
Ex. 1. You are going to listen to an incident report with some missing in- formation. You will have to ask questions about it. First read the following grammar material which must be useful for you

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Ex. 1. You are going to listen to an incident report with some missing in- formation. You will have to ask questions about it. First read the following grammar material which must be useful for you.

Grammar Revision

A pilot or air traffic controller who does not understand an unexpected mes- sage must be able to communicate that fact. It is much safer to ask a question, to clarify, or even to simply acknowledge what you do not understand rather than allow silence to mistakenly represent comprehension. That is why you need to be skilled at checking, seeking confirmation, or clarifying a situation or communica- tion. In other words, you must be able to ask questions when necessary. The fol- lowing grammar material can help you.

Types of Questions

  1. Yes / No Questions.

e.g. Did the plane land safely?
  1. Wh-questions.

e.g. When did the incident occur?
  1. Subject Questions.

e.g. What caused the damage to the fuselage skin?
Note! The word order in subject questions is the same as in statements.
  1. Negative Questions.

e.g. Haven’t you received the necessary information yet?
  1. Question Tags.

e.g. You are a flight safety inspector, aren’t you? The passengers weren’t injured, were they?
Pay attention to the following question tags:
e.g. I am a captain, aren’t I?
e.g. Please keep me informed of the situation on board, will you / won’t you / can you/ could you?
e.g. Let’s discuss it later, shall we?
e.g. Everyone went through the security check, didn’t they?
e.g. Nobody is injured, are they?
  1. Indirect Questions (introduced by Do you know…?, Could you tell me…?, Have you any idea…?, I wonder, etc.+ question word or if / whether.

e.g. Could you tell me where the ramp manager is?

Do you know if / whether the landing was carried out successfully?

Note! The word order in indirect questions is the same as in statements.

Ex. 2. Translate the following questions into English.

  1. Почему экипаж был вынужден сливать топливо?

  2. Давайте обсудим это с нашим представителем, ладно?

  3. Имеется ли опасность столкновения с птицами на более высоких эше- лонах?

  4. Что можно сделать, чтобы уменьшить риск попадания птицы в само- лет при взлете и посадке?

  5. Есть ли среди пассажиров врач или медсестра, чтобы оказать боль- ному пассажиру профессиональную помощь?

  6. Когда была утеряна связь с аварийным бортом?

  7. Какие повреждения получил планер самолета в результате столкнове- ния со стаей птиц?

  8. Вы разве не слышали о посадке Ту-124 на Неву в 1963 году?

  9. Вы не помните, были ли тогда жертвы среди пассажиров и членов экипажа?

  10. Что произошло с самолетом?

  11. Кто проводил расследование?

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