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Русский и литература в поликультурном мире последний

Gagarina Vilena Rustemovna 
Kazan Federal University, Department of Contrastive Linguistics,
I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay Higher School of the Russian Language and 
Intercultural Communication,
Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication 
Keywords: foreign words, modern Russian newspapers, borrowed words 
Russian borrowings are as much an integral part as native Russian words. The processes of 
globalization that are intensifying nowadays increase the number of fоreign wоrds in the Russian 
vocabulary. A lot of borrowed words hаve adapted so much as in the Russian-speaking world that 
they are often perceived as native Russian lexicon. Foreign words are gradually penetrating into 
the modern Russian language. The reasons of borrowings are in the need to nаme a new thing, a 
new phenоmenon; the need to differentiate meaningfully clоse, but still different concepts; the 
need for speciаlization of concepts – in one specific аrea or аnother, for one purpose or аnother. 
The tendency is that a whole object, nоt divided into separate components, should be designаted 
"whole unit", and not a cоmbination of words. The socio-psychological reasоns and factors of 
bоrrowing are determined by the fact that the entire team of speakers or part of it perceives a 
foreign wоrd as more prestigious. The communicative relevance of the designated concept is also 
important. At the same time, the absence of a correspоnding concept in the cоgnitive base of the 
receptor language plays a special rоle; the absence of a mоre precise name (or its "loss" in 
competition with borrowing); providing a stylistic (emphatic) effect; expressiоn of emotive 
Language is "the main socially significant form of reflection of the surrounding reality and 
oneself" [2, pp 104-105]. Modern speech is replenished with words due to their borrowing from 
other languages. Such borrowing is one of the ways of development of modern languages. 
Borrowings of foreign words are the result of relations between countries and contacts of peoples, 
where borrowings have a significant impact on the development of a language that should respond 
quickly and flexibly to the expressed needs of society. 
In recent decades, significant dynamic processes have been taking place, especially in the 
Russian lаnguage. One of the most important trends in the development of the modern Russian 
language is the process of activating the use of foreign words [2, pp 16-21]. It is known that there 
is no language in the world that would be completely free from foreign-language phenomena, 
because no nation in the modern world lives completely isolated. In most cases, borrowings of 

foreign words are caused by the active development of communication between speakers of 
different languages (for example, trade, industry, military affairs, etc.). The mutual influence of 
languages depends on the stability and duration of these connections. This influence is expressed 
in their borrowing of foreign words. Moreover, the borrowing of foreign words occurred 
throughout the entire historical development of the language. Therefore, some borrowings date 
back to ancient times, while others occurred relatively recently. This should be clearly presented 
to linguists who are ready to start researching borrowings in modern speech. 
The Russian languаge is overflowing with the number of Anglicisms, they occupy more than 
70% of all borrowed words. Undoubtedly, this is of greаt interest to linguists. Krysin L.P. cаme to 
the cоnclusion that many words contаin external signs that cаn tell abоut the origin of the word. It 
is necessary to distinguish undifferentiаted and differentiаted signs of borrowed words. The 
undifferentiаted do not indicate specificаlly from which lаnguage they originated, аnd the latter 
indicаte their origin [3]. 
The prоcess of bоrrowing begаn with the development of the historicаl process. 
Filling a person's modern speech with foreign words will lead to certain consequences (first 
of all, in relation to the culture of speech). On the one hand, it can have a positive impact on the 
development of the language, and on the other hand, there are a number of risks, in case of which 
the speech situation may become unfavorable. 
The advantages of using foreign words by people in their speech include the following items: 
firstly, many foreign words can be much more expressive than similar words from their native 
language, which will lead to the embellishment of human speech (it can become more interesting 
and expressive); secondly, elements of foreign vocabulary provides a set of appropriately used 
words within the specific functional purposes of speech (for example, in scientific or official 
business styles, where generally accepted worldwide terms and designations are used); thirdly, the 
borrowing of foreign words is often necessary to describe the culture of the country where this 
foreign language is spoken (for example, in relation to Japan – the words "samurai", "sakura", 
etc.); fourthly, there may be situations when there are simply no words in the native language that 
would name any object (phenomenon, event) from the surrounding world, so it is more appropriate 
to use an existing specialized foreign word to solve this problem. Consequently, borrowing words 
from foreign languages can solve a number of problems for the recipient language and make it 
more expressive. However, at the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the existing negative 
consequences of replenishing one's own vocabulary with foreign language vocabulary.
These consequences include some disadvantages such as: firstly, too much foreign words in 
a person's speech can make it difficult to perceive and understand his speech, which as a result 
will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the communication process with this person; 
secondly, the abundance of foreign words in a person's speech will increase the likelihood of 
making a lexical error caused by their inappropriate and incorrect use (for example, the formation 
of phrases like "free vacancy"); thirdly, unreasonable use of foreign words by a person in his 
speech may violate its purity, that is the principles of accuracy and brevity of speech will not be 
observed and, as a result, meaningless and unrelated expressions may appear; fourthly, the 
diversity of works of fiction will negatively affect their expressiveness. In addition, it is also worth 
noting that a huge number of borrowed words is a threat to the existence of the language as a 
specific and individual means of communication of particular people. Thanks to linguistic 
research, it has been established that the essence of borrowings of foreign words, or as people call 

them Anglicisms, consists of referring to the lexical compositions of other languages to designate 
previously unknown objects, express new concepts and further differentiate existing ones. In 
addition, it was concluded that the borrowing of foreign words is an inevitable linguistic process 
that both accompanied and will accompany the development of the language. At the same time, 
the use of foreign words in speech must meet the requirements of rationality, expediency, validity 
and relevance. Many borrowed words make our speech more diversive and expressive, thereby 
generally enrich it. But their excessive use can cause the impoverishment of the language and the 
loss of its national specificity. And countering this should become one of the main tasks of 
specialists and ordinary native speakers. 
There are several ways to form anglicisms: direct, калька racing paper, composites, 
jargonisms, hybrids. To begin with, we will distinguish the concepts. 
So, direct borrowings are words that almost do not differ from their original meaning. For 
example: мани (money) - деньги, чипсы(Chips) — fried crispy potatoes, etc. Most advertising 
agencies, media, cafe and restaurant names originated in this way. 
Hybrids are modified words by attaching a prefix, suffix or ending to the root of the words. 
Changing the form of the word also changes the meaning of Anglicism. Words such as: ask (to 
ask) - ask, creative –creative) - creative. 
Tracing paper - words that have completely preserved their appearance: menu - menu, disk 
- disk. These words correspond to Russian, both in pronunciation and in the meaning itself. 
Jargonisms are words that people use to quickly convey information, most often in informal 
Borrowings sometimes acquire a negative connotation. When a person does not speak a 
foreign language, he makes a lot of mistakes. He does not understand commercials, flyers, 
"fashionable" words in newspapers. 
As famous scientist said :"Another language is a different vision of life." [4, pp 17]. Learning 
English, we will begin to lоok at advertising not as a set of letters unknown to us, but as new words 
that tell us about something. 
Anglicisms can be divided into several thematic groups: fashion, food, business, sports, mass 
and youth culture. 
During the shopping, we often buy clothes for ourselves, many of the names of which came 
to us from the English language. For example: sweater (to sweat – to sweat), stretch (to stretch – 
to stretch), leggings (leggings – leggings), shorts (short - short), hoodie (hood – hood), etc. 
We enjoy eating delicious food, and the cuisine of English-speaking people give us useful 
items that our housewives love to cook. These are the words that, thanks to English dishes, our 
language was filled with: jam (jam), pancake (pan - frying pan, cake - cake, pancake), hot dog (hot 
- hot, dog - dog), roast beef (roast - fried, beef - beef). 
As already mentioned, English is an international language used by businessmen in business 
negotiations. And it is not surprising that many words in the field of economics have found their 
reflection in the Russian speech. For example: default (default - disadvantage), investor (investor 
- depositor), dealer (dealer – trader), brand (brand – brand) [4]. 
We can also envy sports fans. They not only know sports terminology, but also increase their 
vocabulary with sports Anglicisms. Such as: dope (dope - drug), cross (cross – cross), penalty 
(penalty), football (foot - foot, ball - ball), sport (sport), fitness (fitness), time(time), and many 
others [4]. 

Most of all, our youth uses borrowings to look brighter, cooler and stand out with their slang 
among the ordinary mass of people. Words have become so strongly entrenched in our speech that 
people do not even suspect that they are borrowed. For example: respect - respect, image - image, 
boyfriend - boyfriend, friendzone – friendzone [4]. 
Mass culture is also a powerful source of increasing in the number of Anglicisms. Many 
Russian stars borrow foreign pseudonyms, as well as popular shows have foreign names: comedy 
club, comedy woman, etc. 
Thus, borrowings are an integral part of modern speech. Their existence is a naturally defined 
process, which does not exclude the adoption of measures to influence them. 

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