Map scales and projections. A map scale provides statistical information used to
measure distances on a map. While maps have similar components, they do not always
show areas of the world in exactly the same way. The size and shape of North
America, for example, may look somewhat different on two different maps. The
differences occur because the two maps use different map projections, or methods by
which the features of the earth's curved surface are transferred onto a flat map.
No matter which projection is used, every map has some distortions that are
inevitable in the process of illustrating the earth's spherical surface on a flat map.
Certain distortions, however, are worse on some projections than on others.
Mapmakers choose which projection to use depending on what undistorted features,
or map properties, are most important to be illustrated. The four most useful map
properties are correct shape, correct size, correct distance, and correct direction. No
world map can have all four map properties. Maps of smaller areas, however, may have less
distortion than maps of larger areas.
4.4 Say whether the following statements are true or false
1. Every map has a title, legend or key, a direction indicator and a scale.
2. A legend or key identifies what the map is about and what part of the earth it
3. One of the ways to find directions on a map is to study the meridians and parallels.
4. Each degree can be broken into 60 seconds(").
5. The latitude of the Greenwich Meridian is 0 degrees.
6. The earth rotates from east to west.
7. The most useful maps properties are correct size, correct shape, correct distance,
correct direction.
8. Maps of larger areas may have less distortion than maps of smaller areas.
4.5 Guess the words in brackets
1. An important town or city where the central government of a country is. (……….)
2. The relations between the size of a map, drawing, or model and actual size of the
place or thing it represents. (……….)
3. An image of something that has been projected, especially an image of the world
surface on a map. (……….)
4. An imaginary line drawn from north pole to the south pole over the surface of the
Earth, used to show the position of places on a map. (……….)
5. An imaginary line drown on a map of the Earth, that is parallel to the equator.
6. The time as measured at Greenwich in London. (……….)
7. It explains the meaning of symbols and colors used on a map. (……….)
8. A sign in the shape of an arrow, used to show direction. (……….)
9. A kind of inaccuracy contained on maps. (……….)
4.6 Complete the following sentences
1. Despite their variety, all maps have ………. .
2. The title of some maps includes ………. which are useful on maps showing
………. .
3. East or west directions follow ………. , the north and south directions follow
………. .
4. An imaginary grid over the earth can be used to ………. .
5. The most important longitude is ………. .
6. When it is noon at Greenwich it is ………. at places which lie to the east of it, and
………. at places lying to the west.
7. ………. are inevitable in the process of illustrating the earth’s spherical surface on
a flat map.
8. Mapmakers choose which projection to use depending on ………. .
4.7 Read the texts and render them into English
Меридианом называют кратчайшую линию, условно проведённую на
поверхности Земли от одного географического пояса к другому. Все меридианы
представляют собой полуокружности, сходящиеся у полюсов и имеют
одинаковую длину (40 009 км). В переводе на русский язык слово «меридиан»
означает «полуденная линия». Её направление совпадает с направлением тени
от предметов в полдень. В каждой точке поверхности земли меридиан
направлен на север и на юг.
Параллелями называют линии, условно проведённые по поверхности
Земли параллельно экватору. Все точки данной параллели находятся на
одинаковом расстоянии от экватора. В каждой точке параллель направлена на
восток и на запад. Параллели – это окружности, длина которых уменьшается от
экватора (самая длинная параллель) к полюсам.
Географическая широта – величина дуги в градусах от экватора к северу
или к югу от западной точки. Географическая широта экватора равна 0
северный и южный полюса имеют широту 90
; точки, расположенные к северу
от экватора, имеют северную широту (N); точки в южном полушарии имеют
южную широту (S).
Географическая долгота – величина дуги в градусах от начального
(нулевого) меридиана к востоку или западу от заданной точки. Все точки на
земной поверхности, расположенные от начального меридиана до
противоположному ему –180
, имеют восточную долготу (E), а к западу от него
до 180
– западную долготу (W).
4.8 Answer the following questions
What are the four major components of all maps?
What does the title identify?
What does the legend explain?
What does the direction indicator identify?
What do we call Greenwich Mean Time?
Explain the meaning of the words post meridiem and ante meridiem.
What does a map scale provide?
Maps always show areas of the world in exactly the same way, don’t they?
What are the most useful map properties?
4.9 Give the title to each paragraph of the text “Components of maps”. Retell the text
according to your plan
4.10 Text for written translation
Remotely sensed images, including aerial photographs and satellite images are
the new modern tools of geography. Geographers use the aerial photographs –
pictures taken from above the earth – to study relationships involving peoples and
places that are not easily seen from ground level. Aerial photographs of traffic
patterns, for example, can be used for planning new highways. Aerial photographs
even show features of the ocean floor. Because aerial photographs provide such
accurate and detailed information, cartographers rely on them as a source of
information when making maps. Most aerial photographs used to make maps are
taken by cameras in high-altitude airplanes and are developed in strips of overlapping
pictures. An instrument called a stereoscope converts a pair of overlapping aerial
photographs into a three-dimensional view of the area.
Many of the satellites circling the earth have special sensors called multispectral
scanners. These scanners record observations electronically and send them to ground
stations. Computers than translate the data into electronic images, making false-color
pictures. Even though the pictures are taken from far in space, they are so detailed
that they can show houses or even sailboats on a lake.
In addition to globe, maps, and remotely sensed images, geographers use tables,
charts, graphs, and diagrams to help them in their work. They also use computers to
solve geographic problems as well as to make maps and graphics.
4.11 Make up all possible types of questions to the text 4.10