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Grammar: Zero and definite articles with geographical names

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Grammar: Zero and definite articles with geographical names

Aim:to introduce new lexics; to teach the students to use the articles (the, zero) in their speech; to teach the students to use new lexics in their speech.

Basic thematic issues: the students will get aquainted with the sightseeing` s of London: the students should know lexics and grammar material.

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, work on material: it would help the students to speak about London.

Work on words:

  1. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation and read the words:

River, Westminster, Tower, St. Pauls Cathedral, square, Buckingham palace, Isles, Kingdom.

2.Remember the pronunciation of the following words and learn them


Economic- экономический

Commercial- коммерческий

Divide- делить


Fortress- крепость

Palace- дворец

Hotel- отель

Square- площадь

Shop- магазин

Isles- острова

Situate- располагаться

Tower- башня

  1. Give Russian equivalents to:

The river Thames

The City


The West End

The East End

St. Pauls Cathedral

The Tower of London

Buckingham Palace

The Queen

The houses of Parliament

The clock Tower

Westminster Abbey

Trafalgar square

The tall Nelson`s Column

  1. Give English equivalents to:

Политический центр

Экономический центр

Коммерческий центр

Самый большой город

Быть разделенным на несколько частей

Самая старая часть Лондона

Финансовый и деловой центр

Многочисленные банки и офисы


Знаменитый чем- то

Различные магазины

Work on Grammar:

Put the articles( the, zero)

  • United Kingdom

  • Great Britain

  • Nothern Ireland

  • British Isles

  • England

  • Wales

  • Scotland

  • London

  • Highlands

  • Lowlands

  • Atlantic Ocean

  • Oxford university

  • Cambridge university

  • Europe

  • Thames

  • West End

  • East End

  • Tower of London

  • Trafalgar Square

  • City

  • Oxford street

  • Downing street

  • Westminster

2. Translate into English:

Сити- старейшая часть Лондона, его финансовый и коммерческий центр.

Вестминстер- это наиболее важная часть столицы.

Магазины, театры, музеи находятся в западной части.

Широкие улицы с красивыми домами, парки, сады расположены в центре города.

Оксфорд был торговым центром. Сегодня Оксфорд- лучший образовательный центр.

Лондонский Тауэр был крепостью, сейчас это музей.

The text “ London”

Cutting Edge – Elementary

Material of the department


Variant 1

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

… Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror.

Variant 2

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

Traditionally London is divided into… West End and East End.

Variant 3

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

Across the road from… Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, the seat of the British Parliament.

Variant 4

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

Westminster is … aristocratic official part of London.

… Tower of London was built in the 15 th century.

Variant 5

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

London is situated on … river Thames. Trafalgar square is the geographical centre of London.

Contact hours- 2

Work- out


Lexics: London is the capital of Great Britain
Grammar: Zero and definite articles with Geographical names
Aim: to consolidate new lexics on the theme “London”; to consolidate using zero and definite articles with geographical names; to practice their speech in monologues and dialogues.
Basic thematic issues: the students will get acquainted with the sightseeing` s, realities, phenomena and facts of London as the capital of Great Britain; the students should know lexics and grammar material.
Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, reading and translating texts, compiling dialogues; it would help the students to speak about London.
Work on the text:

  1. Read the text


London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and commercial centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. It`s population is about 8 million.

London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old. It has more than 20 centuries old history. Traditionally it is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. They are very different from each other.

The City is the oldest part of London. It is a financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated here. Few people live in the City but over a million come to work here. Two architectural masterpieces are situated within the City: St. Paul` s Cathedral and the Tower of London. St. Paul` s Cathedral was built in the 17- th century by Christopher Wren. The Tower of London was built in the 15-th century. It was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Now it` s a museum.

Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. It includes Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives and the houses of Parliament along the north bank of the Thames.

The clock Tower of the Houses of parliament is famous for its big hour bell known as “ Big Ben”. Westminster Abbey is the place where the coronation of all kings and queens has taken place. Many of them are buried here as well as some other famous people of the country.

The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses are situated there. There are many various shops in it, which attract tourists from different countries of the world.

Trafalgar square is the geographical center of London; it was named in the memory of Admiral Nelson` s victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson` s Column stands in the middle of the square.

The East End is an industrial district of London. There are many factories there. The region is densely populated by working class families.

2. Translate it
3. Find in the text the sentences with new words and word- combinations and translate them

  1. Find in the text geographical names with articles (the, zero)

  1. Students have to talk about parts of London

What is the City?

What is Westminster?

What is the West End?

What is the East End?

  1. Write each 7-th word of the text. Guess it` s mining according to context.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain _________Nothern Ireland is situated on the __________ Isles. It consists of four parts: England,______ Scotland and Nothern Ireland. The territory of United Kingdom_________ about 244000 square kilometers. The surface of the United Kingdom__________ greatly.

  1. Make up sentences with following word- combinations:

  • with old cultural traditions and customs

  • the most famous educational centers

  • the Head of the State

  • Political parties

  1. Finish the sentences:

London is the capital of Great Britain, it` s political, economic and … . It` s one of the largest cities in the world and largest city … . Traditionally it is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and … . Few people live in the City, but over a million come to … . The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses are situated … . Trafalgar square is the … .

  1. Translate into Russian:

It is one of the largest cities in the world. It has more than 20 centuries old history. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated here. Two architectural masterpieces are situated within the City: St. Paul` s Cathedral and the Tower of London. The Tower of London was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison.

  1. Translate into English:

Население Лондона составляет около 8 миллиона человек. Лондон расположен на берегу реки Темза. Сити самая старая часть Лондона. Вестминстерское Аббатство- место , где происходит коронация всех королей и королев. Многие из них похоронены там. Ист- Енд- промышленный район Лондона.

The text “London”

Cutting – Edge- Elementary

Material of the department

Control: (questions, role- playing game, rendering texts, dialogues)

  1. What is the capital of England and the UK?

  2. What is the City?

  3. When and by whom was the Tower of London built?

  4. Into which parts is London divided?

  5. Where are many famous English peoples buried?

  6. Why Trafalgar Square was named so?

  7. Where is the Tower of London and St. Paul` s Cathedral situated?

Translate into English and dramatize the dialogue between a Londoner and a visitor of London.

А. Доброе утро! Как поживаете ?

Б. Доброе утро! Спасибо, хорошо.

А. Сколько дней вы в Лондоне?

Б. 5 дней.

А. Какие достопримечательности города Вам удалось увидеть?

Б. Я видел Вестминстерский дворец.

А. Это хорошо. Но в Лондоне много других известных мест. Если хотите, давайте посмотрим!

Translate into English and dramatize the following dialogue between two friends. One of them is a Londoner.

А. Привет, как дела?

Б. Привет. Прекрасно.

А. А не пойти ли нам посмотреть достопримечательности?

Б. Хорошая идея!

А. Какие достопримечательности ты хочешь мне показать?

Б. Я бы хотел, чтобы ты увидел здание Парламента, Вестминстерское Аббатство, Собор Святого Павла.

А. Я хотел бы посетить Трафальгарскую площадь.

Role – playing games “Giving directions”

Excuse me, can you tell me…

  • how to get to…

  • the way to …

  • how far it is to ….

  • If this the right way to…


  • go straight ahead …

  • turn left

  • turn right

  • go towards

  • go away

  • walk along

Work –out

Theme׃ Education in Great Britain.


Students are to know and use in Speech Present Tense on the base of educational system vocabulary.

Base thematic issues:

This lesson is inspired by text describing the educational system of great Britain, its structure and lexical issues focusing on presents Perfect Tense and educational terms.

Method of teaching:

  1. Presentation of a new vocabulary with the help of a lis of words.

A list of new words and word-combinations:



To attend

Nursery school

To play alot

To listen attentively

To behave

Primary education

Infant school

Junior school

Physical education

State school

Public school


Secondary education





Technical drawing




Advanced level

Work and words:

A child

A school

A lesson

A people

A subject

A parent

A son

A dauhter

A college

A sciense

A teenager

A an exam

Find the pairs of synonyms and memorize them:


To attend


To start

Ti have a lot of run

To move


The majority

Find the pairs of antonyms and memorize them:


The majority



To be good

To pass an exam

To stay on
2)Presentation of new grammar material (look at grammar appearance)
Work on grammar

Give Past Participle of the following verbs:

To begin;

To play;

To learn;

To listen;

To behave;

To have;

To go;

To move;

To pay;

To go;

Translate to Russian:

А) Отдавать детей в школу;

В) Готовить учеников для поступления в университет;

С) Изучать английскую литературу;

D)Точные естественные науки;
3)Presantation of the text.

1) Read the text «Education in Great Britain» two times;

2) Translate the text

4)Home task:

1) to learn new vocabulary

2)to do exercises from the work-out

3) to learn grammar material. Present Perfect Tense

4)The control reading and translation of the text «Education in Great Britain».

5) Recomended literature:

- The text «Education in Great britain».

-Murphy «Gammar in USE»

Cutting Edge, pre-intermediate p152

Theme: education in Great Britain

Test (1) (Intial level control)


  1. Choose from the following verbs those that are regular and give the Past Participle of them:

To be to work

To have to listen

To take to translate

To go to find

To ask to help

2) Translate into English:

Сломанный карандаш

Город, окруженный деревьями

Данный текст

Theme: Education in Great Britain

Test(1) (Intial level control)


1.Choose from the following verbs those that are irregular and give the Past Participle of them:

to break to be

to have to give

to appear to talk

to make to cure

to choose to pay

2. Translate into English:

Отремонтированная машина

Интегрированная система

Опубликованная статья

Theme: education in Great Britain

Test (2) (Final control)

Variant 1

1.conjugate the verb «to listen» in the Present Perfect.

2.Make up sentences using the Present Perfect of the verbs:

to attend

to enter

to take

  1. Translate into English:

-Я поступил «а»на 1-ый курс КазНМУ в этом году.
Theme: education in Great Britain

Test (2) (Final control)

Variant 2

1.Conjugate the verb «to study» in the Present Perfect.

2. Mare up sentences the Present Perfect of the verbs:

to go

to study

to ask
3.Translate into English:

-сколько страниц вы перевили к сегодняшнему дню?

Contact Hours (3)

Work out


Lexics: The prominent medical scientists of Kazakhstan

Grammar: Constructions going to, would like to, want to

Aim: to teach the students to tell about scientific research work of prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan; to study new lexical and grammar material and to use it in their speech.
Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The prominent medical scientists of Kazakhstan made a great construction to the development of our country’s science. Studying of their scientific research work is very important for the development of students’ general knowledge, their patriotic education, and development of their mental outwork. In texts about prominent medical scientists of Kazakhstan new lexics and special English medical terminology are widely used. Studying of special English medical terminology helps the students to read and translate more complicated medical texts and is very important for their future professional work.

Grammar: In English language the grammar construction going to, would like to, want to are widely used. They have an important stylistic meaning. They are used in such cases, when the narrator wants to pay attention of his listener on the importance of the reported information or when the narrator wants to stress the most important phrases and sentences in his speech or in written text.

These constructions are translated into Russian language as: собираться, хотеть, сделать что-либо.

These constructions are often used in stories about life and research work of prominent scientists, etc. In such cases the speech of narrator becomes more emotional and has a stylistic meaning, at example: I am going to tell you about scientific research work of prominent Kazakhstan’s phthisiatrician Muminov T.A.

Translation of constructions going to, would like to, want to in Russian language and examples of their use in English language are shown in the table

№ 1.

Table № 1




going to

собираться сделать ч-л.

I am going to tell you about prominent scientists of Kazakhstan.

would like to

хотел бы сделать ч-л., был бы рад сделать ч-л.

I would like to tell you about political work of S.D. Asfendiarov.

want to

хотеть сделать ч-л.

I want to tell you about scientific and pedagogical work of T.A. Muminov.
Methods of teaching:

Contact Hour № 1.

1. Remember:

The letter o before m, n, th, v is usually read as []: among [’mŋ], above [ə’bv], [bikm].

In closed [2] stressed syllable letter u is read [] adult [‘ædlt], consult [kən’slt],
2. Pay attention to the pronunciation and read the words;

son, upper, above, adult, among, another, become, blood, colour, consult.

3. Remember the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, and learn them.

author, n



offspring, n



person, n


лицо, личность

education, n

[edju:’ keiЅn]


health care

[helθ kεə]


professor, n



scientist, n



medicine, n



medical science

[‘medikəl ‘saiəns]

медицинская наука

assistant, n



graduate (from),v


окончить университет, институт

expert, n



supervision, n


научное руководство

to defend a dissertation

[tu di’fend ə disə:’teiЅən]

защитить диссертацию

tuberculosis, n

[tju: bə:kju’lousis]


pulmonary tuberculosis

[plmənəri tju:bə:kjulousis]

легочный туберкулез



врач, медик

prevention of diseases

[pri’venЅn əv di’zi:zəs]

профилактика заболеваний

lung, n



lung disease

[lng di’zi:z]

легочное заболевание

diagnosis, n



ecology, n



phthisiology, n






postgraduate education

[poust’grædjueit edju:keiЅn]

последипломное образования, аспирантура




doctor, n


доктор, врач

4. Match the words A and B.

A. B.

a) health 1. tuberculosis

b) to defend 2. a dissertation

c) pulmonary 3. diseases

d) lung 4. education

e) postgraduate 5. care

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