Білім беру бағдарламасы аясында оқытушылар біліктілігінің артуы республикалық ғылыми-әдістемелік конференция материалдарының жинағы

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  1. Заседание Совета ученых советов – Конференция МГУ. 27 сентября 2010 года. «Московский университет» №29 (4340), октябрь, 2010. – С.1-3.

  2. Жандосов М. Премьер указал на «ахиллесову пяту» года. Республика. KZ №3 (382), январь, 2011. С.2.

  3. Нурушев М.Ж. Продовольственный пояс: расшиваем узкие места. Акмолинская правда, апрель, 2010.

  4. M.Zh.Nurushev /Scientific basis for efficient prevention and elimination of disastrous oil-and-gas emissions in Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea // M.Zh.Nurushev; M. D. Diarov; Z.Zh. Nurgaliyeva; I.S. Samatova; Zh.U.Bakeshova.

  5. Нурушев М.Ж., Диаров М. Научное обоснование эффективных мер по предупреждению и ликвидации катастроф нефтяных выбросов Казахстанского сектора Каспийского моря. Хабаршы (Вестник) Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева №6 (79) 2010 - 237-244 С.


Қазақстан Республикасында Киото хаттамасының дамуын зерттеуші ғалым-эколог ретінде мені мемлекет аралық экология және табиғат қорлары жөніндегі сұрақтар толғандырады. Республикамызда осы сұрақтар ең басты ахуалдардың бірі болып табылады. Менің ойымша бұл жағдайдың басты мәселесі – маманданған ғалымдардың тапшылығы.

Автор оқыту процесінде екі қателіктің баршылығын анықтап отыр. Біріншісі: мамандардың өз ойын толық жекізіп, мәліметтерге аналитикалық талдау жасай алмауы; екіншіден: мамандардың әлі зерттелмеген көкейкесті тақырыптарды зерттеуге дәрменсіздігі. Мұндай қателіктер көптеген басқа да әлемдік жоғары оқу орындарынада тиесілі.

Осылардың нәтижесінде ауылшаруашылық бағдарламаның сәтсіздікке ұшырауын, мысал ретінде келтірген. Автордың тұжырымдамасы бойынша елімізге «100 жайляу – 100 қыстау құрылысы» Ұлттық бағдарлама өте қажет. Тек осы бағдарлама дегенімізге жеткізетініне, елімізде жалғыз биоресурстар доктор ғалым ретінде еш күмән келтірмейді.


For me as an ecologist studying the problems and prospects for the country in implementing the programs of the Kyoto Protocol, is great interest in questions concerning natural resources, ecology, sustainable development of border areas of Russia. This problem in Kazakhstan is one of the most compelling, because of weak qualifications, and consequently, the inertia in the preparation of an inventory of documents related to the Kyoto Protocol, implemented on behalf of the President according to the program “Zhasyl damy”. Kazakhstan is already losing substantial quota of currencies, which should have done in our coffers in the form of high-tech "clean technology" for production.

Having spent more than a quarter century in the universities and research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as at MSU, is deeply aware that the educational process inherent in two errors, it is extremely weak analytical thinking graduates, and sometimes difficulty in presenting their ideas, either orally or and in writing. That is easy to see when presenting students, managers and professionals of different ranks of its findings, conclusions or summary. Because they are difficult to cancel. Second, do not take responsibility for the implementation of relevant research topics that were not previously studied.

Б.К.Сарсембаев, А.С. Сарсембаева

Астана, ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева

Анализ кредитной технологии обучения

в Middle East Technical University г.Анкара
В ходе прохождения стажировки в Middle East Technical University (METU) в г. Анкара можно отметить несколько положительных моментов в организации учебного процесса и досуга студентов.

Рисунок 1 - У входа в кампус Middle East Technical University
Во-первых, каждый студент имеет персональный user-account, на который ему высылается вся необходимая информация по дисциплинам, семестровые задания и объявления и результаты экзаменов, литература и многое другое. Также Campus METU является закрытой территорией с ограниченным доступом по пропускам – пластиковым карточкам с магнитной лентой и фотографией. С помощью этих студенческих и преподавательских карточек регистрируются данные о наличие книг выданных в библиотеке, посещение спортивных залов, бассейна, выдача спортивного инвентаря, обслуживание в банках, располагающихся внутри кампуса.

Рисунок 2 - Административный корпус METU
Студенты обучаются по кредитной системе обучения. В начале каждого семестра, за неделю до занятий дается срок для выбора предметов для обучения в текущем семестре. При этом перечень дисциплин, расписание занятий по каждой дисциплине и персональная информация о ведущих тьюторах заранее выкладывается на сайте METU. В зависимости от выбранных дисциплин студент индивидуально выбирает расписание, при наличии в ней свободных мест регистрируется и подбирает себе график занятий. На 3 неделе, так называемой Add-Drop Week проходит окончательное закрепление студентов за определенными тьюторами и группами. Так например, по английскому языку только по одной дисциплине, к примеру по дисциплине «Oral Presentation Skills», может быть до 20-30 групп с различными тьюторами и временем занятий независимо от специальности обучения. Вся информация по каждой группе, как уже было сказано выше, заблаговременно выкладывается на сайте университета. Если студента не устраивает тьютор или расписание группы он может сменить группу на более удобное время.

Примечательно, что здание библиотеки и обслуживание читателей внутри корпуса осуществляется круглосуточно, без выходных. Доступ к книгам свободный, то есть читатель самостоятельно проходит между книжными рядами, работает с литературой, и при необходимости выносит ее, регистрируя электронным способом на выходе библиотеки. Можно также заказывать, бронировать, продлевать или скачивать учебники из общежития или из дома через Интернет.

Рисунок 3 - Библиотечный фонд METU
Доступ в Интернет на всей территории кампуса через персональные user-пароли свободный, в том числе Wi-fi. Очень развита социальная сеть Facebook, членами которой являются только студенты METU. Через Facebook выкладываются все объявления о предстоящих социальных мероприятиях и досуге студентов университета.

METU поддерживает Американскую систему обучения. У каждого преподавателя свой личный офис, где он может проводить СРСП в виде консультаций. Методика проведения аудиторных занятий по каждой дисциплине различна, в зависимости от ведущего лектора. Кто-то работает только с презентациями Power Point, кто-то более склонен к проекторам, установленным в каждой аудитории. А некоторые преподаватели предпочитают просто доску и цветные мелки, особенно при работе с графическими материалами. Во время занятий студенты могут, как входить, так и покидать занятия в любое время, что никак не возбраняется преподавателями. Примечательно, что даже в случае очень низкой успеваемости или плохих результатах контроля знаний, преподаватель никоем образом не оглашает неуспех студента, не задевает его достоинство, вообще не афиширует данные. Все результаты в основном приходят на персональную электронную почту студента.

Рисунок 3 - Семинар Сарсембаева Б.К. на кафедре «Транспорт» Инженерного факультета на тему: «Мультимодальные перевозки: автодорожные и железнодорожные перевозки».
Так как ВУЗ имеет техническое направление, большинство корпусов оснащено высокотехнологическими лабораториями по всем направлениям. К примеру, лаборатория по механике грунтов в три уровня имеет площадь около 200 кв. метров по каждому курсу около 18 лабораторных работ. Студенты с несколькими инструкторами в подгруппах по 10 человек одновременно выполняют за день 2 -3 работы. Которые затем рассчитывают и оформляют самостоятельно. В течение недели законченные работы должны быть закинуты в подписанные ящики для каждой лабораторной работы.

Рисунок 4 - Лаборатории METU

Рисунок 4 - Лабораторные установки кафедры «Транспорта»
Анализ кредитной технологии обучения в Middle East Technical University установил следующие положительные моменты организации обучения:

  1. Во-первых, каждый студент индивидуально формирует себе учебный план на семестр выбирая дисциплины независимо от выбора группы.

  2. Расписание занятий СРСП или офисные часы устанавливаются самим преподавателем на общее количество студентов, и проводиться в личном офисе преподавателя виде консультаций.

  3. Возможность студентов откорректировать себе расписание на семестр до Add-Drop Week.

  4. Учебный процесс активно поддерживается работой Web-сайта METU. Каждый преподаватель наполняет контент по своей дисциплине самостоятельно: выкладывает расписание занятий, консультаций и экзаменов, СРС и сроки сдачи заданий, результаты работ и экзамена.

  5. Своевременное информирование студентов через Facebook.

На основание вышеизложенного анализа отечественной образовательной системе следует внимательно изучить опыт реализации кредитной технологии обучении от передовых учебных заведений мира, рассмотреть возможность двустороннего сотрудничества между ВУЗами, перенять опыт организации и реализции международных обменных програм и летних школ с непременным участием англоязычных студентов и специалистов с различными сроками пребывания в отчечственных ВУЗах.

  1. http://www.metu.edu.tr/


Мақалада Анкара қаласындағы Орта-шығыс техникалық университетінің үлгісінде кредиттік оқыту жүйесі қарастырылған, техникалық бағыты бойынша оқитын студенттердің оқыту үрдісін ұйымдастырудың жағымды жақтары белгіленіп, нақты мысалдар келтірілген.


The article presents the analysis of the credit study program at Middle East Technical University in Ankara. Also there are noted some positive moments of the educational process organization of the students of technical direction, given the clear examples.

А. Sulkarnayeva

Astana, L.N. Gumilyov National University

S. Cardew

Colchester, University of Essex




The present article is carried out within the framework of a research internship "Methods and Practice of Teaching Academic Modules in the English Language at Master of Arts Level (based on the material of practical experience at University of Essex)" under the Kazakhstan International Scholarship "Bolashak" at the above-stated university. The University of Essex is one of the best United Kingdom universities providing the international scientific and academic staff with a possibility of carrying out research in various areas. As has been well formulated by Professor Colin Riordan, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Essex, the University has been ranked ninth in the UK for the quality of its research /1/. The 2008 National Research Assessment Exercise rated the University of Essex 22 per cent of Essex research as "world leading" and more than 90 per cent as recognized internationally for its quality as well as being one of the UK`s leading university in linguistics fourth nationally /1/.

his publication, based on the results of the research, is carried out in strict conformity with a specialty 1.5 T "Theory and Methodology of Professional Education", being priority according to the List of Specialties for awarding the international scholarship "Bolashak" /2/. The topicality of the theme is determined by the reforms inside the former system of postgraduate professional education according to the European standards, i.e. the introduction of Master of Arts and PhD levels into the system of higher education. According to the related aspects of reforming the system of education, the question of teaching academic modules in English at the MA level in various scientific spheres has acquired its utmost priority.

This research is based on the MA Program "Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages", devised for teachers and lecturers of the English language. The MA TESOL program has provided the author with the theoretical and practical experience of teaching modules in English in order to implement this experience into the educational process at the MA level in L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

The novelty of the research is determined on the one hand by the insufficient theoretical and practical investigation of the methodological basis of teaching in English at the MA level according to the European standards in Kazakhstan. In the Republic, no research in this area has been conducted in relation to the philological specialties 6N0119 "Foreign Language: 2 Foreign Languages" and 6N0205 "Foreign Philology". On the other hand, the main idea of this research is its practical orientation: the application of the theoretical and practical experience of University of Essex to practice at ENU.

In strict conformity with the purpose of this research, the author has analyzed the methodology and practice of effective teaching of academic modules in the English language at the MA level. The author has investigated the methodological basis of teaching and the practical experience of teaching, i.e. types of activities in lectures and seminars. The methods of research are classroom observation (by registration in tally sheets), poll of the lecturers (by questionnaires), comparative, contrastive and descriptive methods, quantitative and qualitative analyses.

The first part of the research includes the description and analysis of the general characteristics of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and University of Essex educational process management. The general characteristics reveal a number of similarities and differences of the educational process management. The similarities consist in that the duration of academic education at the MA level covers 1 or 2 academic years; the entire educational process is organized into academic weeks and morning / afternoon schedule shifts; lesson duration is defined as an "academic hour".

There are numerous differences in the educational process of both universities. The first is the academic term subdivision. In Kazakhstan, there are two active academic terms, i.e. Autumn (September – December) and Spring (January – May) Terms and Graduation Period (June – July), Summer Term takes a month only for the students who have academic backlogs; in general, summer is the vacation period. In the United Kingdom, there are three active terms, i.e. Autumn (October – December) and Spring (January – March) and Summer (April – July) and Graduation Period (July). The vacation period covers August and September. The second difference is the academic week duration at the MA level, which covers Monday – Saturday at ENU and Monday – Friday at Essex. To the author`s mind the five-day week duration is more reasonable because the MA students should have a day for individual study and research. The third difference consists in the shifts in the educational process: the ENU MA students have to study in the afternoon, i.e. from 14.00 to 20.00, while the Essex MA students have both morning and afternoon lessons. The latter schedule organization seems to be more convenient for the MA students from the viewpoint of the learning process. The next difference lies in the period of a dissertation defense. The ENU MA students start researching their dissertation themes at the very beginning of the academic year according to the dissertation plan approved by the Head of the Department (in September). The Essex MA TESOL students start research by the end of the Spring Term, but the system of submitting mini-scale research (assignments) on all the MA TESOL modules within the Autumn and Spring Terms, which are different from the ENU examination system, should be kept in mind.

Alongside the general differences in the educational process, the author should stress a number of striking differences, which may influence the effectiveness of the teaching process. The first and most important difference is the lesson duration: at ENU (as well as in any other Kazakhstan university irrespective of the course and level) the duration of the lesson is 50 minutes, while at Essex the duration is 1 hour and 45 minutes (for the MA TESOL program). According to the classroom observation results, it should be noted that the longer lesson duration allows the lecturer to use a wide arsenal of teaching methods and involve numerous lesson activities, which in the end make the teaching process effective and successful. The shorter ENU lesson duration compels the lecturer to use a rather limited number of teaching methods and lesson activities, which may affect the effectiveness of the educational process.

The second striking difference consists in the absence of a sharp distinction between the lecture and seminar types of the teaching event at Essex. The author believes that this is explained by the multiple uses of the teaching methods, applied by the lecturer in order to make the educational process diverse and efficient. It is also accounted for the sufficient lesson duration enabling the lecturer to introduce various types of activities. The shorter lesson duration forces the lecturer to adhere to a rather sharp distinction between lectures and seminars, which may have some negative aspects. Among these drawbacks the following can be mentioned proceeding from the personal teaching experience of the author: i) the global transcription of the material by the students within a lecture may cause the loss of interest in the lesson content in some cases; ii) the monologue of the lecturer explaining the lecture material may exclude the active participation of the students in the educational process; iii) the pair / mini group work of the students is not used in a lecture; iv) the seminar type of lesson reduces (to a certain extent) the role of the lecturer to a checking over and controlling the homework tasks; v) the lessons may not be characterized as interactive. 

The research is based on the principles, which are thoroughly described in the first chapter. They are: the triangulation, the facilitation of the qualitative data by the quantitative data; the combination of the quantitative and qualitative analyses; the interaction of structure and process;  the researcher`s and subject`s perspectives; the generality; qualitative research facilitate the interpretation of relationships between variables; the relationship between macro and micro levels; the research process; hybrids.

The second part of the research considers the background of the classroom observation process, i.e. preparatory stages of classroom observation process; methods and principles as well as the tools of classroom observation process. There are ten stages of the internship research, which have been undertaken in both Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom. Briefly, the methods and principles of classroom observation are: overt, i.e. methods and activities which are actually seen for observation; obvious, i.e. a researcher should require a minimum of interpretation; context independent, i.e. a researcher should observe but not to interpret the behavior; relevant, i.e. observation of only methods and activities within lectures and seminars; complete, i.e. observation of various methods and activities used within a lesson; precise in enlisting the methods and activities in the tally sheet; easy to record, i.e. according to the tally sheet. Thus, the author has tried to follow the seven principles of classroom observation described by Denscombe, Mackey and Gass /3/. The main methods of classroom observation in the present research are systematic and participant.

The author has devised various research instruments while preparing for the classroom observation: tally sheets, enlisting the types of methods and lesson activities, and the questionnaire for the lecturers of the MA TESOL course. The tally sheet is the first basic tool of the systematic and participant observation of the teaching process, which is a list of the most frequent methods of teaching and types of activities. Let us note that the tally sheet appears in this research in the extended and modified format according to our purpose and tasks. It is important to emphasize that the author draws a distinction between observation of the teaching process of foreign language learning (that does not enter the tasks of our research) and observation of methods and activities involved into the teaching process of the modules at the MA level. The questionnaire is the second tool of the research created on the basis of the tally sheet. It includes a number of questions to the module lecturers about the methods and activities used by them in the teaching process. Because of time pressure of the internship the analysis of the questionnaires and the summary on the questionnaire data will be conducted at a later stage.

The third part of the research includes the analysis of classroom observation data, i.e. the descriptive and qualitative analysis of the tally sheets data as well as the quantitative analysis, and the summary. The time on site for classroom observation has included 11 academic weeks of the Autumn Term (44 classes or 63 hours). The average duration of the lesson is 1 hour and 45 minutes. The Appendix includes only 10 (of the 44 tally sheets), which are analyzed in this research. These 10 tally sheets have been selected because they: 1) reflect the most explicit peculiarities of the observed teaching process; 2) cover the lessons of all the lecturers of the observed course; 3) show the wide variety of the teaching methods and types of activities involved by the lecturers.

The total number of the observed aspects fixed in the tally sheets comprises 40 parameters, according to which the author has carried out the classroom observation of the teaching process. The methods and activities in the tally sheet are represented in alphabetic order, to make the process of the registration easier. The observation has been carried out by the quantitative method in two directions: basic calculation of activities and the time spent on them within a lecture or seminar lesson. In order to fulfill the overall observation the author has established the macro, mid and mini temporal blocks (hours, minutes and seconds).

To feedback the descriptive analysis, the author has used a quantitative analysis. It comprises two histograms and two tables showing the quantitative data, which are subdivided in two main blocks: 1) representation of the activities taking less than 30 minutes within one lesson (in minutes and seconds); 2) representation of the activities taking more than 30 minutes. The result of this analysis is that the most frequent activities within the range of 30 minutes are: 1) the lecturer`s talk to a mini group; 2) students` oral work with handouts; 3) the lecturer`s talk to a pair of students; 4) students` writing tasks; 5) the lecturer`s instructions on activities organization. No other activities exceed the five minutes` limit. The most prolonged activities (according to the average time) are: 1) Power Point presentation; 2) the lecturer`s explanation based on slide presentation; 3) work with supplementary materials; 4) group discussion; 5) explanation of the material based on the Internet resources.

The percentage duration of the activities shows that all the activities may be subdivided into the following groups: 1) Group 1 – from 100 % to 50 % (1 activity); 2) Group 2 – from 50 % to 10 % (8 activities); 3) Group 3 – from 10 % to 5 % (2 activities); 4) Group 4 – from 5 % to 2 % (3 activities); 5) Group 5 – from 2 % to 1 % (7 activities); 6) Group 6 – from 1 % to 0 level (4 activities); 7) Group 7 – less than 0 level (5 activities). Summarizing the tally sheets data used as the main tool of classroom observation, it is essential to pay attention to the Groups 1, 2, 3 and 7.

The first three groups are closely interrelated as they demonstrate that Power Point Presentation includes such effective methods of teaching and lesson activities as: i) the lecturer`s explanation of the theoretical or practical material based on both slide presentation and work with supplementary materials; ii) the use of Internet resources; iii) the pair and mini group work of the students; iv) the group discussion; v) enhancing the lecturer`s relationship with the students through talking to pairs and mini groups. Group 7 indicates that the lecturer`s activity organization through asking and giving instructions as well as praising and using humor in the teaching process occupy the least lesson time, but it should said that these parameters make the entire process more effective.

In general, the teaching process at Essex is mostly based on productive methods of teaching, i.e. the student extracts new knowledge in the process of his creative activity, which involves heuristic and research approaches. The most active methods are the verbal ones, namely narration, explanation, conversation, practical methods, and visual methods of teaching. The most effective lesson activities are individual, pair, mini group and class work, which comprise other numerous lesson activities as work with Internet resources, discussion, work with handouts, etc. The Power Point Presentation, consisting of the lecturer`s explanation based on the slide presentation, is the "skeleton" of the lesson structure, allowing the deployment of the entire arsenal of teaching methods. The positive atmosphere of the teaching process is maintained due to the benevolent behavior tactics and the use of humor on the part of the lecturer.

The implications for future research may be realized in several ways. Firstly, small-scale research on creating the positive atmosphere and the use of humor in the teaching process may be carried out being based on the comparative investigation of these aspects within the Kazakhstan and British educational processes, and this would perhaps involve examination of the wider educational culture. Secondly, research on the relationship between the lecturer and the students, e.g. the use of the students` names in the educational process, may be conducted in the comparison based on revealing the similarities and differences of the Kazakhstan and English educational process.

In general, the aim of this research does not cover or include any global recommendations on teaching methodology because the author maintains the opinion that a thorough comparative and contrastive investigation of the educational process of the philological specialties at the MA level may and should be conducted both between the domestic universities within Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom and between some KZ and UK universities. This may enter the area of further perspectives.

To summarize the results of this research, the author would like to quote Mackey and Gass who said that our "… role is not to judge, evaluate, criticize, or offer constructive advice" (Mackey and Gass 2005, p. 189), because our role is to find out the best ways of developing and improving the teaching process, making it more effective and successful. It should be noted that future research could be of mutual benefit in revealing the positive aspects of both systems of education.

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