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abdezuly. sborgik filologicheskaya nauka v 21 veke.

Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер 
1. М.Ә.Әуезов. Зерттеу еңбектері, мақалалары. Алматы: 1965 -314 бет. 
2. С.Мұқанов. Айтыс. - Алматы: Қазақстан, 1936. – 251 бет. 
3. Н.Мыңжани. Қазақтың көне тарихы. – Алматы: Жалын, 1993.-269 бет. 
4. Қазақ әдебиеті. № 13 (2799). Дәстүр. 28.03.2003. 
5. М.Әуезов. Қазақ әдебиетінің тарихы. І том. 1 кітап. – Алматы: Ғылым, 1960. 451 бет. 
Bolatova Gulzhan 
Doctor of Philological Science 
Kazakh National University named by Al-Farabi 
Abay was born on 10 August 1845 in the Chingiz-Tau Mountains, Semipalatinsk oblast. Abay’s family 
belonged to hereditary aristocracy, and both his grandfather Oskenbay and great-grandfather Irgizbay 
presided in their tribe as rulers and judges. He was fortunate in terms of warmth of family life and 
upbringing, because both his mother Ulzhan and his grandmother Zere were extremely charming and gifted 
people. His mother replaced the name ‘Ibrahim’, given by his father, with the endearing name ‘Abay’ 
meaning ‘cautious, thoughtful’. He kept this name throughout his entire life and this is the name he is 
remembered by in history.
Abay is considered to be the greatest writer in Kazakh language and literature, and is often called the 
national poet

His works and poems have also been translated into many 
s which makes Abay a significant 
figure in the world of literature. 
In his lifetime he wrote about the misfortune and hardships of his people (Kazakh nation) and tried hard 
to improve their situation. He is still contributing to the welfare of his people through the legacy of his 
genius, his immortal precious words, and his ability to paint vivid images in the mind of the reader that 

brings characters in his works to life. People feed on the spiritual food of Abay’s works, and in turn this food 
inspires them and gives them strength and confidence for the future.
In his works and poems Abay mainly speaks about people, and their state, therefore he is looked upon as 
the son of the Kazakh people and not the son of his father. 
Abay was so talented that he was good at all lyrical genres. He was an expert in love poems, elegiac 
poetry, political and topographical poetry.
Abay’s works were influenced by the classical literature of neighbouring nations, however every idea 
and theme remained his own. 
Closely associating with progressive ‘akyns’ (Kazakh folk poets), singer-improvisers and composers, 
Abay would surround himself with talented Kazakh youth and when he was 35 Abay started writing poetry 
Abay’s legacy is considered the greatest body of Kazakh classic poetry. Abay’s book The Book of Words 
takes pride of place amongst this legacy, which covers the philosophical-moral, socio-political and 
accusatory-satiric thoughts of the poet. It is the fruit of many years of thoughts, worries and concerns for his 
people. Because of his style, picturesque language, genuineness, humanity, high determination, and great 
wisdom, Abay’s Book of Words is among the genius literary works of humanity.
In The Book of Words Abay calls people to get rid of blemishes that dishonour human dignity, and to 
strive, first of all, for spiritual perfection, the obtainment of knowledge, and learning in the art and 
workmanship not only of his people but also of other nations. He considered these to be the most important 
prerequisites for gaining independence. According to Abay, only by this method is it possible to find your 
own place among great nations of the world. Time has proven Abay’s thoughts to be correct. At present the 
works of Abay have become the legacy for all enlightened humanity, and they serve as a noble method of 
bringing different nations and cultures closer. 
Abay was born on a great steppe. He lived a long life on this steppe and his land and his people for him 
were not only his homeland but something far greater than that. Abay understood and even felt the life of the 
common people, their joy and sadness, victory and defeat, advantages and disadvantages.
Many works and research papers have been written about Abay, his life and his works. Kakitai was the 
first to collect and publish the whole collection of Abay’s works, his life and career. 
The earliest and the most important period that contributed to the understanding of Abay’s spiritual 
achievement and climax of his poetic mastery were the articles and speeches of the following scholars: 
Bokeihanov A, Baitursynov A, Dulatov M, Kulzhanov N, Gabbasov H, Zhumabayev M, Aimautov Zh, 
Auezov M, Mustambayev I, and Iskakov D. However, all of them were persecuted and were repressed 
except Auezov. Thanks to his analytic researches on the life and works of Abay, as well as his novel-saga 

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