, in concert with resource partitioning, influences

the community structure of stream macroinvertebrates associated with leaf packs.

These findings may also have implications for the distribution of taxa in the benthos

as a whole.

Водотоки: особенности экосистем в тропич.лесу

Freshwater Biology Volume 43 Issue 1 Page 31 - January 2000

Nutrient enhancement, food quality and community dynamics in a

tropical rainforest stream

R. G. Pearson and N. M. Connolly


1. A mixed nutrient supplement was added to stream-side experimental

channels in a closed canopy rainforest in tropical Queensland over a 7-

month period, raising nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations well above


2. Nutrient supplements enhanced decomposition of some leaf species, but

levels of chlorophyll a and fine particulate organic matter did not differ

between treatment and control channels.

3. Shredding by Anisocentropus kirramus (Trichoptera) had a significant effect

on leaf litter breakdown, but nutrient supplements did not enable A.kirramus

to shred more material; however, biochemical analysis of A. kirramus

showed that nutrient supplements enhanced the nutritional quality of the litter

for this species.

4. Treatment channels contained 75% more invertebrates than control channels,

but significant differences in abundance (all positive) were detected in only

five of the 109 invertebrate species present. There was no change in species

richness or evenness between treatment and control channels.

5. The limited community response indicates that (a) variables other than

nutrients (e.g. light) restricted primary productivity, (b) low nutrient

concentrations limit invertebrate production, (c) invertebrate community

composition in this closed canopy, forest stream is resistant to nutrient

enhancement, and (d) there was no direct relationship between productivity

and diversity in this tropical stream.

Речки: классификация биотопов.

Freshwater Biology Volume 47 Issue 9 Page 1594 - September 2002

Effects of longitudinal variations in stream habitat structure on fish abundance: an

analysis based on subunit-scale habitat classification

Mikio Inoue* and Masanori Nunokawa

1.Stream reaches contain assortments of various habitat types that can

be defined at different spatial scales, such as channel unit (e.g. pools, riffles) and

subunit (patches within channel units). We described longitudinal (upstream-

downstream) patterns of stream habitat structure by considering subunits as

structural elements, and examined their effects on the abundance of masu salmon

(Oncorhynchus masou) and rosyface dace (Leuciscus ezoe) in a third-order

tributary of the Teshio River in northern Hokkaido, Japan.

2.Nine subunit types were determined on the basis of water depth, current velocity

and substrate, using 0.50.5m grids. Although both masu salmon and rosyface dace

used pools as a major habitat, the former preferred a subunit type occurring at pool

heads (PH subunit) while the latter preferred a slow-current edge type (SE-2


3.Along the course of the stream, slow-edge subunits (SE-1, 2 and 3) increased in

frequency downstream while fast-edge subunits (FE-1 and 2) decreased, suggesting

a downstream development of slow-current edges. Regression analyses indicated

that longitudinal variation in masu salmon abundance was explained by the area of

PH, rather than pools. Masu salmon density increased with the area of PH.

Rosyface dace abundance was explained by a combination of water depth and the

area of SE-2, both effects being positive.

4.Longitudinal variations in the abundance of both species were related to the

abundance of their preferred habitat at the subunit scale, rather than channel-unit

scale. The results emphasise the importance of fine-scale patchiness when

examining stream fish habitats.

Водотоки: методика сбора бентоса.

Authors: Bretschko-G

Title: The Effect of Escape Reactions on the Quantitative

Sampling of Gravel Stream Fauna


1990, Vol 120, Iss 1, pp 41-49

This study deals with small-scale disturbances caused by

the sampling procedure and their consequences for quantitative

sampling of stream bed fauna. By N2 freeze coring, such

artefacts can be avoided by in situ electro-positioning, but

only for sediment-dwelling populations. Individuals staying on

or near the sediment surface are able to escape sampling in

spite of the precautions. Insect larvae are sensitive to

perturbations according to their drift behaviour. This is not

the case in crustacea. Cyclopoids are possibly an exception.

In terms of abundance, sampling induced losses are 3.9 +/- 0.7%

for insect dominated and 1.0 +/- 0.6% for crustacea/''worms''

(triclads, nematodes and oligochetes) dominated zoobenthic

communities from the top 10 cm of the sediment.

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