Что такое ikaros?

Какова была стоимость разработки и запуска IKAROS?

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Какова была стоимость разработки и запуска IKAROS?

Стоимость разработки и запуска IKAROS составила около 1,5 миллиарда иен (примерно 16 миллионов долларов).

  1. Какой вклад IKAROS внес в космические исследования?

Вклад IKAROS внес в космические исследования в области использования солнечного паруса для перемещения в космосе, а также изучения солнечной активности и плазмы в межпланетном пространстве.

1. What is IKAROS?
IKAROS (Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun) is a spacecraft developed and launched by the Japanese space agency JAXA in 2010, which used a solar sail to move in space.

2. When was the IKAROS mission launched?
The IKAROS mission was launched on May 20, 2010.

3. What was the weight of IKAROS?
The weight of IKAROS was about 315 kg.

4. What scientific tasks did IKAROS solve?
IKAROS was used to test solar sail technology, study the interaction of sunlight with the spacecraft, as well as to conduct observations of the Earth and other celestial objects.

5. Which planet was IKAROS sending?
IKAROS was sent to Venus, but the mission did not include planning a landing on the planet.

6. How does the IKAROS solar sail work?
The IKAROS solar sail was made of a thin film coated with a layer of aluminum. The film was placed on a frame in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 20 meters and mounted on a spacecraft that moved in space using solar energy to create thrust.

7. What technologies were used to create IKAROS?
Various technologies were used to create IKAROS, including solar sail technology, solar panels, micro cameras, sensors and other scientific instruments.

8. What problems have occurred during the operation of IKAROS?
During the work of IKAROS, no major technical failures were registered, however, some scientific instruments stopped working due to the failure of electronic components.

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