Сведения об авторах: 1. Усманова Эмма Радиковна – научный сотрудник, Сарыаркинский
археологический институт Карагандинского университета им. акаде-
мика Е. А. Букетова, Национальный историко-культурный и природный
заповедник-музей «Улытау». Караганда, Казахстан. Е-mail: emmader-
2. Дремов Игорь Иванович – кандидат исторических наук, археолог
ООО «Георесурс-КБ». Саратов, Россия. Е-mail: iid57@yandex.ru
3. Панюшкина Ирина Петровна – кандидат биологических наук,
адъюнкт доцент, Лаборатория по исследованию годичных колец
деревьев, Университет Аризона, ул. Лоуэл 1215, Тусон, Аризона,85721,
США. Е-mail: ipanyush@email.arizona.edu
Бобров Л.А., Кушкумбаев А.К., Каирмагамбетов А.М., Исмаилов Д. НОВЫе НАХОДКИ САБеЛЬ XIII–XIV ВВ. С ТеРРИТОРИИ КАЗАХСТАНА New finds of sabers of the XIII-XIV centuries from the territory of Kazakhstan Abstract The presented article analyzes three sabers stored in the Akmola Regional Museum of History and Local Lore (AOIKM), the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NM RK) and a private collection. The saber from the AOIKM and the private collection comes from random finds from the territory of Northern Kazakhstan. A saber from the NM RK was found in a destroyed burial mound in the Shetsk district of the Karaganda region (Central Kazakhstan). Based on the typological analysis, it was established that the closest analogues of the considered samples of long-bladed weapons originate from the territory of Southern Siberia and Eastern Europe and date back to the 13th – 14th centuries. It is most likely that the appearance of sabers of this type on the territory of Kazakhstan is associated with the events of the Mongol invasion of the 13th century and the incorporation of the region into the Mongol Empire. Most likely, the sabers were made by the craftsmen of Southern Siberia, and they ended up in Eastern Dasht-i- Kipchak together with the Chingizid detachments. The small number of finds of sabers of the XIII-XIV centuries on the territory of Kazakhstan determines the high scientific value of the weapon in question.