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Task on the theme: work on the text.

  1. Read the text 2 times. Translate it and do exercises.

  1. Translate into Russian.

  1. I spent much time on it reading books.

  2. We live in a big flat in a new house.

  3. My brother is a purple.

  4. He is 40 years old.

  5. I studied at the preparatory courses.

  1. Find the sentences with the verbs “to be” “to have” and translated them.

  2. answer the questions:

    1. What is your name?

    2. What is you surname?

    3. How old are you?

    4. Where are you from?

    5. What is your favorite subject?

    6. What kind of books do u prefer?

    7. Do you have a family?

    8. What is your father’s, mother’s name?

    9. What do you do in the evening?

    10. What is your hobby?

  1. to draw a topic “About my family”

Work on grammar

“To be” and “to have”

1. Fill in the blanks with a verb “to be”

    1. How old…. You?

    2. Where… you?

    3. What…your address?

    4. Who… you?

  1. Insert the proper form of the verb “to be”

The affirmative form

a) Now I… a student of KazNMU.

b) Last year I… a pupil.

c) In a future I…a doctor.

The Interrogative form.

a)….are you a teacher of KazNMU?

b)….they in Almaty last year/

c)….she become a doctor next year?

The negative form

    1. I… an engineer.

    2. He…in England last month.

    3. You... be a doctor.

  1. complete these sentences with possessive pronouns

    1. This coat is (I)…?

    2. Are these shoes (you)….?

    3. This house is (they)…?

    4. Are these seats (we)..?

    5. These books aren’t (she)…?

    6. This pen is (he)…?

    7. This car isn’t (my)…?

    8. This coffee isn’t (you)..?


Literature: a text» About myself”

Murphy “Grammar in use”

Control: questions, tasks on basic lexico-grammatical themes.

Work – out (part I)

for students self- studying under the guidance of a teacher

Theme: “My flat”

Grammar: Plural forms of nouns

Construction “There is”, “There are”.

Aim: Encourage students to work individually, develop self- studying and self-controlling

  1. Retelling

Retell the text

  1. Solving situational tasks

Make a scheme of your own flat and speak on it

  1. Tasks on the theme:

Retell, make a scheme of your own flat
IV. Literature: Maslova. Essential English for Medical students

Text “My flat”

V. Control task

1. Finish the sentence according to the text

1. In the middle of the room …

2. A small round table …

3. In this room …

4. The third room …

5. A small table with …

6. I think …

7. Our house is …

Work – out (part II)

for students self- studying under the guidance of a teacher
Theme: “My flat”

Grammar: Plural forms of nouns

Construction “There is”, “There are”.

Aim: Consolidate grammar material

  1. Control of phonetic

Change the rood vowel to make the plural form of nouns

Man, women, tooth, food, goose, mouse, louse

  1. Compiling dialogue

Make up a diclogue about your fiat and act out in the class

  1. Tasks on the theme:

Insert the proper constructions “There is” or “There are”

… a bookcase in a room

… some cushions in a sofa

… many newspapers, magazines on the table

At the opposite wall … a piano and stol before it

IV. Literature: Shershneva. Essential English grammar

Murphy. Grammar in USE

V. Control . Test

Choose the correct form of the nouns given below:

  1. Criterion

a) criterions b) criteriones c) criteria

2. wolf

a) wolfs b) wolves c) wolfes

3. formula

a) formulae b) formulas c) formules

4. square

a) squares b) squars c) squaris

5. radius

a) radiuss b) radii c) radiuses

Work – out (part II)

for students self- studying under the guidance of a teacher
Theme: “My flat”

Grammar: Plural forms of nouns

Construction “There is”, “There are”.

Aim: Consolidate grammar material
I. Lexico- grammatical exercises:

  1. Find Russian equivalents to the given words in the text:

Dinner table, several sections, father is used to have rest, pink lamp- shade, dressing table with a big mirror, bookcase full of books, it is nice and cosy, not so light, handily arranged

  1. Define parts of speech the following words are formed and translate them:

Square, large, read, third, full, study, gather, proverb, chute, different, low, right, light, handily, fold, against

  1. Make up sentences of your own, using the construction “There is”, “There are” in different tenses

II. Tasks on the theme:

  1. Corrolate the Russian sentence with it’s translation:

“Мой дом – моя крепость”

    1. My flat is my warm

    2. My flat is my castle

    3. My flat is my heart

III. Literature: Text “My flat”

Murphy. Grammar in USE

IV. Control. Task

1. Theme:

Lexics: ”Almaty –my favourite city”

Grammar: Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals. Dates. Past Simple Tense.

2. Aims:

- to consolidate new words and word-combinations of the text “Almaty …”

- to practice in oral speech (monological and dialogical)

- to teach working on the text

- to consolidate students’ skills on grammar

3. Basic thematic issues: lexics on the topic “Cities”, Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals, Dates, Past Simple Tense, regular and irregular verbs.

4. Translate the following sentences into English:

а) Алматы – мой любимый город.

б) Алматы – южная столица Казахстан.

в) Алматы – расположен у подножья гор Алатау.

г) Он находится выше 4000 метров над уровнем моря.

д) Алматы – это город – сад.
5. Read and write in numbers:

fifteen, seventy-four, sixty- seven, one hundred and thirteen, two hundred and sixty-two, fifty-five, twelve, eighty-six

6. Translate into English:

Первый студент, тринадцать врачей, двадцать преподавателей, третий билет, второй экзамен, двести костей, тридцать два позвонка.

7. Name the dates:

30, 12, 1975, 1.05.1980, 22.03.2007, 19.07.1988, 14.12.2000, 5.06.1990

8. Find ten irregular verbs and give their forms

touch, come, rain, do, stop, go, pick, ask, cry, answer, play, take, open, give, turn, build, want, make, see, watch, work, snow, write

9. Home task

1) retelling of the text “Almaty …”

2) do exercises from a work-out

3) to learn new grammar material

10. Literature:

A text “Almaty …” (material of the department), Language laboratory exercises for medical students, Maslova A.M, Moscow, 2002.


for students’ self-studying under the guidance of a teacher


Lexics: ”Almaty –my favourite city”
Grammar: Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals. Dates. Past Simple Tense.

Aims: students are to know:

  • lexics and content of the text

  • the formula of the Past Simple Tense (positive, negative, interrogative sentences), irregular

  • the formation, pronunciation, usage of cardinal and ordinal numerals, dates

Students are able to:

- translate the sentences from English into Russian (Kazakh) and VS using new lexics

  • retell the text “Almaty …”

  • to make up a dialogue about Almaty

Tasks on the theme:

1. Answer the questions on the text:

a) Is Almaty the northern capital of Kazakhstan?

b) It is one of the most beautiful cities of the world, isn’t it?

c) Where is it situated?

d) What is the height of snowy peaks?

e) Why Almaty is a city-garden?

f) What are the places of interest in Almaty?

g) What was the former name of Almaty?

h) Is Almaty a city of nice hospitable people?

i) Why do many people like Almaty? What about you?
2. Put questions to the following sentences

a) Almaty is the southern capital of Kazakhstan.

b) It is one of the most beautiful cities of the world.

c) There are many places of interest in Almaty.

d) Almaty has a long history.

e) The town was founded in 1853.

f) Almaty is a city of nice hospitable people.

g) Almaty is the city with great future.

3. Compiling dialogues about Almaty using new lexics.
4. Put the verbs in the sentences in the negative and interrogative forms, translate them.

a) My friend entered the Institute two years ago.

b) He takes his entrance examinations.

c) She will become a student next year.

d) They joined a scientific society last week.

e) My friend gets an increased stipend.

f) They work as teachers.

g) His brother cares for medicine.

5. Put questions to the following answers

a) Yes, he got an excellent mark in English.

b) Yes, they passed their examination.

c) No, he didn’t study at the University.

6. Literature:

1) Essential English for Medical students, Maslova A.M.

2) Language laboratory exercises for medical students, Maslova A.M.

3) New Headway (Intermediate) by Liz and John Soars, Oxford

7. Control:

- to learn the table of the irregular verbs

- to learn the grammar material

- to make up 7-8 sentences in Past Simple (affirmative, negative, interrogative)

- to compile the dialogues about Almaty using some additional material


for students’ self-studying under the guidance of a teacher.
Theme: English speaking country

Lexics: Great Britain

Grammar: 1. Demonstrative pronouns: this, these, that, those

2. Prepositions

Aim: to consolidate new lexical and grammar materials; to strengthen their knowledge on a given theme
Form of conducting:

The 1st Hour

  1. Read the following words correctly, pay attention to the pronunciation.

Surface, influence, famous, government, Queen, Ireland, isle, northern, southern, western, eastern, mountainous, chief, chamber
2. Translate the following words and define their suffixes.

  1. mountainous, Northern, Western, industrial, cultural, educational, intellectual, political

  2. (is) situated, (is) called, (are) considered, (is) ruled, elected

  3. Producer, exporter

3. Match the words with their translations

1. surface

2. plain

3. Influence

4. shipbuilding

5. famous

6. Queen

7. government

8. consists of

a. судостроение

  1. королева

  2. изветный

  3. равнина

  4. поверхность

  5. правительство

  6. влияние

  7. состоять из

  1. Choose the proper word for the definition:

    1. Outside or outward appearance of something.

  1. vast plain b. influence c. chief d. surface e. chamber

2. Hall used for meeting of an assembly

    1. vast plain b. influence c. chief d. surface e. chamber

The 2nd Hour

  1. Find some information about the geographical situation from the text (‘Great Britain’)

  1. Find where it shows its political structure.

  1. Tell if it’s true or false:

  1. England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Northern Ireland.

  2. Northern Ireland is situated in the territory of Great Britain.

  3. GB and NI are the parts of Ireland.

  4. England, Wales and Scotland are the parts of GB.

  5. Answer the following questions:

1) How many parts does the UK of GB and NI consist of?

2) How would you describe its land?

3) What’s it s climate like?

4) What does the country export and produce?

5) What is considered to be the intellectual centres of Europe?

6) Who is the head of the State?

7) How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of? What are they?

8) What kind of political parties does it have?

  1. Read and translate the following text.


London lies on the river Thames. It has a population of over 6million people. London is famous for its historic buildings St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Houses of Parliament, where you can see and hear the famous clock, Big Ben. It’s also famous for its parks. There are five in the city centre. Children’s favorite place is Hamleys, which is the biggest toyshop in the world.

London has problems with traffic and population. Over one million people a day use the London underground, but there are still too many cars.

  1. Making dialogue: Student A: Imagine you have been to London on your holidays. Tell to your partner about London life. Student B: Make up some questions according to the text and it from your partner. You may ask the following: How many people live there? What is it famous for? Problems ithas.

The 3rd Hour

1. Choose the right variant of the following:

    1. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: ______ are the four parts of the United Kingdom.

a. that b. these c. those d. this

2. The UK is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of ______ Kingdom.

a. that b. these c. those d. this

  1. Find the sentences containing incorrect information according to the text ‘Great Britain’.

  1. The official name for GB is as following: The united kingdom of Great Britain.

  2. The population of the United Kingdom is more than 56million people.

  3. The river the Severn is not as long as the Thames.

  4. Oxford and Cambridge universities are considered to be the intellectual centers of Europe.

  5. The United Kingdom is ruled by the Queen.

  1. Put the following sentences in the correct order according to the text ‘Great Britain’.

  1. The UK of GB and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.

  2. There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous part of the country

  3. GB is a country with old cultural traditions and customs.

  4. Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland.

  5. The capital of the UK is London.

  6. It is mild the whole year round.

  7. One of the chief industries is shipbuilding.

Tasks on grammar:

1. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

  1. Take the books ____ the table and put them ____ your bag. 2. Show me this map. Show it ___ me. 3. Go ____ the room ____ the corridor. 4. Take that pencil ____ the box and put it ____ front ___ you. 5. Go ____ the blackboard.

2. Put an appropriate preposition in the gaps below.

    1. Great Britain is one ____ the highly developed countries in the world

a) in b) at c) of d) from e)to

2. In Europe Great Britain is famous ____ its educational centres as Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

a) with b) from c) among d) in e) to
3. a. What is the opposite for the pronoun ‘that’. Give examples.

b. What is the opposite for the pronoun ‘these’. Give examples.
4. Change the following sentences as in the example:

e.g. Give me that vase.

Give that vase to me.

1. Show me that picture. 2. Give her those flowers. 3. Send George that letter. 4. Give the children these ice-creams. 5. Please, bring John that chair. 6. Take her these newspapers. 7. Pass him the salt. 8. Give Mrs. Johns those books.


    1. Printed text: ‘Great Britain’

    2. Maslova A.M. ‘Essential English for Medical students’. Moscow, 1983

    3. Bonk N.A. ‘Учебник английского языка’. Saint-Petersburg, 1997

    4. Bonk N.A. ‘English step by step’. Moscow, 1999

    5. Murphy R. ‘English Grammar in Use’. Cambridge, 1988

Control: tasks and tests

Work-out 1

For students` self- studying under

the guidance of a teacher


Lexics: London is the capital of Great Britain

Grammar: Zero and definite articles with Geographical names

Aim: to introduce new lexics on the theme “ London”; to teach the students to use zero and definite articles with geographical names in their speech; to teach the students to use new lexics in their speech.

Form of conducting: testing, oral questioning, tasks, lexico- grammatical exercises.
Tasks on the theme:

1. Give Russian equivalents to:

Political centre

In the world



Numerous banks

Architectural masterpieces



Attract tourists

In the middle

2. Give English equivalents to:

политический центр

финансовый центр

20- ый век



известные люди

самая богатая часть

географический центр

битва за Трафалгар

много заводов

Work on Grammar:

Put the articles( the, zero)

Great Britain

United Kingdom

Nothern Ireland



Cambridge University

Tower of London

Oxford street

Downing street

Trafalgar square

West End

East End

Translate into English:

Лондон- столица Великобритании. Его население составляет около 8 миллиона человек. Лондон расположен у реки Темза. Два архитектурных шедевра расположены в Сити. Вестминстерское Аббатство- место, где происходит коронация всех королей и королев. Трафальгарская площадь- географический центр Лондона. Колонны Нельсона стоят в середине площади. Ист- Енд- промышленный район Лондона.

The text “London”

Cutting – Edge- Elementary

Material of the department

Control (quizzes, tests)

Variant 1

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

… Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror.

Variant 2

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

Traditionally London is divided into… West End and East End.

Variant 3

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

Across the road from… Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, the seat of the British Parliament.

Variant 4

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

Westminster is … aristocratic official part of London.

… Tower of London was built in the 15 th century.

Variant 5

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

London is situated on … river Thames. Trafalgar square is the geographical centre of London.

Work-out 2

For students` self- studying under

the guidance of a teacher


Lexics: London is the capital of Great Britain

Grammar: Zero and definite articles with Geographical names

Aim: to consolidate new lexics on the theme “ London”; to consolidate using zero and definite articles with geographical names in their speech.

Form of conducting: testing, oral questioning, tasks, lexico- grammatical exercises, control of phonetics.
Tasks on the theme:

  1. Read the text

  2. Translate the text

  3. Find in the text the sentences with new words and word- combinations and translate them:

The largest city

Numerous banks


Several parts

Buckingham Palace

The best hotels



  1. Find geographical names with articles( the, zero)

  2. Students have to talk about parts of London

What is the city?

What is Westminster?

What is West End?

What is East End?

6. Make up sentences with following word- combinations:

  • the Tower of London

  • the Head of the state

  • Political parties

  • a palace , a prison

  • the clock “ Big Ben”

  • best hotels

  • in the memory of

  • working class families

  1. Finish the sentences:

London is situated on the river … . The city is very old. It has more than 20 centuries … .

Westminster is the aristocratic official part of…. It includes Buckingham Palace where the Queen …. The West End is the richest and most beautiful… of London. The East End is an industrial district ….

  1. Translate into Russian:

It` s population is about 8 million. The city is very old. The Tower of London was built in the 15th century. St. Paul` s Cathedral was built in the 17th century. The East End is an industrial district of London.

8. Лондон – столица Великобритании. Традиционно он подразделяется на несколько частей. Они отличаются друг от друга. Сити- старая часть Лондона. Это финансовый и бизнес центр. Вестминстер- это аристократическая часть Лондона.

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