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who / that

who / whom / that
He is the pilot (who / whom / that) I saw on TV last night



He is the pilot who (that) ditched the plane into the Hudson River

A cabin attendant is a person whose job is to serve and take care of passengers on an

that / which

that / which

whose / of which

animals / things

A fire is one of the worst situations that / which could happen in

It’s a type of aircraft (that / which) each pilot would like to fly

That is the aircraft whose wing / the wing of which sustained

Note: We can leave out the relative pronoun (who, that, which, whose) if it refers to the object of the sentence:
e.g. It’s the job (which / that) I’d like to have.

Type B (Non-defining Relative Clauses)

Type B gives additional information about a person or thing. The sentence still makes sense without the non-defining relative clause:

e.g. Saudia Flight 133, which was a scheduled passenger flight, caught fire at Riyadh’s international airport. Compare: Saudia Flight 133 caught fire at Riyadh’s international airport.
The table below shows how we form defining relative clauses:





who / whom



The captain of the aircraft, who is French, speaks three

The air hostess, who / whom I spoke to, told me about the

The airlines authorities, whose Boeing 747 caught fire and crashed,
were also questioned


The aircraft, which I saw on the apron, is Boeing 747-Combi


animals / things

Heat and toxic smoke, which are caused by a fire, can quickly in- capacitate the crew
and passengers

The SAS aircraft, whose type was ATR-72, suf- fered a catastrophic fire and crashed

Note: We cannot usually leave out the relative pronoun (who, that, which, whose) in non-defining clauses.

Ex. 2. Find five examples of relative clauses in the text "Air France Flight 358" on p. 57.

Ex. 3. Join the sentences using who, that, which or whose. Make sentence in italics the relative clause.
e.g. The co-pilot ensured that all the passengers had evacuated. He was the last to leave the plane.
The co-pilot, who was the last to leave the plane, ensured that all the pas- sengers had evacuated.

  1. An air hostess reported a fire to the captain. She detected it near the aft pas- senger cabin door.

  2. The in-flight fire resulted in panic among the passengers. It broke out in the cabin area.

  3. Hidden fires are very dangerous. They are difficult to locate.

  4. The crew received fire warnings in the aft cargo compartment. The crew commenced descent immediately and began planning for an emergency landing.

  5. The aircraft developed an in-flight fire behind the toilet. It spread between the outer skin and the inner decor panels.

  6. The aircraft is still on the runway. It caught fire after landing.

  7. Smoke goggles are a pair of glasses. They fit closely to the face to protect the eyes from smoke and fumes.

  8. A strong noxious odour was first reported to the cabin crew around 19:00. It was coming from the rear of the plane.

  9. The flight attendant traced the odour to the lavatory. Her name was Judi Davidson.

  10. She attempted to look into the lavatory but was forced back by a thick grey smoke. It was rapidly filling the small room.

  11. The spreading fire burned through the crucial electrical cables. That knocked out most of the instrumentation in the cockpit.

Ex. 4. Fill in the appropriate relative pronoun (who, which, that or whose).

Pay attention to the word clusters in italics and try to remember them.

Flight 7145, (1) originated in Buenos Aires, was operating a cargo
flight to Sao Paulo. En route on the first leg, at FL170, a crew member, (2) . . . . . . . . . .
was heading to the cargo compartment, noticed the presence of smoke. He tried to extinguish the fire with a portable fire extinguisher, (3) . . . . . . . . . . he had at hand, but did not succeed. Some 16 nm from Melo Airport, (4) . . . . . . . . . . is in Uruguay, the crew declared an in-flight emergency to Montevideo ACC. The nearest airport Melo, (5) . . . . . . . . . . operating hours are from 07.00 to 19.00, was closed. As it was the only aerodrome (6) . . . . . . . . . . could accept them, Montevideo ACC contacted the airport guard (7) . . . . . . . . . . switched on the runway lights and reported the emergency to fire fighters and police. The pilots recognized the runway lights, (8) were on, and landed on runway 07.
The F-27 stopped 640 m after touchdown. The crew evacuated through the cockpit windows due to the intense heat and smoke in the cargo area, (9) was
caused by the fire. Ten minutes after landing, the fire fighters, (10) . . . . . . . . . .
had arrived in time, succeeded in extinguishing the fire. The airplane suffered considerable damage in the cargo compartments.


Ex. 1. You are going to listen to an accident report. Before you listen, study the following word list. Repeat the words and sample sentences.

uneventfully (adv) без особенных происшествий
e.g. The aircraft landed uneventfully.
burst into flames вспыхнуть, загореться
e.g. The aircraft crashed and burst into flames.
violently (adv) очень сильно
e.g. The plane burst violently into flames.
ignite (v) воспламенять
e.g. Gas ignites very easily.
blaze (n) сильный огонь, пожар
e.g. More than 30 firefighters fought to bring the blaze under control.
loose (adj) неплотно закрепленный
e.g. Check that the plug has not come loose.
slat track (n) направляющая предкрылка
e.g. The slat track is the movable support structure that connects the wing with the leading-edge slats.

Ex. 2. Listen to the story, then say whether the following statements are true or false. If they are false, give the correct information.

  1. Flight 120 was performing a domestic flight. It was a Boeing 737.

  2. The problems began shortly before landing.

  3. It was the ground crew who noticed flames coming from one of the engines while the Boeing was taxiing.

  4. The fire warning light flashed on in the cockpit and the captain ordered an emergency evacuation.

  5. One of the inflatable slides was punctured, so some passengers had to jump off the plane.

  6. The first officer and the captain fled the aircraft through the cockpit win- dows.

  7. Forty people were injured in the accident but there were no fatalities.

  8. The investigating team found that the fire was caused by a loose bolt from the flap track, which had punctured the right wing fuel tank.

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