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Literature: The text “London” Cutting – Edge- Elementary Material of the department Control

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The text “London”

Cutting – Edge- Elementary

Material of the department

Control: ( questions, role- playing game, rendering texts, dialogues)


1. What is the capital of England and the UK?

What is the City?

  1. When and by whom was the Tower of London built?

  2. Into which parts is London divided?

  3. Where are many famous English peoples buried?

  4. Why was Trafalgar Square named so?

  5. Where is the Tower of London and St. Paul` s Cathedral situated?

Role – playing games “Giving directions”


Excuse me, can you tell me…

  • how to get to…

  • the way to …

  • how far it is to ….

  • If this the right way to…


  • go straight ahead …

  • turn left

  • turn right

  • go towards

  • go away

walk along

1. What is the capital of England and the UK?

What is the City?

  1. When and by whom was the Tower of London built?

  2. Into which parts is London divided?

  3. Where are many famous English peoples buried?

  4. Why was Trafalgar Square named so?

  5. Where is the Tower of London and St. Paul` s Cathedral situated?

Role – playing games “Giving directions”


Excuse me, can you tell me…

  • how to get to…

  • the way to …

  • how far it is to ….

  • If this the right way to…


  • go straight ahead …

  • turn left

  • turn right

  • go towards

  • go away

- walk along

Work-out 3

For students` self- studying under

the guidance of a teacher


Lexics: London is the capital of Great Britain

Grammar: Zero and definite articles with Geographical names

Aim: to consolidate new lexics on the theme “ London”; to consolidate using zero and definite articles with geographical names; to practice their speech in monologues and dialogues.

Form of conducting: oral questioning, compiling dialogues, control of phonetic.

Tasks on the theme:

  1. Rendering the text

  2. Make up sentences with following word- combinations:

  • with old cultural traditions and customs

  • financial and business center

  • the Tower of London

  • a palace , a prison

  • the clock “ Big Ben”

  • best hotels

  • in the memory of

  • working class families

  1. Put the sentences in the correct order according to the context of the text:

London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old. It has more than 20 centuries old history.

2) Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. It includes Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives and the houses of Parliament along the north bank of the Thames.

  1. London is the capital of Great Britain, its political , economic and commercial centre.

  2. The City is the oldest part of London. It is a financial and business centre.

  3. Trafalgar square is the geographical center of London; it was named in the memory of Admiral Nelson` s victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson` s Column stands in the middle of the square.

  4. St. Paul` s Cathedral was built in the 17- th century by Christopher Wren. The Tower of London was built in the 15-th century. It was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Now it is a museum.

4. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian:

  1. The city is very old. It has more than 20 centuries old history.

  2. London is the capital of Great Britain, its political , economic and commercial centre.

  3. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. It`s population is about 8 million.

  4. Trafalgar square is the geographical center of London; it was named in the memory of Admiral Nelson` s victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

  5. The tall Nelson` s Column stands in the middle of the square.

  6. The East End is an industrial district of London. There are many factories there. The region is densely populated by working class

5. Speak on the following topics:

  1. London is political, economic and commercial center.

  2. The main parts of London.

  3. The oldest part of London.

  4. The aristocratic part of London.

  5. The most beautiful part of London.

  6. Geographical center of London.

  7. An industrial district of London.


The text “London”

Cutting – Edge- Elementary

Material of the department

Control: (questions, role- playing game, rendering texts, dialogues)

1. What is the capital of England and the UK?

What is the City?

  1. When and by whom was the Tower of London built?

  2. Into which parts is London divided?

  3. Where are many famous English peoples buried?

  4. Why Trafalgar Square was named so?

  5. Where is the Tower of London and St. Paul` s Cathedral situated?

Translate into English and dramatize the dialogue between a Londoner and a visitor of London.

А. Доброе утро! Как поживаете?

Б. Доброе утро! Спасибо, хорошо.

А. Сколько дней вы в Лондоне?

Б. 5 дней.

А. Какие достопримечательности города Вам удалось увидеть?

Б. Я видел Вестминстерский дворец.

А. Это хорошо. Но в Лондоне много других известных мест. Если хотите, давайте посмотрим!

Translate into English and dramatize the following dialogue between two friends. One of them is a Londoner.

А. Привет, как дела?

Б. Привет. Прекрасно.

А. А не пойти ли нам посмотреть достопримечательности?

Б. Хорошая идея!

А. Какие достопримечательности ты хочешь мне показать?

Б. Я бы хотел, чтобы ты увидел здание Парламента, Вестминстерское Аббатство, Собор Святого Павла.

А. Я хотел бы посетить Трафальгарскую площадь.

Work-out for students self-studying

under the guidance of a teacher.
Theme: Education in Great Britain (l)

Aim: Students’ are to know and use in speech Present Perfect Tense on the base of educational system vocabulary

Form of conducting: lexical-grammatical exercises, oral questioning compiling

dialogues, testing

Tasks on the theme: lexical-grammatical exercises:

1) Give the equivalents of following words:

дошкольный, посещать, детский сад, образование, много играть, внимательно слушать, начальная школа, аттестат, черчение, точные науки, естественные науки, частный, государственный.

2) Make sentences with following word combinations:

nursery school, pre-school education, to listen attentively, primary education, secondary education, comprehensive school, advanced level, technical drawing, state school, public school, physical education, junior school.

3) Answer the questions:

a) The Present Perfect is formed with the auxiliary verb + the

, isn't it?

b) What is the difference between the following pairs of sentences?

c) Why are different tenses used?

fHe has made over twenty-five laboratory tests. (Prof. Safin made over fifty laboratory tests.

(She has traveled to many parts of the world. [She went to Astana last year.

What is the difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple?

4) Write in the Past Tense forms and the Past Participles of the following verbs.

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle

be was/were been











5) Complete the following dialogues between two students with the proper

form of verbs:

a) S1 Do you have a car?

S2 Yes, I do.

  1. How long ?

  2. For a year.

  1. How much pay for it?

  2. About two thousand dollars.

b) S1 know a man called Prof. Muminov?

S2 Yes, .

SI How long ?

S2 For six years. SI Where

S2 I met him while I was a first-year student.

6) Decide which is the correct verb form.

  1. Have you ever seen/did you ever see an operation?

  2. I saw/have seen an operation last year?

  3. How long have you known/do you now Prof. Aliev?

  4. I know her/have known her since we were at primary school together.

  5. When did you finish/have you finished secondary school?

7) For or since?

For is used with a period of time. Since is used with a point in time. Put for or since into each gap.


two weeks.


half an hour.






I was ten.


a long time.


3 March.




the beginning of term.

a couple of days.

8) Do grammar exercises in the Present Perfect unit of the Grammar book by

Oral questioning.

9) Ask and answer questions beginning. How long...? about where you or
other people study, live and about some of your possessions.

How long have you lived in...? How long have you studied...? How long have you had your book...?

10) Make dialogues where one question is in the Present Simple, one in
the Past Simple and one in the Present Perfect.

1) Text «Education in Great Britain»

  1. Murphy. English in USA.

  2. Shershneva. English grammar.

  3. Oxford students dictionary of English.

5) Materials of the department.
Control section. Test.

l.Aigul says «I have been to Astana». Is she there now? a) Yes. b) No.

2.Azat says «Alans gone to South Kazakhstan». Is he there now? a) Yes. b) No. 3.Complete the following sentences:

a)Anaiis crying because she /just/have/ sonee bad news. b)Nurbofc laughing because someone /just/tell/ him joke. c)My parents are furious because I /lose/the car keys. d)I'm fed up because someone/steal/ my bike. 4. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, Present Perfect or Past Simple.

a)How long you (learn) English?

b)How long you (use) this book?

c)Which book you (have) before this one?

d)How long you know your teacher?

e)When you (start) primary school? „„„„

Work – out for student’s self – studying under

the guidance of a teacher.
Theme: Education in Great Britain (2)
Aim: Students are to know and use in speech the Past Perfect tense on the base of educational system vocabulary.
Form of conductiny: lexico – grammatical exercises, oral questionary retelling, testing.
Tasks on the theme:

1) Write the verbs from the sentences in the Past Perfect:

  1. Adal and Saule met at primary school ______________________________

  2. They studied at secondary school _________________________________

  3. Saule told her parents ___________________________________________

  4. They moved into the house ______________________________________

  5. Parents paid for children education _________________________________

2) Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect:

a) Kamilla and Samat (know) each other very long when they got married.

b) When Kamilla told her parents about her marks at exams they (alread phone)

the school master.

c) Her parents were angry because she (tell) about her exam marks.

3) Complete this rule and answer the question:

- The Past Perfect is formed with the auxilary verb______the_______.

- What does the Past Perfect express?

4) Make sentences from the chart below.


My teacher

My leg

The plants

The house

-was in a mess

-was late for work

-was angry


-went to bed early




my alarm clock


-fallen over playing tennis

gone off.

-had a busy day.

-done the homework.

-forgotten to water them tidied up after the party.

-been rude the day before.

-had any breakfast.

5) Look at the verb forms in these sentences.

What is the difference in meaning between them?

  1. What Asel arrived home, Nurbol was packing / packed / had packed his suitcase.

  2. The lecture started / had started when we arrived.

  3. When the teacher arrived the children learnt / had learnt / was learning new words.

6) Do exercises from murphy book “Grammar in Use”. Past Perfect.

7) Answer the following questions:

a) What stages of education are there in Great Britain?

b) Which of them are compulsary?

c) In what institutions can children get pre – school education?

d) Do all primary and secondary schools in Great Britain belong to the state


e) Don’t you think that independed schools sustain inequality in the field of


f) In what school withing the maintained system can children get primary


g) At what age are pupils usually transferred to secondary schools?

h) What secondary schools maintained by the state do you know?

i) What kind of education do grammar schools offer?

k) What does the term “comprehensive” imply?

l) Which are the most notable public schools?

m) What are the principal examinations taken by secondary school pupils in

Great Britain?

n) What exams are taken at the age of 18?

8) Summarize the text “Education in Great Britain” specifying the following items:

a) The system of education in Great Britain. General principles.

b) Pre – school education. Primary education.

c) Comprehensive system of secondary education.

d) Exams.
Recommended literature:

  1. Text “Education in Great Britain”.

  2. Murphy. English Grammar in Use.

  3. Shershneva. English Grammar.

  4. Oxford Student’s dictionary of English.

  5. Materials of the department.

  6. www@com.kz

1) I each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a) I have studied for ten years.

b) Tom has studied for three years Biology.

c) I finished university this year.

d) We have had these books sinse five years.

e) Where have you been on holiday last year?

f) How long do you know your teacher?

g) They not have payed for education for a long time.

2) Put been or gone into each gap.

a) I’ve___________to most countries in Europe, but I’ve never__________to England.

b) Where’s Baljan?

She’s___________to work.

c) Sorry I’m late. I’ve___________stuck in a traffic jam for an hour.

d) – Can I speak to Mrs. Sagantaeva?

- I’m afraid she’s just___________out of the office.
3) In each of the following sentences, there are two verbs in brackets. Put on in the Past Simple and one in the Past Perfect.

a) The patient (die) after he (be) ill for a long time.

b) I (thank) her for everything she (do).

c) When I got to the University, I(realise) that I (forget) to lock the front door.

d) When the pupil (do) his homework, he (go) to bed.
Work-out for students

Self-studying under the guidance of a teacher.
Theme: Education in Great Britain (3)

Aim: Students are to know and use in speech the Present Perfect and past perfect on the base of educational system vocabulary.

Form of conducting: oral questioning, retelling, testing, written work.

  1. Use the Topical Vocabulary in answering the following questions, give your own opinion:

  1. Do many children in Great Britain attend pre-school institutions?

  2. Have all maintained school equal opportunities to provide the same level of education?

  3. What do you think of the main aim of the publicly maintained system of education?

  4. What’s your opinion of the fact that administration of publicly provided schools is not centralized?

  5. What subjects are usually included in a primary school curriculum?

  6. What is the aim of primary education? What types of the secondary schools are there in Britain?

  7. Why do you think most children in grammar schools are from rich families?

2) Give a brief talk on the main features of schooling in Britain. Use the Topical


3) You are supposed to give a description of imaginary primary or secondary schools which

is organized according to the English pattern a name.

The following questions can be helpful:

  1. What kind of school is it?

  2. What is the size of the school?

  3. What buildings does the school possess?

  4. How many class rooms are there?

  5. Is there a hall, a library, specialist rooms, playing fields?

  6. Are the buildings modern?

  7. What subjects are included into the curriculum?

  8. What forms of reward and punishment are normally used?

  9. What testing is done in the school?

  10. What system of the examinations is used in the school?

  11. In what way are parents involved with the school?

  1. Write a composition about one of the following questions:

  1. Pre-school and primary education in Britain.

  2. Secondary education in Britain.

  3. Examination in Great Britain.

5) Retell the text Education in Great Britain.

Recommended literature:

  1. Text Education in Great Britain.

  2. Murphy English grammar in use.

  3. Shershneva. English grammar.

  4. Oxford student’s dictionary of English.

  5. Materials of the department.

  6. WWW@Com.KZ.


1) Write in the Past Participle of the following verbs:

attend visit

write stop

win study

try do

read come

play walk

find go

  1. Put numbers in brackets after each action to show the order in which they happened.

    1. I went to bed (-) after I had had a bath (-) and brushed my teeth (-).

    2. When I arrived at Johns house (-), he had made a cake (-) and done the washing-up (-).

    3. My stomach- ache disappeared (-) after I had taken some medicine (-).

    4. When we got to the theatre (-), the play had started (-) and all the seats had been taken(-)

  2. Join the following pairs of sentences, using the conjunction in brackets. Change one verb into the Past Perfect.

    1. I had a bath. I went to (after)

    2. I read the letter. I threw it away (when)

    3. He passed his driving test. He bought a car (as soon as)

    4. I read the book. I saw the film (before).

    5. I didn’t go to bed. I didn’t my home work (until).

Work out

for students’ self – studying under the guidance of a teacher.
Theme: Lexics: The prominent medical scientists of Kazakhstan

Grammar: Constructions going to, would like to, want to.
Aim: 1. To consolidate new lexical and grammar material

2. To teach the students to prepare topics about scientific research work of prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan.

Form of conducting:

The 1st Hour
1. Pay attention to pronunciation and read the following words correctly.

Health care, scientist, medical science, assistant, graduate, expert, supervision tuberculosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, physician, doctor, diagnosis, ecology, phthisiology, phthisiopulmonolgy, pulmonology.

2. Read and translate the following works and word combinations:

Medical scientist, scientific research work, postgraduate education, postgraduate courses, pulmonary tuberculosis, I am going to, I want t, I would like to, political man, history of Kazakhstan, Public Health, health care, lung diseases, prevention of tuberculosis, scientific activity, department of science and education, scientific interests.

3. Find the correct translation in the right column:

1. pulmonary tuberculosis 1. ученый – медик

2. phthisiology 2. эксперт

3. medical scientist 3. легочные заболевания

4. expert 4. фтизиатрия

5. lung diseases 5. легочный туберкулез

4. Translate the following words and word combinations into English language:

политический деятель, автор книг по истории Казахстана, основатель медицинского института, высшее образование, здравоохранение, профилактика туберкулеза, легочный туберкулез, заболевания легких, фтизиатрия, выдающихся врач и ученый, национальная антитуберкулезная программа, научные и педагогические интересы, отделение фтизиатрии и пульмонологии, лечение туберкулеза.

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