ӘОЖ: 378 [37. 035: 37. 013] Қолжазба құқығында Иманбетов Аманбек Нұрқасымұлы

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Объект исследования: патриотическое воспитание студентов высших учебных заведений.

Предмет исследования: патриотическое воспитания студентов на основе казахской этнопедагогики в вузах.

Цель исследования: теоретическое обоснование патриотического воспитания студентов на основе казахской этнопедагогики и разработка ее методики.

Методы исследования: анализ исторической, психолого-педагогической литературы по проблеме исследования; наблюдение за учебно-воспитательным процессом подготовки специалистов; анкетирование, беседы, дискуссия со студентами; моделирование; педагогический эксперимент; математические и статистические методы обработки полученных результатов.

Научная новизна и теоретическая значимость исследования:

  • раскрыты теоретические основы использования казахской этнопедагогики в патриотическом воспитании студентов высших учебных заведений;

  • определены особенности «казахстанского патриотизма» и «национального патриотизма» и уточнены их определения;

  • разработана теоретическая модель патриотического воспитания студентов высших учебных заведений на основе казахской этнопедагогики;

  • разработана методика патриотического воспитания студентов высших учебных заведений на основе казахской этнопедагогики.

Практическая значимость исследования состоит в разработке и внедрении:

  • спецкурса «Қазақ этнопедагогикасында патриоттық тәрбие берудің негіздері»;

  • типовой программы «Әскери патриоттық тәрбие берудің негіздері»;

  • программы семинара для преподавателей «Студенттерге отаншылдық негізде патриоттық тәрбие беру»;

- при изучении спецкурса «Қазақ этнопедагогикасында патриоттық тәрбие берудің негіздері» разработаны система мероприятий (соревнования по «қазақша күрес», «тоғызқұмалақ», «садақ ату», «аударыспақ», и т.д.).

Область применения: полученные научные результаты могут быть использованы в педагогическом процессе вузов.

Дальнейшая теоретическая и практическая разработка исследуемой проблемы может быть продолжена в рассмотрении путей патриотического воспитания в професиональной подготовке студентов на основе казахской этнопедагогики, формирования политических взглядов студентов средствами казахской этнопедагогики, использования средств казахской этнопедагогики в патриотическом воспитании будущих специалистов начальной военной подготовки.

Imanbetov Amanbek Nurkasimovich
Training students in patriotic upbringing on the basis of Kazakh ethnopedagogics
13.00.01 – General pedagogics, history of pedagogics and education, ethnopedagogics
Actuality of research theme is that the President of our Republic N.A.Nazarbaev marked in strategy «Kazakhstan – 2030» the principal directions for stable development of country.

One of the main problems in the system of education – upbringing of citizen, patriot of his country. And so «kazakhstani-patriotism», «national- patriotism» is significant breeding of students. Necessity upbringing students’ patriotism in high educational institutions to take into consideration ethnic peculiarities of people, to cite as an example peoples epic of heroism stress the actuality of research problem.

On condition that forming new State system this problem demands to understand aims and tasks, contents, forms and methods of patriotic upbringing. That’s why not by chance «State program for developing education in Republic Kazakhstan – 2005-2010» upbringing kazakhstani patriotism determinate as one of priority tasks of all system of education.

The question of upbringing kazakhstani patriotism discussed in the works of many scientists. However, inadequacy elaborations of the problem in patriotic upbringing on the basis of Kazakh ethnopedagogics demands in accordance with scientific research.

The objective of the investigation: is the students’ patriotic upbringing at high educations.

The subject of investigation is: content of the students’ patriotic upbringing at high educations on the basis of Kazakh ethnopedagogics.

The purpose of the investigation: theoretical basis and practical elaboration of students’ patriotic upbringing on the heritage of Kazakh ethnopedagogics.

Methods of reasearch:Historical analysis,psychology-pedagogics literature by the problem;using methods of research to solve tasks and checking hypothesis; observation for training-educational process preparation for specialists; conducting special course and its analysis;modelling; checking accordance with the objective of the investigation of the methodical system and its efficacious in the process of experimental work; mathematical and statistical methods of treatment obtained results.

Scientific novelty and theoretical importance of the investigation:

characterized degree of research the students’ patriotic upbringing at high educational institutions on the basis of Kazakh ethnopedagogics;

defined upbringing possibilities of patriotic upbringing, exposured peculiarities of kazakhstani patriotism and national patriotism and elaborated their definition;

worked out theoretical model and the ways for realizing the students’ patriotic upbringing at high educational institutions on the basis of Kazakh ethnopedagogis;

effectiveness the students’ patriotic upbringing at high educational institutions on the basis of Kazakh ethnopedagogics was proved with the results of experimental work;

Practical importance of the investigation is that developed by the author and applicated in the institution of higher educational process:

special course «On the basis of Kazakh ethnopedagogics patriotic upbringing»;

standard program «On the basis of military patriotic upbringing»;

seminar for teachers «On the basis of patriotism the students’patriotic upbringing»;

Тhe results of research can be used at teaching process of high pedagogics institutions.

During studying «On the basis of Kazakh ethnopedagogics patriotic upbringing» organized and conducted competition by«Kazakh’s wrestling», «Togyzkumalak», «sadak atu», «audaryspak» and so on.

The results of research can be used at teaching pedagogical process of high institutions.

Further theoretical and practical working out of research problem can be offered in discussing the ways of patriotic upbringing vocational training students on the basis of Kazakh ethnopedagogics, forming political points with the aids of Kazakh ethnopedagogics, using aids of Kazakh ethnopedagogics in patriotic upbringing future specialists of elementary patriotic training.

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