Орлова Э.Д., Пыхтарева Е.Г. (2007) Микроэлементы в почвах и растениях Омской обла-
сти и применение микроудобрений, ФГОУ ВПО ОмГАУ, Омск, 76 с.
Зайко О.А., Синдирева А.В., Конвай В.Д., Путалова И.Н. (2011) Селенозы: патогенез, ди-
агностика, лечение: методические рекомендации, Вариант-Омск, Омск, 28 с.
Синдирева А.В., Гонохова М.Н. (2010) Эколого-физиологические исследования
окружающей среды и здоровья населения Омского Прииртышья, Вариант-Омск, Омск, 250–
Синдирева А.В. (2011) Вестник Алтайского государственного аграрного университета, 9,
Синдирева А.В., Голубкина Н.А. (2011) Омский научный вестник, 1, 192-196.
Синдирева А.В., Красницкий В.М., Ермохин Ю.И. (2012) Плодородие, 1, 47-50.
Синдирева А.В. (2011) Вестник Красноярского ГАУ, 10, 118–123.
Cысо А.И. (2007) Закономерности распределения химических
элементов в почвообра-
зующих породах и почвах Западной Сибири, Изд-во СО РАН, Новосибирск, 277 с.
Трошина Е.Н. (2010) Методология организации мониторинга отдельных факторов окру-
жающей среды на основе оценки риска для здоровья населения Омска, ГЭОТАР-Медиа, М.,
168 с.
Черников В.А., Алексахин Р.М., Голубев А.В. (2000) Колос, М., 536 с.
Шеуджен А.Х. (2003)
Биогеохимия, «Адыгея», Майкоп, 1028 с.
Юрин В.М. (2002)
Основы ксенобиологии, Новое знание, М., 267 с.
The basic principles of integrated system of standards, assessment and forecast of the action of
some trace elements in trophic chains. Studies conducted in Western Siberia. Studied the trace ele-
ment status of environmental objects on the example of Omsk region in all climatic zones. With the
aim of standardizing the content and actions of trace elements in specific agro-ecological condi-
tions, we performed model field and laboratory studies. Developed by dynamic the scheme of inter-
action of chemical elements in the system soil – plants – animals. Objects of research were: trace
elements (cadmium, zinc), the main soil types of the Omsk region,
forage plants and vegetable
crops, laboratory animals – white mongrel rats. Field experiments were laid down in the conditions
of southern forest-steppe of Omsk on meadow-сhernozem soil. Set the ratio of the intensity of the
action units included elements on the content of their mobile forms in soil. The studied soil micro-
biological activity under conditions of anthropogenic admission of trace elements. When assessing
the content of microelements in the plants were considered as agronomic (the relationship of plant
yield with the contents in micronutrients) and hygiene aspects (the quality of the products and the
impact on the health of humans and animals). With functional and structural changes in liver and
kidney when administered in the diet of animal feed grown on meadow-Chernozem soil of the
southern forest-steppe of Omsk region in terms of modeling the anthropogenic
input of cadmium, of
zinc in the soil. Morphological changes in the liver and kidneys of animals under the influence of
toxic doses of cadmium and zinc are characterized by dystrophic, inflammatory and necrobiotic
processes. The severity of structural changes in organs of animals depends on the type of the ele-
ment, dose, duration of the intoxication period. The data obtained allowed to find the critical levels
of micronutrients in the feed, causing negative processes in the bodies of animals, to establish the
molecular mechanisms of toxic action of the studied minerals, as well as to plan ways of their de-
Орлова Э.Д., Пыхтарева Е.Г. (2007) Микроэлементы в почвах и растениях Омской обла-
сти и применение микроудобрений, ФГОУ ВПО ОмГАУ, Омск, 76 с.
Зайко О.А., Синдирева А.В., Конвай В.Д., Путалова И.Н. (2011) Селенозы: патогенез, ди-
агностика, лечение: методические рекомендации, Вариант-Омск, Омск, 28 с.
Синдирева А.В., Гонохова М.Н. (2010) Эколого-физиологические исследования состояния
окружающей среды и здоровья населения Омского Прииртышья, Вариант-Омск, Омск, 250–
Синдирева А.В. (2011) Вестник Алтайского государственного аграрного университета, 9,
Синдирева А.В., Голубкина Н.А. (2011) Омский научный вестник, 1, 192-196.
Синдирева А.В., Красницкий В.М., Ермохин Ю.И. (2012) Плодородие, 1, 47-50.
Синдирева А.В. (2011) Вестник Красноярского ГАУ, 10, 118–123.
Cысо А.И. (2007) Закономерности распределения химических элементов в почвообра-
зующих породах и почвах Западной Сибири, Изд-во СО РАН, Новосибирск, 277 с.
Трошина Е.Н. (2010) Методология организации мониторинга отдельных факторов окру-
жающей среды на основе оценки риска для здоровья населения Омска, ГЭОТАР-Медиа, М.,
168 с.
Черников В.А., Алексахин Р.М., Голубев А.В. (2000) Колос, М., 536 с.
Шеуджен А.Х. (2003) Биогеохимия, «Адыгея», Майкоп, 1028 с.
Юрин В.М. (2002) Основы ксенобиологии, Новое знание, М., 267 с.
The basic principles of integrated system of standards, assessment and forecast of the action of
some trace elements in trophic chains. Studies conducted in Western Siberia. Studied the trace ele-
ment status of environmental objects on the example of Omsk region in all climatic zones. With the
aim of standardizing the content and actions of trace elements in specific agro-ecological condi-
tions, we performed model field and laboratory studies. Developed by dynamic the scheme of inter-
action of chemical elements in the system soil – plants – animals. Objects of research were: trace
elements (cadmium, zinc), the main soil types of the Omsk region, forage plants and vegetable
crops, laboratory animals – white mongrel rats. Field experiments were laid down in the conditions
of southern forest-steppe of Omsk on meadow-сhernozem soil. Set the ratio of the intensity of the
action units included elements on the content of their mobile forms in soil. The studied soil micro-
biological activity under conditions of anthropogenic admission of trace elements. When assessing
the content of microelements in the plants were considered as agronomic (the relationship of plant
yield with the contents in micronutrients) and hygiene aspects (the quality of the products and the
impact on the health of humans and animals). With functional and structural changes in liver and
kidney when administered in the diet of animal feed grown on meadow-Chernozem soil of the
southern forest-steppe of Omsk region in terms of modeling the anthropogenic input of cadmium, of
zinc in the soil. Morphological changes in the liver and kidneys of animals under the influence of
toxic doses of cadmium and zinc are characterized by dystrophic, inflammatory and necrobiotic
processes. The severity of structural changes in organs of animals depends on the type of the ele-
ment, dose, duration of the intoxication period. The data obtained allowed to find the critical levels
of micronutrients in the feed, causing negative processes in the bodies of animals, to establish the
molecular mechanisms of toxic action of the studied minerals, as well as to plan ways of their de-
УДК 550.47:631.423.3:546.41+546.42
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