Acta Biol Hung. 2013 Sep;64(3):279-88. doi: 10.1556/ABiol.64.2013.3.2.
Comparative study concerning mistletoe viscotoxins antitumor activity.
Stan RL1,
Hangan AC,
Dican L,
Sevastre B,
Hanganu D,
Catoi C,
Sarpataki O,
Ionescu CM.
Author information
1"Iuliu Haţieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca Department of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry and Clinical Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy 4/6 Pasteur Street 400012 Cluj-Napoca Romania.
Viscum album L. (Santalaceae) (VA) - a parasitic plant that grows on various trees - has proved a significant anticancer effect in both experimental studies and clinical trials. The present study assesses the influence of oxidative stress in mistletoe induced cytotoxicity in tumor cells, in relation to classic cytostatic therapy. VA ethanolic extract was administered alone and combined with doxorubicin (chloride) in Swiss female mice previously intraperitoneally (i.p.) inoculated with Ehrlich tumor cells (1 × 106/animal) that consequently developed Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC). The administered doses were of 50 mg/kg on the 1st, 3rd and 6th day for the VA extract, respectively of 2.5 mg/kg on the 1st and 6th day for doxorubicin, after tumor cell implantation. Fourteen days later all mice were euthanized, ascites of the EAC were collected in order to analyze the
tumor proliferation parameters, as well as blood samples, in order to evaluate the antioxidant status in plasma. Tumor development was associated with increased activity of plasma enzymes; classic doxorubicin therapy not only prevents the accumulation of ascitic fluid, but also significantly reduces the activity of plasma antioxidant enzymes. Furthermore,
in association with VA extract, the protective effect is improved. Oxidative changes in Ehrlich tumor cells consisted in decreased catalase activity and amplified xanthine oxidase and peroxidase activities.
Сравнительное исследование о омела viscotoxins противоопухолевой активностью.
Viscum album л. (Сандаловые) (VA) - паразитическое растение, которое растет на различных деревьев, - показала значительное противораковый эффект в обеих экспериментальных исследований и клинических испытаний. Данное исследование оценивает влияние окислительного стресса в омела индуцированной цитотоксичность в опухолевых клетках, в отношении классических цитостатической терапии. VA этанольный экстракт вводили в одиночку, так и в сочетании с доксорубицином (хлорид) в швейцарских самок мышей ранее внутрибрюшинно (В / Б.) привиты клетки опухоли Эрлиха (1 ч 106/животного происхождения), которые последовательно развивали асцитного рака Эрлиха (АКЭ). Введенной дозы 50 мг/кг на 1-й, 3-й и 6-й день для ва экстракт соответственно 2,5 мг/кг в 1-й и 6-й
день доксорубицин, после опухолевых клеток имплантации. Четырнадцать дней спустя все мыши были умерщвлены, асцит EAC были собраны для того, чтобы анализировать опухоли распространения параметров, а также образцов крови, чтобы оценить состояние антиоксидантной в плазме крови. Развитие опухоли был связан с увеличением
активности ферментов в плазме; классическая терапии доксорубицином не только предотвращает накопление асцитической жидкости, но и существенно снижает активность антиоксидантных ферментов в плазме. Кроме того, в ассоциации с ва экстракт защитный эффект, улучшается. Окислительные изменения в клетки опухоли Эрлиха состояла в снижение активности каталазы и усиливается ксантиноксидазой и пероксидазы.
Eur J Cancer. 2013 Dec;49(18):3788-97. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2013.06.043. Epub 2013 Jul 24.
Viscum album [L.] extract therapy in patients with locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer: a randomised clinical trial on overall survival.
Tröger W1,
Galun D,
Reif M,
Schumann A,
Stanković N,
Milićević M.
Author information
1Clinical Research Dr. Tröger, Freiburg, Germany. Electronic address:
The unfavourable side-effects of late-stage pancreatic cancer treatments call for non-toxic and effective therapeutic approaches. We compared the overall survival (OS) of patients receiving an extract of Viscum album [L.] (VaL) or no antineoplastic therapy.
This is a prospective,
parallel, open label, monocentre, group-sequential, randomised phase III study. Patients with locally advanced or metastatic cancer of the pancreas were stratified according to a binary prognosis index,
composed of tumour stage, age and performance status; and were evenly randomised to subcutaneous injections of VaL extracts or no antineoplastic therapy (control). VaL was applied in a dose-escalating manner from 0.01 mg up to 10mg three times per week. Patients in both groups received best supportive care. The primary end-point was 12-month OS, assessed in a group-sequential analysis.
We present the first interim analysis, including data from 220 patients. Baseline characteristics were well balanced between the study arms. Median OS was 4.8 for VaL and 2.7 months for control patients (prognosis-adjusted hazard ratio, HR=0.49; p<0.0001). Within the 'good' prognosis subgroup, median OS was 6.6 versus 3.2 months (HR=0.43; p<0.0001), within the 'poor' prognosis subgroup, it was 3.4 versus 2.0 months respectively (HR=0.55; p=0.0031). No VaL-related adverse events were observed.
VaL therapy showed a significant and clinically relevant prolongation of OS. The study findings suggest VaL to be a non-toxic and effective second-line therapy that offers a prolongation of OS as well as less disease-related symptoms for patients with locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer.
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