Nadežda Christopher
PhD Candidate, SOAS University of London
Бұл ұсынымда қазақ тілінде кездесетін «ғой» шылауының қолданылу аясы мен қызметі
туралы айтылады. Халық қолданысынан мысалдар айтылып, тілдік сараптама жасалады.
In this presentation I explore the existing descriptions of the Kazakh particle ğoj and demonstrate
that despite a number of attempts to define its function, or describe its behaviour in discourse, a
thorough analysis has not yet been carried out. This observation has wider implications to which
I dedicate the second half of the presentation.
First, I present five sources that define or describe ğoj, its meaning and functions. One of these
sources is a dictionary, another is a grammar for the Kazakh language learners (written in Russian),
one more is a recently published grammar of Kazakh (in English), and the final two are recent PhD
theses. I then introduce new data that shows that these descriptions fail to fully capture the true
nature of ğoj. I propose that ğoj is an information-structurally loaded particle, which plays a role in
Common Ground (CG) management.
The main purpose of this presentation, however, is not to provide a full description and analysis
of ğoj, but rather to use it as an example on which to demonstrate the necessity of more in-depth
theoretical studies of all aspects of the Kazakh language. I show that by identifying gaps in our
knowledge, by considering a wider range of data, and by asking better questions about the nature
and the structure of Kazakh we can achieve not just a better understanding of this language, but also
contribute to the world’s knowledge of Central Asian and Turkic languages. This will also lead to a
raise in the status and exposure of Kazakh at the international and, most importantly, at the national
level, so that those coming to Kazakhstan from abroad to study the language are not constantly asked
‘Why?’ by the Kazakhs themselves. Qazaq tili öte ädemi žäne qïzïqtï ğoj!
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Арай Жундибаева
философия докторы (PhD), қауымдастырылған профессор
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