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June | Ju
ly | and 
August | our  children don’t go
In  June, July, and 
August | our  children don’t go to
The end of each sentence is characterized by a relatively long
pause. The pauses between intonationgroups are shorter, they
vary in length. There may be no pauses between intonation
groups at all.
Each intonationgroup is characterized by a certain intona
tion pattern, i. e. each syllable of an intonationgroup has a cer
tain pitch and bears a larger or smaller degree of prominence.
Consequently pitch levels are inseparably connected with stress.
Intonation patterns consist of one or more syllables. Intonation
patterns containing a number of syllables consist of the following
parts: the prehead, the head, the nucleus and the tail.
T h e p r e  h e a d includes unstressed and halfstressed
syllables preceding the first stressed syllable.
T h e h e a d includes the stressed and unstressed syllables
beginning with the first stressed syllable up to the last stressed
The last stressed syllable is called t h e n u c l e u s .
The unstressed and halfstressed syllables that follow the
nucleus are called t h e t a i l .
e. g. It was a  very sunny 
day yesterday.
It was a ... — the prehead.
...  very sunny — the head.
day ... — the nucleus.
... yesterday — the tail.
The rises and falls that take place in the nucleus or start with
it are called n u c l e a r t o n e s .
T h e n u c l e u s is the most important part of the intona
tion pattern as it defines the communicative type of the sen
tence, determines the semantic value of the intonationgroup,
indicates the communicative centre of the intonationgroup or of
the whole sentence.
T h e c o m m u n i c a t i v e c e n t r e is associated with
the most important word or words of the intonationgroup or of
the sentence.
The nuclear tone of the final intonationgroup is determined
by the communicative type of the whole sentence.

The communicative types of sentences are differentiated in
speech according to the aim of the utterance from the point of
view of communication, i. e. in order to show if the sentence
expresses a statement of fact, a question, a command or an ex
There are four communicative types of sentences:
1. Statements, e. g. I like music.
2. Questionse. g. Can you prove it?
3. Imperative sentences or commands, e. g. Try it again.
4. Exclamations, e. g. Right you are!
The intonation pattern of the nonfinal intonationgroup,
mainly its nuclear tone, is determined by the semantic value of
the intonationgroup and by its connection with the following
The falling nuclear tone shows that the nonfinal intonation
group is complete, important by itself and is not so closely con
nected with the following intonationgroup.
A longer pause after an intonationgroup pronounced with
the falling tone makes the intonationgroup even more signifi
e. g. I’ll 
tell him 

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